Spain - Ισπανία

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Flag of SpainSpain


Fast Data
Capital cityMadrid
StateFederal Reigning Parliamentary Democracy
CoinEuro (€ EUR)
Area504,782 km2
Population47,007,367 (2018 estimate)
Calling Code 34
Time zoneCET3 (UTC 1)

THE Spain (Spanish: España) is a country in the south-west Of Europe in Iberian Peninsula and an important tourist destination. Spain ranks second on the UNESCO list. UNESCO World Heritage Sites), after Italy.

Spain is famous for its friendly inhabitants, relaxed lifestyle, cuisine, vibrant nightlife and local festivities, as well as its history as the core of the vast Spanish Empire.


Spain is divided into regions, which have different language / dialect and cultural traditions. They also have a unique history and politics. Due to the above, Spain is divided into 17 autonomous communities (Spanish: comunidades autónomas) and two autonomous cities. Some of the autonomous communities - especially those that have other official languages ​​besides Spanish - are recognized as "historical nationalities", which have a unique historical identity. These are: the Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia, the region of Valencia, Andalusia, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.

The regions of Spain are grouped as follows:

Areas of Spain
Northwest Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria)
It has a mild climate, bare mountains and coastal areas.
Northern Spain (Aragon, Basque Country, Navarre, La Rioja)
Known for its cuisine and its landscapes or for its coastal areas San Sebastian or for its wineries La Rioja.
Eastern Spain (Catalonia, Valencia, Murcia)
There are impressive Roman ruins and popular beaches bathed by the Mediterranean Sea.
Central Spain (Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Castile and Leon, Extremadura)
It has a more extreme climate than the rest of Spain. In this area is also the capital of Spain, the Madrid.
This area is full of history, including Moorish architecture and the strong influence of Arab culture. It also has mountains and beaches.
Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Minorca, Ίμπιζα, Formentera)
Extremely popular destinations with Mediterranean beaches.
Canary Islands (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Fuerteventura, La Gomera, Lanzarote, La Palma, El Hierro)
Volcanic islands off the coast of Africa, a popular getaway from mainland Spain.


Spain has many interesting cities. Below are the most popular:

  •   Valencia (Spanish: Valencia). The country that "gave birth" to the paella (Spanish: paella). It also has very beautiful beaches.
  •   Barcelona (Spanish: Barcelona). Its capital Catalonia is one of the most sought after cities in Europe for weekend youth tourism. Her famous nightclubs play a role
  •   Cordoba (Spanish: Córdoba). It is also called "Cordova". The Grand Mosque (Mezquita) of Cordoba is one of the best buildings in the world.
  •   Madrid (Spanish: Madrid). The vibrant capital with fantastic museums, interesting architecture, great food and nightlife.
  •   Seville (Spanish: Seville). Its cultural and economic capital Of Andalusia and an important tourist destination. A wonderful city, in which is located the third largest Cathedral in the world.
  •   Bilbao (Spanish: Bilbao). Former industrial city. Here is the Guggenheim Museum. It is the main city of the Basque Country.
  •   Zaragoza (Spanish: Zaragoza). It is also called Tharagotha. It is the fifth largest city in Spain to host the 2008 World's Fair.

Additional tourist destinations

  • Costa Blanca (Spanish: Costa Blanca) - The Costa Blanca or "White Coast", with its city center Alicante includes its southern beaches Valencian Community. The   Benidorm, a poor fishing village until the 1960s, now has more per capita skyscrapers than any city in the world. These huge hotel units with a variety of amenities and relatively low prices attract mainly elderly tourists and retirees from the richest countries of Europe who vacation there all year round.
  • Costa Brava (Spanish: Costa Brava) - The Costa Brava or "Wild Coast" extends to its north Barcelona up to the border France Spain, while the southern part of the beach Catalonia is known as the "Costa Dorada" (Golden Coast). Its most popular resort Catalonia is   Lloret de Mar. which attracts young people from all over Europe.
  • Costa del Sol (Spanish: Costa del Sol) - The "Costa del Sol" or "Coast of the Sun" stretches to Andalusia, from its borders Murcia until Gibraltar. Important resorts of the Sun Coast are the busiest   Torremolin and its cosmopolitan marina   Marbella which attracts Arab emirates and Russian tycoons.
  • Galicia (Spanish: Galicia) - Historic and small towns of world renown. It is known for its seafood and for most Blue Flag beaches of any other autonomous region.
  • Canary Islands (Spanish: Canary Islands) - Undoubtedly this volcanic island, with its rich vegetation, is the most sought after of Canary Islands. The capital   Las Palmas is famous for the liveliness of its inhabitants. More and more tourists from all over Europe are participating in the carnival festivities of Las Palmas.
  •   Ίμπιζα (Spanish: Ibiza) - Mykonos, Spain. It is one of the Balearic islands. It is one of the best places for clubbing, raving and DJs around the world.
  •   La Rioja (Spanish: La Rioja) - This area is famous for its wine. Fossilized dinosaur footprints have also been discovered there.
  •   Mallorca (Spanish: Mallorca) - The largest island of Balearic has a variety of resorts which attract 11 million holidaymakers annually.
  •   Sierra Nevada (Spanish: Sierra Nevada) - The "snowy mountain range", which extends along the area Granada of Anadalousias, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Spain. In 1999 the mountain range was declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO. Also in the Sierra Nevada is the southernmost   ski Center of Europe. It has the highest mountains of the Iberian Peninsula, which are a great choice for climbing or a simple walk.
  •   Tenerife (Spanish: Tenerife) - This area has rich forests, exotic fauna and flora. It also has deserts, mountains, volcanoes, beautiful beaches and amazing beaches.

At a glance

It is a country with great beaches, mountains, camping sites and ski resorts, and it has great weather. Spain has a varied and fun nightlife, as well as many cultural sites and historic cities. All this has distinguished it as one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe for any kind of travel. It is a country with great geographical and cultural diversity. Spain can be a surprise for those who know only its reputation for wonderful beach holidays and almost endless sunshine. It has everything from lush meadows to snow-capped mountains and huge swamps and deserts to the southeast. While summer is the peak season, those who wish to avoid the crowds should consider visiting it during the winter months, as then not only the weather is milder, but also attractions such as the Alhambra Palace (or Red Palace). Palace) in Granada and the Grand Mosque in Cordoba will not be overcrowded. However, the Sierra Nevada ski resorts are very crowded. The Mediterranean climate prevails in southern and central Spain for dry summers and somewhat wet winters, so when you visit in winter or spring you will see the vegetation, which looks healthier. Northern Spain, on the other hand (eg Asturias), has plenty of rain all year round and lush vegetation even in August.


Some of the oldest known Homo finds in Europe have been found in Spain. Spain is considered to be the last refuge of the Neanderthals and one of the few places inhabited during the glaciers.

Early Spain and Roman times

See also: Roman Empire

The first inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula we know were the Iberians, the Celts (who are related to the Gauls, the British and the Celts of Central Europe) and the Basques. Most of these groups had little or no written records, we know of them thanks to the writings of the Greeks, Carthaginians and later the Romans, who colonized Spain from the south starting in the 3rd century BC. . Roman civilization lasted on the peninsula for about half a millennium, until the Visigoths conquered the Roman province of Spain.

Visigothic Spain

Most locals continued to speak Latin or rather Latin languages ​​/ dialects and only a few German words entered the Spanish language [the word "ganso" (Greek: goose) is the most common]. Soon after the conquest of Spain by the Visigoths, a series of rival "kingdoms" and small noble states were formed, which were in almost constant conflict, in ever-changing and uncertain alliances, which provoked wars.

Muslim Spain and the "Al-Andalus "

The Alhambra and the city of Granada

In 711 a Visigothic leader sought help from the Umayyad Muslims to assist in the battle against their enemies. The histories of that time in Spain are rather bad examples and there are almost no modern Muslim sources. This proved more successful than one might have imagined and by the end of the 8th century most of the peninsula was in Muslim hands. While the nearly 800 years of divided Christian and Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula were by no means peaceful. The majority of Christian rulers did not have as their priority to "regain the lost lands" and for this no coordinated efforts were made. In fact, many times Christian leaders formed alliances with Muslim leaders against other Christian leaders and vice versa. While the situation for Muslims in Christian lands and vice versa, as well as the Jews, who depended heavily on the disposition of the leader, who could be in any position from a well-intentioned assassination to deportation. Religious minorities were in a much better position in Spain than in any other part of Europe at the time. The Sephardic Jews (so named from the Hebrew word for Spain) were in fact one of the most important groups in Spain at that time, as they enhanced education and science, but also dominated the Jewish people worldwide (estimated at the time in the 1990s). % of Jews were Sephardim). On the other hand, in the 19th century about 90% of the Jews were Ashkenazi (Germans and Europeans of the East). This period ended when, by marriage, the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon, as well as some smaller Christian territories, united and their leaders began to oppose the Muslim leaders. In the process of regaining Spain, most of the large mosques and synagogues were desecrated and converted to Christian churches.

Some of the most glorious historical sites in Spain date back to the period of Muslim rule, such as the Grand Mosque and the Medina Athahara of Cordoba, the Madinat al-Zahra, the Al-Andalus Palace and the Alhambra in Granada. palace). There are also two synagogues built during the time of Muslim Spain: Santa María la Blanca in Toledo and the Cordoba synagogue in the Old Town.

Reconquista and the Imperial Period

It is also known as the "reconquista", it was completed in 1492 with the fall of Granada and all the Jews were forced to leave Spain, while by 1526, all Spanish Muslims had suffered the same fate. 1492 also marks the point where Spain began to become the world's most powerful empire with territories in North, Central and South America, Africa and the Philippines (named after King Philip of Spain). The "new Christians", as they were called, were often not sincere in their (forced) conversions to ensure religious "purity", the famous Spanish interrogation was created. Genetic studies conducted in modern times indicate that a large percentage of modern Spaniards are of at least partial Jewish and / or Muslim descent, which may surprise some, as the concept of "true Christian" (rather than "converso") soon began. after the expulsion of all the descendants of the converts from Islam in 1609.

With the Habsburg House, Spain had close relations with the Austrian Empire and reached the height of its power in Europe during the 16th and early 17th centuries, controlling mainly the Benelux and Italy. Spain was weakened because the Habsburg House lost the Thirty Years' War in 1648.Further weakening came from ineffective governance and religious intolerance that drove the formerly prosperous and productive Jewish and Muslim minorities, hindered free research and - paradoxically - silver devalued the currency and could not yet devalue it.

The colonization of Central, South America and Mexico was particularly radical, as there were hundreds of indigenous deaths and many immediate killings because the wealth of "unknown countries" was sought after by the Spaniards. Today, many of the colonized countries have Spanish as their official language and have adopted Spanish culture (Spanish is now the second most spoken language in the world, after Mandarin and before English, and Catholicism also prevails in the former Spanish colonies). In the 19th century many movements of independence of those countries were created from the kingdom of Spain, with leaders such as Simón Bolívar and Augustín de Iturbide. These movements successfully created new independent nations throughout South (or Latin) America. By 1898, Spain had lost most of its colonies during the Spanish-American War: it lost Cuba, then sold Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam to the United States. The war of 1898 was a huge shock to Spanish culture and destroyed the image of Spain as a leading power and thus created a new literary movement (known as the "Generation of '98"). For most of this time, Spain was not really a kingdom ruled by a monarch. While the monarch had broad powers, there was no such thing as an "absolute" monarchy in Spain and in the various regions - mainly the Basque Country - they had many special privileges and autonomies given either to the "people", the local ruler or the " free men ". This proved difficult to resolve when Spain became a Republic and is an issue that Spain is struggling with even in the 21st century.

The 20th century

Spain went through a devastating civil war from 1936 to 1939, during which half a million Spaniards were killed, followed by the doctorate of Francisco Franco Bahamonde for more than 30 years. The civil war began with a coup in Spanish-occupied North Africa (now part of Morocco) against the socialist part of the people (it was a popular faction at the time, which included communist, socialist, liberal, Christian-democratic and conservative parties). This whole situation started in France in response to fascism. The fascist side came from a group of generals. However, some of them died in a plane crash or went with Franco. Although the League of Nations (the forerunner of today's United Nations) tried to make intervention impossible, Mussolini's Italy and Nazi Germany ignored the incident, helping Franco's nationalist side, while the Soviet Union and to some extent Mexico , provided assistance to the democratic side. The Democratic Party called for volunteers in the so-called "international brigades" and about 20,000 British, Americans, French and even Germans joined the fight. However, the Republican side was plagued by a shortage of weapons and ammunition (some of their rifles were produced in the 19th century), by internal strife between communists and anarchists, and by Stalinist purges ordered by supporters of Republican Mospan in Spain. Many people of this generation fought in the Spanish Civil War or were covered up by - usually biased - war correspondents, such as George Orwell, Ernest Hemingway and later German Chancellor Willy Brandt. At the moment there is well-written literature and some films that, if not always, are historically accurate and manage to perfectly capture the spirit of the vain idealism that led many to go to Spain. Just like in the American Civil War, photojournalism provided significant coverage of the events. During the Spanish Civil War, journalism, literature and the arts developed. The Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid has an exhibition of wartime art, with a central exhibit of Pablo Picasso (Guernica).

The war was a victory for Franco because of the best ammunition power and help from the Nazis (including the war crime with the bombing of Guernica). Franco managed to unite the not at all homogeneous nationalist forces with his charismatic leadership and remain in power during World War II (in which he remained neutral) until his death. After his death he was succeeded by King Juan Carlos. The Spanish Civil War is still an open wound and it is difficult for anyone to talk about the days of the Franco regime. To this day, conservatives and Catholics (Republicans were quite anti-clerical) sometimes apologize for Franco and the "necessity" of war. Franco's legacy was that historically important regional identities and languages ​​(such as Catalan and Basque) were violently suppressed and a policy of strong national identity was promoted under the Spanish / Castilian language. While violent groups such as the Basque Country and Freedom (Basque: Euskadi ta Askatasuna / ETA) were active even during Franco's reign, there was almost no organized opposition, neither violent nor peaceful at the time. Franco oversaw the rapid economic growth of Spain with its industrialization in the 1960s. Spain joined NATO (and not the EU or any of its predecessors) while still ruled by Franco. The ugly separation of Spain from its African colonies took place in the last years of Franco and is a reason for controversy in Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony.

With the peaceful transition to democracy after Franco's death, the restrictions on the identity of the regions were lifted, some regions were granted autonomy and the local languages ​​became co-official along with the official Castilian language in the respective regions. The nature of the transition meant that there was little justice for those who suffered from Franco's doctorate and there are still divisions. Shortly after King Juan Carlos - to the surprise of many - insisted that the country become a Parliamentary Republic with a King with limited responsibilities and a nominal head of state, the Conservative military tried to overthrow the emerging Republic on February 23, 1981. this fact is also known as 23F). One of the most striking images of the coup was General Tejero in the House of Representatives, who led the 200-member gendarmerie and interrupted the vote to replace center-right Adolfo Suarez with Adolfo Suarez. Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo (Spanish: Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo) for Prime Minister. The coup failed mainly because of a lack of popular support and because the king - in his capacity as Chief of General Staff - appeared on television in his uniform to order the soldiers to return to the camps and thus the Republic was established. This resulted in the King's strong support even from the Spanish Republicans for most of his reign. However, the monarchy is rather unpopular between the autonomous / independent movements of Catalonia and the Basque Country. The ruling center-right UCD party under Leopold Calvo Sotelo wrongly denounced the Andalusian desire for regional self-government and thus lost the 1982 election, one of the largest against any modern Republic, and led the Spanish Socialist Party (Socialist Socialist Labor Party). Español / PSOE). This led to the formation of the People's Party (Partido Popular / PP) from the ruins left behind by the temporary collapse of the center-right. The PSOE was led at that time by the relatively young Andalusian Felipe González and still has his support today.

The Basque country in northern Spain had launched a violent uprising in 1959, and Franco continued his campaign of bombings and assassinations in the Democratic Republic with the terrorist group Basque Country and Freedom (Basque: Euskadi ta Askatasuna / ETA). of a high degree of autonomy. The group declared a ceasefire in 2011 and the armed struggle is still threatening with its appearance. Even in the "democratic" 1980s (under Prime Minister Felipe Gondhalet, PSOE 1982-1996), the Spanish government responded with methods now known as "death squadrons" to fight terrorism. .

Uncertain times and third millennium

In the 2000s there was greater economic growth and a rise in house prices, which then collapsed, leaving Spain with high unemployment and economic hardship. As a member of the "alliance of the willing" with US President George W. Bush, he participated in the "war on terror." Spain was hit by an Islamic terrorist attack on several suburban trains in Madrid on March 11, 2004 (known in Spain as the 11-M) just days before the general election. Conservative Prime Minister Aznar's insistence that the perpetrators were Basque terrorists with whom the Social Democratic opposition PSOE wanted to negotiate led to the victory of José Luis Rodrκεguez Tapateré (Lap Rodrog). His government, however, fell in late 2011 as an early result of the economic crisis that hit Spain hard. The economically important Catalan region is also growing in its demands for independence from Spain. In 2017-2018 the conflict broke out. as the central government, led by the centrist and conservative PP, had in the past worked to overturn key aspects of a wider autonomy regime, while parts of the Catalan parliament held an independence referendum deemed illegal by the central government and largely it was boycotted by the opponents of independence. In 2018, the government of Mariano Rajoy Brey complained about the crisis in Catalonia and corruption with a weak coalition led by PSOE leader Pedro Sánchez after a vote. distrust. In 2014, King Juan Carlos resigned, marking the first change of monarch since Franco's death. The current king is his son, Philip VI (Spanish: Felipe VI de España).


Spain maintains a historical attachment to its neighbors in the Iberian Peninsula: Andorra and Portugal as well as the inhabitants of the former colonies and their descendants, as well as to a special category of former citizens, namely the Sephardic Jews.
The population of Spain is greatly increased due to immigration due to migration from relatively poor or politically unstable areas of Latin America, such as Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador and Peru, other parts of Europe, mainly Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia, especially from regions with historical or linguistic ties to Spain. There is also a significant part of immigration consisting mainly of retirees and businessmen and foreign tourists coming from richer EU countries, such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg). and the Nordic countries, on the shores of the Mediterranean, mainly on the Costa Blanca (Alicante), the Costa del Sol (Malaga) and the Balearic Islands.

There is also internal migration from poorer areas (such as Andalusia) to cities and jobs such as construction companies or tourism. Due to the financial crisis of 2000 and 2010, youth unemployment rose to unbearable levels of 50% and many young people left Spain for a while and went to other EU countries, such as Germany, to study. or for an internship, until things got better in Spain, while others left it forever.


See also: Spanish phraseology

In Spain the official language is Spanish (Spanish: español), which is Latin (such as Portuguese, Italian, French, etc. Many people, especially outside Castile, call them Castilian). castellano).

However, there are different languages ​​/ dialects (Catalan, Basque, Galician, Asturian, etc.) spoken in different parts of Spain. Some of these languages ​​are co-official with Castilian in their respective regions, although most people are bilingual knowing their local language and Castilian. Catalan, Basque, Galician are recognized as official languages ​​according to the Spanish constitution. With the exception of Basque (whose origins are still debated), the languages ​​of the Iberian Peninsula have Latin roots and are quite easy to learn / understand if you are fluent in Castilian.

  • Catalan (Cat .: català, Cast: Catalan): Catalan is a distinct language similar to Castilian but more closely linked to the Oc branch of Latin languages ​​and is considered by many to be part of a continuous dialect that spans the whole of Spain, France and Italy, as well as other languages, such as Provençal, Bearnez, Limousin, Auvernhat and Niçard. Various dialects are spoken in its northeastern region Catalonia, at Balearic Islands and in Valencia (often referred to as Valencià), east of Aragon, as well as neighboring Andorra and southern France. To a simple listener, Catalan superficially seems to be a cross between Castilian, French and Portuguese and although it shares the characteristics of all three, it is a separate language.
  • Galician (French: galego, Cast .: gallego): Galician is very closely related to Portuguese and is spoken in Galicia and the western regions of Asturias and Leon. Galician precedes Portuguese and is considered one of the four main dialects of the Galician - Portuguese language family, spoken in Brazil, southern and central Portugal and Galicia. While the Portuguese consider it a dialect of Portuguese, the Gauls consider their language independent.
  • Basically (Basque: euskara, Cast .: vasco): Basque is a language not related to Castilian (or any other known language in the world) and is spoken in the three provinces of the Basque Country, in the two adjacent provinces on the French side. Spanish-French border and Navarre. Basque is considered an isolated language that is not related to any Latin and / or Indo-European language.
  • Asturian (Ast .: asturianu, Cast .: asturiano): The Asturian is also known as "bable" and is spoken in the Asturian dialect. They are also spoken in rural areas of Leon, Zamora, Salamanca, in some villages in Portugal (where it is called Mirandés) and in villages north of Extremadura. While the Spanish Constitution explicitly protects the Basque, Balearic-Catalan-Valencian, under the Catalan, French and Castilian languages, it does not explicitly protect the Asturian.However, the province of Asturias fully protects it and Spain protects it tacitly, without challenging it before the Supreme Court.
  • Argonauts (Aragonese: aragonés, Cast .: aragonés): Aragonese are also known as "fabla" and are spoken in the northern part of Aragon and are not officially recognized. This language is close to Catalan (especially Benasque) and Castilian, with some influences in Basque and Octa (southern France). Today, only a few villages near the Pyrenees use the language extensively, while most also mix Castilian in their daily speech.
  • Aranika (Aranès: Cast: Aranés) and is spoken in the Aran Valley and is recognized as the official language of Catalonia (not Spain), alongside Catalan and Castilian. This language belongs to the Gascon Octatic branch and is therefore very closely related to Provençal, Limousin, Languedoc and Catalan.

In addition to the mother tongues, many languages, such as English, French and German, are usually taught in school. However, Spaniards are not known for their ability in foreign languages ​​and it is very rare to find locals who are familiar with foreign languages ​​outside the main tourist areas or major international hotels.

It has been said that most of Spain's major tourism industry buildings have staff members who speak good English and especially popular beach resorts such as the Costa del Sol. There you will find people who speak many languages ​​fluently, usually German and French. English is also a more widely spoken language in Barcelona and Madrid (though not to the same extent) than in the rest of the country. Portuguese and Italian because they are similar to Spanish, it will be easier to communicate with the locals if you know any of these languages ​​(although there may still be a slight difficulty). German is spoken in some areas frequented by German tourists, such as Mallorca.

Spanish / Castilian differs from Latin American dialects in pronunciation and grammar, although all Latin American dialects are easily understood by Spaniards and vice versa. While the differences in spelling are almost non-existent, the differences in words and their pronunciation between "Spanish-Spanish" and "Spanish-Mexico / Argentina / Chile etc." are arguably larger than those between "American" and "British" English.

French is the most widely understood foreign language in northeastern Spain.

The locals will appreciate every effort you make to speak their language. For example, if you know at least the word for "good morning" (buenos días) and for "thank you" (gracias).

How to get there

Entry requirements:

Minimum validity of travel documents

Spain is a member Schengen Agreement.

  • There are usually no border controls between countries that have signed and implemented the treaty. This includes most of the European Union and some other countries.
  • There are usually authentication checks before boarding international flights or boats. Sometimes there are temporary border controls at land borders.
  • Similarly, a check on any Schengen member applies to all other countries that have signed and implemented the treaty.
  • Look at it "Traveling in the Schengen area"for more information on how the system works, which countries are members and what are the requirements for your nationality.

EU, EEA and Swiss nationals entering Spain with an identity card under the age of 18 and traveling without their parents are required to have their parents' written consent. For more information, visit the website of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Citizens of Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Mauritius, Saint Kitts and Nevis and the Seychelles are allowed to work in Spain without the need for a 90-day visa or other leave. However, this visa-free work opportunity does not necessarily extend to other Schengen countries.

For stays longer than 90 days for non-EU, EEA or Swiss nationals almost always require a visa advance. If one stays for more than 6 months, one must obtain a residence permit (Title of Residence) within the first 30 days of his entry into Spain.

There are several ways to enter Spain. From neighboring European countries, it is possible by car or train. Also, ferry services are available from many Mediterranean countries, while long-distance visitors will probably use air travel.

With airplane:

Its control tower Madrid-Barajas

The airline with the flag of Spain is Iberia, while you can look at the other two major airlines Vueling and Air Europa. There are also many other airlines connecting most European countries, Africa, America and Asia. Almost all low-cost European carriers often provide services in Spain, such as: TUI Airways, EasyJet, Ryanair, Wizz Air and

The busiest airports are Madrid-Barajas airport, the Barcelona El Prat, the Palma de Mallorca and Malaga, followed by Seville, της Valencia, του Bilbao, του Alicante and his Santiago de Compostela.

For mainland Spain, Madrid-Barajas, Barcelona and Malaga are the most likely entry airports, as they have by far the largest number of international flights. For the islands, you will probably get directly to an island airport without connecting via another Spanish airport.

By train:

See also: Traveling in Europe by train

AVE in Spain (Spanish high-speed train)

The train system in Spain is modern and reliable, most of the trains are brand new and the accuracy rate is one of the highest in Europe. The only problem is that not all residential areas have a train station (small towns do not have a train station) in which case you will need to take a bus. Another issue with the Spanish railway network is that the lines are arranged radially, so that almost all lines run to Madrid. This is why sometimes traveling from one city to another nearby can take longer by train than by bus if they are not on the same line. Always check if the bus or train is more convenient. However, the Spanish high-speed rail system is more reliable than the German one because the range of traditional and high-speed trains is different, so high-speed trains are used only by high-speed passenger trains, which means fewer delays due to congestion. or technical problems. All lines crossing the border in France have either a shut-off meter (resulting in a change of train or lengthy gauge change if necessary) or are high-speed, making high-speed trains the preferred choice to cross the border. Trains between Barcelona and France are operated jointly by SNCF and RENFE and simultaneously sell tickets for each international train on this route.

By bus:

Almost all the companies that operate Intercity buses in France, including Ouibus, and even the German players DeinBus and Flixbus offer buses to / from Spanish destinations. Spanish companies with international connections include Alsa and Linebus. In general, buses will save you money and may have WiFi or electrical outlets in your seat, but if cost is not your main concern, choose a train or airplane that is comfortable and fast if you only travel for transportation.

With ship:

From the United Kingdom, the Brittany Ferries offers services from Portsmouth and Plymouth to Santander and from Portsmouth to Bilbao. Travel time from Portsmouth to Santander is about 24 hours.

Spain has ferry routes to North Africa (especially the Tunisia and Morocco) and Canary Islands who are members of Spain. Routes are also available to its Spanish islands Mallorca, της Minorca, της Ίμπιζα and her Formentera.

Another popular route is from Barcelona until Genoa.

How to move

By train:

  • THE Renfe is the Spanish national railway carrier. Long-distance trains always run on time, but be aware that short-distance trains (called Cercanías) can be long delays, from ten to twenty minutes, and especially in the Barcelona area, where delays are up to 30 minutes. To be safe, always take the train earlier than you need to. It also manages narrow-gauge trains FEVE running mainly near the North Atlantic Coast (from Ferrol to Bilbao). Buying tickets online with a foreign credit card can be difficult, however those with a PayPal account may find it easier to buy them. Renfe also has high speed trainsAVE, whose network starts from Madrid to the big cities along the coast. Spain has the second largest high-speed network (behind China) and has built many new lines until the financial crisis in the late 2000s.
  • THE FGC performs various local routes near Barcelona. Both Renfe and FGC operate in these places, usually FGC provides more trains per hour, has better trains on time and stations are closer to city centers. On the other hand, trains are slower and individual tickets are more expensive.
  • THE FGV provides local services in the Valencia region, which is also covered by Renfe and has a tram service in Alicante.
  • THE Euskotren has affordable services from Bilbao to Guernica, the Bermeo and the San Sebastian. There is also a line connecting San Sebastian with Irun and Hendaye (France). The trip Bilbao - San Sebastian is approx 2 hours 40 minutes, while buses connect cities to approx 1 hour, although bus tickets cost about twice of the train. All trains, except the entire Bilbao - San Sebastian line, run twice an hour and with additional trains at peak hours.

By bus:

The least expensive way to get to most parts of Spain is by bus. Most major routes are point-to-point, and at very high frequencies. There are many companies that serve in some autonomous communities or provinces of the country with multiple routes or in a single route from one big city to several surrounding villages and cities. The following services serve more than one area:

  • ALSA (former Continental Auto), ☏ 34 902 422242. The largest bus company with point-to-point routes throughout the country and with partnerships with various other regional companies and / or subsidiaries.
  • Grupo Avanza, ☏ 34 902 020999. It operates by bus between Madrid and the surrounding autonomous communities of Extremadura, Castile-Leon, Valencia (via Castile-Leon). In some areas they operate through their subsidiaries, such as: Alosa, Tusza, Vitrasa, Suroeste and Auto Res.
  • Socibus and Secorbus, ☏ 34 902 229292. These companies operate bus services, which run between Madrid and western Andalusia, such as Cadiz, Cordoba, Huelva and Seville.

At the bus station, each service has its own ticket office or window and usually only one controller oversees a specific destination. However, it is easier to ask the staff, who will be happy to let you know who manages which route and to direct you to a specific office or window. You can also see what is available at or see "By bus" under "Getting in" or "Getting Around" in the article for a specific autonomous community, province, or local community. It is not usually necessary or more convenient to book tickets in advance, as someone can show up and take your seat on the available bus. Most bus companies can book in advance online. However, the English translation on their sites is not very good.

By boat:

Wherever you are in Spain, from your private boat you can enjoy beautiful scenery and get away from the inevitable crowds of tourists flocking to these destinations. May is a very pleasant time to visit the Costa Brava, Costa Blanca and Balearic Islands, as the weather is good and the crowds have not yet filled these places. The summer months of July and August are the hottest seasons and tend to have lighter winds. There is no low season for the Canary Islands, as the weather looks like spring all year round.

If you want to take a boat to Spain, including the Balearic Islands and Canary Islands, the U.S. Coast Guard license is the only acceptable certification Americans need for a bareboat.

Although a ruler may be needed, a chef may not be necessary. Food is a strong part of the Spanish tradition. If you plan to moor in the harbor and explore great bars and restaurants, a hostess can only be useful for serving drinks and making beds. The extra crew can take up valuable space on a narrow boat.

By car:

Spanish motorway network

In large cities such as Madrid or Barcelona and in medium-sized cities such as San Sebastian, commuting is both costly and frustrating. Also, the fines for improper parking are large (85 € and over).

Have a driving map or GPS, because it is necessary - many roads are one-way. Left turns are rarer than left turns (they are also unpredictable).

Traveling by car is interesting if you plan to move from one city to another every other day, ideally if you do not plan to park at night in large cities. Also, it will not hurt you as the landscape is beautiful and worth it. However, keep in mind that gas prices have risen significantly in the last year and gasoline taxes are significantly higher. In Spain they have a good public transport network that connects (almost) all points of interest for tourists, so ask yourself if driving is really worth the cost and hassle, as the train will be faster than the car.

There are two types of motorways in Spain: Autopistas and Autovías, which are more like highways / highways. Most motorways - Autopistas have tolls, while motorways - Autovías are generally free. Speed ​​limits range from 50 km / h in cities up to 90 km / h on rural roads, 100 km / h on the streets and 120 km / h in autopistas and autovías.

Two-lane junctions usually have a roundabout below the highest - so you can pick any turn and start driving in the opposite direction there.

The green light for cars to turn is often at the same time as the green light for pedestrians: every time you turn, check if pedestrians cross the intersection while they do not have a green light for them.

The payment process at gas stations varies from station to station (eg Agip, first fill the tank and then pay in-store). Gasoline is relatively cheap compared to other EU countries. and Japan, but is more expensive than the US.


Spain is not a good country for hitchhiking. Sometimes you can wait many hours. Try talking to people at gas stations, parking lots, etc. But, they are generally scared and suspicious, but if you make them feel that they do not need to be afraid, they will gladly accept you and show their generosity.

In the south of Spain, in and around the Alpujarras, hitchhiking is very common and it is also very easy to stop. Of course, if you speak a little Spanish and do not look very dirty or scared, you will be able to find someone very easily.

Car Borrowing:

If you are planning to travel to big cities or explore cities away from tourist places you will find many companies that offer car rental (such as Hertz, Budget, Imperial Spain and Europcar) at affordable prices due to the high competition between car rental agencies. Choose to rent a car with GPS, as it will be easier to drive than to have a map.

Spanish drivers can be unpredictable and some of the roads in southern Spain, such as in the area of ​​Mλαlaga and the Costa Del Sol, are dangerous. Some drivers are not always careful when parking near other cars, especially when parking on a street is limited. You should also consider a fully fledged insurance package that includes collision damage relief (CDW) and vehicle theft protection, as well as liability coverage. Many car rental companies offer an insurance option where you can choose to reduce your vehicle overrun. This means that if an accident occurs, you will not be financially responsible for all the extra costs. Check your travel insurance as well as other insurances to make sure you do not pay twice for the same coverage.

The child seats are available with all vehicles so that your children can travel safely and comfortably.

Air conditioning is essential during the hot Spanish summer months. In addition, you should make sure that you always have water with you.

If you "stay" with the car during your vacation you will want a car rental company that gives you free roadside assistance from trained engineers. Cars often overheat in Spain, while tires are vulnerable to hot roads.

Car rental companies can accept payments to another foreigner when you pay by credit card. Pay attention to the normal costs associated with the dynamics of currency conversion.

By bike:

Spain is a good country for cycling and you can see many cyclists in some cities. Cycling lanes are available in most medium and large cities, although they are not comparable in number to what you can find, e.g. in other Central European countries, but certainly more than those in Greece. It should be borne in mind that depending on where you are in Spain, you could face a very mountainous area. Central Spain is very flat, but near the coast the landscape is often very hilly, especially in the north.

Bicycle rental station in Valencia

There are many options for cycling in Spain: with a tour guide or sponsored tours, you can rent bikes or bring your own bike or any combination. Supported tours can be found everywhere on the internet. For unsupported excursions if you speak a little Spanish it helps a lot. Extreme temperatures are avoided in the Emergency Lines and ensure the availability of the hotel in non-tourist areas. Good hotels cost around € 35- € 45 inside, breakfast is usually included. The menus of the day cost around 8 € -10 € and are places where the locals eat. The side roads are usually well paved, typically Spanish drivers are careful and polite around tourist cyclists. Road signs are usually very good and easy to follow.

Most areas and cities in Spain are modernizing and introducing special bike lanes on the roads. Bicycle exchange systems are usually reasonably priced and branches are being set up in cities across the country.

By taxi:

All major cities in Spain are served by taxi, which is a convenient, albeit expensive, way to get around. Taxis in Spain are said to have more reasonable prices than those in the United Kingdom or Japan. Most taxi drivers do not speak English or other foreign languages, so it is essential that you have the names and / or addresses of your destinations written in Spanish to show to your taxi driver. That's why you need to have a card of your hotel to show it to the driver in case you get lost.

What to see

The most popular beaches are those located along the Mediterranean coast and in the Canary Islands. Meanwhile, for hiking, the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the south, the Central Cordillera (north: Cordillera) and the northern Pyrenees are the best places.

Historic cities

Mezquita in Cordoba
Segovia Aqueduct

Historically, Spain has been an important crossroads: between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, North Africa and Europe, and as Europe began to colonize the New World, it was between Europe and America. As a result, the country is blessed with a fantastic collection of historic landmarks - in fact, it has the 2nd largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and the largest number of World Heritage Cities of any nation in the world.

In the south of Spain, Andalusia has many memories of old Spain. The Κάδιθ (isp .: Cádiz) considered as one of older cities permanently inhabited in western Europe, with its remnants Roman settlement that once existed there. Nearby, is the Ρόντα (ronda) is a beautiful town at the top of the cliffs and is known for its bridge, which covers the gorge and the Older bullring in Spain. THE Cordoba and the Granada possess his most striking reminders Muslim past of the nation, with its red and white striped arches Methkita in Cordoba and the amazing Alhambra Palace perched on a hill above Granada. THE Seville, the cultural center of Andalusia, has a dazzling collection of sights built when the city was the main port for trade from America. The biggest attraction is the cathedral of the city, which is the largest in the country.

Going north, opposite its plains La Mancha (Spanish: La Mancha) in central Spain, the picturesque Toledo is perhaps the historic center of the nation, a beautiful Medieval City who was sitting on a hill that is formercapital of Spain, before the construction of Madrid. North of Madrid and you can make an easy one one day trip from the capital to El Escorial (es: El Escorial), once the center of the Spanish Empire during the Inquisition, and the Segovia, known for the spectacular roman aqueduct extending to one of the town squares.

Further north in Castile-Leon is the Salamanca, known for famous university and its abundance historic architecture. THE Galicia in northwestern Spain hosts the Santiago de Compostela, at the end point of the pilgrimage route of the old street of Agios Iakovos (Spanish: Camino de Santiago) and its supposed burial place. There is probably the most beautiful cathedral in all of Spain, in the heart of the magnificent old town. Northeast Spain has some historic centers to note: the Zaragoza, with Roman, Muslim, medieval and Renaissance buildings and its two thousand years of history, and Barcelona with medieval neighborhood (isp .: Barri Gòtic).

Art Museums

L'Hemisfèric, in the city of arts and sciences (Spanish: Ciudad de Las Artes y Las Ciencias) (Valencia)

Spain played a key role in Western art, greatly influenced by French and Italian artists, but also very special in its own way, due to its history, Muslim influence, climate and later the difficulties of the decline of Spanish creating such important artists as Domenikos Theotokopoulos or "the Greek" (El Greco), Diego Velázquez and Francisco Goya. In the last century, Spain's unique position in Europe has given rise to some of the leading artists of the modernist and surrealist movements, such as Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí.

Guggenheim Museum with Salve Bridge in the foreground (Bilpmao)

Today, Spain's two largest cities hold the lion's share of Spain's most famous works of art. The Triangular Museum of Madrid hosts the Prado Museum, which includes many of the most famous works by El Greco, Velasquez and Goya, as well as some notable works by Italian, Flemish, Dutch and German artists. Nearby is the Reina Sofía, home to Picasso's Guernica, as well as a number of works by Dali and other modernist, surrealist, and abstract painters.

Barcelona is known for its amazing collection of contemporary art and architecture. There you will find the Picasso Museum, which covers quite well the early career of the artist and the architectural wonders of Anthony Gaud. (sp .: Antoni Gaudi), with swirling organic forms that are pleasing.

Apart from Madrid and Barcelona, ​​art museums are clearly smaller in size and importance, although there are some notable references that should not be overlooked. Many of El Greco’s most famous works are located in Toledo, to visit them you can arrange a day trip from Madrid. THE "The division of the garments of Christ" (Spanish: El Espolio), is perhaps the most famous work of El Greco and adorns the Cathedral. You can also find his work in one of the small art museums around the city. Located in the Basque Country in northern Spain, Bilbao is home to the impressive Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Gehry, who mapped the city. You can arrange a day trip from Barcelona, ​​is the city of Figueres, known for the Salvador Dalí Museum, designed by the Surrealist himself. Malaga in the south, is the birthplace of Picasso and also hosts two museums dedicated to his life and works.

Archaeological sites

  • Ampourias (isp .: Ampurias): The Greek and Roman cities, the Roman basilica, the temples of Asclepius and Serapides (between Girona or Girona and Fitzara, in Catalonia) have been found through excavations.
  • Antequera (Spanish: Antequera), La Manga (Spanish: La Menga) and Viera Dolmens (ισπ .: Viera dólmenes).
  • Calatrava la Nueva (isp .: Calatrava la Nueva): It is a well-preserved medieval castle.
  • Calatrava la Vieja (isp .: Calatrava la Vieja): There are remains of the Arab city and a castle of the order of Calatrava.
  • Clowns (isp .: Clunia): There are the Roman city and the forum, as well as shops, temples, public baths and Roman villas.
  • Francs (isp .: Fraga): There are Roman villas and settlements of the Bronze Age.
  • Gormath (isp .: Gormaz): It is an Arab castle.
  • Italian (isp .: Italica): It is a Roman city with an amphitheater, the city walls, the house of the Podium, the house of the peacocks, the baths of the Moorish queen, the house of Hylas and the temple complex (near Seville).
  • Share (isp .: Merida): It is a Roman city, which has a Roman bridge, amphitheater, racetrack, amphitheater house, Mithraic house with mosaics, aqueducts and museum.
  • San Juan de los Banios (isp .: San Juan de los Baños): It is a Visigothic church, which is located between Burgos and Valladolid.
  • San Pedro de la Nave (isp .: San Pedro de la Nave): It is a Visigothic church, which is located near Zamora.
  • Santa Maria de Melke (isp .: Santa Maria de Melque): It is a Visigothic church.
  • Segobriga or Segovia (isp .: Segobriga): (Cabeza del Griego) It is a Roman city, in which there is a Visigothic church and a museum. It is located between Madrid and Albacete.
  • Tarragon (isp .: Tarragona): It is a Roman city with a "cyclopean wall", which contains an amphitheater, a racecourse, and a triumphal arch.



THE La Liga Spain is one of the strongest in the world, with world - class teams such as Real Madrid and the Barcelona. The competition between the two aforementioned clubs, known as El Clásico, is undoubtedly one of the most intense in the world, as a result of the long history of political conflicts behind it. The Spanish national team is also one of the strongest in the world, having the ability to recruit world-class players from world-class leagues. It has long been rumored that he does not always win big games, but that reputation has almost collapsed following Spain's victories at the 2008 and 2012 European Championships and the 2010 World Cup.


See also: Handball in Europe

Spain is one of the most successful handball nations on earth, although it may not always reach the level of some Scandinavian or former Yugoslav countries or Germany. THE Liga Asobal, the Spanish national handball championship is one of the most difficult in the world.


Spain hosts one of the three major tours in the international cycling calendar, the Vuelta a España.


  • Through Plata Historic route 800 km. From Gijon to Seville.
  • Of St. James



Spain has many local festivals worth visiting.

  • Holy Week (isp .: Semana Santa): It is the week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. Visit Spain when many liturgies take place in the cities and Christians walk the streets of the cities with statues of the Crucified or the Virgin on their shoulders in the afternoon, playing music.Make sure you make your reservation early, as accommodations fill up quickly during this time and there is often nothing just before the festivities. The cities that are famous for their best processions are: in Mλαlaga (Spanish: Málaga), in Girona or Girona (Spanish: Girona), at Cadiz (Spanish: Cádiz), in Seville (Spanish: Sevilla) and h Andalusia. Other interesting cities are Valladolid (Spanish: Valladolid), with the silent processions and the Zaragoza, where hundreds of drums are played in processions.
  • THE Cordoba in May (isp .: Córdoba in Mayo): May is a good month to visit the city of the south.
  • The Crosses (isp .: Las Cruces): Large flowered crosses adorn the squares in the city center and at night there is music, drinks and lots of people having fun! This celebration takes place during the 1st week of May.
  • Courtyard Festival (isp .: Patios Festival): One of the most interesting cultural exhibitions. For 2 weeks (from 1st to 13th of May) some people open the doors of their houses to show their yards, which are filled with fragrant and colorful flowers.
  • Wine Fest (isp .: Montilla-Moriles Wine Cata): It is a wine tasting festival on a big stage in the city center for a week of May.
  • Feast of St. Georgiou (isp .: Dia de Sant Jordi): On April 23, the Barcelona It is decorated with roses everywhere and there are bookstores on the sidewalks. Also, book signing events, concerts and various cartoons are organized.
  • Las Fagias (isp .: Las Fallas): It is a frantic celebration organized in Valencia in mid-March and celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring. As of March 15, there are about 800 figures on the streets (p .: ninots) from flammable materials, such as paper and wood, and their height can exceed 20 meters. Usually, they represent characters from fairy tales or current affairs. On the night of March 19, they burn the puppets, except for two that have been chosen by the residents to be saved. These two are then placed in the museum and their creators are awarded.
  • The Feast of August of Malaga: This celebration includes flamenco dancing, sherry wine and bullfights.
  • San Fermines (isp .: San Fermines): It takes place in July at Pamplona, in Navarre. It lasts 9 days and has millions of viewers from around the world every year. Six bulls take to the streets and hunt people. In the end the bulls are killed in bullfights. If you decide to attend this celebration take the necessary safety measures, as every year there are many injured.
  • Feast of St. Isidro (isp .: Fiesta de San Isidro): This celebration takes place in Madrid from 11 to 15 May. It is dedicated to the patron saint of the city, who was very good at finding water. For this reason water is a key theme of the celebration. At that time there are many political activities and activities for families, with free admission.
  • Carnival (isp .: Carnival): They start in the first week of March. Carnival takes place all over Spain, however the cities that are especially known for the best organization are the following: Santa Cruz de Tenerife (isp .: Santa Cruz de Tenerife), Cadiz (isp .: Cádiz), Las Palmas de Garn Canaria (isp .: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), Stigmas (isp .: Sitges) and Ourense (isp .: Ourense).
  • Kabalgata de los Reyes Magos (isp .: Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos): On the eve of Epiphany, January 5, in the evening the children in Spain get their Christmas presents, it rains sweets and toys in every city.
  • San Sebastian International Film Festival: Held annually at San Sebastian, a beautiful city in the Basque Country, in late September.
  • La Tomato (isp .: La Tomatina): It's a huge tomato fight in Bunyol (isp .: Buñol).
  • Moors and Christians (isp .: Moros and Cristianos): Celebrated mainly in southeastern Spain in the spring. Parades and "battles" are organized and represent the struggles of medieval times.
  • In Galicia 85 festivals are held throughout the year with themes from wine to wild horses.


New Years Eve (Spanish: Nochevieja): In Spain, according to tradition, they eat a grape, as the clock counts down for the New Year to come, namely one grape for each of the last 12 seconds before midnight. That's why even small packets of grapes (exactly 12 grapes per pack) are sold in supermarkets before the new year.

La Puerta del Sol (Spanish: La Puerta del Sol) is the venue for New Year's Eve parties in Spain. At 23:59 "los cuartos" sounds some bells announcing that the 12 bells will start ringing (Spanish: campanadas). While the "los cuartos" sound moves down from the top of the clock timer, for the same purpose as the "los cuartos" sound will indicate that "las campanadas". This will be heard at 12:00 pm and it marks the beginning of a new year. According to tradition, one grape must be eaten during each ring. There is a interval of three seconds between each ring.
"Las Campanadas" are broadcast live on major national television channels, as in the rest of Spain, with people still eating grapes at home or on giant screens set up in public places in major cities, following the beatings from the Puerta del Sol in Madrid.

After the "las campanadas" ring, too many fireworks are thrown. This is a famous party in Spain and the theme is great.

Activities in nature

Below are some activities with the areas of Spain that you can watch / do.


  • Alava (Spanish: Alava)
  • Andalucía (Spanish: Andalusia):
    • Sierra Nevada (Spanish: Sierra Nevada)
    • Serrania de Ronda (Spanish: Serrania de Ronda)
  • Aragon (Spanish: Aragon):
    • Sierra de Guara available from Alquezar
    • Pyrenees available from Alquezar no
  • Asturias
  • Burgos (Spanish: Burgos)
  • Cantabria (Spanish: Cantabria)
  • Extremadura (Spanish: Extremadura):
    • Sierra de Gredos (Spanish: Sierra de Gredos)
    • Valle del Tietar (Spanish: Valle del Tietar)
  • Galicia (Spanish: Galicia)
  • Guipúzcoa
  • Leon (Spanish: León)
  • Mallorca (Spanish: Mallorca)
  • Navarra (Spanish: Navarra)
  • Vizcaya (Spanish: Vizcaya)
  • Cuenca (Spanish: Cuenca)
  • Madrid (Spanish: Madrid)
    • Barranco de Somosierra (Spanish: Barranco de Somosierra)


  • Los Mallos in Aragon (Aragon)
  • Siurana (near: Barcelona) near Barcelona


You can play really anywhere! From sidewalks to squares or stadiums. Football is the most popular sport in Spain and it is a great way to make new friends.

Whitewater sports

  • Campo (Spanish: Campo)
  • Murillo de Gallego (Aragon) in Aragon


  • Galicia (Spanish: Galicia)


  • In Northern Spain

Scuba diving

  • Costa Brava (Spanish: Costa Brava)
  • Canary Islands (Spanish: Islas Canarias)

Transactions and purchases

Template: Transactions Spain uses euro. It is one of the many European countries that use the single currency. All euro banknotes and coins are legal tender in all countries that use them.

Countries that have the euro as their official currency:

The euro is divided into 100 cents.

The official symbol of the euro is €, and the ISO code is EUR. There is no official symbol of the euro cents.

  • Banknotes: Euro banknotes have the same design in all countries.
  • Regular coins: All euro countries issue euro coins with a typical national design on one side and a common design on the other. The coins can be used in any Eurozone country, regardless of the design they depict. (eg a one euro coin from Finland can be used in Portugal).
  • Commemorative coins of two euros: These differ from regular two euro coins on their "national" side, and are legally traded. Each country can mint a certain number of them, and sometimes "pan-European" two-euro commemorative coins are minted for important events (eg the anniversary of an important treaty).
  • Other commemorative coinsCommemorative coins of other denominations (eg ten euros or more) are rarer, and have a special design, often containing some gold, silver or platinum. While they are technically a legal medium of exchange, their collectible value is greater than their face value, and you are therefore unlikely to find them in the everyday market.
Bank of Spain

Spain uses the euro, like many other European countries. One euro is divided into 100 cents. The official symbol for the euro is and its ISO code is EUR. There is no official symbol for the cent.

All banknotes and coins of this common currency are legal tender in all countries, with the exception of low denomination coins (one and two cents) gradually in some of them. Banknotes look the same in all countries, while coins have a standard common design on one side and a national design for a specific country on the other. The last side is also used for different commemorative coin designs. National planning does not affect the use of currency.

  • Cash: € 500 in banknotes are not accepted in many stores - there are always alternative banknotes.
  • Other currencies: Do not expect anyone to accept other types of currencies or be willing to exchange currency. Exceptions are shops and restaurants at airports. These will generally accept at least US dollars at a slightly worse exchange rate. If you wish to exchange money, you can do so at any bank (some may require you to have an account there before exchanging your money), where you can also cash out your travel checks. Exchange rates have disappeared since the introduction of the euro. Again, international airports are an exception to this rule. Another exception is the tourist areas in the big cities (Barcelona, ​​Madrid).
  • Credit cards: Credit cards are accepted even at a kiosk at La Boqueria Market in Barcelona, ​​at a medium-sized gas station in the middle of the country, or in small towns like Alquezar. It is more difficult to find a place where credit card is not accepted in Spain. Most ATMs will allow you to withdraw money with your credit card, but you need to know your card PIN code for this. Most Spanish stores will ask for an ID before accepting your credit card. Some stores may not accept a foreign driver's license or ID card and you will need to show your passport. This measure is designed to help prevent credit card fraud.


The tip (propina) is not mandatory in Spain unless there was something exceptional about the service. As a result, you may find that the waiters are not as careful or polite as you might be accustomed to because they do not work for a tip. If you choose to give a tip, the amount of tips in restaurants depends on your financial situation, location and type of business. If you feel you have experienced good service, leave them on the table, probably € 1 or € 2. If you do not, it is not a big deal.

The bars are expected only by tourists, especially American tourists, to leave an edge. They know that it is common in the United States to leave a tip after every drink or meal. It is rare to see anyone other than Americans giving tips in Spain. Rejection may be common at large resorts. Take a look at the other tables to evaluate if the move is appropriate.

In addition to the restaurant business, some service providers such as taxi drivers, hairdressers and hotel staff can expect a tip if you are in a luxurious setting.

Working hours

Most businesses (including most stores, but not restaurants) close the afternoons around 13:30-14:00 and reopen in the afternoon around 16:30-17:00. Exceptions are large malls or large chain stores.

For most Spaniards, lunch is the main meal of the day and you will find bars and restaurants open during this time. The Saturdays, businesses often do not reopen in the afternoon and almost all is closed on Sundays. The exception is December, where most stores in Madrid and in Barcelonawill be open on weekdays on Sundays to make a profit during the festive season. Also, many public offices and banks do not reopen at night or even on weekdays, so if you have an important business to take care of, be sure to check the opening hours.
If you plan to spend your day in small shops, the following rule may work: a closed shop should remind you that it is time for you to have your meal tooand when you're done, some stores will be most likely open.

Clothes and shoes

Designer brands

In addition to well-known brands around the world (Zara, Mango, Bershka, Camper, Desigual), Spain has many designer brands that are harder to find outside of Spain - and may be worth it if you are looking to shop for a foreign designer brand, while traveling.

  • Custo Barcelona: It is headquartered in Barcelona, ​​has stores in Bilbao, Ibiza, La Coruna, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Leon, Madrid, Marbella, Palma de Mallorca, Salamanca, Tenerife.
  • Kowalski:It is based in Leon, 203,293 km Elche, ☏ 34 966 630 612. They make designer shoes and sneakers for women, men and unisex (their brand is Herman Monster and others).

Department stores

El Corte Ingles: It is a large national chain that can be found in almost every city. In most cities, it is centrally located, but it is also located in other functional, unwanted buildings. It has a section on everything - but it is not good enough for most purposes, except perhaps for buying gourmet food and local food specialties. The tax refund for purchases in El Corte Ingles, unlike most stores in Spain, can only be refunded by debit / credit card, even if you initially paid cash.


  • Houses: A chain of shoe stores that selects the most popular models from 12 mid-range brands.
  • Camper: Camper shoes are found in most cities of the country. While they are sold everywhere, finding the right model and size can be a problem - so if you find what you need, do not procrastinate. The shoes are sold both in standalone stores and in combination with other brands in local shoe stores. Local stores can help you if you are looking for a specific model and size.
  • For: Private national fashion chain with many premium brands. The main location is Bilbao, there are also some shops in San Sebastian and in Zaragoza.

Local cuisine

See also: Spanish cuisine

Spaniards are very passionate about their food, wine and cuisine. Spanish food can be characterized as quite light with lots of vegetables and a huge variety of meat and fish. Spanish cuisine does not use many spices: it relies only on the use of high quality ingredients to give a good taste. You can find mild Spanish food in the shops, however there are a variety of restaurants in most cities (Italian, Chinese, American fast food) if you want to try a variety of flavors. If you know Latin American cuisines, do not forget that many Spanish dishes may have the same name as Latin American dishes, but refer to completely different recipes (eg tortilla and horchata are otherwise in Spain and otherwise in Mexico).

Breakfast, lunch and dinner

The Spaniards have a program very close to ours. The key thing to remember for a traveler is:

  • Breakfast (isp .: el desayuno): Breakfast for most Spaniards is light and consists only of coffee and maybe a cookie (sp .: galleta), e.g. a cracker graham, or a cake (sp .: magdalena). Later, some go to a cafe, but not too close to noon.
  • The tithe (isp .: the aperitif): The tithe is a light snack eaten around 12:00. However, this could include two glasses of beer and a large full baguette or a "pincho de tortilla".
  • Lunch (isp .: the food): Lunch starts around 13:30 - 14:30 followed by a typical nap (sp .: siesta), usually during the summer, when temperatures can be quite high at noon. This is the main meal of the day with two dishes (el .: primer plato and el segundo plato), which are accompanied by dessert. Lunch and siesta usually end no later than 16:00. However, as life has become busier, there is often no chance of a siesta.
  • The dinner (isp .: la cena): Dinner starts at 20:30 -21:00, while most customers come after 21:00. It's a lighter meal than lunch. Restaurants in Madrid rarely open before 21:00 and most customers do not show up before 23:00.
  • Snack (isp .: la merienda): There is also an afternoon snack / snack that some eat between lunch and dinner. It is similar to tea time in England and is taken around 18:00.

Between lunch and dinner, most restaurants and cafes are closed and extra effort is required to find a place to eat if you miss lunch. Nevertheless, you can always look for a bar and ask for one bocadillo (pronounced: boccandigo), is a baguette sandwich. There are cold sandwiches. bocadillos fríos), which can be stuffed with ham, cheese or any kind of embutido, and hot sandwiches (sp .: hot bocadillos), stuffed with pork fillet, tortilla, bacon, sausage and similar cheese options. This can be a really cheap and tasty choice if you find a good location.

Normally, restaurants in big cities do not close until midnight during the week and from 02:00 - 03:00 during the weekend.


"Chocolate with churros"

Breakfast is eaten by most Spaniards. Traditional Spanish breakfast includes coffee or orange juice, sweets or a small sandwich. In Madrid, it is also common to have hot chocolate with "churros" or "porras". In cafes, you can expect varieties potato tortilla (see section Spanish dishes), sometimes tapas (snacks served at night with alcohol).

Tapas / Snacks


Spanish food is found in bars as tapas, which are a bit like "appetizers", but are considered as an accompaniment to your drink. In some parts of Spain, a drink is still automatically accompanied by free snacks, but in places where it is not, ask for tapa y caña to order a beer and a snack. Some bars will offer a wide variety of different tapas. Others specialize in a particular species (eg a variety of seafood or small sandwiches). A Spanish custom is to have a tapa and a small drink in a bar, then go to the next bar and do the same. A group of two or more people can order two or more tapas or portions, which are slightly larger and can be shared.

Fast food

Fast food has not yet established a strong base in Spain and you will find McDonalds and Burger King only in the big cities in the tourist places. The menu can be a surprise, as it has been adapted to attract locals, usually includes beer, salads, yogurt (mainly Danone), and may have wine. Pizza is more popular and you will find some shops in bigger cities, but there are also franchises of their own, such as TelePizza. In addition to beer and wine on the menu, they also have a children's menu. American franchises generally charge higher prices and fast food is not necessarily the cheapest food alternative.


Seafood (isp .: mariscos): On the coast, fresh seafood is widely available and quite affordable. In the interior of the country, frozen seafood (which is of lower quality) can often be found, except for a few extremely famous and expensive restaurants. In coastal areas, seafood needs special attention, especially on the north Atlantic coast.

Quality seafood in Spain comes from the northwestern region of Galicia. So restaurants with the words Gallego will generally specialize in seafood. If you are feeling adventurous, you might want to try the Galicia Regional Specialty Pulpo a la Gallega, which is boiled octopus served with paprika, salt and olive oil. Another adventurous option is Sepia which are cuttlefish, a relative of squid or various forms Calamares (squid) that you can find in most seafood restaurants. If this is not your style, you can always order it Gambas Ajillo, the Pescado Frito, the Buñuelos de Bacalao (sprinkled, fried cod) or one Paella.

Meat: Meat products are usually very good quality because Spain has maintained a very high percentage of free-range animals. It is highly recommended to order beef steaks, as most of them come from free-range cows from the mountains of northern cities. Pieces of pork (like frying pan) that are also extremely coveted and are known as presa ibérica and secreto ibérico, if found on any restaurant menu it is worth trying.

Soups: Apart from gazpacho, the variety of soup is very limited in Spanish restaurants.

Water: Water is often served without a specific order and is normally charged - unless included in the menu del dia. If you want free tap water instead of bottled water, ask "agua del grifo"(tap water). However, some restaurants may not offer you and you may have to order bottled water.

Appetizer: Appetizers such as bread, cheese and other items can reach your table, even if you have not ordered them. You will still be charged for them. If you do not want these appetizers, inform kindly the waiter that you do not want them.

World-renowned restaurants: There are many restaurants in Spain that are good destinations, making them the only reason to travel to a particular city. One of them is El Bulli in Roses.

Service and VAT charges

Service charges are not included in the bill. You can leave a tip and you can increase it if you are very happy. Obviously you do not have to pay a bad waiter. Usually, you can leave a tip, after paying the bill, with a note.

Menu of the day (Menú del día)

Many restaurants offer a full lunch for a fixed price - menú del día - and this is often a bargain. Water or wine are usually included in the price.

Tourist places

Typical Spanish food can be found all over the country, however top tourist destinations such as the Costa Brava and Costa del Sol have turned all existing traditions upside down. This means that drinks are usually more expensive - about twice as expensive as elsewhere - and the quality is variable. In tourist places, restaurants are definitely serving Spanish dishes (after all, this is what many visitors are looking for), but these may have been adapted to suit the tastes of tourists. However, if you are ready to look a little further, then even in the busiest tourist cities, you can find some extremely traditional Spanish restaurants. If you are on the coast then think of fish and seafood and you will not be disappointed.

Non-Spanish cuisine

Things like schnitzel, full English breakfast, pizza, döner and frozen fish are largely available at tourist destinations. In most cities you can find international cuisine, such as: Italian, Chinese, French, Thai, Japanese, Middle Eastern, Vietnamese and Argentine. The bigger the city, the more variety you will find. There is a rapid increase in the number of Irish pubs and Japanese restaurants located in most cities.


Cheese: Spain offers a wide variety of regional cheeses.

  • Queso manchego is the best known.
  • Cabrales, tetilla and mahón are also known.
Manchego cheese is one of the most characteristic of the Castile-La Mancha region.

Chorizo: It is the most popular sausage in Spain with spices made from pork, ham, salt, garlic and pepper and produced in multiple varieties, in different sizes, shapes, small and long, spicy, in all shades of red, dry in the air hard and smoky. It often contains emulsifiers and preservatives, so check the ingredients if you have any allergies.

Jamón/ Jamón serrano: It is salted meat from the hind legs of the pig and dried in the air. The same product bears the name palette ("spatula") when it is from the front legs. Other names to look out for are ibérico jamón and jamón de bellota (with oak). There are famous hams made in Huelva, in the Guijuelo (province Salamanca), in the Pedrotses (province Cordoba) and to Τρεβέλεθ (province of Granada). The ibérico jamón consists of free-range pigs. A well-known chain in Spain is Messin Cinco Jotas, which is known by the locals for the expensive but good quality ham.

Visiting Spain without trying jamon ibérico will be considered a crime by most Spaniards. The Spaniards take their ham very seriously, the types and properties of ham, which vary in the same way as wine. Quality ham is generally expensive but has nothing to do with the many cheaper versions available. Pig diet is the most important factor in determining the quality of ham. The least expensive ham comes from wheat-fed pigs, while medium-sized pigs are raised in combination with acorns and wheat. Tier one pigs are fed exclusively on acorns and their hams are not considered to be the best grade without an "acorn-fed" seal. These levels of top quality ham have a rich flavor and greasy texture but for the uninitiated, the shine and the presence of white lines of fat that cross a slice of ham is generally a good indicator of its quality.

Spanish dishes

Typical Spanish dishes:

  • Aceitunas / olivas: Olives
  • Calamari bowl: Is fried roasted squid served in sandwiches or kiambata and with lemon juice.
  • Boquerones in vines: Is Marinated anchovies in vinegar with garlic and parsley.
  • Caracoles: Is snails in a hot sauce.
  • Squids in suck: Is squid cooked in ink of.
  • Chipirones on the plate: They are small grilled squid.
  • Churros: It is a fried snack in a cylindrical shape, sometimes referred to as Spanish donut. It is a typical Spanish breakfast with tea. Served with hot chocolate.
  • Great empires: Is meat or tuna pies are very popular in Madrid. However, the recipe is traditional from the region of Galicia.
  • Russian ensaladilla: It is a potato salad of Russian origin. Widely consumed in parts of Eastern Europe and the Middle East, it is also extremely popular in Spain.
  • Fabada asturiana: Is bean soup from Asturias.
  • Gambas al ajillo: Is shrimp with garlic and chili. Be careful because it is very hot food.
  • Gazpacho andaluz: Is cold tomato soup. It is usually eaten during the summer.
  • Lenses: It is a dish with lentils, chorizo ​​sausage and the serrano ham.
  • Mariscos: Shellfish
  • Merluza a la vizcaina: Spaniards do not like sauces very much. One of the few exceptions is merluza a la Vasca. The dish contains the sauce, cod, white asparagus and green beans.
  • Pots or pans: Is bean soup and chickpeas.
  • Paella / paella valenciana: This is a dish with rice from Valencia. Rice is grown locally in wheat fields, and this is the variety used in paella. The original paella used chicken or rabbit, and Kozani saffron / saffron (ισπ.: el azafran). Today There are several varieties of paella which you can find all over Spain. There are also many varieties that contain seafood. Locals suggest finding traditional paella at large events, such as a wedding in a village, as few restaurants still make good traditional paella.
  • Black potatoes: Is first boiled french fries, served with spicy sauce. These are potatoes cut into cubes or strips, about one to two centimeters and the same size, fried in oil and accompanied by a hot sauce and hot spices. The name of this dish comes from its intense taste, meaning that the temperature of the one who eats them rises and they prepare him to be brave in the bullfight.
  • Fried fish: They are delicious fried fish mainly from southern Spain.
  • Related items: Is peppers stuffed with minced meat or seafood. The peppers in Spain taste different from the rest of the peppers in Europe.
  • Spinach and garbange flights: Is soup with spinach and chickpeas. It is a traditional dish of Seville.
  • Review of verses with sets: Is omelette with garlic and wild mushrooms. It often also contains shrimps.
  • Setas al ajillo / gambas al ajillo: Is shrimps the wild mushrooms fried in garlic.
  • Sepia with alioli: Is fried cuttlefish with garlic mayonnaise. Very popular with tourists.
  • Potato tortilla: Is Spanish omelette with french fries. Probably the most popular dish in Spain. You can easily evaluate how good a restaurant is with a small piece of potato tortilla. It is often made with onions, depending on your area or tastes.Potatoes should be fried in oil (preferably in olive oil) and left in the beaten egg for more than 10 minutes, although it is best to leave them for half an hour so that they are soaked and get the right consistency.

Local drinks

Coffee / Tea

Spaniards are very passionate about the quality, intensity and taste of their coffee. Fresh coffee is brewed and available almost everywhere.

The usual options are:

  • single espresso with a little milk
  • manchado with a lot of coffee (similar to the French cafe au lait)
  • the latte has less milk than usual, you can ask for more milk.

THE Starbucks is the only international chain operating in Spain. The locals claim that it can not compete with small local cafes in the quality of coffee and it is visited mainly by tourists. It does not exist in smaller cities.

If you pay € 20 for a dinner, you will never be served good tea except Pompadour or Lipton. It takes effort to find a good tea if you spend most of the day in tourist places.


The age of consumption in Spain is from 18 and over. People under this age are not allowed to drink and / or buy alcoholic beverages, although enforcement in tourist and clubs is relaxed. Drinking on the streets is prohibited (although there are still people who do it in most areas during nightlife).

Try an absinthe cocktail, as it is one of the most famous cocktails in Spain.


Probably one of the best places to meet people in Spain is in a bar. Anyone can visit them and many times they are full of people. There is no age limit for entering these facilities, but children and adolescents will often not be served alcoholic beverages. Age restrictions on alcohol consumption are clearly posted on posters and / or catalogs. You can often see an entire family in a bar.

It is important to know the difference between one παμπ, which closes on 3.00 - 03:30, and one club, which is open until 06:00 - 08:00 but usually empties early in the evening.

On weekends, the time to go out for drinks (is: copas) usually starts on 23:00-01:00 and is somewhat slower than in Northern and Central Europe. Before that, people usually do a lot of things, have tapas (tapas "raciones, algo para picar"), eat a "real" dinner in a restaurant, stay home with family or go to cultural events. If you want to go dancing, you will find that most of the clubs in Madrid are relatively empty before midnight (some do not open either before 01:00) and most will not fill before 03:00. They usually go initially in pubs, then go to clubs until 06:00-08:00.

For a true Spanish experience, after a night of dancing and drinking, it is customary to have breakfast with chocolate and tsouros (sp .: Chocolate with Churros /CcC) with your friends before you go home (CcC is a small cup of thick, melted chocolate served with fresh fried pastries used to dip them in chocolate and taste great).

The bars are mainly for a drink and a small tapa, while they meet people and unwind from work or study. Usually, Spaniards can control their alcohol consumption better than their northern European neighbors, and there are rarely drunk people in bars or on the streets. A drink, if you order without accompanying tapa, is often served with a "small" or cheap tapa as a courtesy.

The size and price of the cap varies greatly depending on the region of Spain. For example, it is almost impossible to get a free tapas in big cities like Valencia or Barcelona, ​​with the exception of Madrid, where there are several Tampa Bars, although sometimes they are a bit expensive. You can eat for free (paying only for drinks) or even at cheap prices huge tapas, in cities like Granada, Bandah or Salamanca.

Tapas and related pincho made their appearance in Spain during the Middle Ages. They acted as a cover ("Tapa") over a cup of wine to prevent flies from entering the cup, a requirement of the law when serving wine at a facility.


Spanish beer is worth a try. The most popular local brands are: San Miguel, Cruzcampo, Mahou, Ámbar, Estrella Galicia, Keller and many more. You can find them in most cities. A great beer is "Mezquita" (Cervezas Alhambra), try to find it! "Legado de Yuste" is also one of the best beers made in Spain and is quite famous, but more expensive than a 250 ml regular (ca .:a) or a 330 ml glass (tubo) . Larger portions are rare, but you can also order a "corto", "zurito" (around the Basque Country) or just "cerveza" or "tanque" (in the south of the country) drink a medium tapas beer and you can to go to other bars to get the same. So you can go this way to many bars in Spain.

If you are in Zaragoza (or generally in Aragon), you can get an available type of beer Pilsner Ambar (5.2% alc.). Also good is the Export (7.0% alc.). Ambar 1900: Its production started in 1996. It uses the fermentation system at room temperature. Marlen: It is a beer of traditional preparation with barley and hops.

Spaniards often add lemon juice (Fanta limón, or Fanta lemon) to their beer. Especially on hot summer days people will drink a refreshing "clara" which is a light beer mixed with lemon / lemonade.


Cava is a Spanish sparkling wine and the name went from Spanish Champagne to Cava after a long dispute with the French. The Spaniards called it that for a long time, but the French claimed that champagne could only be made from grapes grown in the Champagne region of France. Nevertheless, Cava is a very successful sparkling wine and 99% of the production comes from the area around Barcelona.

Cider (Sidra)

It can be found at Galicia, in Asturias, in Cantabria and to Basque country.


A glass of orchard

A dairy non-alcoholic drink made from tiger nuts and sugar. It is very different from the drinks of the same name found in Latin America. THE Alboria, a small town near Valencia, is considered to be the best place where it is produced.


Sangria is a drink made from wine with fruit and is usually made from simple wines. You will find sangria in areas frequented by tourists. Spaniards usually drink sangria during the holidays (fiestas) and on hot summer days, and not every day, as is usual in tourist areas such as Mallorca.

Sangria in restaurants intended for tourists. If you want to try traditional sangria, you should find a Spaniard who prepares it for a fiesta!


The light sherry wine in the area around Jerez (Jerez) called "fino" is enriched with 15% alcohol. If you want to drink a glass in a bar you have to order it as fino. Manzanilla is a bit salty and this makes it a good choice for an appetizer. Amontillado and Oloroso are different types of sherry, in which the oxidation process is different.


Spain is a country with a long tradition in the production of wine and other beverages: 22% of the European wine region is located in Spain, but their production is about half of what the French produce.


  • Rioja (isp .: Rioja): The most famous wines are produced from this region.
  • Ribera del Duero, Priorato, Toro (isp .: Ribera del Duero, Priorato, Toro): They are less known but also important
  • Humia (isp .: Jumilla): The latter are becoming increasingly popular and are slightly less expensive than Rioja wines. They have different varieties, such as white, rosé and red wines, but red wines are definitely the most famous.


The main red grapes are Tempranillo, Garnacha, Monastrell and Mencia. The most important white grape used is Albarino, and the grapes used in Jerez are "Pedro Ximenez and Palomino».

Special names

  • Valdepenas: It is good value for money.
  • Belondrade Y Lurton: It is considered the best white wine in Spain.
  • Vina Sol: It is good as a mass production, with a fruity taste.

Aging Process

Spanish quality wines are produced by an aging process. They place them in oak barrel for at least 1 year before they can be classified as Crianza and then have to go through another 2 years in a bottle before being sold. The Reservations stay for Five years and Gran Reservas for 10 years.


Spain has seen a huge increase in wine prices over the last decade and Spanish wines are not like the old ones. However, you can still find wines from 5 even 20 years in reasonable prices, especially compared to similar quality wines from Australia, τη Chile, τη France and USA.

Wine bars

They are becoming more and more popular. In short, a wine bar is a sophisticated tapas bar where you can order a glass of wine. You will see outside the shops a blackboard with the wines that are available and their price per glass.

How do we ask for it

  • For one Red wine, you ask: "un tinto for favor " (un tinto port favorite)
  • For one White wine, you ask: "un white for favor " (un blanco por favorite)
  • For one rosé wine, you ask: "un rosado for favor " (un rosado por favorite)

Wine based drinks

young people in Spain have developed their own way of drinking wine. When having a big outdoor party with a drink and a lot of people, most people mix some red wine with Coca-Cola and drink it directly from the Coca-Cola bottle. The name of this drink is calimocho or kalimotxo (in the Basque Country and Navarre) and is really very popular. But do not ask for it while you are in a superior bar or in adults, as they will definitely not approve of the idea! As a general rule, any wine that comes in a glass bottle is considered "very good" to make calimocho.


There are many types of tourist accommodation, ranging from hotels, boarding houses and villas to campgrounds and even monasteries.

"7% VAT is not included" is a common trick for mid-range hostels and hotels. Always check the small print when choosing your place to stay. VAT is IVA in Spanish.

Small villages

Apart from the coasts, Spain is rich in small tourist-friendly mainland villages, such as Alkethar (Spanish: Alquezar) with narrow medieval streets, charming tranquility and seclusion. It is a good choice as it has affordable restaurants and accommodation.

Farm Houses and Bed & Breakfast (Casa rural)

For a more intimate type of accommodation, consider the house rural. A country house is like one or a bed & brekfast or a gîte. Not all houses in the countryside, as the name suggests, are. Some are located in smaller cities and are in almost every province. Not all houses are located in the countryside, as the name suggests. Some are located in smaller cities and are in almost every province.

Farm houses vary in quality and price depending on the region of Spain. In some areas, such as Galicia, are strictly controlled and inspected. In other areas they are not as detailed in enforcing their regulations.


Many tourists stay in hotels organized by travel agencies, which offer vacation packages to the popular resorts of Costa and the islands. However, for the independent traveler, there are hotels all over the country, for all categories and for every budget. In fact, due to the well-developed domestic and foreign tourism markets, Spain is one of the best European countries in terms of number and quality of hotels.


The parador is a state inn in Spain (Score from 3 to 5 stars). This inn chain was founded in 1928 by Spanish King Alfonso XIII. The unique aspects of inns are their location and their history. They are found mainly in historic buildings, such as monasteries, Moorish castles (such as La Alhambra - Esp .: La Alhambra) or the haciendas. Inns are the exact opposite of the uncontrolled growth found in coastal areas such as Costa del Sol (Spanish: Costa del Sol). The hospitality was harmoniously integrated with the restoration of castles, palaces and monasteries, the rescue of ruins and monuments. They are representative of the historical and cultural heritage of Spain.

For example, the inn in Santiago de Compostela (Santiago de Compostela) is located next to the cathedral, in a former royal hospital built in 1499. The rooms are decorated in an old-fashioned way, but have modern facilities. Other remarkable paradises are in Arcos de la Frontera (ibid .: Arcos de la Frontera), in Ρόντα (Spanish: Ronda), in Santia del Mar. (Spanish: Santillana del Mar), cave Altamira (pl .: Altamira) as well as in more than a hundred destinations throughout Spain.

The inns serve breakfast (about 10 €) and often has very good local cuisine, typical of its area (about 25 €).

Accommodation prices are very good when you consider that hotels are often located in the heart of picturesque areas, ranging from 85 € for a double room up to 245€ for a double room (as in Granada). Two of the most beautiful inns are located in Leon (Spanish: Léon) and Santiago de Compostela (ibid .: Santiago de Compostela).


  • People over 60 years may have a discount.
  • Young people under 30 years can visit inns at a fixed price 35 € / person.
  • 2 nights with half board they have 20% discount.
  • 1 week (6 nights) is cheaper.
  • 5 nights with 42 € / person.

The offers dnot always valid, especially in August, and may require advance bookings.


There are many hostels. Prices range from 15€ - 25€/ overnight. The Spanish "hostales" are not real hostels, but rather like unclassified small hotels (with generally no more than twelve rooms). They can vary in quality from the very basic to the functional smart.

  • Spain.: It includes a large number of reliable independent hostales among the hotel lists.
  • Xanascat.: It is the Regional Network of Youth Hostels of Catalonia if you visit Barcelona, ​​Girona, Tarragona or other locations in the area.

Appartment rent

Short-term rental self-catering apartments are an option for travelers who want to stay in one place for a week or more. Accommodation ranges from small apartments to villas.

The number of rentals available depends on the region of Spain you plan to visit. Although they are common in coastal areas, large capitals and other popular tourist cities, if you plan to visit small land cities, you will find casas rurales more easily.


Camping is the least expensive accommodation option.

Stay safe

In Spain, pickpockets are not imprisoned if they steal less than 400 €. Once arrested, they are automatically protected from continuing to take wallets, so they can easily pay the € 200 fine when they go to court. Many have passed hundreds of times around Spanish justice. The Spanish pickpockets are really skilled but they compete a lot with South America.


There are four categories of police:

  • "Policía Municipal" or "Local" (Metropolitan Police), In Barcelona: Guardia Urbana. Uniforms vary from city to city, but they usually wear black or blue clothes with a light blue shirt and a blue plaid hat (or white helmet) and white with a blue stripe. This type of police maintains order and regulates traffic in cities. They are also the best people in case you get lost and need guidance. Although you can not officially report the theft to them, they will accompany you to the "Policia Nacional" if necessary, and will accompany the suspects who will be arrested, if necessary.
  • "National Police", who wear dark blue clothes and a blue hat (sometimes replaced by a baseball cap), unlike Policía Municipal, do not have a checkered flag around their hat / helmet. They report the offenses / crimes of each city, while other bodies can assist in reporting the offense / crime.
  • Civil Guard maintains order outside the country's cities, and regulates traffic on the streets between cities. You will probably see them guarding official buildings or patrolling the streets. They wear simple green military uniforms, and some of them wear a strange black helmet (tricornio) that looks like a toreador hat, but most use green hats or white motorcycle helmets.
  • Given that Spain has a high degree of political autonomy conferred on its regional governments, four of them have created regional legal powers: the Forica Police in Navarre, the Ertzaintza in the Basque Country and Squadrons in Catalonia. These forces have almost the same responsibilities as Policía Nacional in their respective regions.

All police officers wear high visibility clothing ("reflective" jackets) while directing traffic or streets.

Some thieves pretend to be police officers, asking to see wallets for identification purposes. If you are approached by someone claiming to be a police officer, do not display your wallet or other valuables. Show him your identity after he shows you his identity and face.

However, if you are the victim of a robbery, call 112. You can ask for a copy of the police report (denuncia) if you need it for insurance reasons or to have your documents replaced. Make sure that this is not a simple declaration (declaración judicial), as this cannot be accepted as evidence of the crime for insurance purposes or when you apply for your new passport.

Report the crime to the police.

You can make a police report in three different ways:

  1. In person: There are many police stations in different parts of Spain. English interpreters are not always available for a short time: it may be necessary to bring a Spanish-speaking person with you.
  2. By phone: You can make a report to the police by telephone in English by calling 901 102 112. The English language service is available from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., seven days a week. After you make your report, you will be instructed to pick up a signed copy of the report at your nearest police station. However, some crimes, in particular more serious crimesrelating to a violent incident, can be mentioned only in person.
  3. Online: You can also report to the police online, but only in Spanish. Some crimes, in particular more serious crimes involving violence, must be reported onlyin person.

You can read further tips for the Spanish police HERE.

Emergency services

The call to the number 112 from any phone will reach the emergency center. You can use it to request police, firefighters, rescuers, ambulances or other emergency assistance. Calls to this number are free. The emergency correspondent will ask you your data and the nature of the emergency and so it will send the right services where you need them. Can also be used freely from public telephone devices.

Rights and documents

The Spanish law strictly requires foreigners in Spanish territory to have evidence proving their identity and the fact that they are legal in Spain. You should have it with you at all times, as you may be asked by the Police to show them at any time. If you do not carry it with you, you can be escorted to the nearest police station to identify it.


Spain is a safe country, but you need to take some basic precautions, as indicated around the world:

  • Thieves can work in groups and one person can try to distract you so that an accomplice can steal from you more easily. Theft, including violent theft, occurs every day and night in people of all ages.
  • There are cases where thieves on motorcycles snatch their bags from women, so keep your bag tight, even if you do not see anyone around.
  • Try not to show the money you have in your wallet or purse.
  • Always pay attention to your bag or wallet in tourist places, buses, trains and meetings. A voice message is played reminding you to take care of your things at most bus / train and airport stations.
  • Major cities, such as Alicante, Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Seville, report particularly many cases of theft, intimidation and violent attacks, some of which require the victim to seek medical help. Although crime happens every day and night to people of all ages, seniors and Asian tourists seem to be at particular risk.
  • Do not carry significant amounts of money with you unless you need to. Use your credit card (Spain is the number one country in terms of cash points and most shops / restaurants accept it). Of course, use it with caution.
  • Beware of pickpockets when visiting crowded areas, such as crowded buses or the Puerta del Sol (in Madrid). At metro stations, avoid boarding the train near the exit / entrance of the platform, as this place is frequented by pickpockets.
  • In Madrid, but also in Barcelona, ​​criminals are particularly targeting people from East Asia (mainly China, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan), believing that they have money and are an easy target.
  • In Madrid, known high-risk areas for thieves are the Puerta del Sol area and the surrounding streets, Gran Vìa, Plaza Mayor, near the Prado Museum, Atocha Railway Station, Retiro Park and the metro. In Barcelona, ​​thefts are more common at the airport and airport shuttle (Aerobus), Las Ramblas (often Internet cafes), Plaza Real and the surrounding streets of the Old Town, the metro, Barceloneta Beach, the Sagrada Familia and at Sants train and bus station.
  • Vehicle theft is high. Be vigilant in service areas on highways along the coast. Avoid leaving luggage or valuables in the vehicle and use a secure car park.
  • Do not hesitate to report the crimes to the local police, although the processing time is usually long.
  • In general, you should keep in mind that areas with a large number of foreign visitors, such as some busy resorts on the east coast, are much more likely to attract thieves from places that are not so popular with tourists.
  • Avoid women who have rosemary, always refuse: they will read your future, ask you for some money and your money will probably have wings. Some women will approach you on the street repeating "Buena suerte" (Greek: good luck) as a distraction and another woman will try to steal from you.
  • A big tourist attraction is the market (el Rastro) in Madrid on weekends. However, it is also an attraction for pickpockets. They work in groups, be extremely careful in these close market-type environments, as it is very common to become a target, especially if you stand out as a tourist or as someone with money. Try to look like the people there and not stand out and probably not be in great danger.
  • Women who carry bags should always put their straps on their body. Always keep your bag in front of your body. Hold the bottom of the bag with one hand, as pickpockets can tear the bottom of it without you noticing.
  • Never place anything in the back of a chair or on the floor next to you, always keep it close to you.
  • If you have to use an ATM, do not leave your money out of your wallet for long. Just take them and leave.
  • Most foreign passports are stolen every year in Spain from anywhere else in the world, especially in Barcelona. Make sure your passport or ID is secure at all times.
  • In the event of a road accident, be extremely cautious about accepting help from anyone other than the Spanish police or the Civil Guard. Thieves are known to pretend to have a tire and when a driver stops helping, thieves steal his car or belongings. The reverse scenario has also happened, where a fake good Samaritan stops to help a driver in danger, only to steal the car's car or belongings. So when you have a problem call the roadside assistance or the police and do not accept help from a stranger.
  • There have been reports of malicious people throwing something at drinks, followed by theft and / or sexual assault.
  • Be careful about the possible use of "date rape" and other drugs, including "GHB" and liquid ecstasy. Buy your own drinks and keep an eye on them at all times to make sure no one has thrown anything at them: women need to be especially careful. Alcohol and drugs can make you less alert, less in control, and less aware of your environment. If you drink, be aware of your limits - remember that drinks served in bars are often louder. Avoid being separated from your friends and do not go far with people you do not know.


See also: Common scams

  • Some people may try to take advantage of your ignorance of local customs.
  • In Spanish cities, all taxis must have a visible taximeter. Do not agree on a fixed price for a transfer from an airport to a city: in most cases, the taxi driver will earn more money than the taximeter says. Many taxi drivers will also ask for tips from tourists or even locals on the way to / from the airport. Remember that you can round up to the nearest euro when you pay.
  • In many parts of Madrid, especially near Atocha Station, as well as in the Ramblas of Barcelona, ​​there are people ("trileros") playing the "shell" game. They will cheat you if you play and will probably steal you if you stop watching other people play.
  • Always check the account before paying the bill in bars and restaurants. Some staff may try to extract a few extra euros from unsuspecting tourists by charging for things they did not eat or drink or simply overload the bill. This applies to both tourist and non-tourist areas. If you feel that your account has been overloaded, ask to see a menu and compare it with your account. It is also sometimes written (in English only) at the bottom of the receipt as a tip that the tip is not included: remember that rejection is optional in Spain and that Spaniards usually leave loose changes only and do not exceed 5% - 8 % of the price of what you have consumed, so avoid being fooled and leaving more than you should.
  • Many tourists reported lottery scams through which they contacted via the Internet or fax and reported that they had won a major prize in the Spanish lottery (El Gordo), when in fact they had never participated in the draw. They are required to deposit a sum of money into a bank account to pay taxes and other fees before collecting the prize or entering Spain to close the transaction.
  • Cases of fraud have also been reported in which a person is informed that he or she is the recipient of a large inheritance and that the funds must be deposited in a Spanish bank account in order for the inheritance to be processed.
  • In another common scam, some tourists have received a fake e-mail claiming to have been sent by a person well known to them and claiming that they have a problem and need money.

Other things you need to know

  • Spanish cities have lively nightlife, especially on weekends, but the roads are generally safe even for women.
  • All companies should have a formal complaint form, in case you need it. It is illegal for a company to deny you this form.
  • In some cases, police in Spain may turn to persons belonging to ethnic minorities for identity checks. People who do not have a "European appearance" can be stopped several times a day to check their papers under the pretext of "immigration control".
  • The Spanish government's threat alert level indicates a "potential risk" of a terrorist attack. Possible targets include tourist sites and public transport facilities. A serious attack occurred in 2004, when bombs exploded on passenger trains in Madrid in March 2004, killing 192 people. The attack was attributed to the al Qaeda terrorist network. In 2007, a Spanish court found that 21 people were guilty of involvement in the bombings. Although the chances of being in a terrorist attack are extremely low anywhere, you should only be careful in Madrid or Barcelona.
  • Political activity and public demonstrations have steadily increased throughout Spain. Demonstrations took place and sometimes became violent, mainly with police. Avoid all demonstrations and large gatherings, follow the advice of the local authorities and follow the local media.Strikes may occasionally lead to disruptions to traffic and public transport. When a demonstration is planned or in progress, you should seek advice and avoid demonstrators. You should also ensure that travel updates or transfer delays are checked before and during your trip to Spain.
  • Driving in Spain can be dangerous due to traffic jams in urban areas, although driving is not very aggressive, with the exception of common speed. Be careful when driving in Spain. Night driving can be especially dangerous. Using a mobile phone without a hands-free device will result in a fine and you will be banned from driving in Spain. All drivers are required to bring a reflective vest to the vehicle and use a reflective triangle warning signal if they have to stop on the road.
  • Be careful when approached by someone who claims to be a police officer. On the street, if a police officer stops you, he should wear a uniform. Unmarked vehicles will bear an electronic icon in the rear window indicating the Policía or the Guardia Civil or Ertzaintza (in the Basque Country), the Mossos d'Esquadra (in Catalonia or Foruzaingoa), Policía Foral (in Navarre) ). Most of the time they will have blinking blue lights built into the headlights. In non-traffic matters, police officers may wear casual clothing. Police officers do not need to show up unless you ask them to. In case they ask you for identification, they will have to show you the photo ID. Your passport or driver's license will be accepted or your national identity card if you are from the European Union, although a passport is always preferred. You will have a problem or you will be fined if you do not have the necessary papers with you and / or do not show them. In case of doubt, drivers should speak from the car window and contact the Guardia Civil at 062 or the Spanish National Police at 112 and ask them to confirm that the vehicle registration number corresponds to an official police vehicle.


In Spain, those who carry out cultivation, processing or marketing activities or otherwise promote, facilitate or facilitate the illicit consumption of toxic drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances or possess them for those purposes, constitute crime punished by Penal Code. It does not matter if you are a foreigner, you will be prosecuted. Imprisonment or heavy fines are issues for these offenses, with the possibility of also being forced to leave the country and being banned from returning for 10 years.

As stated in the law on protection of citizens, the consumption of illegal drugs in public places is also prohibited. Illegal consumption or possession of toxic drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances, even if they were not intended for circulation on the premises, on the streets, in public institutions or on public transport, and in the abandonment of organs or other effects used in such premises from € 601 to € 30,000.

The police are allowed by law to conduct body searches in case they suspect you are transporting drugs in accordance with those laws.

Similarly, the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the street or in places, streets, facilities or public transport, when it seriously disturbs the tranquility of the public, a fine of up to € 600 is imposed.

These rules are actively applied.

Health and precautions

  • Medicines are not sold in supermarkets, only in pharmacies (pharmacies / pharmacists), which are identified by a green cross or a Health Cup. Almost every city and town has at least one 24-hour pharmacy. For those closing at night, the law requires a poster with the address of the nearest pharmacy, possibly on one of the nearby streets or cities.
  • People from the European Union and other European countries are free to use the public health system if they have the appropriate European Health Insurance Card. The card does not cover treatment in private hospitals.
  • However, do not hesitate to go to any healthcare facility if you are injured or have a serious illness, as it would be illegal for them not to treat you, even if you are uninsured. You (or your country, if Spain has a treaty on the subject) will pay for the service later.
  • Although many travelers travel to Spain for the warm climate, it can be cold in winter, especially in the Central and Northern Regions, and in some areas it is also rainy in summer. Remember to travel in the right clothes.
  • In summer, avoid direct exposure to sunlight for long periods of time to avoid burns and heat stroke. Drink water, walk on the shady side of the road and have sunscreen with you.
  • The tap water in Spain it is safe and drinkable. Water in some southern parts of the country, however, sometimes comes from salt water, which can be high in minerals. This can cause stomach upsets in those who are not used to it. While water with a high mineral content is safe to drink, locals in these areas often drink bottled water instead of tap water. Bottled water is readily available in most areas and there are several brands.


Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public areas and workplaces, on public transport and in open public areas near hospitals and playgrounds. Smoking is also prohibited in the open areas of bars and restaurants. Smoking is also prohibited on TV shows.

Respect local customs

Culture and identity

  • Spaniards are generally very proud, both of their country and of the region in which they live. Avoid discussions about whether or not people from Catalonia or the Basque Country are Spanish. You do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo. If you are in the center of the Basque Country, however, you may face some serious problems.
  • Spaniards, especially young people, generally feel a linguistic and cultural connection to Latin America. However, most will quickly point out that Spain is a European nation and not a Latin American country and that all Spanish-speaking countries are different and have their own peculiarities.
  • Spaniards are not as religious as the media portrays them and modern Spanish society is for the most part rather secular, but it is and always has been a largely universal country (73% officially, although only 10% admit to participating in functions and only 20% that they are loyal): respect this and avoid any comments that could offend. In particular, religious holidays: Holy Week, Easter and Christmas, are very important for Spaniards. Tolerance must be observed in all religions, especially in large urban areas such as Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville or Malaga (where people and temples of all faiths can be found) or in various parts of southern Spain. that Islam represents almost 4% of the country's population.
  • Although it is a universal country of catholic, the homosexuality is quite tolerable in Spain and the public appearance of homosexuals will not cause possible hostility. A Pew 2013 survey of various countries in the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Middle East showed that Spain had the highest percentage of people who believe that homosexuality should be accepted by society, at 88%. Same-sex marriage has been legal since 2005 and the government provides legal benefits to same-sex couples. However, this does not necessarily mean that all Spaniards are gay-friendly, and while homophobic attacks are rare, they still occur. Cities are more tolerant of homosexuality than rural areas, Madrid, Catalonia and the Basque Country are much more tolerant, so overall Spain is gay-friendly. As in any other place, the elderly usually have much more conservative views. The Pride Parade in Madrid is one of the largest in the world. In general, Spain is one of safer countries for LGBT tourists.
  • Avoid talking about the former colonial past and especially about the "Black Myth". Regardless of what you hear, Spain had several mixed-race ministers and military leaders who served in the military during colonial rule and even a Philippine-born prime minister (Marcelo Azcarraga Palmero). Many Spaniards are proud of their history and former imperial glories. People from the former Spanish colonies (Latin America, Equatorial Guinea, Philippines, Western Sahara and Northern Morocco) make up the majority of foreign immigrants in Spain (58%) along with Chinese, Africans and Eastern Europeans. Spain is also one of the main investors and donors of financial and humanitarian aid to Latin America and Africa.
  • The bullfights (Spanish: Tauromaquia) are considered by many Spaniards as a cultural heritage, but frustration with bullfighting is growing in all major cities and apparently by activist groups in the country. Many Spaniards consider bullfighting a spectacle aimed at foreign tourists and the elderly from the countryside, while some young Spaniards feel offended that their country is associated with this culture. To see how divided the country is, many Spaniards cite the royal family as an example: former King Juan Carlos and his daughter are fanatical followers, while King Philip VI's wife and son are not interested in the sport. Bullfights and related events, such as the annual San Fermin Pamplona bull road races, are a multi-million euro industry and attract many tourists, both foreign and Spanish. In addition, bullfighting has been banned in the northeastern part of Catalonia as well as in various cities across the country.
  • Be careful not to mention the fascist dictatorship of Francisco Franco, who ruled Spain from 1939 to 1975, as well as the 1936-1939 civil war. This is a painful past as Franco ruled Spain with an iron fist, executing many Spaniards who violated the regime's anti-democratic laws. It was also a remarkable period of economic growth in the last years of the Franco regime and some older Spaniards may have supportive views of him.


  • It is common to kiss friends, family and acquaintances on both cheeks, when they see each other and say goodbye. Men kiss family members or very close friends, otherwise a steady handshake is expected (same as in France or Italy).
  • Spaniards like to maintain physical contact when talking, such as putting a hand on your shoulder, etc. These should be taken as signs of friendship between relatives, close friends and colleagues.
  • Spaniards are likely to feel comfortable around you quickly and may even receive an aggressive comment or even a cabrón as a greeting shortly after meeting someone in a friendly environment, especially if they are young or male. You should not feel offended by this, as it is interpreted as proof that you have such a close relationship that you can tease each other without misunderstandings. You have to answer with a similar comment(never anything serious or anything that will hurt or offend them personally)or just greet them. Do not wander around and insult people, as you will find many who will not like it. It is recommended that you do not do it yourself as a stranger and just wait until you receive it. Generally, your instinct will be able to distinguish between a joke and a vicious comment.
  • The Spaniards are not as accurate as the Northern Europeans in their appointments, but they are generally expected to arrive no more than 10 minutes late and the timely meeting is always positive. It is especially important to be on time for the first date with someone. As a rule, you should expect people to be more accurate as you go north and less accurate as you go south.
  • If you live in a Spaniard's house, bring slippers. Walking barefoot at home is considered unhealthy. Walking in socks may be acceptable at a close friend's house, but you should always ask first.
  • It is acceptable for women to sunbathe topless on the beaches. There are beaches that are "optional" and / or nudist.

Food and beverage

  • During lunch or dinner, Spaniards do not start eating until everyone is seated and everything is ready for lunch or dinner. Likewise, they do not leave the table until everyone is finished. Eating habits are usually informal, although this depends on where you eat. When the bill comes, it is common to pay half - half, regardless of the amount or price that everyone has consumed (pagar escote).
  • When Spaniards receive a gift or a drink or a meal, they usually refuse for a moment so as not to look greedy. This sometimes provokes arguments among particularly reluctant people, but is considered polite. Remember to offer more than once (in third attempt, it must be quite clear whether he will accept it or not). On the other hand, if you are interested in the offer, smile politely and reject it, saying that you do not want to be annoying, etc., but, accept when they insist.
  • Spaniards rarely drink or eat on the street. Bars rarely offer the option of taking out food, but tapas are readily available. Getting leftovers from a restaurant is unusual, but this move is a bit less stigmatizing than it used to be. If anyone still wants to ask, they will say "un taper" (derived from "Tupperware") or "un caja". Older Spaniards are more likely to disapprove of you.
  • It is not uncommon for a drunk to appear in public.


Among Spaniards, lunch time is usually between 13:00 and 14:30 (it could be until 15:15), while dinner is between 20:30 and 21:30. However, on special holidays, dinner can be until 22:00. Lunch is considered the biggest and most important meal of the day, instead of dinner. Almost all small businesses close between 14:30 and 17:00, so plan your shopping and sightseeing accordingly. However, shopping malls and supermarkets are usually open from 09:30 until 21:00 until 22:00, and there are several shops 24 hours a day, which are usually owned by Chinese immigrants and only in the larger cities.

Some brands are not available in Spain. Nevertheless, Spanish and other European brands are of good quality.



There are Wi-Fi hotspots in bars and cafés, which are available to guests. Most hotels also offer Wi-Fi in public areas for their guests.

Be careful when using your laptop outdoors.

Mobile phones and SIM cards

Cheap mobile phones (less than € 50) with a few minutes prepayment are sold at FNAC (Plaza Callao if you live in Madrid or El Triangle if you live in Barcelona) or at any phone shop and you can buy it without much formalities (usually required ID card). Replenishment by purchasing scrapers from small "Frutos Secos" stores, supermarkets, points of sale (often located in tobacco shops) or kiosks - recharging via the Internet or an ATM does not work with foreign credit cards.

The three mobile networks in Spain are Vodafone, the Movistar and the Orange.

You can rent a Mi-Fi (portable 3G Wi-Fi hotspot) from tripNETer that allows Internet connection from any Wi-Fi device: Smart-phones, Tablets, PCs.

Call discount

The "Locutorios"(call shops) are widespread in major cities and tourist sites. Madrid or at Toledo it is very easy to find one. The calls from him "Locutorios" tend to be much cheaper, especially international calls (usually made via VoIP). It is usually a good option to pick up the phone at home.

Prepaid calling cards for cheap international calls are widely available at kiosks or grocery stores around town. Ask for a "tarjeta telefonica" (tarpaulin telephones).

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