Wimmis - Wimmis

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Wimmis is a Swiss Municipality in the canton Bern. It is also the capital of the district of Niedersimmental.


It is located at the foot of the Sneezewhere the Simme and the Kander flow together. Since the Simme flows through a narrow point here, the place has always been a strategically important place. The place was first mentioned in a document in 994, at that time still under the name "Windmis", because the place name came from the Latin "Vindemias", which means "near the vineyards". From this it is concluded that the place has existed at least since Roman times The place where today's castle stands was proven to have been a watchtower as early as the Roman times.

getting there

By plane

By train

At the Wimmis station stop both the RE regional express trains and the regional trains from Spiez to Zweisimmen. As a rule, you have to change trains from Bern in Spiez.

In the street

In the Lattice branching (from Thun, before Spiez) the connecting motorway branches off where the Exit Wimmis is located. After the bypass of Wimmis, this connecting motorway becomes main road number 11, which passes through Zweisimmen and Château-d'Œx to Aigle leads.

By boat


Tourist Attractions

Wimmis Castle

In the upper village there is a remarkable group of wooden houses from the 17th century.

  • Wimmis Castle. Wimmis Castle was built around 1100 and was expanded and rebuilt several times; the last major modifications, which shaped the current appearance, took place in 1613 and 1696. The fortress first belonged to the Lords of Strättligen and then to the Barons of Weissenburg. Initially, the lords of the castle were hostile to Bern and were therefore besieged several times. On the occasion of the Battle of Laupen in 1339, however, they sided with the Bernese and were not insignificantly involved in the victorious outcome of the battle. As a result, the area came under the influence of Bern. In 1439/1449 they bought the castle together with the dominion area, which today forms the administrative district of Niedersimmental. From then on, the building was the seat of a Bernese governor and later the governor.
  • Martinskirche. The early Romanesque St. Martin's Church is located below the castle. It was built in the 10th or 11th century instead of a previous building and is one of the typical Thunersee churches. It is therefore three-aisled. Inside there are wall paintings from the middle of the 15th century.







Practical advice



Web links

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