Central Bhutan - Bhutan centrale

Central Bhutan
Kurje Lhakhang in Jakar

Central Bhutan is a region of Kingdom of Bhutan.

To know

Culturally central Bhutan is closer to Eastern Bhutan, and as in the latter the predominant school of Buddhism is the Nyingma. The cities, however, have been developed with a mixture of eastern and western design. Trongsa for example it has the oriental characteristic of being on the side of a hill, while Jakar it winds along a wide and luxuriant valley, like the cities of the West.

Central Bhutan includes the Bumthang District which literally translates to "bumpa-shaped valley". "Thang" is valley or plain, and "bum" is short for "bumpa"(a container used in consecration ceremonies). The Bumthang region is known as the spiritual heart of the kingdom, as it was here that Guru Rinpoche cured a local king of a spirit-induced illness in the 8th century BC, an event that led to the king, and eventually the whole country, to embrace Buddhism. Buddhist saint Pema Ligpa was born in this region and many other famous Buddhist yogis have lived and practiced here. As a result, the area is a concentrate of sacred artifacts and monasteries .

The region is also known for its lush valleys and is a major producer of apples and apple juice. Previously buckwheat was the most popular grain in the valleys, but in recent years rice has been successfully introduced to the area and this has supplanted buckwheat as the main crop.

When to go

Winters in Bumthang are very cold, with a persistent strong wind and heavy snow. Summers, on the other hand, are warm and pleasant, and due to the high altitude, the region is spared from the worst monsoon rains.

Spoken languages

Bumthangkha is the predominant language in Bumthang. Languages ​​influenced by dzonghka and sharchopkha are spoken in other areas, while theEnglish it is generally understood a Jakar.

Culture and traditions

The Bumthang is also famous for its brightly colored and distinctive woven woolen garments called yethra.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Chhume - Famous for its woven wool items.
  • 1 Jakar - The administrative center of the district and the first place where Buddhism entered Bhutan.
  • 2 Tang - It boasts many sacred sites.
  • 3 Trongsa - There are many grandiose monasteries in the area.
  • 4 Ura - Characteristic village in the high mountains.

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

  • Kurjey Lhakhang in Jakar is a temple built around a cave with an effigy of the body of Guru Rinpoche embedded in the wall. Guru Rinpoche practiced meditation here on his first visit to Bhutan and as such it is the oldest Buddhist relic in the country.
  • Jakar Dzong to JakarOriginally built in 1667 but rebuilt after being severely damaged in the 1897 earthquake, it is one of the largest and most impressive in Bhutan and houses the administrative and monastic offices for the Bumthang District.
  • Kurjey Lhakhang to Jakar it is one of the holiest monasteries in Bhutan. An effigy of the body of Guru Rinpoche is kept in a cave around which the oldest of the three buildings is built. The original building was built in 1652 by Trongsa Penlop, while the latest addition was built by the late Queen Mother Ashi Kesang Wangchuk in 1990.
  • Jambay Lhakhang to Jakar is one of 108 monasteries miraculously built by King Songten Gampo in one night. The monastery is located between Kurjey Lhakhang and Jakar Dzong.
  • Tharpaling Goemba to Chhume it was founded by the dzogchen master Longchen Rabjam in 1352, the monastery also hosted the famous guru Nyingma Jigme Lingpa in the 18th century. It is located at 3,600 meters and is home to about 150 monks. It can be reached by a dirt road.
  • Thangbi Goemba to Jakar was founded in 1470 by Shamar Rimpoche.
  • Mebar Tsho (Burning Lake), Tang is a place where some of Guru Rinpoche's scriptural treasures (Tibetan: terma) were discovered in the 15th century by the famous treasure hunter Pema Lingpa.
  • Tamshing Goemba to Jakar is a monastery founded in 1501 by the local Buddhist saint Pema Lingpa. The two storey building contains some lovely frescoes and has a very low ceiling (apparently Pema Lingpa was very low!) Plus there is a 500 year old metal suit made by Pema Lingpa located on the first floor. It is considered auspicious to go around the temple three times with the chain draped across the back and shoulders.
  • Sumthrang Lhakhang in the village of Shinyer a Ura, is a several hundred year old monastery with many simple but beautiful works of art. Visitors in January should notice the two flowering trees near the main gate, unlike other trees of the same variety. Legend states that these trees sprouted thanks to a walking stick placed at the gate by the monastery's founder, Gyelwa Lhanangpa.

What to do

  • Baths of Duer - A day trek starting from the road. The trek is arduous, but extraordinarily beautiful. Blue sheep, musk deer and Himalayan bears are common in the Duer spa area.
  • Weaving housesChhume is famous for its wool weavers, and it is possible to see the work in action and purchase items (called yethra) directly from the frame.
  • Trekking and camping - The region is perfect for long walks in the mountains.

At the table

Jakar it is the only place with restaurants of international standard, although each village has small restaurants serving Bhutanese dishes.


The area is famous for its freshly produced apple juice.


The area has a large population of bears, so you have to be careful and take the right precautions when walking in isolated areas.

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