Russian phrasebook - 俄语会话手册

Russian distribution map

Russian(Русский язык, rooss key ya zaik) Is a Slavic language spoken by more than 300 million people all over the world. Most live inRussiaPeople speak as their first language; and many people are known to be inCentral AsiaCaucasusandEastern EuropeIn other countries, it is used as a second language. Owned inThe Russian FederationBelarusKazakhstanandKyrgyzstanOfficial language status, andAbkhaziaSouth OssetiaTransnistriaAnd other unrecognized regions as well.

Among them are countries where significant minority nationalities are native languages ​​and lack Russian as the main official language, such asUkrainewithBaltic States(Russian in school education is compulsory under the Soviet system). In addition to the state, most residents still use it as a second language. Throughout the former Soviet UnionCentral AsiaCountry andCaucasusIn the region, Russian is still the first choice to use, and its effective range is business, government, tourism and the rest, all languages ​​that can be used for communication (despite the lack of official status, it is not necessary to live in the local area).

Secondly, Russian isMongoliaIt is also an important language. It is a compulsory second language in local schools, and is the most widely used foreign language, and Cyrillic is retained on any sign you see. Surprisingly, Russian isIsraelIt also became the third most widespread language due to the large-scale exodus of Jews from Eastern Europe at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century.

Russian is still the most important language in travel to Europe and Asia, because the locals speak much less English than Russian; not only that, since Russia’s rapid economic take-off, Russian is bound to be the most important must-learn language in the world. One of the second foreign languages.

Pronunciation guide

Russian print and cursive


  • а (ah)

    English short sound a stretched

  • е (yeh)

    English short ye=Russian йэ

  • ё (yoh)

    English short yo=Russian йо

  • и (ee)

    English ee

  • й (ee)

    English short tone i

  • о (oh)

    English long sound o

  • у (oo)

    English oo pronunciation stretched

  • ы (yh)

    The position where the vowel и is pronounced in the middle of the tongue is slightly retracted, and the back of the tongue is pulled up at the same time.

  • э (eh)

    English short ze=Russian зэ

  • ю (yoo)

    English short yoo=Russian йу

  • я (yah)

    English short ya=Russian йа


Hard and soft consonants

The sound parts of soft and hard consonants represented by the same letter are the same, except that the middle of the tongue is pulled up when the soft sound is pronounced, and it sounds like Й. When transcribing the consonant letter, adding the symbol "'" to the consonant indicates that the consonant is a soft consonant.

  • Hard consonants: б, в, г, д, з, к, л, м, н, п, р, с, т, ф, х
  • Soft consonants: б', в', г', д', з', к', л', м', н', п', р', с', т', ф', х'
  • Always hard tone: ш, ж, ц
  • Always soft: ч, щ, й
Consonants are "hard" before the hard vowel or hard note.
а, о, у, э, ы, ъ
Consonants are "soft" before vowels or soft notes
и, е, ё, ю, я, ь

Unvoiced and voiced consonants

Voiced vocal cords must vibrate during pronunciation, while unvoiced sounds do not. The difference between the pronunciation methods of ш and ж can be perceived through the pronunciation of ш and ж.

  • Voiceless consonants: п, пˈ, ф, фˈ, т, тˈ, с, сˈ, к, кˈ, ш, х, х, ц, ч, щ
  • Voiced consonants: б, бˈ, в, вˈ, д, дˈ, з, зˈ, г, гˈ, ж, л, лˈ, м, мˈ, н, нˈ, р, рˈ, й
б b
English short sound b
в v
English short tone v
г g
English short g
д d
English short sound d, actually use short sound j
ж zh
English she has sound=Russian жэ, similar to the pronunciation of Hanyu Pinyin r and the phonetic symbol ㄖ (one of the commonly known "Alice tongue").
з z
English short z
й y
English short y
к k
English short sound k
л l
English short sound l
м m
English short m
н n
English short tone n
п p
English short p
р r
Tremolo, commonly known as "big tongue"
с s
English short s
т t
English short t
ф f
English short f
х kh
Similar to the silent h in English, the actual pronunciation is to be pronounced with the root of the tongue against the soft palate. Similar to the pronunciation of the Chinese pinyin h and the phonetic symbol ㄏ, the northern accent of Chinese is common.
ц ts
English short sound ts, Japanese つ (tsu), Chinese pinyin z, phonetic symbol ㄗ
ч ch
The pronunciation of Chinese pinyin j and the phonetic symbol ㄐ
ш sh
There is sound sh in English, which is similar to the pronunciation of Chinese pinyin sh and the phonetic symbol ㄕ (one of the commonly known "cocked tongue sounds").
щ sh
The pronunciation of Pinyin x and the phonetic symbol ㄒ

Common diphthongs


The hard accent (ъ) and soft accent (ь) do not pronounce any sounds themselves, but are used to modify the consonants in front of them.

The hard accent (ъ) generally indicates a hard consonant, and is used inе, ё, ю, яThe front part plays a role of sub-reading, for exampleCъезд(Congress). This symbol has rarely appeared after the spelling reform in 1918, and most of it is used after the prefixes v- ("in") and s- ("out"), for example:

  • съёмка (s-yom-kah)-making movies
  • Сёмка (syom-kah)-Simon's name
  • въезд (v-yezd)-Car door entrance

The soft sound symbol (ь) in a word indicates that the consonant before it is a soft consonant, for exampleмать(Mother); you can also separate the pronunciation, for exampleстатья(Article), the letters around ь should be read separately. The following words can be compared:

  • полька (POL'-kah)-a Polish woman
  • полка (POL-kah)-cabinet
  • уголь (OO-gol')-coal
  • угол (OO-gol)-corner
  • каньон (ka-NYON)-Canyon
  • канон (ka-NON)-Guidelines


Although the pronunciation of Russian can be inferred from the string method to a large extent, the position of the accent in a word is very difficult to predict, and misplacing the accent can lead to misunderstanding. Therefore, almost all Russian textbooks and dictionaries put accent marks ("´") on accented syllables.


Unless you plan to study the language seriously, it is not common to learn Russian grammar on the go. At least the following usages can be recognized:

  • There are three kinds of nouns in Russian: masculine, feminine and neutral.
Odd numberMode
First personЯ думаюМы думаем
second personТы думаешьВы думаете
Third personОн думаетОни думают
  • Russian andEnglishSimilarly, there are three variations of verbs: original form, past tense, and passive (perfect tense).

  • Nouns and adjectivesThere are sixCondition, It depends on their general grammatical role in a sentence:
useSubject of sentenceDirect objectPossessive (of)Indirect object (to/for)Location (at)Particle (by/with)
exampleГород красивЯ читал книгуЦентр городаЯ дал ему едуМузей в городеЯ шёл с ним
translationThe city is pretty
this cityIs beautiful
I read the book
I readBook
Center of the city
I gave him food
I gavehefood
A museum in the city
In this city'S museum
I walked with him
Me andhego

List of Conversational Terms

Basic terms

Common signs

Open: Открыто / Работает
Closed: Закрыто / Не работает
Entrance: Вход
Export: Выход
Tweet: От себя
Pull: К себе
Toilet: Туалет
Male: М
Female: Ж
No entry: Входа нет / Вход воспрещён / Проход воспрещён / Проход закрыт
No smoking: Не курить
Dangerous, no entry: Не влезай-убьёт

Russian names

The name of a Russian is composed of "first name (имя), father name (отечество) and last name (фамилия)". For example, Russian President Putin's full Russian name is Владимир Владимирович Путин (Vladimir Putin) , The Russian music master Tchaikovsky’s full Russian name is Пётр Ильич Чайковский (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky), and the Russian famous poetess Akhmetova’s full Russian name is Анна Андреевна Ахматова ( Anna Andreyevna Akhmetova). When the father’s name is put in the child’s full name, the son will add the suffix -ович (-ovich), -евич (-yevich) or -ьич (-yich), and the daughter will add -евна (-yevna),- овна (-ovna) or -ична (-ichna). For example, if the father's name is Пётр (Peter), then the son uses the father's name Петрович (Petrovic) and the daughter uses the father's name Петровна (Petrovna). If you want to use someone’s first name informally, you can use the first name or last name (not commonly used) to address them, while the formal name is the first name, parent name, or last name. For example, President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Президент Владимир Владимирович Путин) is informally Vladimir (if you know him) or Putin; in order to call him more formally, you usually The official name in Russian should be used. You need to call him Vladimir Vladimirovic or President Putin.

Sometimes Russian names are always confusing! Russians like to shorten their names. These simplifications are basically based on nicknames or "abbreviations", including names. Most names can be abbreviated into three or four variants; here are some nicknames that may be difficult to understand (this time will be explained in English and Russian):

Male name

  • Aleksander (Александр) → Sasha (Саша), Sanya (Саня), Shura (Шура)
  • Aleksei (Алексей) → Alyosha (Алёша), Lyosha (Лёша), Lyokha (Лёха)
  • Anatolii (Анатолий) → Tolya (Толя)
  • Vasilii (Василий) → Vasya (Вася)
  • Vladimir (Владимир) → Volodya (Володя), Vova (Вова)
  • Vladislav (Владислав) → Vlad (Влад), Vladik (Владик)
  • Gennadii (Геннадий) → Gena (Гена)
  • Georgii (Георгий) → Zhora (Жора), Gosha (Гоша)
  • Dmitrii (Дмитрий) → Dima (Дима), Mitya (Митя)
  • Evgenii (Евгений) → Zhenya (Женя)
  • Ivan (Иван) → Vanya (Ваня)
  • Konstantin (Константин) → Kostya (Костя)
  • Mikhail (Михаил) → Misha (Миша)
  • Nikolai (Николай) → Kolya (Коля)
  • Pavel (Павел) → Pasha (Паша), Pavlik (Павлик)
  • Pyotr (Пётр) → Petya (Петя)
  • Sergei (Сергей) → Seryozha (Серёжа), Seryoga (Серёга), Seryi (Серый)
  • Fyodor (Фёдор) → Fedya (Фе́дя)
  • Yurii (Юрий) → Yura (Юра)

Female name

  • Aleksandra (Александра) → Sasha (Саша)
  • Anastasiya (Анастасия) → Nastya (Настя)
  • Anna (Анна) → Anya (Аня)
  • Valeriya (Валерия) → Lera (Лера)
  • Viktoriya (Виктория) → Vika (Вика), Vita (Вита)
  • Evgeniya (Евгения) → Zhenya (Женя)
  • Ekaterina (Екатерина) → Katya (Катя)
  • Irina (Ирина) → Ira (Ира)
  • Lyubov (Любовь) → Lyuba (Люба)
  • Lyudmila (Людмила) → Lyuda (Люда), Lyucya (Люся)
  • Magdalina (Магдалина) → Magda (Магда)
  • Mariya (Мария) → Masha (Маша)
  • Nadezhda (Надежда) → Nadya (Надя)
  • Natasha (Наташа) → Tasha (Таша)
  • Oksana (Оксана) → Ksyusha (Ксюша), Ksenya (Ксеня)
  • Olga (Ольга) → Olya (Оля)
  • Svetlana (Светлана) → Sveta (Света)
Hello. (formal
Здравствуйте. (ZDRAHST-vooy-tyeh
Hello. (Informal
Здравствуй. (ZDRAHST-vooy)
Привет (pree-VYEHT
Are you OK?
как дела? (kak dela?
fine thanks.
Хорошо, спасибо. (Khorosho, spasibo.
What is your name?
Как тебя зовут? (Kak tebya zovut?
my name is______.
Меня зовут ______. (Menya zovut _____.
happy to see you.
Очень приятно. (Ochen' priyatno.
пожалуйста (pozhaluysta
Спасибо. (spuh-SEE-buh
You're welcome.
Не за что. ( NYEH-zuh-shtoh.) (Literally means "nothing", you can also use "Пожалуйста")
Да. ( dah
Нет. (nyeht
Excuse me. (Get attention
Извините. (eez-vee-NEET-yeh.
excuse me. /Excuse me. (ask for forgiveness
Простите. (prah-STEET-yeh.
Извините. (eez-vee-NEET-yeh.
До свидания. (duh svee-DAH-nyah.
goodbye. (Informal
Пока. (pah-KAH
I cant speak Russian.
Я не говорю по-русски. ( yah nee guh-vah-RYOO pah ROO-skee
Do you speak Chinese?
вы говорите по-китайски? ( vy govorite po-kitayski?
Does anyone here speak Chinese?
Кто-нибудь здесь говорит по-китайски? (KTOH-nee-bood' zdyehs guh-vah-REET po-kitayski?
Помогите! (puh-mah-GEE-tyeh!
help me!
Помоги мне! (puh-mah-GEE mnyeh!
Осторожно!! (uhs-tah-ROH-zhnuh!!
Good morning.
Доброе утро. (DOH-bruh-yeh OO-truh
good evening.
Добрый вечер. (DOH-bryh VYEH-chuhr.
Good night. (When going to bed
Спокойной ночи. (spah-KOY-nuy NOH-chee.
I do not understand.
Я не понимаю. (yah nee puh-nee-MIGH-yoo
Where is the toilet?
Где туалет? (gdyeh too-ah-LYEHT?
Хороший (khah-ROH-shee
Плохой (plah-KHOY
Большой (bahl'-SHOY
Маленький (MAH-leen-kee
Горячий (gahr-YAH-chee
Холодный (khah-LOHD-nyh
Быстро (BYH-struh
Медленно (MYEHD-lee-nuh
Дорогой (duh-rah-GOY
Дешёвый (dyee-SHYOH-vyh
Богатый (bah-GAH-tyh
Бедный (BYEHD-nyh


Emergency number

In most areas, the emergency telephone numbers are as follows:

  • 101: Fire fighting unit
  • 102: Police
  • 103: Ambulance
  • 104: Gas leak

Being able to provide emergency responders with the correct street address is crucial. Depending on the distance, how busy the emergency rescuers are, and how serious the medical emergency is, it may take several minutes to several hours for the ambulance to arrive.

Do not bother me.
Отстань! (aht-STAHN'!
Do not touch me!
Не трогай меня! (nee-TROH-guy mee-NYAH!
I am going to the police.
Я вызову полицию. (yah VYH-zah-voo poh-LEE-tsyh-yoo.
Полиция! (poh-LEE-tsyh-yah!
stop! There is a thief!
Держите вора! (deer-ZHEE-tyeh VOH-rah!
I need your help.
Мне нужна ваша помощь. (mnyeh noozh-NAH VAH-shah POH-muhsh
It's an emergency.
Это срочно. (EH-tuh SROHCH-nuh.
I'm lost.
Я заблудился/заблудилась-(male/female). (yah zah-bloo-DEEL-suh / zah-bloo-DEE-luhs.

In the example below, the extra post note (а) is for women:

My bag is lost.
Я потерял(а) свою сумку. (yah puh-teer-YAHL(-ah) svah-YOOH SOOM-kooh.
I lost my wallet.
Я потерял(а) свой бумажник. (yah puh-teer-YAHL(-ah) svoy boo-MAHZH-neek.
I feel uncomfortable.
Я болен (for men) / Я больна (for women) (yah-BOH-leen (for men) / yah-bahl'-NAH (for women)
I'm injured.
Я ранен(а). (yah RAH-neen(-ah).
I need a doctor.
Мне нужен врач. (mnyeh NOO-zhyhn vrahch.
Can I borrow your phone?
Можно от вас позвонить? (MOH-zhnuh aht vahs puhz-vah-NEET'? "')


Один (ah-DEEN
Два (dvah
Три (tree
Четыре (chee-TYH-ree
пять (pyaht' )
шесть (shehst')
семь (syeem')
восемь (VOH-seem')
девять (DYEH-veet')
десять (DYEH-suht')
одиннадцать (ah-DEEN-nuhd-zuht')
двенадцать (dvee-NAHD-zuht')
тринадцать (tree-NAHD-zuht')
четырнадцать (chee-TYHR-nuhd-zuht')
пятнадцать (peet-NAHD-zuht')
шестнадцать (shyhst-NAHD-zuht')
семнадцать (seem-NAHD-zuht')
восемнадцать (vuh-seem-NAHD-zuht')
девятнадцать (dee-veet-NAHD-zuht')
двадцать (DVAHD-zuht')
двадцать один (DVAHD-zuht' ah-DEEN)
двадцать два (DVAHD-zuht' dvah)
двадцать три (DVAHD-zuht' tree)
тридцать (TREED-zuht')
сорок (SOH-ruhk)
пятьдесят (pee-dee-SYAHT)
шестьдесят (shyhs-dee-SYAHT)
семьдесят (SYEM'-dee-syet)
восемьдесят (VOH-seem-deeh-syet' )
девяносто (dee-vee-NOH-stuh)
сто (stoh)
полтораста (puhl-tuh-RAHS-tuh)
двести (DVYEH-stee)
триста (TREE-stuh)
четыреста (chee-TYHR-ee-stuh)
тысяча (TYH-see-chuh)
две тысячи (dvyeh TYH-see-chee)
пять тысяч (pyaht' TYH-seech)
миллион (mee-lee-OHN)
миллиард (mee-lee-ART)
трлн (trln
Line/Number_____ (train, subway, bus, etc.)
номер _____ (NOH-meer)
половина (puh-lah-VEE-nuh)
less than
меньше (MYEHN'-sheh)
more than
больше (BOHL'-sheh)


сейчас (say-CHAS
позднее (POZD-nyeh-yeh
раньше (RANY-she
утро (OOH-truh
день (dyehn
вечер (VYEH-chuhr
night(Before going to bed
ночь (NOCH

Clock time

what time is it? (formal)
Не подскажете, который час? (nyee pahd-SKAH-zhy-tyee kah-TOHR-yh see-CHAHS chahs)
what time is it? (Informal)
Который сейчас час? (kah-TOHR-yh see-CHAHS chahs)
1 o'clock
час (CHAS
два часа (DVA cha-SA
3 points
три часа (TREE cha-SA
4 o'clock
четыре часа (che-TIER-yeh cha-SA
5 o'clock
пять часов (PYAT cha-SOV
6 o'clock
шесть часов (SHYEST cha-SOV
7 o'clock
семь часов (SYEM cha-SOV
8 o'clock
восемь часов (VOH-syem cha-SOV
девять часов (DYE-vyat cha-SOV
10 O'Clock
десять часов (DYE-syat cha-SOV
11 o'clock
одинадцать часов (ah-DEE-nad-saht cha-SOV
12 o'clock
двенадцать часов (dvyeh-NAD-saht cha-SOV
полдень (POHL-dyen
полночь (POHL-nohch
half an hour
полчаса (pohl-cha-SA

Notice:Russia usually does not use morning and afternoon. Instead, they roughly divide the whole day as follows:

утро (OOH-truh) (From 5 a.m. to noon)
день (dyehn’) (Noon to 5 pm)
вечер (VYEH-chuhr) (From 5 pm to midnight)
Night (before bed)
ночь (nohch) (Midnight to 5 am)


_____ минута/минуты/минут (mee-NOOT-ah / mee-NOOT-yh / mee-NOOT
_____ час/часа/часов (chahs / chuh-SAH / chuh-SOHF
_____ день/дня/дней (dyehn' / dnyah / dnyay
_____ неделя/неделю/недель (nee-DYEHL-yuh / nee-DYEHL-yee / nee-DYEHL'
_____ месяц/месяца/месяцев (MYEH-seets / MYEH-seets-ah / MYEH-seets-ohf
_____ год/года/лет (goht / GOH-duh / lyeht) (Лет also represents "summer")


Note: Monday of a week is the first day of the beginning, and Sunday is the last day of the week.

сегодня (see-VOHD-nyuh
вчера (fcheeh-RAH
завтра (ZAHF-truh
This week
на этой неделе (nah EH-tuy nee-DYEHL-yee
Last week
на прошлой неделе (nah PROSH-luy nee-DYEHL-yee
next week
на следующей неделе (nah SLYED-oo-yoo-shee nee-DYEHL-yeh
воскресенье (vuhs-kree-SYEHN'-yuh
понедельник (puh-nee-DYEHL'-neek
вторник (VTOHR-neek
среда (sree-DAH
четверг (cheet-VYEHRK
пятница (PYAHT-nee-tsuh
суббота (soo-BOHT-uh


январь (yeen-VAHR
февраль (feev-RAHL
март (mahrt
апрель (ahp-RYEHL
май (migh
июнь (ee-YOON
июль (ee-YOOL
август (AHV-goos
сентябрь (seen-TYABR
октябрь (ahk-TYABR
ноябpь (nah-YABR
декабрь (dee-KAHBR

Write time and date

In terms of dates, Russian is the opposite of Chinese, and Russian dates are written asDate.month.yearorDate month year(Date and year are numbers, and month is written in Russian); For example: May 24, 2009, in Russian should be written24.05.2009, Or24 мая 2009 года. The time usually uses a 24-hour system, for example: 5:20 pm should be written in Russian17:20


чёрный (CHOHR-nyh
белый (BYEH-lyh
серый (SYEH-ryh
красный (KRAHS-nyh
синий (SI-niy
жёлтый (ZHOL-tyh
зелёный (zee-LYOH-nyh
оранжевый (ah-RAHN-zhee-vy
фиолетовый (fee-ah-LYET-uh-vyh
коричневый (kah-REECH-nee-vyh


Passenger car and train

How much is a ticket to _____?
Сколько стоит билет в _____? (SKOL'-kuh STOH-eet bee-LYEHT v _____?
A ticket to ..., please.
Один билет в _____, пожалуйста. (ah-DEEN bee-LYEHT v_____ puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh
Where does this train/bus go?
Куда идёт этот поезд/автобус? (koo-DAH ee-DYOHT EH-tuht POH-eest / ahf-TOH-boos?
Where is the train/bus to _____?
Где поезд/автобус до_____? (gdyeh POH-eest / ahf-TOH-boos duh _____
Does this train/bus stop at _____?
Этот поезд/автобус останавливается в _____? (EH-tuht POH-eest / ahf-TOH-boos uhs-tuh-NAHV-lee-vuh-eet-suh v _____?
What time does the train/bus to _____ leave?
Когда отходит поезд/автобус в _____? (kahg-DAH aht-KHOH-deet POH-eest / ahf-TOH-boos v _____?
When can this train/bus arrive at _____?
Во сколько этот поезд/автобус приходит в_____? (vah SKOHL'-kuh EH-tuht POH-eest / ahf-TOH-boos pree-KHOH-deet v _____?


Place name rename

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, many cities, streets and other names have changed. Sometimes it is because of the nationalism of the former Soviet Republic, sometimes because the name of the Soviet Union is too weird and ideological, and sometimes because the name "Stalin" no longer has such a good reputation, so there are many cities and streets. And other names are changed back to the historical names of the empire. This may cause problems for tourists, especially when the street name changes, and locals sometimes still use the old Soviet name to refer to. Although it is not possible to list too many place names in this regard, at least some major place names are provided to ensure that visitors understand:

How do I get to _____?
Как добраться до_____? (kahk dah-BRAH-tsuh duh ___?
...train station?
...вокзала? (vahg-ZAH-luh
...bus station?
...автовокзала? (ahf-tuh-vahg-ZAH-luh
...аэропорта? (ah-ehr-ah-POHR-tuh center?
...центра? (TSEHN-truh
...Youth Hotel?
...молодёжного общежития? (muh-lah-DYOH-zhnuh-vuh ahp-shee-ZHYH-tee-yuh
...гостиницы ______? (gahs-TEE-nee-tsyh
...Macau/Taiwan/Hong Kong/Singapore/Chinese Embassy/Office?
...Аомыньского/Тайваньского/Гонконг/Сингапур/Китайского консульства? (...Aomyn'skogo/Tayvan'skogo/Gonkong/Singapur/Kitayskogo konsul'stva?
Where are there more...
Где есть много... (gdyeh yehst' MNOH-guh
...гостиниц? (gahs-TEE-neets?
...ресторанов? (rees-tah-RAHN-uhf?
...баров? (BAHR-uhf
...Sightseeing spots?
...достопримечательностей? (duhs-tuh-pree-mee-CHAH-teel’-nuhs-tyay
Can you show me on the map?
Пожалуйста Вы можете показать на карте? (puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh vyh MOH-zhyh-tee puh-kuh-ZAHT' nuh KAHR-tyeh
улица (OO-lee-tsuh
Turn left.
Поверните налево. (puh-veer-NEE-tyeh nuh-LYEH-vuh
Turn right.
Поверните направо. (puh-veer-NEE-tyeh nuh-PRAH-vuh
налево (nuh-LYEH-vuh
направо (nuh-PRAH-vuh
прямо (PRYAH-muh
к _____ (k
go through_____
мимо _____ (MEEH-mah
Before _____
перед _____ (PYEH-reet
Please note_____.
Ищите _____. (ee-SHEE-tyeh
перекрёсток (pee-ree-KRYOH-stuhk
север (SYEH-veer
юг (yook
восток (vahs-TOHK
запад (ZAH-puht
вверх (VVYEHR-kh
вниз (vnees


Такси! (Tahk-SEE!
Please take me to _____.
Довезите меня до _____, пожалуйста. (duh-vee-ZEE-tyeh mee-NYAH duh _____, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh.
How much is it to _____?
Сколько стоит доехать до ______? (SKOHL'-kuh STOH-eet dah-YEH-khut' duh ____?
Please take me there.
Довезите меня туда, пожалуйста. (duh-vee-ZEE-tyeh meenyah too-DAH, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh.
[Please] Stop this.
Остановите здесь[, пожалуйста]. (us-tuh-naw-VEE-tyeh zdes[, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh].


Do you have any rooms available?
У вас есть свободные комнаты? (oo vash YEHST' svah-BOD-nyh-yeh KOHM-nuh-tyh
How much is a single/double room?
Сколько стоит комната на одного человека/двух человек? (SKOHL'-kuh STOH-eet KOM-nuh-tuh nah uhd-nah-VOH chee-lah-VYEH-kuh / dvookh chee-lah-VYEHK
The room has...
В этой комнате есть... (VEH-tuy KOHM-nuh-tyeh yest'...
...The sheets?
...простыни? (...PROHS-tee-nee
...To the toilet?
...ванная? (...VAHN-nah-yuh
...телефон? (...tee-lee-FOHN
...телевизор? (...tee-lee-VEE-zuhr
Can I take a look at the room first?
Могу я сначала посмотреть комнату? (mah-GOOH yah znuh-CHAH-luh puhs-mah-TRYEHT' KOHM-nah-too
Is there a quieter room?
У вас есть что-нибудь потише? (oo vah yehst' CHTOH-nee-boot' pah-TEE-shyh?
...побольше? (pah-BOHL' -shyh
...почище? (pah-CHEE-sheh
...подешевле? (puh-dee-SHEHV-lyeh
Okay, I want this room.
Хорошо, я беру. (khah-rah-SHOH yah bee-ROO
I stay _____ night.
Я останусь на _____ ночь (ночи/ночей). (yah ahs-TAH-noos' nah _____ nohch' (NOH-chee/nah-CHYAY
Can you recommend another hotel?
Вы можете предложить другую гостиницу? (vy MOH-zhee-te pred-la-ZHYHT' droo-GOO-yoo gahs-TEE-nee-tsoo
Do you have a safe?
У вас есть сейф? (oo vahs yest' syayf
...A locker?
...индивидуальные сейфы? (een-dee-vee-doo-AHL'-nyh-yeh SYAY-fee
Does it include breakfast/dinner?
Завтрак/ужин включен? (ZAHF-truhk / OO-zhyhn fklyoo-CHON
What time is breakfast/dinner?
Во сколько завтрак/ужин? (vuh SKOHL'-kuh ZAH-ftruhk / OO-zhyhn
Please clean up the room.
Уберите в моей комнате, пожалуйста. (oo-bee-REE-tyeh vmah-YAY KOHM-nuh-tyeh, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh
Can you wake me up at _____?
Не могли бы вы разбудить меня в _____? (nee mah-GLEE byh vyh rahz-boo-DEET' mee-NYAH v _____?
I want to check out.
Дайте счёт. (DIGH-tyeh shyoht


5000 rubles as the largest banknote
рубль (rubl') Plural рубли (rubli
копейка (kopeyka' ) Plural копейки (kopeyki
Can MOP/HKD/Renminbi/Singapore Dollar/New Taiwan Dollar be used?
Вы принимаете патака макао/гонконгский доллары/китайский юань/сингапурский долалары/новый талалары/новый талалалары/новый талавыдьслалкондьславыvyh pree-nee-MAH-ee-tyeh pa-ta-ka ma-kao/GON-kong-skee DOH-luhr-yh/kitay-skee YOO-AN-yh/SIN-GA-pur-skee DOH-luhr- yh/nuh-vyh tay-van-skee DOH-luhr-yh)
Can USD/EUR/GBP be used?
Вы принимаете американские доллары/евро/английские фунты? (vyh pree-nee-MAH-ee-tyeh uh-mee-ree-KAHN-skee-yeh DOH-luhr-yh/yev-ro/ahn-GLEE-skee-yeh FOON-tyh
Can I use a credit card?
Вы принимаете кредитные карты? (vyh pree-nee-MAH-ee-tyeh kree-DEET-nyh-yeh KAHR-tyh
Can you exchange foreign currency for me?
Не могли бы вы обменять мне деньги? (nyeh mah-GLEE byh vyh uhb-meen-YAHT' mnyeh DYEHN'-gee
Where can I exchange foreign currency?
Где я могу обменять деньги? (gdyeh yah mah-GOO uhb-meen-YAHT' DYEHN'-gee
Can you exchange traveler's checks for me?
Вы можете обменять мне дорожный чек? (vyh MOH-zhyh-tyeh uhb-meen-YAHT' mnyeh dah-ROHZH-nyh chyehk
Where can I redeem traveler’s cheques?
Где я могу обменять дорожный чек? (gdyeh yah mah-GOO uhb-meen-YAHT' dah-ROHZH-nyh chyehk
What's the exchange rate?
Какой курс обмена? (kah-KOY koors ahb-MYEHN-uh
Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
Где здесь банкомат? (gdyeh zdyes' bahn-kuh-MAHT


One-person/two-person table, thank you.
Столик на одного человека/двух человек, пожалуйста. (STOH-leek nah uhd-nah-VOH chee-lah-VYEH-kah/dvookh chee-lah-VYEHK
Can I see the menu?
Могу я посмотреть меню? (mah-GOO yah puhs-mah-TRYEHT' meen-YOO
Can I go into the kitchen and have a look?
Я могу посмотреть на кухню? (yah mah-GOO puh-smah-TRYEHT' nah KOOKH-nee-yoo
Do you have any signature dishes?
Какое у вас фирменное блюдо? (kah-KOY-yeh oo vahs feer-MYEHN-noy-yeh BLYOO-duh
Do you have any local specialties?
Какое у вас местное фирменное блюдо? (kah-KOY-yeh oo vahs myehst-NOY-yeh feer-MYEHN-noy-yeh BLYOO-duh
I am a vegetarian.
Я вегетарианец/вегетарианка. (yah vee-gee-tuh-ree-YAHN-eets/vee-gee-tuh-ree-YAHN-kah
I don't eat pork.
Я не ем свинину. (yah nee yehm svee-NEEN-oo
I don't eat beef.
Я не ем говядину. (yah nee yehm gahv-YAH-deen-oo
I only eat kosher food.
Я принимаю только кошерную пищу. (yah pree-nee-MAH-yoo TOHL'-kuh kah-SHERH-noo-yoo PEE-shoo.
Can you make it lighter? (Require less vegetable oil/butter/lard
Сделайте, пожалуйста, поменьше жира. (SDYEH-ligh-tyeh, puh-zhahl-uh-stuh, pah-MYEHN'-shyh zhyh-RAH
Fixed price package
комплексный обед (KOHM-plyehks-nyh ah-BYEHT
Order according to the menu
карта вин (KAHR-tah veen
завтрак (ZAHF-truhk
обед (ah-BYEHT
afternoon tea
полдник (POHLD-neek
ужин (OO-zhyhn
I want_____.
Я хочу _____. (yah khah-CHOO) (Use the next first form
I want dishes with _____.
Я хочу блюдо с _____. (yah khah-CHOO BLYOO-duh s _____) (Use the second form
курицу/ой (KOO-reet-soo / KOO-reet-suy
говядину/ой (gahv-YAH-dee-noo / gahv-YAH-dee-nuy
рыбу/ой (RYH-boo / RYH-boy
свинину/ой (svee-NEE-noo / svee-NEE-nuy
колбасу/ой (kuhl-bah-SOO / kuhl-bah-SOY
сыр/ом (syhr / SYH-ruhm
яйца/ами (YIGH-tsah / YIGH-tsah-mee
салат/ом (sah-LAHT / sah-LAHT-ohm
(fresh vegetables
(свежие/ими) овощи/ами ((SVYEH-zhyh-yeh / SVYEH-zhyh-mee) OH-vuh-shee/ uh-vuh-SHAH-mee
(fresh fruits
(свежие/ими) фрукты/ами ((SVYEH-zhyh-yeh / SVYEH-zhyh-mee) FROOK-tyh / FROOK-tuh-mee
хлеб (khlyeb
тост/ом (tohst / TOHST-uhhm
лапша/ой (LAHP-shuh / lahp-SHOY
рис/ом (rees / REE-suhm
фасоль/фасолью (fah-SOHL' / fah-SOHL-yoo
Can you give me a glass _____?
Дайте, пожалуйста, стакан _____? (DIGH-tyeh, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh, stah-KAHN _____?
Can you give me a glass of _____?
Дайте, пожалуйста, чашку _____? (DIGH-tyeh, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh, CHAHSH-koo
Can you give me a bottle of _____?
Дайте, пожалуйста, бутылку _____? (DIGH-tyeh, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh, boo-TYHL-koo
...кофе (KOH-feh
...чая (CHAH-yuh
...сока (SOH-kah
(Bubbles) water
...минеральной воды (mee-nee-RAHL'-nuy vah-DYH
(Normal) water
...воды (vah-DYH
...пива (PEE-vuh
Red/white wine
...красного/белого вина (KRAH-snuh-vuh / BYEH-luh-vuh vee-NAH
...водки (VOT-kee
Can you give me some _____?
Дайте, пожалуйста _____. (DIGH-tyeh, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh
соль (sol
Black pepper
чёрный перец (CHYOHR-nyh PYEH-reets
масло (MAHS-luh
Waiter? (Get the attention of the waiter
Официант!/Девушка! (uh-fee-TSAHNT! / DYEH-voosh-kuh!) The former is very polite and gender neutral; the latter is only for waitresses and should not be used in high-end restaurants.
I'm finished.
Я наелся/наелась. (yah nah-YEHL-syuh/yah nah-YEH-las'
Really delicious.
Это было великолепно. (EH-tuh BYH-luh vyeh-lee-kah-LYEHP-nuh
Please clean up these plates.
Можете убрать со стола. (MOH-zhyh-tyeh oo-BRAHT' suh stuh-LAH
Pay the bill.
Счёт, пожалуйста. (shyoht, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh


Do you sell alcohol?
Вы продаёте алкогольные напитки? (VYH pruh-dah-YOH-tyeh ahl-kuh-GOHL'-nyh-yeh nah-PEET-kee?
Is there a bar service?
Здесь есть официант? (zdyehs' yehst' ah-fee-TSANT
A glass of beer or two, please.
Будьте добры, одно пиво/два пива. (BOOT'-tyeh dah-BRYH, ad-noh PEE-vuh / dvah PEE-vah
Please have a glass of red/white wine.
Будьте добры, бокал красного/белого вина. (BOOT'-tyeh dah-BRYH, bah-KAHL KRAHZ-nuh-vuh / BYEH-luh-vuh vee-NAH
Please have a bottle.
Будьте добры, одну бутылку. (BOOT'-tyeh dah-BRYH, ahd-NOO boo-TYHL-koo
виски (VEE-skee
водка (vodka
квас (kvas
ром (rohm
вода/ой (vah-DAH / vah-DOY
soda water
газированная/ой вода/ой (газировка/ой) (guh-zee-ROH-vuhn-nuh-yuh / guh-zee-ROH-vuhn-nuy vah-DAH / vah-DOY
Tonic Water
тоник/ом (TOH-neek/TOH-neek-uhm
Orange juice
апельсиновый/ым сок/ом (uh-peel'-SEE-nuh-vyh / uh-peel'-SEE-nuh-vyhm sohk / SOHK-uhm
кола/ой (лимонад/ом) (KOH-lah / KOH-luy
Do you have any snacks?
Здесь есть буфет? (zdyehs' yehst' boo-FYEHT
Please have another glass.
Ещё одну, пожалуйста. (yee-SHYOH ahd-NOOH, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh
Please have another round.
Повторите, пожалуйста. (puhf-tah-REEH-tye, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh
When does business end?
Когда вы закрываетесь? (kahg-DAH vyh zuh-kryh-VAH-ee-tyehs'?
За здоровье! (za zdorovyeh!


Do you have the size I wear?
У вас есть это моего размера? (oo vahs yehst' EH-tuh ma-ee-VOH rahz-MYEH-ruh
how much is this?
Сколько это стоит? (SKOHL'-kuh EH-tuh STOH-eet
That's too expensive.
Это слишком дорого. (EH-tuh SLEESH-kuhm DOH-ruh-guh
You can accept_____(price)?
Вы примете _____? (vyh PREE-mee-tyeh _____?
дорого (DOH-ruh-guh
дёшево (DYOH-shyh-vuh
I can not afford it.
Я не могу себе этого позволить. (yah nee mah-GOOH see-BYEH EH-tuh-vuh paz-VOH-leet'
I don't want it.
Я это не хочу. (yah EH-tuh nee khah-CHOO
You are deceiving me.
Вы меня обманываете. (vyh mee-NYAH ab-MAH-nyh-vah-ee-tyeh
I'm not interested in.
Мне это не интересно. (mnyeh EH-tuh nee een-tee-RYEHS-nuh
Okay, I bought it.
Хорошо, я возьму. (khah-rah-SHOH, yah vahz'-MOO
Can you give me a bag?
Дайте, пожалуйста, пакет. (DIGH-tyeh, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh, pah-KYEHT
Do you deliver goods (to overseas)?
У вас есть доставка (за границу)? (oo vahs yehst' dahs-TAHF-kah (zah grah-NEET-sooh))
I need to...
Мне нужен/нужна/нужно/нужны... (mnyeh NOO-zhehn / nooh-ZHNAH / NOOZH-nuh / nooh-ZHNYH
...зубная паста. (ZOOB-nuh-yuh PAHS-tuh
...A toothbrush.
...зубная щётка. (ZOOB-nuh-yuh SHYOHT-kuh
...тампоны. (tahm-POH-nyh
...мыло. (MYH-luh
...шампунь. (shahm-POON'
...painkiller. (Such as aspirin or ibuprofen
...обезболивающее. (ah-beez-BOH-lee-vah-yoo-shee-yeh
...Cold medicine.
...лекарство от простуды. (lee-KAHR-stvah aht prah-STOO-dyh
...Gastrointestinal medicine.
...лекарство от живота. (lee-KAHR-stvah aht zhyh-VOH-tuh
...The razor.
...бритва. (BREET-vuh
...An umbrella.
...зонтик. (ZOHN-teek
...лосьон от загара. (luhs'-YOHN ahd zah-GAH-ruh
...A postcard.
...открытка. (aht-KRYHT-kah
...почтовые марки. (pahtch-TOH-vyh-yeh MAHR-kee
...батарейки. (bah-tah-RAY-kee
...бумага. (boo-MAH-guh
...A pen.
...ручка. (ROOCH-kuh
...Chinese book.
... Китайская книга. (Kitay-skaya kni-ga
...Chinese magazine.
...журналы на китайском языке. (zhoor-NAH-lyh nah kitay-skuhm yuh-zyh-KYEH
...A Chinese newspaper.
...газета на китайском языке. (gah-ZYEH-tah nah kitay-skuhm yuh-zyh-KYEH
...A Chinese dictionary.
...русско-китайский словарь. (ROO-skuh kitay-skee slah-VAHR'


I want to rent a car.
Я хочу взять машину напрокат. (yah khah-CHOO vzyaht' mah-SHYH-noo nuh-prah-KAHT
Can I get insurance?
Я могу взять страховку? (yah mah-GOO vzyaht' strah-KHOHF-koo
stop(Road sign
СТОП (stohp
one way lane
одностороннее движение (uhd-nuh-stah-ROHN-nee-yeh dvee-ZHEH-nee-yeh
уступите дорогу (oo-stoo-PEE-tyeh dah-ROH-goo
No Parking
парковки нет (pahr-KOHF-kee nyeht
Speed ​​limit
ограничение скорости (ah-grah-nee-CHEH-nyh-yeh SKOH-ruh-stee
Gas station
(авто)заправка ((AHF-tuh) zah-PRAHF-kuh
бензин (been-ZEEN
diesel fuel
ДТ (дизельное топливо) (deh teh (DEE-zehl'-nuh-yeh TOH-plee-vuh)


I did nothing bad.
Я ничего плохого не делал(а). (yah nee-chee-VOH plah-KHOH-vuh nee DYEH-luhl/luh-luh
That is a misunderstanding.
Мы друг друга не поняли. (myh droog DROO-guh nyee POHN-yuh-lee
Where are you taking me?
Куда вы меня везёте? (koo-DAH vyh meen-YAH vee-ZYOH-tyeh?
Am I arrested?
Я арестован(а)? (yah ah-ryees-TOH-vuhn/vuh-nah?
I am a citizen of Macau/Taiwan/Hong Kong/Singapore/China.
Я гражданин Аомыня/Тайваня/Гонконга/Сингапура/Китая. (Ya grazhdanin Aomynya/Tayvanya/Gonkonga/Singapura/Kitaya.
I want to contact Macau/Taiwan/Hong Kong/Singapore/Chinese Embassy/Office.
Я хочу поговорить с посольством/консульством Макао / Тайвань / Гонконг / Сингапур / Китай. (yah khah-CHOO puh-guh-vah-REET s pah-SOL’ST-vuhm / s KOHN-sool’-stvuhm Makao / Tayvan' / Gonkong / Singapur / Kitay.
I want to talk to a lawyer.
Я хочу поговорить с адвокатом. (yah hah-CHOO puh-guh-vah-REET s ahd-vuh-KAH-tuhm
Can I just pay the fine now?
Я могу заплатить штраф сейчас? (yah mah-GOO zah-plah-TEET' shtrahf say-CHAHS?
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