Loving it - Amandola

Loving it
Loving it
View of Amandola.jpg
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Loving it
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Loving it is a city of the Region Marche, in the province of Stop.

To know

Geographical notes

Amandola is located at 550m above sea level. It is included in the Sibillini park, and was called the east gate of the same park. Surrounded by the mountain range, it stands at the head of the other neighboring municipalities, with which it borders: Sarnano for the Macerata part, Comunanza for the Ascolana one, Montefortino for the Fermana one. It has innumerable hamlets that surround it, once all widely inhabited and home to schools, now mostly uninhabited or frequented in summer or winter by tourists. The hamlets are: Bore, Botundoli, Buzzaccheri, Caccianebbia, Campo di Masci, Capovalle, Casa Coletta, Corazza, Casa di Carlo, Casa Innamorati, Casalicchio, Casa Paradisi Inferiore, Casa Paradisi Superiore, Casa Tasso, Cese, Ciaraglia, Colle San Fortunato , Colle Turano, Coriconi, Corvellari, Cucchiaroni, Fossacieca, Francalancia, Garulla Inferiore, Garulla Superiore, Le Piane, Marnacchia, Merli, Moglietta, Montane, Paolucci, Paterno, Pucci, Rustici, Salvi, San Cristoforo, San Ruffino, Schiti, Scagnoli , Suitullo, Taccarelli, Vena, Verri, Vesciano, Vidoni, Villa Conti, Villa Fiorentina.

When to go

It can be visited at any time of the year, but it is particularly suggestive in the winter and summer periods. Thanks to the sweetness of the buildings, thanks to the suggestive landscape behind it, in these two periods it is stronger to notice the beauty of the town, illuminated by the Sibillini mountains behind it. A mountain range that rises in Central Italy, reaching 2476 meters with Monte Carrier. In addition to this, other peaks exceed 2000 meters in height, consolidating a scenario of majestic natural supremacy. Furthermore, some rivers arise from the Sibillini massif such as the Tenna, the Aso, the Nera and the Ambro. In the park there are the Lago di Fiastra (artificial) and that of Pilato (natural, 1940m). In addition, there are many floristic species present, 1800 of which the most famous and protected is the Edelweiss; then we have the alpine anemone, the cushion silene, the martagon lily, the bearberry and numerous orchids. Among the most present tree species, the downy oak, the black hornbeam, the turkey oak, the ornello, the chestnut, the turkey oak, the holm oak and the beech should be mentioned.


The city was born in 1248 from the union of the three castles of Agello, Leone and Marrubbione, which arose a long time ago and became a free municipality. The name that traditionally derives from an "almond tree", called the mannola in the Fermo dialect , to indicate both the fruit and the tree, which was admired in the area, also seems to symbolically mean the panoramic position on the hilly relief it occupies, with the scenario of the Sibillini Mountains behind it, to the west. in 570 Amandola was invaded by the Goths and then by the Lombards. In 700 it was incorporated into the Duchy of Spoleto, subsequently divided into the great brands of Camerino and Fermo. The repeated interventions of the Franks and the donation of many lands to the Church by King Pepin determined the division of the Duchy of Spoleto. In 1249, from the union of the fiefs Agello, Castel Leone and Marrubbione, the Municipality of Amandola was formed enclosed in a perimeter wall of 2230 meters with 5 gates: Agello, S.Giacomo (the only one still existing), Marrubbione, S .Antonio and Putei. There were three public squares: the animalium platea, used for livestock fairs, the platea Magna, place where popular assemblies and celebrations were held, the platea Vallelonga, an ancient market square. Amandola and the surrounding municipalities for the definition of the boundaries. It had the Statutes in 1265 and is remembered for the flourishing weaving industry between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Among its lords, the leader Mostarda da Forlì (14th-15th century) is remembered. Amandola suffered the impact of the Napoleonic forces and, due to an attempt at resistance, faced a sack which ended with the desecration of the sarcophagus of Blessed Antonio. Only in 1800 did the French occupation end and the papal government was restored.

During the Second World War Angelo Biondi was shot in the main square. In March 1944 the German troops engaged in a brief conflict with the partisans which ended with the shooting of 10 men. Still during the period of the Nazi-Fascist occupation, precisely in September 1943, two families of Yugoslav Jewish refugees arrived in Amandola (eight people in all) fleeing to the south. Despite the danger, the whole town, led by the stationmaster Giuseppe Brutti, mobilized to help them. A commission was formed among the inhabitants which endeavored to give the refugees - who were deprived of everything - free accommodation, food and blankets and everything they needed. When an informer revealed the presence of Jews in the town, they were transferred to the hamlet of San Cristoforo, where they remained until the Liberation. For their action, Giuseppe Brutti and his wife Elvira Lucci Brutti were awarded the high honor of Righteous among the nations by the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem. touch more than 6000 inhabitants in its district. But then, in the following decades, there was a decline, reaching today (2012) to 3700 inhabitants.

How to orient yourself

The town is not made up of neighborhoods, but areas can be identified: the city center (the square, the historic center); the industrial area (Pian di Contro); the fractions.

How to get

By plane

  • Airport of Falconara, then bus to Piazza Cavour ad Ancona and finally Bus to Amandola.

By car

  • A14: From the north take the Exit Civitanova Marche, freeway up to Macerata West then towards Sarnano;
  • From the South, exit at Pedaso then SP238 for Commonality. From Rome: Salaria to Mozzano, SP237 for Comunanza.

On the train

  • Porto San Giorgio-Fermo station, then Bus (Steat) to Amandola.

By bus

How to get around

To get around given the logistical problem of the viability in the surroundings of Amandola, there are public transport lines (Sasp is Steat), which connect the town to the major capitals of the region. Otherwise, the transfers must be made either at the request of the taxi, or by own means. The average distance to reach the coast is: 40 minutes to Pedaso and 55 minutes to Porto San Giorgio.

What see

In Amandole there are many things to see, but in itself it is the town itself that is a real pearl. Its historic center, ancient, contains different styles together and the sweetness of the buildings, make it open and appreciated by all. Its vast territory, made up of many heterogeneous hamlets, gives it an even more mystical and mysterious touch.

  • Church of San Francesco.
  • Church of Beato Antonio. Containing the body of the deceased saint.
  • La Fenice Theater.
  • Anthropogeographic Museum.
  • The 5 sources.
  • Rococo Theater.
  • Abbey of San Ruffino and Vitale.
  • Convent of the Capuchins.
  • Medieval towers. Some of them restored, others authentic.
  • Piazza Umberto I.
  • San Ruffino Lake.
  • Council Chamber.
  • Remains Torrioni.
  • Taccarelli Church.
  • Church of Santa Maria in Piè d'Agello.
  • Holy Trinity Church.
  • War Memorial.
  • Monument to the Alpine troops.
  • San Bernardino.
  • Frescoes in the cloister of San Francesco.
  • Crucifix in San Francesco church.
  • Tower Houses. Typical buildings of 1100.
  • Podesta's tower.
  • La Collegiata Theater.
  • San Bernardino Church.

Events and parties

  • Epiphany. Simple icon time.svgJanuary 6. The witches take to the streets.
  • Diamonds on the table. Simple icon time.svgFirst week of November. Market exhibition of prized truffles and typical local products.
  • Carnival "de li paniccià".
  • Historical re-enactment of the Canestrelle. Simple icon time.svgIn August.
  • Festival of Fregnaccia. Simple icon time.svgIn August.
  • Democratic party. Simple icon time.svgIn August.
  • Summer patron saint's day. Simple icon time.svgIn August.
  • Festival of Taccarelli. Simple icon time.svgIn September.
  • Beer Festival. Simple icon time.svgIn summer.
  • Bacon Festival. Motoclub.
  • Feast of the Alpini (Madonna of Peace).
  • Mountains in Celebration (Campolungo). Simple icon time.svgIn July.
  • Vespe club meeting. Simple icon time.svgIn July.
  • Treasure hunt. Simple icon time.svgIn August.
  • Filofest. Simple icon time.svgIn August. Street Philosophy Festival.
  • The night of the Sibyl (White Night).
  • Singing Festival, 39 0736 848323, 39 0736 845500. Simple icon time.svgFirst week of November. International review of music and theater.

What to do

At the Rococò Theater, the Cultural Association "le Superteppe" entertains children on weekends, with games, dances, songs, educational and creative works. The La Fenice Association has also been operating for decades, which holds courses in classical and modern music. , of classical and modern dance, of acting for adults and children and other cultural activities. For those who want to practice sport, there are various associations to join such as: Asd Amandola football, Tennis club "il Principe", Sibillini volleyball, 5 Fonti Basket , Bocciofila amandolese, School of Climbing. For the elderly there is also a Center called "carry each other's weights", which brings together some elderly people twice a week, to make them do various activities. Il Mandorlo d'Argento, on the other hand, is a real OVer 60 club, which for years has been offering various activities to local elderly people.The parish Caritas also carries out assistance services, through volunteers and civilians, to the elderly, needy families and so on. other, on the Amandolese territory. Some cultural associations organize courses of various types, spread throughout the year and in general the most active and present are:

  • Il Canovaccio organizes sewing, macrebe and embroidery courses;
  • Dinos, organizes conferences on the history of the mountain area, as well as book presentations and other initiatives;
  • A.C.R, Catholic Association for Children and Young People's Entertainment;
  • A.S Amandola, amateur football sports association;
  • A.S Pallavolo Sibillini, volleyball sports association;
  • A.V.I.S, Sibillini blood donation volunteers association;
  • A.V.U.L.S.S;
  • ASS La Gramigna, cultural association of Casa Tasso (fraction);
  • ASS Alpini;
  • Bocciofila Amandolese;
  • Circolo LEgambiente;
  • C.A.I Section Amandola;
  • Coop Il Chirocefalo, social cooperative;
  • Choral La Ginestra;
  • Ass La Mannola, dance association;
  • Ass La Cucuma, dance association;
  • Red Cross;
  • The unforgettable ones;
  • Alto Tenna Club Line;
  • Mc Aquile dei Sibillini (motoclub);
  • San Lorenzo riding school;
  • Os Aridum;
  • Polisportiva 5 Sources Basketball;
  • Pro Castel Leone;
  • Pro Loco Amandola;
  • Il Principe Tennis Club;
  • Shooting;
  • Boat rental on Lake San Ruffino.


In Amandola there are shops of various kinds and addresses. From clothes, to sweets, to bakeries with typical local products. Even the butchers show in the window together with the meat, even products of this land.

A small shopping center has been built a few years ago, housing a bar, a grocery store and a textile shop. In the Pian di Contro industrial area, the most famous industry is the Sibilla, producer of mozzarella and other dairy products, which it sells at the nearby collection point. Possibility of acquiring homes, thanks to the agencies present in the municipal area.

Very famous and sought after is the Precious White Truffle of the Sibillini Mountains, of which Amandola makes a fine show, in the annual Novembrino appointment of Diamanti a Tavola. The most common types in the Park and therefore in the Amandolese territory are mainly four:

  • White Truffle (Tuber magnatum Pico);
  • Black Truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittadini);
  • Summer Truffle (Turber aestivum Vittadini);
  • Bianchetto truffle (Tuber borchii Vittadini).

How to have fun

The Amandolese Youth Aggregation Center (Cacuam) is functioning and active, which gathers in its own headquarters, giving them the opportunity to have fun with various group activities.Some bars have billiards or billiards and a cellar has recently opened for the tasting of Wines.There are various possibilities for recreation, including the many associations between sports, cultural and artistic, which offer their commitment and their passion to provide services to those who want to use them. Possibility to go on horseback excursions, in the nearby riding school, or to take advantage of nature for beautiful outings in the mountains. A fun can also be that of knowing and trying the various culinary specialties of the country, the main ones listed below:

  • Crispella, is very similar to a pancake but has a completely different taste. On top of it you can add salt or sugar according to your preferences;
  • Coppa maritata, a slice of stale bread soaked in beaten egg as if to make an omelette and then cooked in boiling oil;
  • Vincisgrassi;
  • Fregnaccia, lasagna puff pastry topped with sauce and rolled up;
  • Lo 'NGriccio, legume and potato soup;
  • Cooked wine;
  • Mistrà, strictly homemade;
  • Ciauscolo;
  • Cicerchiata, a typical carnival dessert;

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


Both the Carabinieri Station and the State Police Station are present in Amandola. In addition, in the summer, the Fire Brigade is operational for 3-4 months.

How to keep in touch


Piazza del Popolo of Ascoli Piceno
  • Ascoli Piceno - The city is about 40 km from Amandola along the SP237 towards Comunanza-Mozzano and then channeled into the junction on the right that leads to the SS4 (Antica Salaria) and choose the direction of the left carriageway at the crossroads for Rosara. It is known as the City of a hundred towers. Its historic center is famous for having houses, palaces, churches, bridges and elevated towers in travertine. Here, history and architectural styles have settled their passage from the Roman age to the Middle Ages, up to the Renaissance. Artists such as Cola dell'Amatrice, Lazzaro Morelli, Carlo Crivelli, Giosafatti and other talented sculptors, stonecutters, painters have left a mark of their talent. It welcomes one of the most beautiful squares in Italy: Piazza del Popolo, center of cultural and political life, framed by arcades with loggias, Palazzo dei Capitani and Caffè Meletti. Every year in August the Quintana is held there, a historical re-enactment in costume with a procession and competition of six knights vying for the conquest of the Palio.
Fortress of Arquata
  • Arquata del Tronto - The town is located a few km from Amandola (about 42) and is easily reachable by taking the SP83 towards Montegallo and taking the SP89 following the direction of Arquata Del Tronto. Of particular interest is the fortified complex of the Rocca. A medieval defense work that can be seen isolated in the area north of the town and observes the Alta Valle del Tronto and the Salaria with its towers. Conceived as a military garrison to guard the territory, it has arrived in a good state of conservation up to the present day. Built several times between the 11th and 15th centuries, this stronghold is also known by the name of Queen Giovanna Castle. The recent restoration has made it open to visitors in all its rooms. In the country there is also the church of the Santissima Annunziata hosting the 13th century polychrome wooden crucifix.

The Cai di Amandola, often in collaboration with other local associations, organizes excursions, snowshoeing or photography courses.

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Loving it
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Loving it
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