Transnistria - 德涅斯特河沿岸

Europe location PMR.png
currencyRuble along the Nest River
population633,600 (counted in 2001)
Power Systems230V/50Hz (European standard)
country code 373
Time zoneUTC 2
Emergency call101 (fire department), 102 (police agency), 103 (ambulance), 104 (gas)
Driving directionright

The content of this page is for travel reference only, and does not mean that it supports any party's political propositions.
Although the legitimacy of the government along the Transnistria is not recognized by any member state of the United Nations, from a traveler’s point of view, the government has actual control over the region (it has its own visa procedures, laws, currency, etc.) ); Therefore, we will regard it as a sovereign country.

Along the Nest RiverRussian: Приднестровье;Ukrainian: Дністер;Moldovan: Stânga Nistrului), forEastern EuropeOf a de facto country that declared independence fromMoldova, Although only the frontSoviet UnionOnly other secessioned countries recognize it, and the recognized countries haveAbkhaziaNagorno-KarabakhwithSouth Ossetia. Located in the territory between the Transnistria and Ukraine.

Along the Nest River (officially known asRepublic of Moldavia along the Nest RiverRussian: Приднестровская Молдавская Республика,Ukrainian: Придністровська Молдавська Республіка,Moldovan: Република Молдовеняскэ Нистрянэ), since 1990MoldovaThe country that declared its independence had a war with Moldova that lasted until 1992. Although the banks of the Neste River are not recognized by any country, they maintain a high degree of autonomy and have military cooperation and other assistance with Russia.


The coast of Transnistria is divided into five districts and two municipalities.


47°14′46″N 29°21′18″E
Map of Transnistria

Binjeri Castle
  • 1 Tiraspur -There are 168,000 residents in the local area and it is the capital of the country.
  • 2 Binjeri
  • 3 Lebnica

Other destinations

  • Joe Bruch(Чобручи) — Located by the tributary of the Transnistria; there are several statues to watch in a local park.
  • Yagorlik(Ягорлык) — It is a nature reserve.


The official language along the Nest River isRussianMoldovan(andRomanianBasically the same) andUkrainian. Moldova uses Cyrillic spelling on the banks of the Neste River. Although some people insist on using Latin spelling, it is still a controversial issue. The most commonly used language in businesses, bars, and taxis is Russian, which is understood by almost everyone in the local area; Moldovan and Ukrainian are also used and communicated, but compared to Russian, these languages ​​are relatively common. lower.


If tourists want to go to the banks of the Transnistria, the best means of transportation is to take the bus.MoldovaofChisinauwithUkraineofOdessaThere are buses to go there, and you can also choose to go by train or car. After entering the banks of the Transnistria, you will have to fill in a pass, which is mainly in Russian and English. At the time of entry inspection, please show your passport instead of using your passport. After the certificate is stamped, one will be taken away, and the other will be kept by the tourist until you leave the bank of the Transnistria until.

FromBinjeriFrom the border crossing to Chisinau, the cost of a taxi is 100 to 150 lei (Moldovan currency unit). ASoviet minibusThe cost is about 25 lei; from the border between Odessa and Kuchulgan (toTiraspurIt’s cheaper to take Soviet-style minibuses on the main road.

When you travel from Moldova to the border along the Transnistria, you will only need to go through the border officer along the Transnistria to enter; sometimes the Russian peacekeeping forces and the Ukrainian army may ask you or the driver to stop And conduct a vehicle inspection.

Remember, when you go to the banks of the Transnistria, you have to go back from wherever you go; this is the most basic concept, and it will not be affected by the immigration authorities of Moldova or Ukraine, or even by border post officials. .

When at the border, officials along the Transnistria may try to claim from touristsbribeAnd extortion, especially inOdessa to and from Chisinaupath of. Tourists must be firm and not afraid, and politely decline to them. Afterwards, you can go to or leave the local area without paying the wronged money (unless you are driving your own vehicle, and you can pay a fee of 5 US dollars when you enter the country. ). Perhaps you will feel scared, even local officials in military uniforms will ask tourists for fees, but you have to be more determined until they feel uncomfortable to ask for them and let you leave.Please do not let the local garrison military police see your money or valuables, This will cause more trouble for yourself (they will ask you to pay more); if you feel that they will try to beat you, then you have to accept your fate and pay a little, as long as you pay the equivalent One or two dollars is enough.

A little more precautions, a little less trouble. It is recommended that when you apply for a pass or other documents, please make sure to back up a few more copies, because some officials will directly take away your information or documents and will not return you; also, the appeal telephone number provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must be Be prepared that when you are in trouble, you can protect yourself through the appeal call.

Before local officials ask you for fees, please try to remember the names and number of officials, as well as record the time, date and name of the border station.Complaints are necessary(Please go toOfficial websiteFirst understand), the official website is available in English. You can also send a complaint to[email protected] (Customs along the Transnistria), they will assist you as soon as possible! There is also a complaint hotline: (373 533) 9-45-78 or 9-25-68. In the above complaint method and process, you should also provide your phone number to the complaint service window. They will have an English translator to assist you; you can call this hotline (373 778) 5-09-86 or [email protected]

From Ukraine or Moldova to the local area


Transnistria does not have its own international airport (only one military or cargo airport), so the best way is to fly thereMoldovaofChisinau, And then take other transportation to the coast of Transnistria. You can also take the passenger bus fromUkraineofOdessaGo to the banks of the Transnistria.


The main railway station along the Transnistria isTiraspurwithBinjeri. As of July 2012, the banks of Odessa, Transnistria andChisinauThere is a train moving between. As of July 2012,ChisinauThere are also train routes between Moscow and Moscow, and the stops at the stations areTiraspurAnd Kiev. Please readPoezda CIS Railway TimetableTo get the latest English timetable.


Cars can drive into the area, but it is expected that during the busiest hours, access to the border crossing point may be delayed by up to an hour. Please note that foreign tourists driving their own cars are the main goal of border guards trying to claim fees. They only need to pay a fee of 5 US dollars when entering the country; once this fee is exceeded, please ask them to provide a receipt as a basis for complaints!

Please note that not all border crossings can handle foreign cars at border stations. They may ask you to go to other border crossings to handle and pass.

Passenger transport

There will be more frequent (every 30 minutes from 7 am to 6 pm) Chisinau shuttle bus service to and from Tiraspur.Soviet minibusRun this route too. The direct passenger bus to and from Tiraspur to Odessa is not frequent. However, buses from Tiraspur to the border of Kuchuergan (Кучурган) and Kuchuergan to Odessa are frequent.

Please readAVPMROfficial timetables of local and international passenger buses.

Travel around

Scenery near Giska (Гиска)

The passenger bus will be your only best choice, and the Soviet-style minibus will travel to the city faster (even more frequently) than the general passenger bus. Although the cost of the Soviet-style minibus is higher than that of the passenger bus, it is very convenient and fast. Tourists can wave their hands to greet any place along the route, and the Soviet-style minibus will come and let you board. The Soviet-style minibus does not have to pay for the car as soon as you get on the bus, but only when you want to get off the bus.


Taxi along the Transnistria are very common and the prices are very cheap; in order to prevent being deceived, please be sure to negotiate the price before taking a taxi. If you missed the last passenger bus, you might as well take a taxi.


See:Russian phrasebook

The three official languages ​​along the Transnistria areRussianMoldovanwithUkrainian; However, almost all local people speak Russian, and Russian is also the main language of the government.

And some people will sayEnglishGerman,EvenFrench. This is after the official languages, English and German are the most common; young people especially speak English.

However, even local people who can speak English (or another foreign language) do not dare to communicate with foreign tourists. Even if they have received foreign language education, they deny their ability to speak. Keep this in mind, tourism along the Transnistria is basicallyzeroof. If you speak Russian, Moldovan or Ukrainian, then you can talk to them about what is worth visiting in the local area.


Exchange kiosks in Tiraspur


Official exchange rate for the ruble along the Transnistria
50 roubles de Transdniestrie, 2007.jpg

As of January 2017:

  • 1 euro ≈ 12 rubles
  • 1 Moldovan Leu ≈ 0.6 rubles
  • 1 pound ≈ 14 rubles
  • 1 Russian ruble ≈ 0.2 ruble
  • 1 Ukrainian Hryvnia ≈ 0.4 rubles
  • 1 U.S. dollar ≈ 11 rubles

The exchange rate fluctuates from time to time, and the current official exchange rate can be adjusted fromRepublic Bank of TransnistriaFind.

The official currency along the Transnistria isRuble along the Transnistria(The currency symbol isр.), but there is no ISO code for this currency.

Exchanges are very common, and they are happy to provide you with rubles along the Transnistria in exchange for any tradable currency. The official exchange rate can beRepublic Bank of TransnistriaFind. remember,Please do not exchange too many rubles along the Transnistria, Because it is very difficult to exchange the ruble from the Transnistria bank for one's own currency.

International credit/debit cards and traveler’s checks are not accepted anywhere along the Transnistria. However, on October 25th Street (Улица 25 Октября) there is an international automated teller machine (ATM) that can withdraw Russian rubles and US dollars.

worth buying

capitalTiraspurThere is not a large shopping mall, and there are even few shops, and the choices are very limited. But most shops and sales outlets also accept Moldovan leu and Ukrainian hryvnia.

The local brandy has good reviews, and almost has world-class standards, and the price is about 3 US dollars per bottle; if tourists want to buy brandy, they can buy brandy in the KVINT store in the center of Tiraspur (street name: Вокзальной улице ) To purchase, the price is very reasonable. Cigarettes are also very cheap. There are also artworks and handicrafts to buy. If you want to find an exchange booth, you can find it at the passenger bus or train station in Tiraspur.

There is a large open-air market in Tiraspur, near the Suvorov Monument, and another inBinjeriIt is only a few meters away from the passenger bus and the railway station.


There are several local restaurants serving local and foreign cuisines. Although there is no western fast food chain here, but inTiraspurOn October 25th (Улица 25 Октября), the restaurant "Andy's Pizza" was opened. There is also a buffet-style restaurant here, and it is very affordable. Usually the price is around US$3 to US$5, including a 3-course lunch and drinks (you can choose what you want).


Locally produced wine and brandy are both good alcoholic beverages, and they are both very cheap. There is a KVINT store in the center of Tiraspur. The KVINT store offers attractive and affordable merchandise transactions; the wines and brandies sold by KVINT are arguably the best in the former Soviet Union, and in Western countries (although It is very difficult to buy in Moldova supermarkets. If a tourist does not come to KVINT to buy a bottle of wine, your trip along the Transnistria will be equivalent to never been there. There is also a drink sold on the streetKvass (Квас), this is a good choice for tourists who don’t know how to drink. Kvass is a low-alcoholic beverage in Russia. You only need to pay about 50 cents to get a large bottle of cold kvass. As tourists from non-Eastern European countries, you might as well try a sip of kvass!


There are several restaurants and bars in any city along the Dniester River. In the capitalTiraspur, The main local restaurants include "Россия", "Аист", and "В.В.П. Club". Not only are the prices relatively affordable, but the service is also good. In addition, rental apartments can be found in most cities, and tourists can rent them for a few days or even months.


Memorial statue in Tiraspur

In the cities along the Transnistria, the local security is very good compared to other western countries. In addition, although the banks of the Transnistria andMoldovaThe political situation is very awkward, but in the current situation, there will be basically no large-scale military operations; there has been no war on the banks of the Transnistria for many years. In fact, the coast of Transnistria can be said to be a fairly safe travel destination. By far, the biggest threat to tourists has been bribery and blackmail from officials.

The capital of TransnistriaTiraspur, Is a tourist destination worthy of everyone’s visit, because there are very few foreign tourists here, so you will not feel too much pressure; in addition, the public security here is very good and the crime rate is low, local young people will say English is helpful for tourists who do not speak Russian, Ukrainian or Moldovan.

The people on the banks of the Transnistria are very hospitable and friendly to foreign tourists. Although most local people are shy and less proactive in contacting tourists, you can show them a friendly attitude. Basically, they are very enthusiastic to entertain you. . However, locals often think that foreign tourists are very rich, and the taxi drivers here will charge high prices to foreign tourists. Therefore, tourists must negotiate the price before taking a taxi, or try to find the second and third A taxi driver compares prices. If you don’t speak Russian well, please prepare a pen and paper, or use more hand-painted methods. Before you choose a meal in a bar or restaurant, please ask for these prices. Being deceived is uncommon, but it is not uncommon. However, even how much money is scammed, it usually won't make you spend a few more euros.

Tourists should pay more attention to the local police; because you are a foreign tourist, the police usually ask you to stop and ask for your passport. Sometimes the police will ask you for some illegal fees, usually you should be asked to pay a few dollars or a few euros. Although this practice is not allowed by the government along the Transnistria, it is actually quite common and rampant. If you speak Russian, the chance of being asked to pay illegal fees is much less.

Medical treatment

On the banks of the Transnistria, local medical services are almost non-existent, especially for non-citizens. In addition, even if you have travel health insurance, it is often not helpful in Transnistria (but it is valid in Moldova). In case of injury or illness in the local area, visitors are advised to contact your insurance company as soon as possible.

At night, tourists should be careful in the bars or nightclubs along the Transnistria! Local mafia members usually haunt bars or nightclubs at this time, and you should not approach them at will; after all, when there is any violent conflict, you may be involved, and your life will not be guaranteed.


Some restaurants or hostels provide Internet services; however, the local Internet cafes are not yet popular and are currently knownBinjeriOne is on Gagarin Street (Улица Гагарина, near the market), and the other is onTiraspurNear Andy's Pizza on October 25th Street (Улица 25 Октября). Along the river Dniester7ПятницъLa PlacintaandAndy PizzaAll three restaurants provide free Wi-Fi for tourists to use.

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