Wallonia - Βαλλωνία

THE Wallonia (French: Wallonie) [1] it's the French southern part of Belgium. It is located between Flanders in the North and France in the Southwest, while bordering on Luxembourg and Germany in its eastern part. This area has a huge historical and cultural wealth which is easily visible from the buildings that adorn it, its works of art as well as its festivals. Every turn on its roads is likely to bring you face to face with a new experience.



The Flemish of Wallonia
The provinces of Wallonia
Αινώ (French: Hainault)
Liege (French: Liège)
Luxembourg (French: Luxembourg)
Namur (French: Namur)
Walloon Brabant (French: Brabant wallon)

As you can see, most of the provinces have a similar name to their capital (or nearest country), which makes the issue a bit complicated. But remember that the Flanders has a province which is called Flemish Ardennes, while Netherlands has a province by name North Brabant, all for historical reasons.


Other destinations


By air

By road

By train

By boat

How to move

By public transport

By taxi

By car

What to see


Traditional foods

Traditional drinks

Tourist infrastructure

Stay safe

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