Sauternes vineyard - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Vignoble de Sauternes — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Sauternes vineyard

- The Sauternes vineyard is located in Sauternes, at 50 km~ south-east of the city of Bordeaux on the left bank of the Garonne - It is part of the Bordeaux vineyard which includes all the vines of the Gironde department, in the southwest of the France in the region New Aquitaine


An itinerary necessarily includes: the tourist visit of its sites and its heritage, the discovery of its inhabitants with their culture and their environment. Obviously, in a wine-growing region, the discovery of their knowledge can also be a complementary goal.

  • The interest of this inventory is to locate the names of farms sometimes known throughout France, Europe or the world, and which for connoisseurs will be able to create a route with unparalleled simplification.


The Bordeaux vineyard is divided into sub-regions to the right or to the left of the axis traced by the Garonne and the Gironde.

Upstream to downstream for the left bank

Upstream to downstream for the right bank


  • 1 Bordeaux
  • 2 Libourne
  • 3 Pauillac
  • 4 Pomerol
  • 5 Saint Emilion
  • 6 Sauternes

Sauternes vineyard

It is made up of two areas planted with vines.

  • Only the wines produced by the communes of Sauternes, Fargues, Bommes, Preignac and Barsac have the right to bear the prestigious name of Sauternes; but the winegrowers of Barsac can declare their harvests under the name of Sauternes or Barsac indifferently.
  • Barsac AOC vineyard Logo indicating a wikipedia link
  • The Vineyard of Barsac AOC is located on the left (West) of the Ciron river.
Logo representing 3 gray stars
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Complete list of other articles from the region: New Aquitaine