Westerhever - Westerhever

Westerhever · Vesterhever (Danish)
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Westerhever is a small village on the peninsula Eiderstedtwhose main attraction is the Westerheversand lighthouse.


getting there

By train and bus

Of Husum you can take the regional train from here Sankt Peter-Ording until after Garding and has a connection with the 1073 bus to Westerhever.

In the street

Coming from the south by car Hamburg via the North Sea coastal motorway A23 to its end at Heide. From here on the B5 at the exit Toenning / St. Peter-Ording on the B202 towards St. Peter-Ording. Behind Garding on the right, follow the signs to Westerhever - if you miss the first one, the next one will soon follow, as many roads lead to Westerhever.

By bicycle

NSCR excursus Westerhever.jpg

For cyclists is from the nearby North Sea Cycle Route a Excursus Westerhever lighthouse signposted, which branches off shortly after Sankt Peter-Ording and leads along the Tümlauer Koog. If you do not want to cycle back the same route as a cyclist heading north, follow the regional cycle path signs from Westerhever via Osterhever and then directly along the coast to Uelvesbüll, where you meet the North Sea Cycle Path again.


Map of Westerhever
The footpath and bike path to the lighthouse, about two thirds of the way from the parking lot, are already covered here

The place Westerhever can be explored quickly on foot. The Westerheversand lighthouse, on the other hand, is a little further: a good 1.5 km to the parking lot at the information center and then another 2 km one way from the parking lot, which is only possible on foot or by bike.

Tourist Attractions

Westerheversand lighthouse

1  Westerheversand lighthouse. Tel.: 49 (0)48 65 12 06 (From April to October from 11 a.m. pers.). Westerheversand lighthouse in the Wikipedia encyclopediaWesterheversand lighthouse in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryWesterheversand lighthouse (Q454681) in the Wikidata database.Tower dates: built from 1906; Commissioning in 1908. Height: 41.5 m high with nine storeys. Light radius: 50 km. Light source: Xenon high pressure discharge lamp with 2000 W (since 1975), light intensity of the lamp: 183,000 candela.Open: The lighthouse can only be visited on guided tours. They take place from Easter Sunday to the end of October, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the hour (not 12 p.m.). Due to the large number of visitors, it is strongly recommended to register by phone.

On the way to the Westerhever lighthouse
The lighthouse from the air.

1 Starting point For a visit to the lighthouse, the information pavilion is at the "Leuchtturm Westerhever" car park, about 1.5 km west of Westhever, directly on the dike. Here you will also find a public toilet as well as a snack stand during the season. From the parking lot it is about 2 km easy to the lighthouse. After a short stretch on the dike, you soon turn right on a driveway into the salt marshes in front of the dike. In special weather conditions (spring and storm tides) the path can be flooded (observe local information). At Danger of thunderstorms the route leading through completely open terrain Not tackle.

Those who have climbed the 157 steps at the tower will be rewarded with a uniquely beautiful panoramic view over Westerhever, Sankt Peter-Ording and the Tümlauer Bucht.

Tower houses: The tower houses are z. Some of them are privately owned and not all can be viewed. They are inhabited by people doing community service from the Wadden Sea Protection Station and used as a national park seminar house. In the south of the two houses there is a publicly accessible exhibition room on the Wadden Sea habitat.

2 The one that runs further east of the road can return "Stockenstieg" are committed. This small, narrow "one-way footpath" also leads from the tower through the salt marshes back to the dike (direction of travel only tower -> dike; bicycles are not permitted on the narrow path.

On the way back via the driveway you can take a walk on the (if the weather is safe and the low tide lasts longer) Sandbank "Westerheversand" Companies. The branch path branches off 3 from the driveway. From here it is about 1.5 km in the direction of the rescue boat on the sandbank. Sometimes it goes straight through the damp mud flats. The wide sandbar is once again a world of its own.

More Attractions

  • Protected area Tümlauer Bucht - The bay, which lies between the Westerheversand and the sand bank of St. Peter-Ording, belongs to the protection zone I of the national park "Schleswig - Holsteinisches Wattenmeer". Wide salt marshes determine the landscape towards the dike. With a good pair of binoculars you may be able to watch birds from the dike. So z. B. the gray herons that breed here.
St. Stefanus in Westerhever
  • 2 Village church "St. Stephanus"Village church "St. Stephanus"in the village of Westerhever - the church stands on a 5 m high terp, a "flood protection hill". The church tower dates from 1370. Inside there is a beautiful altarpiece to marvel at.



The nearest supermarkets are in St. Peter-Ording and Garding.


  • Parish jug Westerhever, Dorfstrasse 7.


The nightlife is limited to watching the beacon of the lighthouse from a bench.


1  Landhotel Kirchspielkrug Westerhever, Dorfstrasse 7, 25881 Westerhever. Tel.: 49 48 65 90 143, Fax: 49 48 65 90 14 52, Email: . Renovated, neat and quiet rooms despite the location directly on the thoroughfare to the lighthouse, at least after sunset. Some of the rooms have a balcony and mostly with a beautiful view.Open: Nov.-Feb. closed (except Christmas / New Years).Price: High season: double room 82 - 100 € depending on the season, single room 65 €, including breakfast.

Practical advice


Excursions to the sights on the peninsula Eiderstedt.


  • Westerhever ballads. North Frisian events from then and now. Bernd Tetens Verlag 1987, ISBN 3924989028 .

Web links

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