Val Vertova - Val Vertova

Val Vertova
Val Vertova

Val Vertova is a valley of the Lombardy.

To know

This valley, which is born between the Cavlera, Suchello and Alben mountains and develops on the orographic right of the Seriana Valley for a total length of almost 12 kilometers, it is considered one of the most evocative and naturalistically relevant places in the whole Province of Bergamo.

Geographical notes

Administratively its right orographic side belongs to the municipality of Gazzaniga and minimally to Fiorano al Serio, while both the left side and the final part to the municipality of Vertova, where the inhabited area flows into the Seriana valley.

When to go

The main feature is given by the microclimate present in it: fresh air currents make the climate pleasant even on the hottest days of the year, a factor that favors the development of endemic animal and plant species.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

How to get

Waterfall in Val Vertova

By plane

Bergamo-Orio al Serio Airport

By car

Val Vertova can be traveled by car only in the first part, up to a hut managed by the local mountaineering group (park your car here), after which you can only enter through paths and mule tracks, which allow you to make itineraries on the surrounding mountains .

On the train

Station of Bergamo.

By bus

Service carried out by Bergamo Transport.

How to get around

What see

What to do

A passage in the valley

It is the main route that is the most suggestive: it develops alongside the stream which, fed by numerous springs of which the valley is very rich, winds through numerous waterfalls and in the so-called "potholes of the giants", or pools of water dug into the rock. The hiking route is easy, suitable even for the less experienced.

Alternatively, there are numerous itineraries, including those marked with the CAI trail sign. First of all the number 527, which branches off from the main itinerary to reach first the scree slopes of the Sedernèl basin and then the Pradaccio pass, from which you arrive at the Testa bivouac, located on the slopes of Mount Alben; the number 529 which climbs to the pass of Bliben, where it intersects with the path number 530; the number 516, which after having tread the track of 527 in its first stretch, climbs into the Val del Gru, to reach the church of San Salvatore and finally the Forcella di Aviatico. There are also footpaths 535A, which follows the ancient path called della Borleda and rejoins trail marker 525 near the Barbata pass, and 529A which branches off from the locality of Gaernài and reconnects to track 529 at the Biben pass.

At the table

  • 1 Trattoria Costa, Via degli Alpini 26, 39 035 721004.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Val Vertova
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Val Vertova
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