Čerepovec - Čerepovec

Theater in the old town
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Čerepovec - Coat of arms
Čerepovec - Flag
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Čerepovec (Череповец) is the largest city in theVologda Oblast.

To know

Although Čerepovec is not the administrative capital ofVologda Oblast, is certainly the economic one thanks to the presence in the city of the large company it hosts, which is part of the steel group Severstal '. On the other hand, this company has meant that its wealth has made Čerepovec a little more expensive than one would expect from a provincial Russian city of its size.

While there aren't many sites to see in the city, it is a good base for seeing the many attractions of Vologda Oblast.

Geographical notes

The city is located near the main Volga-Baltic waterway, west-east railways, gas pipelines, and between two Russian federal cities, Moscow is St.Pietroburgo.

When to go

Maximum (° C)-6,6-5,70,68,516,520,423,120,214,26,9-0,9-5,9
Minimum (° C)-15-15-10-149121050-5-11
Precipitation (mm)463738314576727757595455


The foundation of Čerepovec is traditionally attributed to two Orthodox monks Feodosy and Afanasy. In 1362 they founded the Resurrection Monastery of Čerepovec, in the vicinity of which a small village of Fedosyevo was founded. Historians consider the former village of Fedosyevo to be the center of modern Čerepovec. It took several centuries to develop the small village into an important commercial, manufacturing and regional transport center. Čerepovec obtained city status in 1777 from Catherine the Great and became the center of a uyezd separate in the administrative structure of the Novgorod Governorate.

The construction of the Mariinsk canal system in 1810 had a significant impact on the development of the city. The development of the city became more dynamic after the emancipation reform in 1861 and the appearance of the shipbuilding industry. The city soon became an important logistics and shipbuilding center connecting the main regional railways and waterways.

The subsequent development of the city is closely related to the completion of the construction of the Čerepovec steel mill in 1955, the second largest in the country. Unlike most of the major metallurgical centers of the former Soviet Union, the location of the future steel plant was chosen away from actual mineral resources and deposits. The reason for this was the logistical advantage of having a well-developed infrastructure that allowed the north and north-west of the country to be connected by rail, road and waterways in a single operating system. It connected remote mining centers such as Vorkuta is Olenegorsk.

How to orient yourself


Administratively the city is not divided in any way, but historically the following division has been defined:

  • Industrial (Индустриальный, in the local vernacular simply "City"). The oldest part of the city, on the west, borders the factory area (JSC "Severstal" enterprises).
  • Zayagorbsky (Заягорбский, "District"). It is located east of the industrial district and southeast of the north, across the Yagorba River. It is connected by bridges with the industrial and northern regions.
  • Zasheksninsky (Зашекснинский, popularly also "104th" or "Prostokvashino"). As the Russian name suggests, it is located across the Sheksnaya River, south of the Industrialny and Zayagorbsky districts. It can only be reached from the industrial district, along the Oktyabrsky bridge.
  • Severny (Северный, FMK area, popularly called "Plywood"). The Fanero-Furniture Factory area is located north of the Industrialny district. The neighborhoods are separated by a railway.
  • Углы. A remote area between PJSC Severstal and JSC Apatit near the city landfill.

How to get

By plane

By air, the only company serving Čerepovec is there Severstal Air Company. They have daily flights from Moscow (Moscow-Vnukovo Airport), some flights from Moscow Domodedovo Airport and occasionally flights from St.Pietroburgo, Penza is Sochi, Petrozavodsk is Helsinki. With sufficient planning and knowing how to work with Russian travel agents, you can find flights at reasonable prices.

On the train

The easiest and cheapest way to get to Čerepovec is by train from St.Pietroburgo or Moscow.

From St. Petersburg, the best option is the Vologda train "Belye Nochi" (Literally "White Nights"), which departs at 22:40 and arrives at 06:18 the next day. There are also trains that go to other locations such as Archangel, Ekaterinburg (often known by its old name of Sverdlovsk) e Almaty, which cross Čerepovec.

From Moscow, there is really only one option, unless you travel to first Vologda, which can be quite difficult. This option is the Moscow-Čerepovec train, which departs daily at 21:05 and arrives at 08:35 the next day. Both trains are "firmenny"or of better quality. As on most trains, there are"Platskart"(open sleeping car),"Kupe"(closed wagon) and a couple of forms of"Lyuks"(Deluxe wagons). For more information refer to the website of the Rossijskie železnye dorogi (RZD), the Russian railways.

How to get around

By public transport

There are various bus lines that run frequently throughout the day, but to really get your bearings on these buses, or in all of Čerepovec, you need some Russian. Buses run approximately every hour from 5: 00-20: 00 per Vologda and back, and many of these buses are of the highest quality. There are also frequent buses to Kirillov, Belozersk, Ustjužna, Rybinsk, Yaroslavl and other locations.

By taxi

Taxis are by far the most convenient way to travel to Čerepovec. From the train station the prices are a bit higher. The great thing is that the prices are set and determined by the regions you are traveling to.

What see

There are not many attractions in Čerepovec. The main street is Sovetsky Prospect and you can take a nice walk along it. At the end of Sovetsky is the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ which has been restored and a nice park around it on the Cathedral Hills with a small museum of one of the first mayors of the city: Milyutin. In addition, the Church of the Nativity, which is located further down the embankment, was also restored. In Sovetsky there is a small museum with some local artifacts, and nearby is another museum of local aristocrat and 19th-century painter Vasily Vereshchagin, known for its oriental landscapes and themes. Another main site is the main bridge that connects the Zasheksninsky region with the rest of the city. There are also many monuments and parks throughout the city. Čerepovec is accessible to many fascinating sites in the Vologda region, included Vologda, Kirillo-Belezersky Monastery, Belozersk is Ustjužna.

Events and parties

Some of the major holidays and events to look out for (besides the usual Russian events) include Metallurgist Day, Čerepovec Day, and the Miss Severstal pageant.

What to do

There are many interesting things to do in and around Čerepovec. During the summer, the beaches on the Sheksna River are ideal for sunbathing, but swimming may not be safe. There is a beach in every major part of the city. It is possible to take boat trips along the Sheksna for about 1.5 hours from Ulitsa Nabarezhnaja, just look for the boat. Just outside the city is another man-made lake beach and a couple of resorts. There are also several hiking trails near the Sheksninsky district. The dachas (Russian summer houses) can be rented, but it is best to find a Russian to act as an intermediary by introducing you to them.

In winter there are several places to rent ski. For ski touring, there is a spot right on Sheksna near the Metallurgy Palace. Just south of the city you can find downhill skiing and sledding. There is a track of skating in the sports complex in the city center. Now there are also a couple of runs from bowling, one on the Lenina Prospect and one in the Zashekninsky (Saturn) region.


The Suveniry shop on Sovetsky Prospect has some of the best souvenirs in Russia at the best prices, including local handicrafts and costumes. There are many shops along Sovetsky Prospect and Lenina Prospect to really find everything you need, although it is better to buy a few things in the main cities. In addition, there are many shopping malls throughout the city and they continue to build more.

How to have fun


There are several cinemas throughout the city: Kino Royal has a smoking area, but you can sit on the sofas. KinoMir has several large theaters.

Night clubs

There are some larger nightclubs throughout the city including: Terminal, Truba, Dacha, Boogie-Woogie, and Royal.

  • Great Britain Pub (Паб Британия), st. Lenin, 43-a. Ecb copyright.svgHot dishes: from 300 RUB (2011). Simple icon time.svgfrom 11:00. The interior is really styled like a British pub and there are different types of English and Irish draft beers on the menu. Free WIFI.
  • Two Pints ​​Pub (Паб Две пинты), st. Pervomayskaya, 50 (In the Zarechensky district). Ecb copyright.svgHot dishes: from 250 RUB (2011). Indeed, a brasserie with almost the best assortment of (exclusively foreign) draft beer in Čerepovec. In the pub itself, the choice of food is limited, but dishes can also be ordered from the nearby Aviator restaurant, which offers not only European but also Japanese cuisine.
  • "Platina" night club and "Chocolate" restaurant (Ночной клуб "Платина" и ресторан "Шоколад"), st. Ledneva, 4 (In the Zarechensky district). Ecb copyright.svgHot dishes: from 300 RUB (2011). Simple icon time.svg18:00-6:00. A full-fledged nightclub with rigorous face control. The restaurant is located inside the club and, strangely enough, is distinguished by a quiet and welcoming atmosphere, as well as good European cuisine with an inevitable touch of sushi.

Where to eat

In general, there are many good options of places to eat in Čerepovec as the city is quite rich thanks to the steel industry.

Moderate prices

  • Cafe Vinaigrette (Кафе Винегрет), st. Maxim Gorky, 85. Simple icon time.svg8:00-23:00.
  • Cafe Pen-Pnem (Кафе Пень-Пнём), st. Maxim Gorky, 26. Simple icon time.svg10:00-22:00. Self-service café with an emphasis on national cuisine.
  • McDonald's, Victory Avenue, 100a. Simple icon time.svg00:00-4:00-5:00-24:00. Small standard McDonald's with a 100 seat lounge and a shopping driveway straight from the car.

Average prices

  • Il Patio Restaurant, st. Lenin, 48-a. Indistinguishable from similar restaurants in other cities. Free WIFI.
  • Genatsvale Vaniko Restaurant (Ресторан Генацвале Ванико), Pervomayskaya st. 50.
  • Lumiere restaurant (Ресторан Люмьеръ), Prospect Pobedy, 61. Common European cuisine at affordable prices. Loud live music in the evening.
  • Munich beer restaurant (Ресторан Мюнхенское пиво), st. Mira, 18. Cheap beer restaurant.
  • Pirosmani restaurant (Ресторан Пиросмани), Prospect Pobedy, 58b. Ecb copyright.svgHot dishes: 200/300 RUB (2011). Georgian cuisine.
  • Garden of the Karavai restaurant (Ресторанный дворик Каравай), Sovetsky Prospect, 75 (Second and third floor). Simple icon time.svg12:00-24:00. It offers good Russian cuisine. On the third floor, under the same roof, there is a café, a sushi bar, a pizzeria and a steak bar, and on the second a full-fledged restaurant. Wi-Fi announced.
  • Little Tokyo sushi bar (Суши-бар Маленькое Токио), Sovetsky pr. 58. Simple but nice Japanese restaurant.
  • Derevenka Penkovo ​​Tavern (Трактир Деревенька Пеньково), st. Gorky, 26. Ecb copyright.svgHot dishes: 200/300 RUB (2011). Simple icon time.svg12:00-24:00. A Russian style restaurant. Good feedback.
  • Sadko tavern (Трактир Садко), st. Lomonosov, 4. It's reminiscent of a roadside cafe, decorated with sofas and paintings hanging on the walls. Free WIFI.
  • Pizzeria. It has good pizza, albeit with a Russian twist.
  • Park Palas, Ulitsa Maksima Gorkogo. It offers good European cuisine and a large outdoor section. It's also one of the quieter options if you're just looking for a couple of drinks.

High prices

  • Deja Vu restaurant (Ресторан Дежа Вю), st. Krasnodontsev, 30 (Zarechensky district, in the building of the "Severnye Zori" hotel). Ecb copyright.svgHot dishes: from 400 RUB (2011). French cuisine, many culinary delights.
  • Sushi-san restaurant (Ресторан Суши-сан), st. Pervomaiskaya, 30A (On the second floor, the entrance from the street is common with the food supermarket located on the first, in the Zarechensky district). Ecb copyright.svgHot dishes: 250/450 RUB (2011). Simple icon time.svgMon-Thu 12: 00-24: 00, Fri-Sat 12: 00-3: 00. Proper Japanese restaurant. Despite the name, the assortment is not limited to sushi, but includes almost all major types of Japanese cuisine. Good feedback.
  • Trattoria La Ville, Pobedy Prospect, 100 (In the Zarechensky district). Ecb copyright.svgPasta: 200/350 RUB, hot dishes: from 300 RUB (2011). Simple icon time.svgMon-Thu 12: 00-24: 00, Fri-Sat 12: 00-5: 00. Proper Italian restaurant. Good feedback.

Where stay

The hotels in the city have not improved much since the Soviet era.

Moderate prices

Average prices

  • Business hotel (Бизнес-отель), st. Batyushkova, 7a (In the Zasheksninsky district), 7 8202 32-35-25, 7 8202 62-32-00. Ecb copyright.svgDouble room: 1800/2400 RUB (2011). Hotel with 6 rooms (all equipped with amenities). Breakfast. Free unattended parking. Free WIFI.
  • Avelia hotel (Гостиница Авелия), st. Krasnodontsev, 124 (In the Zarechensky district, on the outskirts), 7 8202 62-19-63, 7 8202 62-19-36, 7 8202 64-20-74. Ecb copyright.svgDouble room: 1.800 RUB (2011). Rooms with comfort. Free parking. Internet access declared.
  • Azalia Hotel (Гостиница Азалия), st. Krasnodontsev, 126 (In the Zarechensky district, on the outskirts), 7 8202 64-22-06, 7 8202 28-04-18, 7 8202 28-91-46. Ecb copyright.svgDouble room: 2000 RUB (2011). 14 rooms, most with private facilities. Free parking. Free WIFI.
  • Azot Hotel (Гостиница Азот), st. Krasnodontsev, 30A (In the Zarechensky district), 7 8202 23-66-61, 7 921 050-78-00. Ecb copyright.svgEconomy / standard double room: 1500/2300 RUB (2011). Single and double rooms with private facilities; economy and standard differ only in the presence of repairs of European quality. In general conditions and reviews are not bad: free parking, free Wi-Fi, but far from the center.
  • Voskresenskaya hotel (Гостиница Воскресенская), Sovetsky pr.82 (In the center), 7 8202 51-11-08. Ecb copyright.svgDouble room: 2.200 RUB (2011). A small hotel that contains specially designed deluxe rooms and regular budget rooms (shared facilities). Breakfast.
  • Harmony Hotel (Гостиница Гармония), st. Vologda, 35 (In the center), 7 8202 50-46-55. Ecb copyright.svgDouble without / with convenience: 1400/2000 RUB. Another mini-hotel with incomprehensible contents.
  • Gloria Hotel (Гостиница Глория), Ustyuzhenskaya st. 7 (On the western outskirts of Čerepovec), 7 8202 22-06-31, 7 8202 22-86-18. The hotel is located on the first floor of the hostel. Mixed reviews.
  • Unity Hotel (Гостиница Единство), st. Lomonosov, 19 (Southwest of the center), 7 8202 22-88-89. The hotel has been transformed from a residential building. Mixed reviews.
  • Leningrad hotels (Гостиница Ленинград), blvd. Domenchikov, 36-a (In the center), 7 8202 57-38-27, 7 8202 57-16-22. Ecb copyright.svgDouble room: from 1,500 RUB (2011). A normal Soviet hotel with expensive renovated and cheap old rooms. Free parking, breakfast. Wi-Fi announced.
  • Edinstvo hotel. Less expensive than the Hotel Amparo, but also less nice.
  • Metallurg hotels (Гостиница Металлург), st. Vologodskaya, 5a (In the center), 7 8202 55-47-78 (reservation), 7 8202 57-26-11 (administrator). Ecb copyright.svgDouble: 2,500 RUB (2011). Comfortable and spacious rooms recently refurbished. Free parking, breakfast, Wi-Fi. Good feedback.
  • Northern Dawns Hotel (Гостиница Северные зори), v. Krasnodontsev, 30 (In the Zarechensky district), 7 8202 23-83-43, 7 8202 23-83-40. Ecb copyright.svgDouble: 3,000 RUB (2011). Recently renovated Soviet hotel. Rooms with amenities, but the reviews are extremely mixed. Breakfast. Free WIFI.
  • Steel rolling hotel (Гостиница Сталепрокатчик), st. Ustyuzhenskaya, 9 (In the western suburbs), 7 8202 57-29-32. Ecb copyright.svgSingle without / with convenience: from 850 / 1,800 RUB (2008). The renovated and antique rooms vary greatly in terms of price and level of comfort. Expensive rooms have Wi-Fi.
  • Planet hotel and leisure complex (Гостинично-оздоровительный комплекс Планета), st. Mont Clair, 17a (In the Zasheksninsky district), 7 8202 32-15-31, 7 8202 31-82-63. Ecb copyright.svgDouble: 2,400 / 2,800 RUB (2011). Single and double rooms with private facilities. A restaurant. Secure parking. Is there Wi-Fi.

High prices

  • Arm Premier Hotel (Арм Премьер Отель), North Highway, 45a (Northeast of the center), 7 8202 29-10-99. Ecb copyright.svgDouble: 4,800 RUB (2011). New construction, comfortable and expensive rooms, but rather uncomfortable location. A restaurant. Free WIFI. Good feedback.
  • Versal Hotel (Гостиница Версаль), Sovetsky pr.47 (In the center), 7 8202 51-90-86, 7 8202 51-91-59. Ecb copyright.svgSingle / double: 2,200 / 3,600 RUB (2011). Single and double rooms with private facilities. Breakfast. Free WIFI. Mixed reviews.
  • Discovery mini-hotel (Мини-отель Дискавери), st. Godovikova, 8 (In the Zasheksninsky district). Ecb copyright.svgFrom 3,000 RUB (2011). Three rooms, "elite sauna" is promoted.
  • Amparo hotels (Отель Ампаро), st. Lenin, 52-a (In the center), 7 8202 51-11-53. Ecb copyright.svgDouble room: 4200 RUB (2011).. Nice modern but very expensive hotel with its own restaurant. Breakfast or half board. There is Wi-Fi (possibly for a fee).
  • VIP-Hotel, st. Novoselskaya, 13/34 (In the Zasheksninsky district), 7 8202 60-44-77. Ecb copyright.svgDouble: from 3,000 RUB (2011). A hotel with a pretentious name in one of the most remote areas of the city. Rooms with comfort. Secure parking. Free WIFI.
  • Scandinavia Hotel (Отель Скандинавия), Lunacharsky Ave., 22 (At the intersection of Milyutina and Truda streets, in the city center), 7 8202 552888. Ecb copyright.svg3.700 / 4800 RUB. The hotel is spread over three floors, one of which is an attic, the number of rooms is 24. Each hotel room is equipped with all the necessary comforts: air conditioning, TV, bed with orthopedic mattress, bathroom with a complete set of perfumery hotel.


In Čerepovec you have to be careful in the area of ​​Bardina, Chkalova and Ustyuzhenskaya streets, the unofficial name is "Bermuda Triangle". As a rule, these streets are dominated by drunk young people. It is advisable to avoid visiting these streets at night if possible, otherwise the impression of a holiday in Čerepovec will be spoiled.

How to keep in touch


The quality of communication in the city is acceptable almost everywhere. If you are planning to travel outside the city, it is better to take "Megafon", as it has much more coverage in the suburbs and, consequently, a better quality of communication.


Wi-Fi is found in many hotels and cafes and may soon appear all over the city. The Čerepovec administration is devising plans to equip wireless Internet in public transport, which in the case of brand new buses will seem quite natural, but for old trams the word "Wi-Fi zone" should look surreal. As of summer 2011, Wi-Fi is available on bus 444 (runs on lines 37, 38, and 39), which you should look for to access the internet. In addition, a Wi-Fi zone is available in some branches of Sberbank.

Mobile Internet is provided by "Megafon" and "Beeline", a "modem starter pack" set can be purchased at any point of sale of the respective provider.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Čerepovec
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Čerepovec
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