Zafra - Zafra

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Zafra is a city in the province Badajoz.


In 1030 the Moors built the Sajra Abi Hassan Castle in the Sierra Castellar. They named the city Safra or Cafra. The reconquest took place in 1229 by Alfonso IX, but finally only later by Fernando III. Lorenz Suárez de Figura made Zafra the capital of the Feria region. He built the city wall from 1426 to 1442 and from 1437 the Alcázar as his residence. He also founded the Hospital de Santiago and finished the Convento de Santa Maria del Valle, which should serve as a burial place for his family. In 1460 Enrique IV made Feria a county. In 1567 the Count (Conde) was promoted to Duke (Duque). Today Zafra is also known as Sevilla la Chica (little Seville). The city is on the Via de la Plata. There used to be gold mines in the north-west of Spain, in Las Medulas (UNESCO World Heritage Site). The Romans built the precious metal from 25 BC. In large quantities. They transported the gold south on the Via de la Plata. The Spanish word Plata means silver in German. But the Spanish name was derived from the Arabic "Bal'latta", which means paved public street. The Via de la Plata is about 900 kilometers long. Today it is the south-north pilgrimage route from Seville to Santiago de Compostela. The Alcázar from the 15th century is now a Parador. From the outside it looks like a stronghold. The interior is more like a palace. The beautiful inner courtyard with a Renaissance cloister begins right behind the entrance. Three city gates are still preserved from the former city wall. Zafra has always been a trading city. Today it is also an industrial city.

getting there

By plane

By train

There is a train line to Mérida and Huelva.

In the street

Zafra can be reached via the A-66 (N-630) from Seville (approx. 135 km). From Córdoba you can get to Zafra (190 km) via the N-432.


All sights can be reached on foot.

Tourist Attractions


  • Iglesia La Collegiata
  • Iglesia La Candelaria. From 1546. It contains three beautiful reredos (the word reredos is derived from "retrotabulum" and refers to a location in the cafeteria at the back of the altar. They have panel paintings, sculptures, reliefs or relics). One reredos is from Zurburán and a second from Churriguera.
  • Iglesia San José
  • Monasteries

Castles and palaces

  • Alcazar. The Alcázar was started in 1437 and modernized in the 15th and 16th centuries.


  • Plaza Grande. The large square is lined with arcades. Through the arch Arquillo del Pan one arrives at Plaza Chica, the small square.
Plaza Grande
Plaza Chica



  • Feria Internacional Ganadera. International ranchers fair, in the last week of September and first week of October.
  • Semana Santa. Processions during Easter week.
  • Carnavales. Pork products will be tasted.


  • Restaurant of the Parador de Zafra. Tel.: 34 924 554 540. In summer, dinner is served in the atmospheric courtyard. Very nice!



  • Hotel Hernán Cortes. The hotel is praised and rated well. The restaurant should also be good.
  • Los Casadores. Tel.: 34 924 555 076.
  • Las Palmeras. Tel.: 34 924 552 208.
  • Plaza Grande. Tel.: 34 924 563 185.



  • Parador de Zafra ****. Tel.: 34 924 554 540. The hotel has a wonderful ambience, 45 good rooms and a respectable restaurant. In summer, dinner is served in the atmospheric courtyard. Very nice!
  • Casa Palacio Conde de la Corte ****. Tel.: 34 924 563 311.





Practical advice



Web links

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