Aramengo - Aramengo

Aramengo - Glimpse
Coat of arms
Aramengo - Coat of arms
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Aramengo it is a small center of the Piedmont inAsti.

To know

Very few people know the country, but many people mention it or have cited it every day. Go to Ramengo it is in fact a very widespread popular saying to say go down the drain, into ruin; there is also the variant But go to Ramengo, in the sense of go to the gallows. Perhaps almost none of those who use or have used these phrases knows that the saying derives from the fact that in the Middle Ages there was the Court that sentenced to confinement or to the gallows.

Geographical notes

On the hills ofAsti on the border with Turin the town is 20 km from Chivasso, 32 from Asti, 48 from Turin, 47 from Casale Monferrato.


The events of the place are linked over time to the Radicati family, feudal rulers, of a very large territory including numerous neighboring municipalities. The high sovereignty, in addition to a portion of feudal domain, belonged first to the marquises of Monferrato, around 1429, and later to the Dukes of Savoy. However, the Radicati gradually ceded shares of feudal dominion to various lords including the Curtet of Grosso Canavese, the Biglione of Pogliano, the Borda of Piobesi and others until reaching the last, the Balbiano of Aramengo, owners of various properties in the common, even today. Aramengo was also a fief of Count Francesco Morelli (1761-1841).

How to orient yourself


The town develops in a semicircle on the crest of a natural amphitheater. The current urban layout faithfully follows the ancient one, with the houses distributed along a single main axis. From a distance, the center is dominated by the bulk of the parish church, a superb late 18th century Baroque example.

Its municipal territory includes the villages of Canova, Gonengo, Marmorito, Boi, Quasso, Uzzano, Valore, Tana, Roletto, Brozzo, Eivà, Masio, Pratorotondo, Canuto, Braia, Perello alto, Piacentino, and Bonino.

How to get

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Parish church of Sant'Antonio Abate. It stands on an elevated churchyard and stands out in the profile of the town. It was built in late Baroque style on a project of 1769; the works ended in 1804 and had begun thirteen years earlier.
  • Chapel of Sant'Anna. Dedicated to the patron saint of the town, it was built on the occasion of the plague that decimated the population in 1348; it was rebuilt in the mid-17th century. On the facade a plaque commemorates the first public sermon given by San Giovanni Bosco in this church in 1840.
The church has a single nave interior without an apse. The only altar in the back wall houses a large painting depicting the Madonna between Sant'Anna and San Gioacchino.
  • Chapel of San Giorgio (in Masio). This Romanesque chapel stands on a small hill near Masio, the first documentary evidence of which dates back to the thirteenth century. Rebuilt in the seventeenth century, however, it had a first construction between the end of the twelfth and the beginning of the twelfth century. The building has a single nave with a semicircular apse. The facade is elegantly simple, with a portal formed by two pilasters connected to a composite pediment.
On the south wall there are two stone blocks depicting two heads, one of which is upside down, to testify to the reuse of recycled materials for its construction.
  • Church of the Madonna della Neve (in Marmorito). The exact date of foundation of the church is not known, which according to documents of the sixteenth century was enlarged at that time. Of the ancient antecedent church there is no trace, if not a certain vague Romanesque reference in the apse. The façade is divided into three sectors, corresponding to the three internal naves. The large portal, which is accessed via a staircase, is surmounted by an arched tympanum.

Events and parties

  • Feast of Sant'Anna. Simple icon time.svgJuly 26.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 1 Italian post, Via Mazzini 11, 39 0141 90912, fax: 39 0141 909128.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Aramengo
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Aramengo
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).