Jakarta metropolitan area - Area metropolitana di Giacarta

Jakarta metropolitan area
Central Jakarta with Merdeka Square and the National Monument (Monas) in the foreground, seen from the Istiqlal Mosque
Jakarta Metropolitan Area - Location

Jakarta metropolitan area is an urban region of Western Java.

To know

The metropolitan area of ​​Jakarta (Jakarta Raya), is an informal term to designate the conurbation of the capital of theIndonesia. Due to its generic nature, the term is used in the most disparate fields, for statistical purposes and university research, in economic or demographic development studies and also in the tourism field.

The corresponding administrative term is "Jabodetabek", an acronym derived from the initials of the five municipalities and three regencies that make up the metropolitan area of ​​Jakarta. It is one of the most densely populated conurbations in the world (4,957 inhabitants per km²) which exceeded 30,000,000 inhabitants in 2014.

Given the frenzied pace of growth of its population, it is not too hard to predict that, in a surprisingly short time, the metropolitan area of ​​Jakarta will join the ranks of the top ten urban regions in the world, ousting Tokyo (37,800,000 inhabitants in 2016) from his place.

The above data acts as a deterrent for potential visitors to the point that there are not a few tourists who, once landed at the international airport, prefer to head for the cities and villages of the plateau with a much more temperate climate, thus avoiding chaos and the pollution of Jakarta and its satellite cities.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

Map of the region
  • Bekasi - Industrial city east of Jakarta.
  • Bogor - Town of the plateau surrounded by volcanic cones.
  • Depok - City south of Jakarta that houses the University of Indonesia.
  • Jakarta - Capital ofIndonesia.
  • South Tangerang - City designed according to modern urban planning criteria, South Tangerang it is renowned for its large shopping malls and golf courses.
  • Tangerang - The area around the large port of Jakarta.

Other destinations

  • A thousand islands (Kepulauan Seribu) - Several of the tiny islands that make up the archipelago in the Bay of Jakarta make up a trendy vacation spot among Indonesians working overseas.

How to get

By plane

Jakarta-Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
  • 1 Jakarta-Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. The larger of Jakarta's two airports is reserved for both international and domestic flights. It currently has three terminals each with multiple entrances / exits marked with letters of the alphabet. Most international flights flow into Terminals 2D and 2E. As for the transport system to / from the airport it must be said that the inauguration of two railway sections is expected by 2017, which will make connections with South Tangerang is Kota (the old colonial center of Jakarta). At the moment you can use, in addition to the taxi, the state-run DAMRI bus lines (operating from 05:00 to 23:30) which, among other things, make stops at the major shopping centers and large hotels in Jakarta. The DAMRI buses terminate at terminal 3 and to reach it you will have to use a shuttle bus but the service is random. However, a monorail that will connect the various terminals to each other is nearing completion. If, on the other hand, you are headed to Bandung you will have to board a Primajasa bus. If you want to use a taxi you will have to book it through the special desks located in each terminal. Paying tolls on Jakarta's two ring roads is an extra charge for passengers. It is not uncommon for drivers to take the longer route to make you pay more. You could work around this scam by checking the itinerary on a map service. If you have downloaded the "Uber Taxi" app on your mobile device, you will pay half the price. The airport provides passengers with an information service that can be reached both via the call center 138 and via various social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Jakarta Soekarno Hatta International Airport on Wikipedia Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Q749497) on Wikidata

On the train

  • 2 Gambir station. Jakarta's major railway station is located east of Medan Merdeka, Jakarta's central square. From this station trains leave for the main tourist centers of Java. The most important Indonesian train operator is the company Kereta Api Indonesia entirely state-run. If you want to travel comfortably, avoid the regional trains that stop at the smaller station on the long route and try to book one of the few trains as soon as possible executive (a dozen in all). One of these is the Argo Bromo Anggrek in service between the Gambir station and the city of Surabaya with intermediate stops a Cirebon, Semarang Tawang and Pekalongan, three centers on the north coast of Java. Another executive train of tourist importance is the Kereta api Taksaka from Gambir station a Yogyakarta. Trains too executive they are rather slow being pulled by diesel locomotives. L'Argo Bromo Anggrek it takes nine hours to cover the 725 km that separate Jakarta from Surabaya but the service on board is cared for and, as in Agatha Christie's time, you will have the feeling of being not in a train but in a superior category hotel, even if out of date. Gambir railway station (Q1889128) on Wikidata

How to get around

Suburban train lines of the Jakarta metropolitan area

Moving within the metropolitan area of ​​Jakarta is not an easy affair due to the frequent traffic jams, the overcrowding of public transport, the hot-humid climate and the pollution that afflicts the area.

On the train

The metropolitan area of ​​Jakarta is served by five suburban train lines shown in the diagram opposite.

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Jakarta metropolitan area
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