Watertown (South Dakota) - Watertown (Dakota del Sud)

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Watertown is a city of South Dakota, the county seat of Codington County.

To know

It is the fifth largest city in South Dakota by population.

In the city ecosystem there is a strong presence of water both for the two neighboring lakes (Pelican and Kampeska) and for the Big Siux river through which it is crossed as well as for the multitude of small streams in the vicinity such as Willow Creek. Despite this, the city takes its name fromcity ​​of the same name of the New York state, hometown of brothers John E. Kemp and Oscar P. Kemp, two of the founders of Watertown. In fact, originally the city should have been called Kampeska.

How to orient yourself

The city is located west of Interstate 29 and is traversed north / south by the U.S. Route 81 and east / west from U.S. Route 212.

How to get

By plane

  • 1 Watertown Regional Airport (IATA: ATY) (A few miles away from Watertown). Watertown Regional Airport is connected to other US cities. Watertown Regional Airport (Q7974510) on Wikidata

By car

  • Interstate 29
  • U.S. Route 81
  • U.S. Route 212

By bus

The city can be reached by bus Jefferson Lines.

How to get around

The city is not particularly large and can also be visited on foot due to the scarce presence of car traffic. However, if you have a car, you can visit the city with this view due to the presence of many parking lots.

What see

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch


Other projects

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