Australia and Oceania - Australia i Oceania

Australia and Oceania

Australia and Oceania - part of the world covering Australia and islands Oceania (Pacific Ocean).


Australia and Oceania political map




The general language is English.

Interesting places

The most interesting cities:


The main attraction for the richer than the national average is the Sydney Opera House, and the cheaper ones are the same as on other continents: theaters, circuses, amusement parks, sometimes roller coasters. On Happy Tuesday, most theaters cut ticket prices, but not all films.


Oceania tourist attractions:

  • Coral reef
  • The Great Watershed Mountains
  • Mount Kosciuszko
  • Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
  • Sunny coast
  • Owen Stanley Mountains
  • Galena Lake
  • Paul Gauguin Museum
  • Jean Marie Tijabout Cultural Center


The main stores in Australia are Carrefour and 7 eleven, and the currency is the Australian dollar.


The main means of transport are: car, plane, bus, bus, train, ferry, metro. The largest carrier in Australia is Greyhound, ticket prices can be checked on The Spirit of Australia ferry on the Melbourne / Davenport route is also a good means of transport. Australia's only metro network is located in Sydney. In Australia, traffic is on the left-hand side.


In Australia, Thai and Chinese cuisine reigns supreme, but there is no shortage of European and American bars and pubs such as Subway, McDonald, KFC. The most traditional Australian dish is beef pie. Meet pies, i.e. ground beef in batter, are also popular. In many cities and towns, there are clean and tidy public barbecues.


The cheapest beers in Australia are XXXX and VB. There are also juices from various exotic fruits. India and Java are quite close so coffee and tea are fresh. Traditional drinks in Australia do not exist.


The cheapest place to stay are the so-called backpackers, or ordinary youth hostels. Accommodation in motels in the suburbs usually does not exceed $ 100, depending on the city, because it is known that accommodation in the suburbs of Sydney will be more expensive than in the suburbs of Adelaide. There are paid campsites, they have toilets, showers, grills for rent, but there are also free campsites, the so-called rest areas, located right next to the road, however, offer no luxuries.


There is no war or armed conflict going on here, and no country is somehow specially distinguished.


In Australia, there is no shortage of hospitals, not otherwise in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea or Fiji, but it will be worse with island countries, where medical care is provided only in larger towns. The era of tropical diseases has long passed on the continent.