Francs-Côtes de Bordeaux AOC vineyard - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Vignoble de Francs-Côtes de Bordeaux AOC — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Francs-Côtes de Bordeaux AOC vineyard

the Francs-Côtes de Bordeaux AOC vineyard is located at 40 km north-east of Bordeaux and 5 km north-west of Libourne with the Saint-Émilion and Pomerol appellations. This vineyard is in the heart of Bordeaux vineyard which includes all the vines of the Gironde department, in the southwest of the France in the region New Aquitaine


An itinerary, necessarily including: the tourist visit of its sites and its heritage; the discovery of its inhabitants with their culture and their environment. Obviously, in a wine region the discovery of their assets can also be a complementary goal.

  • The interest of this inventory is to locate the names of farms sometimes known throughout France, Europe or the world, and which for connoisseurs will be able to create a route with unparalleled simplification.

Access to personal pages of wine producers is limited. The legal drinking age is the age determined by a government to restrict the purchase or consumption of alcohol by children or minors. This age varies between 0 and 25 depending on the country and state, although the purchase of alcohol is completely prohibited in some countries.


the Bordeaux vineyard is divided into sub-regions to the right or to the left of the axis traced by the Garonne and the Gironde.

Upstream to downstream for the left bank

Upstream to downstream for the right bank


  • 1 Bordeaux
  • 2 Libourne
  • 3 Pauillac
  • 4 Pomerol
  • 5 Saint Emilion
  • 6 Sauternes

Techniques related to the Bordeaux vineyard

  • History - Climatology - Geology - Grape variety - Work in the vineyard - Harvest - Vinification - Classification - Marketing - Conservation Logo indicating a wikipedia link


Access to personal pages of wine producers is limited. The legal drinking age is the age determined by a government to restrict the purchase or consumption of alcohol by children or minors. This age varies between 0 and 25 depending on the country and state, although the purchase of alcohol is completely prohibited in some countries. * Legal age for alcohol consumption

Fronsadais and Côtes-de-Bordeaux vineyards

Fronsadais vineyard

The Fronsadais corresponds to the municipalities of Fronsac, Canon-Fronsac and Saint-Michel-de-Fronsac.

Côtes-de-bordeaux vineyard

Francs-Côtes de Bordeaux AOC vineyard

  • Logo indicating a wikipedia link

This page is not an advertising site and the list of professionals is not exhaustive but allows you to have a range with their personal site (when it is finished) and certain positions.

Producers of the Francs-Côtes de Bordeaux AOC vineyard
* Franks Castle
* Espinglet Castle
* Chateau La Prade
* Chateau Les Charmes Godart
* Chateau Marsau
* Chateau Puygueraud
* Arbo vineyards


See in the region New Aquitaine


See in the municipalities concerned.


  • Wines, beers and spirits are always to be drunk in moderation.
  • Lust gives courage as well as foolishness.
  • The abuse or excess of alcoholic beverages is no longer called parties, but drinking bouts.


  • Being self-responsible means using a breathalyzer or breathalyzer after drinking some wine, beer or alcohol, before hitting the road (Cycle or car)
  • The price of safety and life costs only ~ .
  • To always continue to smile, whether you are: motorist, motorcyclist, cyclist or pedestrian.


  • "Here the sheriff is called Yquem, the Rio Bravo the Ciron, and the gold the Sauternes." (John Wayne)
  • "The French are so proud of their wines that they have given some of their towns the name of a grand cru." (Oscar Wilde)
  • "A little wine, taken in moderation, is a remedy for the soul and for the body". (François Marie Arouet, known as Voltaire)


Complementary, selective, etc ...

  • Bettane Desseauve wine guide Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Parker guides of wines from France  – (latest versions starting to date but very precise)
  • Wine guide-Gault & Millau Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Guide Hachette des Vins Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link
  • The wine review of France Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link
  • Le wine Logo indicating a link to the website
  • The little Loisel wine guide Logo indicating a link to the website
Logo representing 3 gray stars
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Complete list of other articles from the region: New Aquitaine