Uxmal - Uxmal

The Pyramid of the Magician

Uxmal is an archaeological site of Yucatán in Mexico, and is part of the UNESCO world heritage.

To know

Uxmal (OOSH-mahl), in the Mayan language, means "built three times". As a World Heritage Site, it is one of the best restored and preserved Mayan archaeological sites in Yucatán. The present buildings are characterized by low horizontal buildings, arranged around courtyards, and decorated with rich sculptural elements and details.


During the Late Classical period of Maya history, Uxmal was a large religious and metropolitan center set in the Puuc Hills. The moment of maximum prosperity was between the 7th century and the 10th century AD and its many architectural styles reflect a series of construction phases.

Recent studies suggest that Uxmal was the capital of the regional state that settled in the Puuc region between AD 850 and 950. Other clues suggest that the city had close economic and political partnerships with Chichén Itzá, located between Mérida is Cancún.

How to get

Uxmal is located approximately 85km southwest of Mérida and takes a few hours to fully explore.

By bus

The group ADO (Autobuses de Oriente) offers a bus service from Mérida that depart at the following times 06:00, 9:05, 10:40, 12:05, 14:00 and 17:05. The return from Uxmal to Mérida follows the following times: 9:19 am, 12:34 pm, 3:19 pm, 5:49 pm and 8:19 pm. The cost is $ 55 MXN each way with a travel time of approximately 1h: 20m also making intermediate stops. Buses depart from Terminal de Autobuses Mérida also known as TAME (the second class bus station) located at 69 calle.

Organized tours are available from various companies, clearly at higher costs.

Permits / Rates

The site is open to the public every day from 8:00 to 17:00.

Entering Uxmal: $ 135 MXN (State of Yucatán) $ 64 MXN (INAH - Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia), payable at two separate counters with separate tickets.

How to get around

There is a small museum at the entrance, along with a cafe, gift shop, restrooms and other local shops. Be sure to bring a hat, some sunscreen and comfortable shoes. Having a camera is probably a good idea: Uxmal's Mayan buildings are very photogenic.

What see

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


There are several other small Mayan sites south of Uxmal and within a short distance and they can be visited easily from here. The most interesting are:

  • Kabah - The ruins are divided by the road leading from the south of Uxmal to Campeche. The temple of the 100 masks is the most interested building.
  • Sayil
  • Labná

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Uxmal
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Uxmal
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