Čeboksary - Čeboksary

Baia di Čeboksary
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Čeboksary - Stemma
Čeboksary - Bandiera
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Čeboksary (in chuvash Šupashkar) is a city of the Russia in the federated state of Chuvash, of which it is the cultural and industrial center as well as the administrative capital.

To know

Čeboksary, a city on the banks of the Volga River and capital of Chuvashia, has many interesting aspects that make it an attractive destination for those wishing to visit the cities of the Russian South. First of all, it is a symbol and pride of the independence of the Chuvashians, an ancient and fascinating population of Bulgarian-Caucasian origin with its own language (Chuvash, belonging to the Turkish languages) and its own culture. Over the centuries the Chuvashians, meek and docile right down to the name (ciuvascio comes from yavaş Turkish term for "meek", "docile") have many times been influenced and oppressed by foreign peoples; Bulgarians originally, they passed for a period to Islam during the Tatar domination and then to Orthodox Christianity with the annexation to Russia. Today the signs of the their paganism with a Finno-Ugric flavor that integrates wonderfully with the traditions of the Russian Orthodox. Precisely this intertwining of cultures is the strong point of Čeboksary, still heavily marked by Soviet domination but still affectionately linked to its heritage of legends and traditions of ancestral origin.Culture is a bit the hallmark and also the stereotype of Čeboksary ; being the city full of theaters, museums and academies and hosting a university and research center among the best in the region, it is often cited by the Russians of the capital as a city of culture. Of course it is not only that and Čeboksary also offers a lot to the tourist who is looking only for relaxation. Numerous cruises for tours on the Volga depart from its port in the summer, at reduced costs for unmissable views. In addition, the whole riverfront, in summer, is full of restaurants, clubs and improvised events that make the city active, lively and ... an excellent half of tourism in Russia if you are tired of the big cities of the North.

Geographical notes

Čeboksary is located on the Volga Plateau in the flat part of Eastern Europe. The territory to the left of the river is mainly occupied by pine forests and is used for recreational purposes. The satellite city Novočeboksarsk is located 20 km to the east.

When to go

Maximum (° C)-9.4-7.4-1.58.518.422.224.22215.56.6-1.2-6.2
Minimum (° C)-16.4-14.1-
Precipitation (mm)302424354066716454534334

The city of Čeboksary gives its best in the summer. The beautiful days, in fact, will allow you to spend pleasant moments along the course of the Volga and, moreover, June is the month in which the national holiday is celebrated in memory of the constitution of the Chuvash state. If you arrive here during this period, the city will be able to welcome you at its best with events, demonstrations, parades and parties almost every week.


New river port on the Volga

The first time that this city is mentioned in historical sources dates back to 1469 in the report of travel to Kazan by General Ivan Dmitrevič Run. This date is generally considered the foundation date of the city, although some historians believe on the basis of archaeological finds that there was a settlement here dating back to the thirteenth century. This original settlement should have been dependent on the Bulgarian city of Suvar. After the voluntary annexation to Russia in 1555, the fortress and the market square were built. The kremlin, unfortunately not preserved to this day, was the core of the city and was located at its highest and best defensible point. The destruction of the Kremlin and other historic buildings is due to frequent fires: until the end of the 18th century, in fact, most of the buildings were built of wood.

At the end of the 17th century, the city lost its defensive functions and became a famous trading center of the Volga region. The development of trade and the conversion of the Chuvash to Christianity led to an architectural flourishing which continued until the end of the 18th century. Many churches were erected, the first stone constructions appeared.In 1767, Empress Catherine II sailing the Volga near the city was amazed by the wealth of the city, especially compared to the city she had just visited: Nizhny NovgorodIn 1781 the city of Čeboksary was given the status of city of the Kazan governorate. As the Volga lost its importance within the transport network, not to mention the fire of 1773 which destroyed two thirds of the city, the development of Čeboksary came to a halt. Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Čeboksary remained a small center of the Russian province but the creation in 1920 of the autonomous state Chuvash, of which Čeboksary became the capital, marked a revival. During the Second World War some factories moved here and after the war a whole series of other huge industries were built. Around 1986 the construction of the hydroelectric power plant was completed and this transformed the appearance of the city as many historic buildings were destroyed. Today, Čeboksary is one of the cities with the highest welfare rate in Russia.

2015 was dedicated in Russia to literature and culture. The city of Ceboksary, accepting the invitation of the Federation, has decided to focus its events on the main Chuvash author: Konstantin Vasilyevich Ivanov which marks the centenary of his death. Throughout the city and throughout 2015, exhibitions and events were organized in memory of the great Chuvash poet.

How to orient yourself

Čeboksary is located roughly halfway between Nizhny Novgorod (240 km) and Kazan '(166 km). In addition to the aforementioned M7 and in addition to the possibility of moving on the course of the Volga River, the A119 called Vyatka also passes here. A 103 km long railway line also passes through Čeboksary.

The city center is located on the right side of the shore high of the Volga River, which divides the city into two unequal parts.

The territory is crossed by ravines which form the beds of the small rivers tributary to the Volga. As a consequence of this, the conformation of the city follows the reliefs present on the territory. The different parts of the city are connected by five bridges. Parallel to the course of the Volga and crossing the historic center of the city, passes the road that leads from Moscow to Novočeboksarsk and then to Kazan ', changing its name several times: Jadrinskoe Šosse, Moskovskij Prospekt, ulitsa Kompositorov Vorob'evych, ulitsa Kalinina, Marposadskoe Šosse. The main streets of the city branch off from this street (ulitsa Guzovskogo, Nikol'skij prospekt, ulitsa Gagarina, prospekt Mira, prospekt Traktorostoitelej). From the historic center, crossing ulitsa Kompositorov Vorob'evyx, it flows south into the main streets of the city: ulitsa Karl Marx, prospekt Lenina, prospekt Ivana Kakovleva, Kanašskoe šosse which cross the M7-BY.svg. Parallel to ulitsa K. Marx and Prospekt Lenina runs the presidential Boulevard.

How to get

By plane

Čeboksary airport
  • 1 Airport (Аэропорт Чебоксар (IATA: CSY)), pl. Skvorcova, 1, 7 8352 301-368. Regular communications are only those between Moscow (Vnukovo airport) and Čeboksary. The flight lasts 1.5 hours and it is possible to reach the airport by taking the trolleybuses (trollejbus in Russian) nos. 2,9,15 or bus n. 15 or the maršrutka n. 50. If you choose a taxi, the average cost is 200 rubles.

By car

  • From Moscow: M7 direction Volga, 650 km.
  • From Nizhny Novgorod M7 direction Volga, 240 km.
  • From Ulyanovsk: M7 direction Volga, 246 km.
  • From Yoshkar-Ola: A119 towards Vyatka, 100 km.
  • From Kazan: M7 direction Volga, 166 km.

On boat

Train station

There are no regular connections with other major cities along the Volga, although the city can be visited as a stop on the Volga cruise. The only regular transports are the river tramways that connect the two banks of Čeboksary.

On the train

  • 2 Railway station (Железнодорожный вокзал). Čeboksary is well connected only with Moscow and St. Petersburg. During the summer there are connections with Adler is Novorossijsk. Next to it there is also the bus station and numerous urban trolleybuses depart from here. You can reach the center along the Prospekt Lenina or along its parallel: ulitsa Karl Marx.

By bus

Besides the central bus station, Čeboksary also has four other stations for city and suburban buses.

  • 3 Central bus station (Центральный автовокзал), prospekt Mira, 78. All inter-regional vehicles depart from here. Free Wi-Fi is available at the station.
  • 4 Prigorodnyj avtovokzal (Пригородный автовокзал), pl. privokzal'noj.
  • 5 Prigorodnaja avtostancija (Пригородная автостанция), pl. privokzal'noj.
  • Novosel'skaja avtostancija (Новосельская автостанция), ulitsa Gor'kogo, 21. Large station in the northern district of the city.
  • 6 Novojužnaja avtostancija (Новоюжная автостанция), ulitsa Proletarskaja, 18. The station is located in the Novojužnyj district. From here buses leave for neighboring villages or the outskirts of the city.

Čeboksary can be reached by bus from:

  • Moscow: from the central station. There is one bus a day that leaves at 6:50 pm and tickets can be purchased up to 45 days in advance at the station itself. Other buses also depart from Moscow from different points in the city; one for example leaves from Kazansky Station and makes the last trip at 20:00. The duration of the trip is approximately 10 hours.
  • Nizhny Novgorod: from piazza Ljadova. At least 8 or 10 buses leave every day. The journey takes about 6 hours and the last bus leaves at 5pm.
  • Kazan ' from the central station. Also from Kazan, about 10 buses leave every day which will take you to Čeboksary in 4 hours. The last one leaves at 19:00.
  • Other cities:. Since Čeboksary is the capital of Chuvash, you can also reach this city using many other buses within the Autonomous Republic of Chuvash or from other major cities of European Russia.

How to get around

By public transport

The Čeboksary public transport system consists of buses and trolley buses as well as 19 maršrutki. Trolley buses that travel at regular intervals and connect almost anywhere in the city are particularly recommended. ↵The ticket can be purchased on board, directly from the driver. Each stop is announced in two languages: Russian and iuvascio.

Contrary to what has been said for trolleybuses, the bus connection network is in a very bad state. Not to mention the number of vehicles, much less than trolleybuses, buses travel at much less regular intervals.

Quite comfortable are instead of maršrutki, that is the typical Russian public fixed-line taxis with a slightly higher cost than buses and trolleybuses. The maršrutka No. 4 travels from the central railway station and crosses the main streets of the city until reaching the Chuvash National University. This means of transport operates from 5:00 in the morning until 23:00. A reference site for the maršrutki is that of the company Rusavtobus.

By taxi

A variety of taxi companies are in service in the city. A trip within a district of Čeboksary will cost you about 70 rubles, between two neighboring districts, however, about 90 rubles and in general for longer trips, always staying in the city, it will not be unusual to pay 120 rubles.

What see

Many historic buildings in Čeboksary were destroyed for the construction of the hydroelectric power plant, which as you can imagine raised a lot of controversy. For this reason, today almost all of the city's monuments and attractions are concentrated in the Old Town district. The best time to visit Čeboksary is certainly the summer, from mid-April to mid-October. The reason is quite simple: most of the entertainment venues and public parks are open or are only frequented at this time of the year.

Religious architecture

Čeboksary was once famous for the large number of churches and monasteries present on its territory. Today, however, only a few examples of religious architecture remain.

17th century cathedral
Dormition Cathedral
Cathedral of St. Tatjana
  • 1 Vvedensky Cathedral (Введенский кафедральный собор), ulitsa Ivanova, 21. It is the oldest cathedral in the city if not in the entire region, it was built in the 17th century. The construction order is signed dates back to 1555, to Ivan IV Groznyj, better known in Italy as Ivan the Terrible. The original church, however, was not spared from the terrible fire of 1649 as it was made of wood. The building that can be admired today is the reconstruction of 1657. The decorations and frescoes inside are the work of local artists, according to tradition. The church is currently active as a center of worship and the liturgical service is celebrated in the Chuvash language.
  • 2 Trinity Male Monastery (Свято-Троицкий мужской монастырь), ulitsa Ivanova, 1A. Also this church was initially built by order of Ivan the Terrible and with the funding of some missionaries in 1566 and was intended for the Orthodox worship of the people of the Volga region. During the'age of the Turbids and precisely in 1609, during the nationalist phase the church was set on fire and razed to the ground. Today the oldest part of the complex is that of the eighteenth century and integrates other pre-existing churches. On the eastern side of the monastery the present bell tower was added in the Soviet era. In the complex there are also some ancient icons depicting St. Nicholas who according to tradition sailed to Čeboksary along the course of the Volga. The cult of this saint and in particular of this icon was not only widespread among the Orthodox but also among the Chuvash and other local populations. It was common opinion that in front of the icon one could not lie without the result being death.
  • 3 Cathedral of the Dormition of the Mother of God, ulitsa Ivanova, 1B (Церковь Успения Пресвятой Богородицы). This church was built in 1763 with funds raised by the merchant Drjablov. The building has changed a lot over the centuries. In Soviet times, for example, the bell tower was destroyed. For a time, the church also housed a museum. In conjunction with the construction of the artificial dam, a road was also built, known as way to the temple which will allow you to reach this church but which will also offer you a wonderful view of the historic center. Finally, the church has become a symbol of the city in recent years and is in fact visible from every point of Čeboksary and appears in every postcard or photo that depicts the city.
  • 4 Church of San Michele Arcangelo (Церковь Михаила Архангела), ulitsa Ivanova, 13 (not far from Vvedensky Cathedral). The church was built in 1702. It is located exactly where the Čeboksary fortress originally stood. During the Soviet regime the church became a book deposit but after the fall of the USSR it resumed functioning as a church.
  • 5 Church of the Resurrection (Воскресенская церковь) (at the beginning of the "Way to the Temple"). Church of 1758 but restructured and enlarged many times until today. It is located not far from the river port and is a typical example of 18th century Chuvash architecture.
Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery
  • 6 Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery (Спасо-Преображенский женский монастырь), ulitsa Kommunal'naja sloboda, 32. It is a women's monastery located in the southern district, on a hill known as Vladimir Hill. The monastery was founded in 1716 and then destroyed. It was rebuilt in 1899 with the help of the parish of the Holy Mother of God (also known as Vladimirskaya church). This church was also closed during the Soviet regime to be reopened later and is now one of the longest active monasteries in the territory of Čeboksary.
  • 7 Temple of John of Kronstadt (Храм св. Иоанна Кронштадтского), ulitsa Kommunal'naja sloboda, 28A. The monastery was built in 1910-1911 on the merchants' grave of the Efremov family and represents a fine example of the twentieth-century architecture of Čeboksary. It was renovated in 2000.
Temple of the fallen

Apart from these churches mentioned which are the few examples of historical architecture in the city, there are also churches still under construction or recently built. Many are insignificant - artistically speaking - but two are worth mentioning:

  • 8 Chapel of the Nativity (Храм-часовня Рождества Христова). The first stone of this new building was laid on June 24, 1999 on the ruins of previous destroyed churches. The construction lasted a year and in 2000 it was open to the faithful. Aesthetically, the church has nothing special except its location. It is located right in front of the Chuvash government building which itself is a monument to Lenin.
  • 9 Tatjana Cathedral (Покровско-Татианинский собор), 7 8352 43 97 80. This temple was started in 2001 and finished in 2006. It is located in the northwest area of ​​the city and is perhaps the most beautiful modern church here.

Civil architecture

Monument to the patron mother
Agricultural Academy Building

Some monuments of civil architecture remain, although many are the result of recent restoration or reconstruction works. Almost all the most important, which are the pre-revolutionary ones, are located along the main streets: ulitsa Ivanova, boulevard Efremova or on the Red square.

  • 10 House of the merchant Zelejščikova (Дом купца Зелейщикова). It is important if only for the primacy that it can boast, namely that of being the first stone building in the city. It was built towards the end of the seventeenth century and collects several styles with ancient elements merged with Baroque architecture.
  • Solovcova House (Дом Соловцова) (behind the Trinity monastery). Building from the first half of the 18th century, which belonged to the wealthy merchant Kotel'nikov and later to Captain Solovcov, son-in-law of the first owner. This is where Tsarina Catherine II stopped during her voyage on the Volga.
  • 11 House of the merchant Evremov (Дом купца Ефремова), ulitsa Vorob'evyh, 10. 20th century building and is one of the many houses that belonged to wealthy merchants in Čeboksary. Today there is the Chuvash National Congress Hall.
  • 12 Agricultural Academy Building (Здание сельскохозяйственной академии), ulitsa K. Marx, 29. Building built in the 1930s. At the beginning of the 21st century a tower was added and decorated with the symbol of Chuvash mythology: the Tree of Life.
  • 13 Rodina Cinema (Здание кинотеатра "Родина"), ulitsa Ivanova, 9. It was the first theater to be built in the city in 1933. The palace was renovated in the Stalinist style in the 1950s.
  • 14 Monument to the Mother Protector (Памятник Матери-Покровительнице). This tall monument is located on the artificial bay. It is a column at the top of which is placed a woman dressed in traditional clothes and symbolizing the Chuvash population.

Events and parties

K. Ivanov, classic of Chuvash literature
  • City Day (День города). Festival usually celebrated on the third Sunday of August.
  • Republic Day (День Республики) (June 24). It is the most important festival of the place and commemorates the birth of the Chuvash state.

What to do


  • 1 Central Park of Culture (Центральный парк культуры и отдыха), ulitsa Kosmonavta Nikolaeva. The park is located in the Lakreevskij grove and therefore is also simply called "Lakreevskij Park"
  • 2 Park of the 500 years of Čeboksary (Парк им. 500-летия Чебоксар), Entry from Moskovskij prospekt. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svg10-19. The park is located in the North-West district and the entire perimeter of the park is marked by Prospekt Moskovskij and ulitsa Guzovskij. Inside you will find some attractions or monuments, including the "monument to the one religion". There is a project that also involves building a market here.
  • 3 Victory Park (Парк Победы). This park is located on the high bank of the river, near the port. Inside are monuments to eternal glory and the eternal flame. Due to its central location it is the most popular park and certainly the one that offers the best view over the city
  • 4 Čapaeva Square (Сквер им. Чапаева). It is located at the end of ulitsa Lenina, next to the central train station. This square houses a museum complex with monuments to Čapaev and its museum as well as the birthplace of the legendary military commander.
  • 5 A.G. Park Nikolaeva (Парк им. А.Г. Николаева). It is located at the intersection of the street of the same name and ulitsa Engel'sa. The park also contains some attractions for children and occasionally outdoor exhibitions are organized.
  • 6 Avenue of lovers (Аллея влюбленных). This avenue runs parallel to ulitsa Ivanova on the long course of the Volga River. Many buildings are in the Stalinist style.


Ciuvascio National Museum
Chuvash National Library
Museum dedicated to Čapaev
Beer Museum
  • 7 Chuvash National Museum (Чувашский Национальный музей), Krasnaja Ploščad ', 5. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10 am-5pm. The museum is housed in a beautiful building renovated in the 19th century. Originally it was the regional museum but after the formation of the autonomous republic it became the largest museum concerning the culture, customs and way of life of the Chuvash population. A part of the museum complex is dedicated to the nature of the place.
  • 8 Chuvash State Museum of Art (Чувашский государственный художественный музей), 7 8352 63 60 09, @. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10 am-6pm. Huge museum of the Chuvash Republic. The museum contains a great many works of art by local and international authors and also has a network of branches outside Čeboksary.
  • 9 Art Gallery (Художественная галерея) (next to the church of S. Michele Arcangelo), 7 8352 58 57 01. Ecb copyright.svg50 rubles (reductions for children, students and seniors are also available). Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 09: 00-17: 00. The museum-gallery is located in the old house of the merchant Evremov since 1911. There are permanent collections of some Russian artists (Levitan, Surokov, Repin, Serov, Petrov-Vodkin and others).
  • 10 Contemporary art center (Центр современного искусства), Prezidentsky boulevard, 1/15, 7 8352 58 18 77. Ecb copyright.svg40 rubles, 10 rubles for children. Simple icon time.svgTue-Fri 10: 00-18: 00, Sat-Sun 10: 00-17: 00. It is a branch of the state art museum. Here temporary or themed exhibitions are organized.
  • 11 Geological Museum (Геологический музей), boulevard Efremova, 12, 7 8352 62 84 06. Simple icon time.svgTue - Sat, 10 am-4pm. Geological museum dedicated to the environment of the Chuvash Republic.
  • 12 Fire-safety exhibition (Пожарно-техническая выставка), ulitsa K. Marx, 37, 7 8352 62-16-56. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri, 8: 00-17: 00. The exhibition tells the story of the fire brigade in the city. There are also historical artifacts and evidence from the history of the fires in Čeboksary.
  • 13 V.I.Čapaev Museum (Музей В. И. Чапаева), ulitsa Lenina, 46A. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10 am-5pm. The museum is dedicated to the national hero Vasily Ivanovič Čapaev.
  • 14 Museum of the history of beer (Музей истории пивоварения (музей пива)), http://www.museum-beer.ru/, 7 8352 62-06-87. Simple icon time.svgEvery day from 10:00 to 20:00. The museum is dedicated to the national drink, the beer. Inside you will also find an exhibition on the history of beer production around the world. During the guided tour you can also taste the local beer in its raw, unpasteurized and not yet filtered state. There are also several buffet rooms in different styles and a bar that is open beyond the normal opening hours of the museum.
  • 15 Tractor History Museum (Музей истории тракторостроения), prospekt Mira, 1. Simple icon time.svgTue-Fri 10: 00-18: 00, weekend, 10: 00-17: 00. The museum will introduce you to the agricultural aspect of the Chuvash civilization with its extensive display of tractors from all over the world and from all times.


Campo dei cantori and opera house
Opera House
  • 16 Russian Dramatic Museum (Русский драматический театр), ulitsa Gagarina, 14, 7 8352 56-22-96, 78352 56-24-51.
  • 17 Ciuvascio Dramatic Museum (Чувашский драматический театр), Krasnaja Ploščad ', 7 8352 62-56-95. Museum that supports and represents Chuvash artists, actors and directors and stages works in Chuvash language.
  • 18 Chuvash State Opera and Ballet Theater (Чувашский государственный театр оперы и балета), Moskovskij prospekt, 1, 7 8352 58-00-96. The building itself is worth a visit. In colloquial language it is called "The Elevator". In addition to the architectural aspect, the theater also organizes many beautiful shows for adults and children.
  • 19 Chuvash theater of the young spectator (Чувашский театр юного зрителя), boulevard Egersky, 36, 7 8352 51-85-40.
  • 20 Chuvash state puppet theater (Чувашский государственный театр кукол), Prezidentsky boulevard, 15, 7 (8352) 62-38-40.


  • 21 Mir-Luksor (Мир-Луксор), prospekt Lenina, 23, 7 (8352) 56-45-08, @. It was the cinema that was built in the city and later adapted to modern standards. It has two rooms.
  • 22 KinoKaskad (КиноКаскад), Prezidentsky boulevard, 20, 7 (8352) 22-63-66. The cinema is located in the "Kaskad" shopping center, on the fourth floor and has 5 screens.
  • 23 Sinema 5 (Синема 5), prospekt Jakovleva, 4B, 7 (8352) 22-33-00. Large 8 screen cinema in the MTV center on the 5th floor.



In the city you will find a large number of nationwide chains: M-Video, Perekrestok, Sportmaster, Kopejka, El'dorado, Karusel 'and others.


  • 1 Detsky Mir (Детский Мир), prospekt Lenina, 26, 7 (8352) 62-26-72. Simple icon time.svg8:00-20:00.
  • 2 ZUM (Центральный Универмаг (ЦУМ)), ulitsa Karl Marx, 47 (near the hotel "Čuvašija"), 7 (8352) 62-42-73. Simple icon time.svg09:00-20:00.
  • 3 Univermag Šupaškar (Универмаг "Шупашкар"), ulitsa Traktorostroitelej, 1 (next to McDonald's), 7 (8352) 28-86-84. Simple icon time.svg09:00-20:00.

Shopping centers

  • 4 Karusel ' (Гипермаркет "Карусель"), Presidentsky boulevard, 23, 7 (8352) 24-03-08. Simple icon time.svg07:00-23:30. Large shopping center, on the first floor you will find the Karusel hypermarket, on the second M-Video.
  • 5 MTV-Centr - Grand Siti (Торговый комплекс "МТВ-Центр - Гранд-Сити"), prospekt Jakovleva, 4A-B (Relatively close to the train station.), 7 (8352) 66-46-02. Simple icon time.svg10:00-20:00.
  • 6 Mega-Moll (Торговый комплекс "Мега-Молл"), ulitsa Kalinina, 105A (Next to the Spartak stadium.), 7 (8352) 38-70-11. Large shopping mall which features a car dealership and restaurants on the first floor.
  • 7 Kaskad (Торговый комплекс Каскад), Presidentsky boulevard, 20 (Opposite the Karusel Shopping Center.), 7 (8352) 48-41-23. Recently opened and therefore not yet particularly stocked.
  • 8 Perekrestok (Торговый комплекс "Перекресток"), ulitsa Leningradskaya, 22, 7(8352)24-03-25. Simple icon time.svgh24. This chain also has branches in ulitsa Mira and other points of the city.


  • 9 Central food market (Центральный продовольственный рынок), ulitsa Gagarina, 1, 7 8352 55-54-48 (meat department), 7 8352 56-39-32 (vegetable department). Simple icon time.svg10:00-18:00.
  • 10 Severnaya (Ярмарка «Северная»), Moskovskij prospekt, 40A, 7(8352) 22-13-02.

How to have fun

Night clubs

  • 1 Renaissance amusement center (Дворец Развлечений "Renaissance"), ulitsa Ivanova, 9, 7 (8352) 58-17-76.
  • 2 Mega Galaxy Amusement Center (Galaktika) (Развлекательный центр Mega Galaxy (Галактика)), ulitsa 50 let Oktjabrja, 1, 7 8352 28-33-01, 7 8352 63-24-74 (bowling). Simple icon time.svg10:00-06:00. Fun center with bowling (4 lanes), billiards and bar, has 4 dance floors.
  • 3 Piramida bar-disco, ulitsa El'gera, 20, 7 (8352) 40-04-85. Simple icon time.svgh24. The center has a billiard room and dance floor, as well as a sauna.
  • 4 Zažigalka nightclub (Клуб "Zажигалка"), pl. Rečnikov, 5, 7 (8352) 58-53-09. The restaurant is part of a network of red light clubs.
  • 5 Bar Malina (Renaissance), ulitsa Ivanova, 9 (near the bay.), 7 (8352) 58-17-76. Simple icon time.svg22:00-05:00.
  • 6 Neon nightclub (Клуб «Неон»), ulitsa Pavlova, 12, 7 (8352) 45-73-86. Simple icon time.svg11:00-05:00.
  • 7 KISS Bar (KISS Бар), ulitsa Traktorostroitelej, 11, 7 (8352) 44-10-72. Simple icon time.svgSun-Thu 16: 00-01: 00; Fri-Sat 16: 00-05: 00. Red light venue.

Where to eat

The national cuisine of Chuvash is in many ways reminiscent of the Tatar cuisine. The "chupla", a kind of rustic with porchetta and potatoes, the "kakaj-šurpi", a soup of entrails, and the "tultarmaš", a particular cured meat, should be mentioned. After all, the restaurants and cafes where Chuvash national dishes are served are not very many in the city. The most popular drink is beer, given the centuries-old tradition and in Čeboksary there are still establishments and special beers can be tasted. There is also the Akkond Sweet Factory, which produces chocolates and sugared almonds. The products of this factory can also be purchased directly in the shops indicated on the official site.

Moderate prices

  • 1 Kafe Centr (Кафе «Центр»), ulitsa Karl Marx, 47A (same building as Casa Torgovli), 7 (8352) 62-34-87. Simple icon time.svg08-00-20-00. Cafeteria near the city center with excellent cuisine at very affordable prices.
  • 2 Kafe KZS (Кафе "КЗС"), ulitsa Jaroslavskaja, 39 (near the "Al'fa" Bank), 7 (8352) 62-00-78. Simple icon time.svg09:00-22:00. Buffet bar with not too fast service. Sometimes clean trays are missing.
  • 3 Mega-Moll shopping mall restaurants (Ресторанный дворик ТК "Мега Молл"), ulitsa Kalinina, 105A (In front of the Spartak stadium.). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 09: 00-21: 00; Sun 09: 00-20: 00. Set of fast food on the mezzanine floor of the mall. There are fast food chains such as Subway, Sbarro, tašir-Pizza.
  • 4 McDonald's ("Макдоналдс"), 7 8352 62-86-06 (Prezidentsky boulevard), 7 8352 50-05-13, 7 8352 50-05-43 (prospekt Traktorostroitelej). Simple icon time.svg09:00-20:00. There are two branches in Čeboksary: ​​one on Prezidentskij boulevard, 5/7 and the other on prospekt Traktorostroitelej, 1/34 wing 1.
  • 5 Kafe Parus (Кафе «Парус»), ulitsa Gagarina, 35B; prospekt Lenina, 24; prospekt Gor'kogo, 34A, 7 (8352) 28-29-63 (ul. Gagarina), 7 8352 62-34-85 (pr. Lenina), 7 (8352) 43-21-91 (pr. Gor'kogo). Simple icon time.svg08:00-23:00. It is a chain of buffet restaurants. The atmosphere is very welcoming, the food is good: there are several similarities with the Mu-Mu restaurant chain in Moscow. It is possible to pay by credit card.
  • 6 Nik's pizza (Пицца «Ник»), Prezidentskij prospekt, 9; Moskovskij prospekt 12; ulitsa El'menja, 12, 7 (8352) 62-26-91 (Prezidentsky boul.), 7 (8352) 58-74-13 (Moskovskij pr.), 7 (8352) 34-35-45 (ul. El'menja). Simple icon time.svg10:00-22:00. Network of pizzerias, the first to be opened in the city. Cozy place, but a bit small. The pizza is particular, but good. Credit card payments are accepted.

Average prices

  • 7 Hollywood sushi bar (Суши-бар "Голливуд"), prospekt Lnina, 23 (on the first floor of the Mir-Luksor cinema), 7 (8352) 62-49-60. Simple icon time.svg11:00-24:00. Wi fi diasponibile.
  • 8 Gril'-Bar Krolič'ja Nora (Гриль-бар «Кроличья нора»), ulitsa Vorob'evych, 5, 7 (8352) 62-43-22. Simple icon time.svgDom-Mer 10:00-02:00; Gio-Sab 11:00-05:00. È possibile gustare della carne di coniglio.
  • 9 Ristorante Echrem Chusha (Ресторан «Ехрем Хуша»), ulitsa Efremova, 8 (accanto al museo della birra.), 7 (8352) 62-73-79. Simple icon time.svg10:00-23:00. Il ristorante si trova nel centro della città. Vi si possono gustare piatti tipici ciuvasci. Il cibo è buono.
  • 10 Kafe BarDuck (Кафе BarDuck (Бардак)), ulitsa Vorob'evych, 16, 7 (8352) 62-06-88. Simple icon time.svg11:00-24:00. Il nome del Bar in italiano si potrebbe tradurre come "Caffè Caos"; In questo Bar vengono trasmessi i maggiori eventi sportivi e si seve un'ottima birra alla spina.
  • 11 Bar Kamelot (Бар «Камелот»), ulitsa Ševčenko, 27 (accanto al mercato Kolchoz), 7 (8352) 56-00-82. Ecb copyright.svg50 rubli (solo il week-end).
  • 12 Kafe giapponese Idzumi (Японское кафе «Идзуми»), ulitsa Rečnikov, 3 (al nuovo porto fluviale), 7 (8352) 58-78-77. Simple icon time.svgDom-Giov 11:00 23:00,Ven-Sab 11:00-01:00. Sushi Bar. Accettano carte di credito.
  • 13 Pizzeria Tupizza (Пиццерия «Тупицца»), pl. Rečнikov, 1; ulitsa Lenina 29, 7 (8352) 587263 (pl. Renčikov), 7 (8352) 422775 (ulitsa Lenina). Simple icon time.svg11:00 - 02:00. Rete di pizzerie molto simile alla concorrente "Sbarro".
  • 14 Kafe italiano (Итальянское кафе), ulitsa Lenina, 9. Nel bar si trovano poster di artisti italiani e si può ascoltare musica jazz.

High prices

  • 15 Kafe Blin Komov (Кафе «Блин Комов»), prospekt Lenina, 19, 7 (8352) 62-43-76. Simple icon time.svg08:00 - 23:00. Cucina europea. Wifi available.
  • 16 Bar ungherese Mad'jar (Венгерский бар «Мадьяр»), Prezidentskij boulevard, 11, 7 (8352) 62-88-4. Simple icon time.svg11:00-23:00. Ristorante nel quale vengono serviti piatti tipici ungheresi. Locale piccolo e accogliente con musica ungherese.
  • 17 Ristorante messicano Čili (Мексиканский ресторан «Чили»), prospekt Lenina, 32, 7 (8352) 57-39-75. Simple icon time.svgDom-Gio 12:00-01:00; Ven-Sab 12:00-03:00. Ristorante messicano con arredamento insolito. Ogni domenica alle 19:00 si tengono delle proiezioni di film. Wi fi disponibile, si accettano carte di credito.
  • 18 Ristorante italiano Al Dente (Итальянский ресторан «Al dente»), prospekt Lenina, 2, 7 (8352) 39-97-99, 7 (8352) 62-27-36. Simple icon time.svg07:00-02:00.
  • 19 Ristorante Akatuj (Ресторан «Акатуй»), Skladskoj proezd, 1, 7 (8352) 63-62-16. Ecb copyright.svgentrata: 50 rubli. Simple icon time.svg12:00-00:00. Centro divertimenti e svago con bowling. Musica dal vivo.

Where stay

Moderate prices

  • 1 Albergo Sport (Гостиница «Спорт»), ulitsa Nikolaeva, 21 (Non molto lontano dal centro. Dalla stazione ferroviaria: filobus nn. 1, 4, 12, 14, fermata "ulitsa Nikolaeva"; maršrutki nn. 35, 41, 31, 36, stessa fermata che per i filobus. Una volta arrivati al mo umento a Nikolaev, costeggiare l'omonimo parco.), 7 (8352) 55-24-89, fax: 7 (8352) 55-24-77, @. Ecb copyright.svgCamera singola: a partire da 1100 rubli. Doppia e tripla: dai 950 rubli a posto.. Albergo di tipo sovietico, ristrutturato. Una parte delle stanze ha i servizi in comune. L'hotel dispone di un bar (Ellada) nel quale viene servita la colazione. Esiste anche una sauna da 8 posti, oltre a un parcheggio per gli ospiti dell'hotel.
  • 2 Hotel Irina (Частная гостиница «Ирина»), prospekt Gor'kogo, 7 (Filobus n. 12 o maršrutka nn. 31, 59, fermata "Institut Obrazovanija", continuare 100 m. a piedi.), 7 (8352) 45-00-30, fax: 7 (8352) 45-85-01. Ecb copyright.svgSingole da 950 rubli, dopie e triple da 1100 rubli.. Piccolo hotel abbastanza lontano dal centro cittandino, camere piccole, ma accoglienti e alcune dispongono di cucina propria. La colazione è compresa nel servizio. Disponibile parcheggio, bar e ristorante.
  • 3 Hotel Zarja (Гостиница «Заря»), ulitsa Chevešskaja, 34, 7-8352-637630. Ecb copyright.svgSingola a 1100 rubli (2014). L'albergo si trova al primo piano di un condominio. Disponibile Wi fi.

Average prices

  • 4 Albergo Mir (Гостиница «Мир»), prospekt Mira, 42 (Fermata "Gostinitsa Mir" (maršrutka nn. 42, 51, 52, 54, 48, 45; filobus: nn. 5, 9, 15, 18)), 7 (8352) 63-70-30, 7 (8352) 63-28-79, 7 (8352) 55-51-25, fax: 7 (8352) 63-70-30. Ecb copyright.svgSingola da 1400 rubli; doppia: da 1600 rubli; tripla. 2200 rubli (2011). Piccolo albergo non lontano dalla stazione degli autobus. Colazione compresa nel prezzo. In ogni stanza disponibile cucina. Disponibile bar con servizio in camera (aperto 07:00-22:00).
  • 5 Hotel Rossija (Гостиница «Россия»), ulitsa Gagarina, 34 (Dalla stazione ferroviaria filobus nn. 6, 16 o maršrutka n. 57 o autobus n. 220, fermata "Gostinica Rossija".), 7 (8352) 63-66-77, fax: 7 (8352) 63-01-80, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingola da 1600 rubli e doppia da 230 rubli (2011).. Hotel in stile sovietico, ristrutturato e adattato agli standard modeni. Si potrebbe considerare un hotel a due stelle. Dispone di un parcheggio e di un bar al primo piano. Disponibile Wi fi gratuito. È possibile organizzare esursioni pe grandi gruppi di persone prenotando con almeno un giorno di anticipo.

High prices

  • 6 Hotel DIS (Гостиница «ДИС»), ulitsa Civil'skaja, 11, 7(8352)30-00-25, fax: 7 (8352)63-42-80, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingola da 1900 rubli, doppia da 2360 rubli (2011).. Un certo numero di stanza è attrezzata con i più moderni comfort. All'interno dell'hotel si trova l'irish pub Molly Mallone. Disponibile un centro benessere e una sala congressi.
  • 7 Hotel Čuvašija (Гостиница «Чувашия»), prospekt Lenina, 2 (Dalla stazione ferroviaria filobus nn. 4, 12, maršrutki nn. 31, 36, 41, 44, 50, 59, autobus nn. 7, 23, 226, 232, 5, 15, fermata "Gostinica Čuvašija".), 7 (8352) 63-66-77, fax: 7 (8352) 62-45-67, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingole da 1800 rubli, doppie da 2500 rubli (2011). Hotel a tre stelle nel centro città. Wi fi gratuito e annesso ristorante italiano (Al Dente) al primo piano dello stesso edificio.
  • 8 Hotel Atal (Гостиница «Атал»), Prezidentskij prospekt, 13 (Dalla stazione filobus n. 1, 4, 12 o maršrutka n. 31, 36, 41, 44, 50, 59 o autobus n. 23, 226, 232, 15 fino alla fermata Plošad' Respubliki; procedere, poi, per 300m a piedi), 7 (8352) 62-25-01, 7 (8352) 62-45-22, @. Ecb copyright.svgsingole da 2400 rubli (2011). L'hotel si trova nel centro città accanto alla baia. L'edificio è stato ristrutturato nel 2007 e ora dispone di un parcheggio, una sauna e di una sala conferenze. La colazione potrebbe essere non inclusa nel prezzo. Wi fi gratuito.


La città è relativamente sicura ma è necessario tener presente le solite precauzioni tenendosi alla larga da gruppi di giovani dall'area aggressiva che si possono incontrare in qualsiasi punto della città. Di notte, conviene stare attenti soprattutto nelle zone periferiche e nelle zone residenziali.

  • 7 Policnico (Республиканская клиническая больница), 7 835 258-47-81. Si tratta del più grande ospedale della città che oltre a essere un importante centro universitario di ricerca medica, è anche la struttura ospedaliera più attrezzata e affidabile in caso di necessità

Per quanto riguarda le forze di polizia, ci sono uffici e guardiole disseminate per la città. Il numero d'emergenza (gratuito) da comporre in caso di necessità è 002.

How to keep in touch

Post office

Logo delle poste russe

Il codice di avviamento postale di Čeboksary è 428000In tutto il territorio cittadino ci sono all'incirca una trentina di uffici postali, quindi non vi sarà difficile trovarne uno nel caso ne aveste bisogno. Gli uffici sono facilmente identificabile dal logo che vedete qui di fianco. Di seguito vi elenchiamo i principali.

Town center

  • 8 Ufficio centrale delle poste (Главпочтамт), prospekt Lenina, 2, @. Simple icon time.svg08-20 (il sabato 09:00-18:00).
  • 9 Ufficio postale n. 32 (Почтовое отделение 32), ulitsa Leningraskaja. Simple icon time.svg08-20 (il sabato 09:00-18:00).
  • 10 Ufficio postale n. 3 (Почтовое отделение 3), ulitsa Engels, 3. Simple icon time.svg08-20 (il sabato 09:00-18:00).

Nord-Ovest della città

  • 11 Ufficio postale n. 1 (Почтовое отделение 1), ulitsa Gor'kij, 10 (vicino al parco dei 500 anni della città). Simple icon time.svg08-20 (il sabato 09:00-18:00).

Sud-Ovest della città

  • 12 Ufficio postale n. 23 (Почтовое отделение 23), ulitsa Entuziastov, 23 (vicino all'istituto nazionale ciuvascio). Simple icon time.svg08-20 (il sabato 09:00-18:00).


  • 13 Ufficio postale n. 5 (Почтовое отделение 5), ulitsa Vinokurova, 23 (nella parte nuova della città). Simple icon time.svg08-20 (il sabato 09:00-18:00).
  • 14 Ufficio postale n. 9 (Почтовое отделение 9), ulitsa Vinokurova, 67. Simple icon time.svg08-20 (il sabato 09:00-18:00).


I numeri di telefono fissi in città hanno tre cifre, in formato internazionale dovrete comporre 7 8352 XX XX XX dove 7 è il prefisso nazionale russo e 8352 è il codice di Čeboksary.


Monastero della Trinità a Alatyr'
  • 15 Alatyr'. Si trova sul fiume Sura. Cittadina con architettura variegata, che conta anche diversi monasteri del XVIII-XIX secolo. Equidistante da Čeboksary, Ul'janovsk is Saransk. Da Mosca è raggiungibile con il treno (stazioni Šumerlja e Kanaš) e da lì si può proseguire in maršrutka. Con l'auto ci si arriva percorrendo la M7.
  • 16 Civil'sk. Piccola cittadina a 37 km da Čeboksary, raggiungibile con la M7. L'attrazione principale è il monastero femminile Tichvinskij, costruito nel XVII secolo (l'edificio attuale però è del XIX secolo).
  • 17 Parco etnoculturale Suvar (Этнокультурный парк «Сувар») (suklla riva sinistra del Volga.).
  • 18 Museo dei cosmonauti (Музей космонавтики), villaggio Šoršely (Uscita M7 "poselok Kugesi" per Tatmyši.). Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10 am-5pm. Complesso museale nel luogo di nascita del cosmonauta A. Nikolaev. Il museo apre previa prenotazione. Raggiungibile da Čeboksary con gli autobus nn. 113, 155.
Un edificio religioso a Koz'modem'jansk
  • 19 Monastero maschile Aleksandro-Nevskij (Александро-Невский мужской монастырь) (Uscita M7 per selo Sundyr'.), @. Questo antico monastero in legno si trova in una zona abbastanza isolata dalle grandi città. È fortemente consigliato raggiungerlo servendosi di autobus o chiedendo un passaggio ad abitanti del luogo, in quanto è facilissimo perdersi se ci si avventura da soli nella campagna paludosa intorno alla città.
  • 20 Koz'modem'jansk. Archetipo della famosa città di Vasjuki del libro di Il'f e Petrov "Le dodici sedie". La città si trova nella regione vicina della Repubblica dei Mari.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Čeboksary
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Čeboksary
3-4 star.svgGuide : the article respects the characteristics of a usable article but in addition it contains a lot of information and allows a visit to the city without problems. The article contains an adequate number of images, a fair number of listings. There are no style errors.