Silesian Beskids - Beskid Śląski

Silesian Beskids

Region in Poland and Czechia. The Silesian Beskid consists of two longitudinally stretched mountain ranges, separated by a river valley Vistula. In the west it is located Czantoria rangewhile in the east Barania Góra range, sometimes also called the Vistula Range. The highest peaks of the Silesian Beskids are Skrzyczne (1257 m above sea level) and Barania Góra (1220 m above sea level), while for the Czech part Czantoria Wielka (995 m above sea level).

The view from Równica to Stożek, Magurka and the Vistula. Photo by MOs810
Spring sheep ridge in Koniaków. The author of the photo: Robert Garstka RIK


Characteristic for the Silesian Beskids is the presence of relatively numerous and in places quite extensive rock outcrops, as well as the largest in Polish Beskidy the concentration of caves, including the two largest Polish caves Carpathian flysch (Wislańska Cave - the length of the corridors 2275 m and Miecharska Cave - corridors length 1838 m). As of August 31, 2014, there were 415 caves and rock shelters in the Silesian Beskids with a total corridor length of 12,275.6 m.

The Silesian Beskid is built of massive Godul sandstones: middle Godulskie sandstones mined in two quarries in Brenna) and Godulskie dolne (mined in the quarry in Wisła) and the Istebniński family. In the southern part, the mountains are made of Magura flysch.

There are mineral deposits here: sandstones, limestones and aggregates natural.

There are also mineral water springs here.

Historical monuments

and other.


There are many tourist destinations here, incl. Istebna, Szczyrk, Ustroń, Vistula.

Numerous tourist routes run through the Silesian Beskids. Tourists will find shelter in more than 25 tourist hostels, incl.

PTTK hostel in Klimczok. The author of the photo AvantaR
The shelter of PTTK Przysop near Barania Góra. The author of the photo Micio at pl.wikipedia
PTTK hostel on Skrzyczne. The author of the photo, Michał Sz. Permission
PTTK hostel in Szyndzielnia. Photo by MOs810

Precipitation and temperature

Silesian Beskid, as well as the whole Western Beskids It is characterized by precipitation ranging from 800 to 1200 mm per year and heavy snow cover in winter. The masses of polar-sea air with a predominant west wind have the greatest influence on the formation of the weather.

As the altitude increases, the air temperature gradually decreases towards the south-east. The average annual temperature ranges from 5.4 degrees C in the ridge parts to 8.5 degrees C in the river valley Olzy. The coldest month is January, while the warmest is July. Strong winds, mitigated by the surrounding mountains, are an important climatic factor.

In spring and autumn, it blows here mountain wind. In the top parts of Barania Góra, Equators and Czantoria west and northwest winds prevail.

Natura 2000

The Silesian Beskids belongs to the Natura 2000 areas in the Silesian voivodship.