South Russia - 南俄罗斯

South Russia Located on the border with Russia to the northCentral RegionwithVolga regionEast NeighborKazakhstanWith the Caspian Sea and the South NeighborAzerbaijanwithGeorgia, West of the Black Sea andUkraineArea. South Russia has the best climate in the country, warm Black Sea seaside resorts, and Russia’s most mountainous and exoticNorth CaucasusRegional cultural tourism destination.


Disputed territory

The area changed fromUkraineFormally merged into the Russian Federation; although this merger is formally a disputed area from Ukraine and Western countries, it can still be considered part of Russia from the perspective of travelers.

As of March 2014, the Crimean Peninsula is RussiasubstanceControl the territory, which is considered an inalienable part of its territory. Although it is legally part of Russia’s jurisdiction, most countries do not recognize this merger and believe that it is stillUkrainePart. However, unless the situation changes, foreign tourists who want to visit Crimea (though not doing so, but be aware of this) will have to proceed as if they were part of Russia. Please do not try to travel from Russian Crimea to any point under Ukrainian control through the north, because Ukrainian law considers it to enter Ukraine illegally.


Other destinations

  • Dombey — Russia’s premier mountain resort, in the heart of the Jebelkin Nature Reserve between the mountains higher than the Alps, Russia’s most complete and excellent alpine skiing, hiking, rock climbing, and hot springs


The mountainous areas of southern Russia and the southern part are very complex regions in terms of various languages, politics, races, and cultures, while the northern plains of southern Russia have a strong Russian national character. The southern part of Russia is generally wetter and denser than the western part, and it feels dry when heading towards the Black Sea, especially the eastern part of the Caspian Sea is the closest to drought.

In terms of the appearance of Tatar and other mountain people, South Russia, which has long been regarded as a "wild west" on the Russian border, is quite fascinating with the history of the Cossacks and the fierce resistance and expansion of Russia. This stuffed south of the Yangtze River plays a role of Russian consciousness as a part of Russia's decent combination of interesting climate and terrain; and for those who like adventure, there are endless and particularly romantic opportunities. This romantic ideal is immortal especially in Mikhail Lermontov's famous novella "A Hero of Our Time", as well as in many of Pushkin's poems. Pushkin’s most famous poem about the region (Кавказский пленник) "Prisoner of the Caucasus", was rewritten as a short story by Tolstoy, and reworked recently in an excellentRussian cinema, Set the same story in modern conflict (shot inDagestan)。


South Russia is certainly the most complex language region in the country. From Kalmykian Mongolian to Ossetian Persian, dozens of languages ​​are completely irrelevant to any foreign language group. Although this diversity makes the region an attractive destination, and has also created many linguists and anthropologists, a small number of language tilts will find that almost everyone speaksRussian


Southern Russia’s services by rail are mainly fromMoscowgo throughVoronezh. Most such trains can passRostov-on-DonAnd then toKrasnodarorStavropol. Railway services also exist fromUkraineofKharkivBound forRostov-on-Don

FromSt. PetersburgwithMoscowFor daily domestic flights from major cities in the region, please refer toMineral cityOf the itemsarrivalInformation listed in the chapter.

Travel around

go sightseeing

Travel route



Combining local multi-ethnic cuisine in Russia, be sure to search for the cuisines of many ethnic groups in the region, many of which are from Russia and their flavors are significantly different.



Travel warningwarn: Under the current situation, it is not recommended to goNorth CaucasusCrimeaRegion and the Russian-Uzbek border region, wherevery dangerous, Similarly, due to the ongoing conflict, we do not recommend to travel via the North CaucasusGeorgiatravel.

Traveller reports pointed out that South Russia has a considerably higher level of corruption than Europe or other parts of Russia. This corruption is mainly a problem in the travel process, because many roadblocks are set up on the surface to protect the Russians, but the actual existence is only to solicit bribes. Although corruption is a concern for the entire region, localNorth CaucasusIt is a severely dangerous area of ​​instability.

Strong in the whole folk styleNorth CaucasusRegions, tourists should be very cautious and aware of the latest developments in the sensitive political situation in the region. There have been a large number of violent crimes and the fight against kidnapping tourists, bandits, terrorists, and the entire region may be in the hands of the authorities. These dangers are in the southeastNorth OssetiaIngushetia and DagestanIs particularly serious.ChechnyaIt is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous tourist destinations in the world. When the situation is unstable, we recommend that tourists should not go until the situation has stabilized and improved.

Next stop

The most common destination for travelers moving from southern Russia isUkraine. As of March 2014,CrimeaThe return to Russia, where ethnic Russians live and agree that Russia is a part of the country, has caused the rapid deterioration of relations between Russia and Ukraine. Russian citizens may cross the border to enter Ukraine visa-free, but travelers may find that their ability to directly cross between Russia and Ukraine is uncertain due to the current political situation; any attempt to cross from Russia to Crimea and then to Ukraine The controlled territory may violate Ukraine’s immigration laws.

Unfortunately for travelers in South Russia, due toCaucasusUnder the complex terrain, it is from the local area andGeorgiawithAzerbaijanBorders were closed to all third-party nationals due to regional unrest, military actions, andNorth CaucasusThe serious security problems in the entire region are largely out of reach. However, in the summer it is possible to join groups of Russian tourists from Sochi ferry toTrabzonPort in northeastern Turkey and taking a bus from the Georgian borderSarpi/Hopa

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