Usseaux - Usseaux

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Usseaux or Usseauso is a center of the Piedmont.

To know

A tiny Piedmontese town of only 190 inhabitants, it is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy and has been awarded the orange flag by the Italian Touring Club.

Geographical notes

It is located in Val Chisone, in the area where the Occitan language. It is 77 km from Turin, 40 from Montgenèvre (France), 37 from Pinerolo, 19 from Sestriere.


The area was inhabited since ancient times, and saw a succession of Ligurians, Celts, Romans, Lombards, Byzantines, Provencal, Saracens. The first documentary records of the villages in the Usseaux area date back to 1064, the year in which the Countess Adelaide founded the Abbey of Santa Maria di Pinerolo to which he donated, among the other territories of the upper valley, also Usseaux.

The hamlet of Laux, on the other hand, owes its origin to exiles from Lyon around the thirteenth century, who were persecuted for heresy. Later the followers of Pietro Valdo settled in the area, namely i Waldensians which deeply marked the history of the valley. Dauphiné, France, Savoy, Napoleon were the various rulers, until the constitution of the new Italian state.

The Second World War marked the country and the valley with the liberation struggles; the mountains became the ideal refuge and the optimal base for partisan groups. After the war began the phenomenon of depopulation, with an abundant emigration. Currently the municipality of Usseaux with the other communities of the valley are working on a tourist launch of the area.


In the countries of the territory we speak patouà, a variant of the Lingua d'Oc originating from the France southern, which is cataloged as Alpine Occitan. In past centuries, alongside the Occitan language, the use of French was common.

The cultural identity of these populations, so well underlined by the preservation of the language, is also manifested through the jealous care with which the ancient traditions are handed down; in moments of community celebration the use of ancient local costumes is widespread, especially colorful women's dresses.

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also includes the centers of Balboutet (Finale), Fraisse (Fragoleto), Laux (Lauso), Pourrieres (Purrieri).

  • The provincial road 173 dell'Assietta it is the highest military road inEurope. The Val Chisone and the Val di Susa are connected by this artery together with the provincial 172 del Colle delle Finestre: the natural spectacle that can be enjoyed along these high-altitude streets is particularly suggestive and is combined with the discovery of places that were the scene of well-known war events of the Second World War.
Murals painted at the entrance to the town

How to get

By plane

By car

  • Pinerolo motorway exit on the A55 motorway
  • Regional road 23 of the Colle del Sestriere
  • Provincial road 171

On the train

By bus

  • Turin - Pinerolo - Perosa - Sestriere line. [1]

How to get around

What see

The five villages of the municipal territory of Usseaux all constitute a fine example of mountain peasant architecture, and this is their value which also constitutes their main tourist interest and has decreed their admission to the most beautiful villages in Italy. The houses in stone and wood are leaning against each other; in the urban configuration there are still fountains, wash houses, bread ovens, the ancient mill, structures that once served all the inhabitants of each town. The life of these centers still passes according to rhythms natural, surrounded by the triumph of the amazingly beautiful Alpine panoramas of the upper Val Chisone.

In the capital Usseaux
The church of Usseaux
  • Murals. In the capital town you can stroll through the streets of the village to discover the murals, about forty, which decorate the walls of the houses; they have subjects concerning peasant life, nature, animals, characters from fairy tales.
  • Ancient mill. water, characterizes the environment of the country.
  • Ancient oven. It served the whole country; survived the time, like the mill reminds of the community social organization of the village.
  • Parish Church of San Pietro. It was built at the end of the seventeenth century, and subjected to numerous alterations in subsequent periods. It has the characteristic style bell tower delfinale, which bears the coat of arms of the Counts Brunetta d'Usseaux.
At Balboutet
  • Sundials. There are about twenty, built on the walls of the houses. They document the evolution of the time measurement system with this ancient instrument.
  • Piazza del Sole. Characteristic corner of the town that is part of the sundial circuit.
  • Church of San Bartolomeo. It was rebuilt in the mid-nineteenth century on the remains of a church prior to the Protestant reform.
  • Votive pylon. at the entrance of the hamlet in the locality the retoire.
  • Maison da Roux.
In Pourrières
  • Ancient church of Santa Maddalena. It was rebuilt at the beginning of the eighteenth century at his own expense by Vittorio Amedeo II. Keep an ancient sundial.
  • Borgata dell'Assietta. This ancient village preserves some sundials, an old disused cemetery, the fountain, the community oven. This is the starting point of the historical path that leads to Assietta.
  • Church of the Annunciation of Mary (in the hamlet of Assietta). It was built by Louis XIV. The bell tower is from 1889.
In Laux
  • Laux lake. small natural alpine water mirror.
  • Ancient church. Keep a sundial. There prayer square he remembers how the Waldensian presence was more incisive in this town.

In Fraisse

  • Church of Saints James and Philip. It was built at the behest of Duke Vittorio Amedeo II
  • Stone fountain (next to the church.).
  • Community oven.

The territory is affected by two natural parks:

  • Orsierà Rocciavrè.
  • Great Wood of Salbertrand.

Events and parties

  • Piemont Festival (At the Colle dell'Assietta). Simple icon time.svgThird Sunday of July.
  • Convention for Catholics and Waldensians (In Laux). Simple icon time.svgFirst Saturday of August.
  • Balboutet livestock festival (in Balboutet). Simple icon time.svg23 August.

Patronal feasts

  • TO Fraisse on May 1st
  • TO Pourrières on the day of Pentecost
  • TO Usseaux on June 29
  • TO Laux on July 22
  • TO Balboutet on August 24

What to do

  • Sport fishing. At Lake Laux.
  • Paragliding. At Pian dell'Alpe.
  • Guided tours. Inside the villages.
  • Excursions. Excursions on foot, by mountain bike, on horseback.


  • Plaisentif. Plaisentif is produced with milk from the first days of the mountain pastures, when it is particularly rich in the essences of high-altitude flowers and is subjected to maturation for at least eighty days. Already known and appreciated in the Middle Ages, it has recently been revived thanks to the rediscovery of the ancient production recipe.
  • Handicraft. Characteristics of the villages are also the production of wood crafts.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

High prices


Where stay

Moderate prices


Average prices


How to keep in touch


Useful information

  • Municipal Tourist Office, Via Conte Eugenio Brunetta, 53, 39 0121 884737, fax: 39 0121 884443, @. Simple icon time.svgfrom September to May Sunday and public holidays 2.00pm / 5.30pm; from June to August Sunday and public holidays 9/12 and 15/18.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Usseaux
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Usseaux
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).