South Beveland - Zuid-Beveland

South Beveland is a region, peninsula in the middle of Zealand .



  • The main connections are the A58 motorway (Flushing-Eindhoven) and the railway between Flushing and Bergen op Zoom, which bisect the region from west to east. Since 2003, the region has been accessible by car via the Westerscheldetunnel Dutch Flanders and Belgium reach.
  • A tourist route around Zuid-Beveland is on the A15 (Rotterdam ring south) the A29 direction Zierikzee select. About the Zeeland bridge via the N256 the road continues towards goes.

Travel around

To look at

  • Flowering fruit trees in the spring around Borsele.

To do

  • Cycling or walking in the rural areas.
  • Steam train Goes - Borsele
  • Aquatics, the surrounding water offers recreational opportunities such as swimming, sailing and windsurfing.

To buy


Going out

stay overnight

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