Załęczański Landscape Park - Załęczański Park Krajobrazowy

Załęczański Landscape Park (ZPK) - a tourist area interesting in terms of landscape and nature in central Poland (Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska, or in fact its Wieluń extension).

Its main advantages are the possibility of using it for tourism:

  • walking
  • cycling
  • riding
  • and canoeing

An incentive to visit this landscape park is its remoteness from industrial centers, beautiful nature and numerous interesting facts related to the karst creations of the Polish Jury. The downside may be the poorly developed tourist infrastructure in these areas.

General information

The ZPK was established in 1978, covers an area of ​​14,750 ha, and its buffer zone is 12,010 ha. It is located in 3 provinces: Łódź, Silesian and Opole in Poland.

It occupies the north-eastern part Wieluń Uplandbeing part of Kraków-Częstochowa Upland called Jura Polska, closing the system of Jurassic landscape parks from the north.

Protects the landscape of Jurassic limestone outliers, hiding many forms of karst, limestone-loving fauna and flora, and a section of the river Worth it described as the most beautiful and the most diverse in terms of nature in relation to its entire course.

Jurassic rocks characteristic of the Park appear on the ground on the tops of limestone monadnocks, on the edge of the Warta valley below Lisowice and in numerous quarries where you can admire deep geological cross-sections of Upper Jurassic limestones, fossil karst phenomena and fossils of marine animals, mainly ammonites, sponges, clams, belemnites and sea urchins.

Riparian forests in the Warta valley have a natural character. The flora of Załęczański Landscape Park consists of about 1,000 species of vascular plants, mosses and lichens. Significant areas of the Park are covered with forestless, barren, sandy spaces on which sandy grasslands have developed.

In order to preserve the most valuable natural values ​​of the Park, 5 reserves have been created within its territory: geological Węże, forest: Bukowa Góra, Dąbrowa in Niżankowice and within the buffer zone: geological chessboard and forest district Stawiska.

There are 9 ecological areas in the Park and its buffer zone, incl. the oxbow lake Wronia Woda and the mid-forest marshes.

19 objects are under monument protection. Among them (apart from the magnificent trees and groups of trees) there are numerous geological objects: Góra Świętej Genowefa, Mount Saint Margaret, The Navy Sources, underground outlet Dry Struga, the Żabi Pond water reservoir.

The values ​​of the Park are made available thanks to designated pedestrian, bicycle, horse and canoeing nature routes and tourist routes as well as educational paths.

Active recreation

Warta in Załęczański Landscape Park

The areas of Załęczański Landscape Park are perfect for hiking, cycling, canoeing, and, although it is not widely known, horse tourism. The task for tourists is facilitated by numerous ZPK tourist routes:

Bicycle touring

Designation of bicycle routes in Załęczański Landscape Park
  • The Krzeczowski Gorge Trail (length 20.5 km, sign EWI - 5)

The yellow (formerly red) bicycle trail is in the shape of an elongated eight whose axis is the Warta valley. It leads through fields and forests, rising and falling to the bottom of the valley, it crosses the river four times - twice in Toporów - Kamion, in Krzeczów and Przywóz - Ogroble. The route of this trail allows you to get to know the area of ​​the "Krzeczowski Przełom Warty", including its valuable natural section called the "Valley of the Warta under the Kamion".

  • The trail along the Warta Arch (length 26.5 km, designation EWI - 6)

The yellow (formerly blue) "Załęczański Warta Arch" bicycle trail allows you to get to know the Załęczański Landscape Park, especially the nature and monuments of the section of the Warta valley, known as the Załęczański Arch of the Warta. The route of the trail leads, among others through Załęcze Wielkie, Piaski, Ogroble, Import, Łaszew Rządowy, Bieniec, Kępowizna and back to Załęcze Wielki. On the route, among others burial mounds in Przywóz and a historic mill in Kępowizna.

  • The Trail of the Warta Landscapes (length 31.9 km, meaning EWI - 7)

The yellow (formerly green) "Nadwarciański Landscapes" bicycle trail runs through the Załęczański Landscape Park. The trail starts in Załęcze Wielki and leads through Piaski, Bukowce, Bobrowniki, Troniny, Stara Wieś, Kluski and back to Załęcze Wielki. On or near the route there are such tourist attractions of the Załęczański Landscape Park as: Starorzecze Wronia Woda, Góra Świętej Genowefa, Żabi Pond, Góra Wapiennik or Pomegranate Springs, which are monuments of nature.

Cycling route junctions: bridge in Bobrowniki (EWI - 7 route) bridge in Załęcze Wielkie (EWI - 6 and EWI - 7 routes) bridge in Przywóz - Ogroble (EWI - 5 and EWI - 6 routes) bridge in the town of Toporów - Kamion (trail EWI - 5) bridge in the town of Krzeczów (trail EWI - 5)


  • Trail of Nature Reserves in Załęczański Landscape Park (Blue color)

The course of the trail: Chorzew Siemkowice, railway station (0.0 km) - Siemkowice (6.0) - the "Mokry Las" nature reserve (8.5) - Broników (14.5) - the "Dąbrowa w Niżankowice" nature reserve (20, 3) - Bobrowniki (23.0) - Bugaj - nature reserve "Węże" (25.0) - Draby, PKS (29.0) - further to Blachownia near Częstochowa (101.0).

  • The Trail of the Wieluń Jura (Red colour)

The course of the route: Wieluń, PKP Miasto (0.0 km) - Ruda (5.2) - Łaszew (12.2) - Bieniec Duży (17.2) - Kępowizna (20.0) - Zalęcze Wielkie (23.2) - Troniny - the "Węże" nature reserve (28.2) - Lisowice (33.2) - Raciszyn - Działoszyn (40.0) - Grądy-Łazy (45.0) - further to Częstochowa (113.0).

  • The Warta gorge trail through the Wieluń Upland (Color: yellow)

The course of the route: Działoszyn, Railway Station (0.0 km) - Działoszyn (3.7) - Lisowice (5.9) - Bobrowniki (10.0) - Ogroble (15.4) - Kamion (18.0) - Krzeczów ( 22.0).

  • The trail of princely mounds (Black colour)

The course of the trail: Ogroble (0.0 km) - Import - Molenda - Bieniec Mały (5.5).

Educational paths in the Załęczański Landscape Park:

  • "Great Arch of the Warta"
    • Route No. 1 Course: "Nadwarciański Gród" Center - Kępowizna - Bieniec - Import - Ogroble - Madeły - "Nadwarciański Gród" Center. Cycling or on foot: route approx. 23 km.
    • Route No. 2 Course: Center "Nadwarciański Gród" - Kępowizna - Bieniec - Dzietrzniki - source "Revelation" - Center "Nadwarciański Gród". Walking tour: route approx. 15 km.
    • Route No. 3 Course: "Nadwarciański Gród" Center - Draby - Węże - "Góra Zelce" ("Węże" reserve) - "Żabi Pond" - "Góra Świętej Genowefa" - Bobrowniki - "Nadwarciański Gród" Center. Bus trip approx. 20 km, walking route approx. 12 km.
    • Route No. 4 Course: "Nadwarciański Gród" Center - Draby - Kolonia Lisowice - Lisowice - "Nadwarciański Gród" Center. Bus trip approx. 20 km, walking route approx. 8 km.
  • "Center"
    • Forest educational and recreational path Length of the path: approx. 3.5 km.
  • "Spring"
    • A forest educational and recreational path. Length of the path - approx. 6 km.
  • "Załęczański Arch of the Warta"
    • Nature educational trail.
      • Route A (main route - walking or cycling) Course: "NG" Center - Bukowce - the bridge in Bobrowniki. Length of the route - 10.2 km.
      • Route B (northern route - on foot or by bike) Course: bridge in Boborownik - quarry near Bobrowniki - Ogroble - Kurhany Książęce - Królowej Bona gorge - "Nadwarciański Gród" Center. Length of the route - 15 km.
      • Route C (southern route - walking or cycling) Course: the bridge in Bobrowniki - the "Węże" nature reserve - "Wapiennik" Mountain - the "Nadwarciański Gród" Center. Length of the route - 12.5 km.
      • Route D Kayaking route from Bobrowniki to the "Nadwarciański Gród" Center. Length of the route - 10.3 km.

Horse (equestrian) tourism

  • Horseback riding trail (Marked in red)

The course of the ZPK area: Rychłowice "Wzgórze Koni" - Nowy Świat - Strugi - Łaszew - Bieniec - Dzzietrzniki agritourism farm "Nad Strugą" - Kepowizna - Załęcze Wielkie - Stara Wieś - Troniny and further to Czestochowa.


  • "Nadwarciański Castle" - Training and Recreation Center of the Polish Scouting Association in Załęcze Wielki. Address: Załęcze Wielkie 89, 98-335 Pątnów, website [1] e-mail [email protected], tel. 48 43 841 28 25. The accommodation base includes 280 places in rooms for 2, 4 and 6 persons. Full board possible.
  • "Resort Stara Wieś" - Address: Załęcze Małe 103A, 98-335 Pątnów,, e-mail: [email protected], tel. 533 380 620. The accommodation base includes 9 apartments all year round, 20 mobile homes, 8 holiday apartments and 10 holiday homes. The resort is located on the Warta River. It has a rich offer of outdoor attractions as well as SPA and Wellness offer.
Geographical Coordinates