Bologna (city) - Bologna (stad)

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Bologna is a city in Italy. Bologna is located in the eponymous province and in the region Emilia-Romagna and is also the capital of both. Until the Second World War, Bologna was one of the best-preserved medieval cities in Europe. Despite the heavy bombardments, a lot of authentic architecture has been preserved. Bologna is a city of culture with a beautiful historic core and its university is the driving force behind the harmonization of European college and university education. The symbol of the city are the two towers Asinelli and Garisenda. There are many churches in the city. Near Bologna is Modena, the home city of the Italian thoroughbred brand: Ferrari. So in Bologna you can sometimes see a Ferrari driving and also Vespas. Bologna is also a good base for visiting the Apennines or the Po Delta or the marble quarries of ferrara. The Bologna area is the most prosperous in Italy and there is a political movement to tear it away from the rest of Italy.

Bologna is known by various attributes such as

  • Bologna la Rossa (the red one) because of its many red buildings and roofs and some say that it is due to the political preference of many residents of the city.
  • Bologna la Grassa (the fat one) for the city's extensive gastronomy, Bologna is pretty much the culinary center of Italy. Trattorias, osterias, pasticcerias and other –ias know how to seduce both the Italian and the tourist. Spaghetti Bolognese can be found anywhere in the world except in Bologna itself, where it is just spaghetti. Immerse yourself in the Bolognese cuisine, you have pizza and spaghetti and so much more.
  • The oldest university in the world lends the attribute Bologna la Dotta (the scholar). Students are certainly familiar with the Bologna convention, aimed at harmonizing the courses in Europe, resulting in the bachelor/master course structure. Bologna is therefore the university city of Italy with more than 100,000 students.


The two towers Asinelli and Garisenda
Bologna la Rossa

The history of Bologna goes back to the Etruscans, they called the city Felsina (c. 534 BC). Formerly, the plain was inhabited by Villanovias, a people of shepherds and farmers. In the time of the Etruscans, the city grew around a cemetery on a hill surrounded by a necropolis.

In the fourth century BC the tribe was conquered by the Boii, a Gallic tribe.

For tourist information and assistance, please contact the Bureau Bologna Welcome[1] from the city of Bologna


By plane

From Belgium

Bologna airport is called G.Marconi aeroporte [2], the airlines that have connections from Belgium or nearby airports to Bologna are Brussels Airlines, GermanWings, Alitalia, KLM and Ryanair. Located so close to the center of the city, it does make the airport attractive for practical reasons. There is a shuttle service between the airport and Bologna central station that takes you to Bologna central station in 20 minutes for 6 euros. Which by the way is one of the most important train stations in Italy.

It may be economically interesting to reach Bologna via Milan because of the strong competition between several airlines and bus companies that makes connections between Brussels and Milan cheaper.

By train

Its geographical position and its facilities have made its central station one of the main network points of the Italian railways. With 70 million travelers per year, it can compete with 'Milan central station' and 'Rome termini station'. In terms of number of trains per hour (523), it is the most important station in Italy, equaling Rome Termini station. So you have very good frequencies and connections with all of Italy.

From Belgium

Despite this wealth of inland train connections, the connection to Brussels-South is not so fast due to the lack of a good high-speed rail line between Bologna and Belgium. The journey by train from Brussels South station to Bologna Central station takes 12 to 15 hours.

You have the choice between :

  • EuroNight between Paris Bercy station (FR) and Bologna central station.
  • EuroNight between Lausanne-station (FR) and Bologna central station
  • EuroNight between Munich Hbh (DE) and Bologna central station.
  • EuroCity between Brussels-South station and Milan central station via transfer in Brig (Switzerland) and onward travel with the ES train.
  • TGV between Paris-Lyon (FR) and Milan Central Station and onward travel by ES (Eurostar Italia) train.

By car

From Belgium

Bologna can be reached in 1 day's drive (12 hours drive without a break), you drive through France and Switzerland and cross the Swiss-Italian border Lugano. The route through Switzerland goes through the beautiful Swiss Alps. You can do an alternative route along Austria, this one is 200 km longer and that way you don't need a Swiss road vignette. A road vignette is mandatory in Austria, but not on the A13 Innsbruck-Sud motorway up to the Italian border.

By bus

Eurolines provides connections between the major cities in Belgium and Bologna.

By boat

Travel around

The BLQ bus takes you to the city center in 20 minutes. 6 EURO, ticket also remains valid if you transfer (within the hour) to another bus in the city.

A ticket on the bus (red self-service machines) costs 1.50 EUR, valid for one hour on the ATC network

You can get bus tickets at the ATC counters in the central station or in Piazza Maggiore.

To look at

  • Large market,Piazza Maggiore, this is the favorite place for tourists and Italians to meet, this square is located in the center of the city and bathed in a medieval atmosphere, it is one of the beautiful medieval squares of Europe. The main attractions of Bologna are located around this square such as Palazzo d'Accursio, Palazzo del Podesta, Palazzo dei Notai and the Basilica of San Petronio. The center of the city is actually formed by the adjacent squares Piazza Maggiore and Piazza del Nettuno.
  • The two towers Garisenda and Asinelli,Le due torri Asinelli e Garisenda, they are towers built in the Middle Ages that are very characteristic of the view of Bologna, the Garisenda was so crooked that they demolished it half three years after it was built. In the 12th century it was very curious that the city had 80 to 100 (perhaps 180) of these towers, the exact reason why they were built is unknown. Probably for the defense of the city and also the towers were the property and symbols of the powerful families in Bologna. A few towers still exist, of which the Garisenda and the Asinelli are the best known. The highest tower, Asinelli with its 97m, you can climb via the stairs, from the top of the tower you have a nice view of the city and you will understand why Bologna the Red one is called. The stairs are still the original. Of the many towers from the Middle Ages, less than twenty are still standing, including the Azzoguidi tower, also called Altabella (with a height of 61 m), the Prendiparte tower, also called Coronata (60 m), the Scappi tower ( 39 m), the Uguzzoni tower (32 m), the Guidozagni tower, the Galluzzi tower and the famous two towers: the Asinelli tower (97 m) and the Garisenda tower (48 m).
    Bologna panorama 11th century
  • Accursio Palace,Palazzo d'Accursio or Palazzo Communale, a majestic building of the 14th century that now serves as the town hall of Bologna.

  • Santuario di San Luca. An arched gallery of 3.5 km connects the city gate Porta Saragozza with a chapel on a hill about 300 m outside the city. At the top you can have lunch before walking back. There is also a motorway leading to it. The gallery of arches, with the city of Bologna, plays a role in the book The Deal (The Broker) by thriller actor John Grisham.
  • Palace of the officials,Palazzo del Podesta. This is the court of justice from the 13th century.
  • Basilica of San Petronio, Basilica of San Petronio, is the main church of Bologna and is the fifth largest church in the world, 132m in length, 60m in width and 45m in height. It can accommodate 28,000 people. The church is dedicated to the patron saint of the city, Saint Petronius. The basilica was the target of a terrorist attack that was thwarted by Italian police, over a depiction of Mohammed in the church that comes across as an insult to some Muslims.
  • Palace of the Notaries,Palazzo dei Notai, Via de' Pignattari, built in 1381 by the guilds of notaries after a design by Beto Cavalletto and Lorenzo da Bagnomarino with the intention of establishing the headquarters of the guild here. The roof of the building is finished with battlements and in the front facade are six windows with an ornate shape. Recent renovations have revealed beautiful frescoes.
  • Saint Peter's Cathedral ,Basilica of San Pietro,
  • the Neptune Fountain,Fontana del Nettuno,
  • The University Quarter
  • Palazzo Re Enzo (Re Enzo Palace)
  • Sala Borsa' (the library)
  • the medieval market with traditional crafts


  • City Museum of Fine Arts,Collezioni Comunali d'Arte
  • Archaeological Museum,Museo Civico Archeologico
  • Jewish Museum,Museo Ebraico
  • Museum of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,Museo Civico Medievale
  • Museum Morandic,Museo Morandi
  • Museum of Industrial Heritage, Museo del patrimonio industriale alla fornace Galotti
  • Orto botanico di Bologna
  • L'Archiginnasio e il Teatro Anatomico (atheneum for anatomy)

Small museums

  • Casa Carducci
  • Collezioni dell'Accademia Clementina e Belle Artic
  • Donazione Putti e Raccolta Rizzoli Codivilla
  • Museo Apistico
  • Museum "Aldovrandi"
  • Museum "C. Taruffi"
  • Civic Museum of the Risorgimento
  • Museo degli Studenti e della Goliardia
  • Museo dell'Istituto di Anatomia Umana Normale
  • Museo delle Navi e delle Antiche Carte Geografiche
  • Museo di Anatomia Comparata
  • Museum of anthropology
  • Museum of Fisica
  • Museum of Mineralogia and Petrogradia "L. Bombicci"
  • Museum of St. Domenico
  • Museum of St. Giuseppe
  • Museum of St. Petronio
  • Museum of St. Stefano
  • Museum of Zoology
  • Museo Marsilianot
  • Museo Mille Voci e Mille Suoni
  • Museo Missionario d'Arte Cinese
  • Museo Paleontologico e Geologico "G. Cappellini"
  • Museo Storico del Soldatino "M. Massacesi"
  • Museo Storico Didattico della Tappezzeria
  • Specola and Museum of Astronomia

To do

  • Climb the Asinelli tower (97 m) for € 3.00. The stairwell looks like an Escher painting, because the stairs are attached to the inside of the outer walls. Because you look into the depths, the climb is certainly not suitable for people with a fear of heights. But the view over the city and the mountains is breathtaking.
  • Shop in the shops around Piazza Maggiore and Via delle Moline.
  • Rent a car and explore the Apennines.


Bologna is a city of events, fairs, culture.

As part of the article and rich landscape that makes the calendar of recurring events, it stands out with its musical vocation: the season of the Orchestra Mozart, Claudio Abbado, concert of classical music in Bologna Festival, the festival of concerts, music together room, the festival of contemporary music Angelica, the festival held in the ancient monastic structure of Santo Stefano, the Jazz Festival.

The Film Library offers the festival every year: the Cinema Fountain, dedicated to the discovery of rare films and the Cinema under the stars, home movies projected on a giant screen in Piazza Maggiore, the Biografilm Festival, an event entirely devoted to biographies and stories of Life and the Future Film Festival, new technologies of animation.

As part of the art publication and use of international events such as Art Fair, a contemporary art fair; Artelibro festival on the book of art and antiques; Bilbolbul, international festival dedicated to the comic strip; Fair children's books, the most important event of the children's copyright market.

Other events include a major festival: Urban Dance, Dance in Urban Landscapes, Gender Bender, Gender Identity, Netmage, dedicated to Electronic Arts.

The number, variety and quality of the eight municipal museums free access to the university, church and private, the art galleries, squares, churches, monuments, palaces and routes, permit, visitors all ages, always valuable opportunities for knowledge, art, culture and entertainment


In Bologna, cooking is a rite and governance is a place for sharing.

The cuisine is characterized by the large number of traditional products consolidated in the city over the centuries by the specificity of culinary students from around the world. It is the first province in the number of Italian PDO and PGI. The main elements of the cuisine are pork and pasta. Several registered typical dishes: mortadella, salami of medieval origin, the noodles, the dough must come by hand rolled, green lasagna, which is the color of spinach or nettles, and the meat sauce, meat mixture must use wisely, to use herbs and vegetables that still on the fire cooking for hours get ready for herbs, tortellini, small and stuffed with meat and the stir-fry, which contains the meat, vegetables, fruit and cream, and the chop , topped with prosciutto and mozzarella and vegetable stew, but many others make the specialty.

To buy


Among the many restaurants, wine bars, cafes, taverns are the typical pubs, which today as yesterday, are at the heart of the nightlife of the city. Historic sites of the city, which already before 1300 there were more than 150


There are surprisingly few terraces in the city. Best terrace for an afternoon drink and snack in Piazza Galvani. Reasonable prices. A large bottle of San Peligrino costs 2.5 EUR

Going out

  • Irish Pub, In Via Zamboni there are many cafes and clubs, such as the Irish Pub, popular with students and tourists, happy hour on Tuesday/Wednesday.
  • Al Piccolo, Piazza Verdi, is another well-known student town; a DJ plays techno until the early hours.


  • Estragon, Via Stalingrad 83,, room with a capacity of several thousand people.

stay overnight

Bologna offers a whole range of accommodation options. An interesting overview can be found on the website of the city of Bologna [3].


  • Due Torri San Sisto, Via Viadagola 5, Tel: 39 051 501810, Fax: 39 051 501810, [email protected], [4]. Youth hostel, open all year round. Price per person in a double room with private bathroom: 22€/night/person, breakfast included.


  • Hotel Amadeus, Via Marco Emilio Lepido 39, Tel: 39 051 403040, Fax: 39 051 405933, [email protected], [5]. 4-star hotel about 4 km from the airport. The free covered parking is a plus for those with a car.
  • B&B Casa Ilaria, Largo Respighi 8, Phone: 39 051 270512, Fax: 39 051 19982189, [email protected], [6]. Beautiful Bed and Breakfast, centrally located in the historic center. Price for a double room: from 100€/night, breakfast included. Parking: 10€/day.
  • Hotel Maxima, Via Stalingrado 152, Tel: 39 051 323235, Fax: 39 051 320535, [email protected], [7]. 3-star hotel with 29 rooms, beautiful marble staircases and air conditioning. Located close to the Fiera di Bologna convention center and the Parco Nord Arena. Free parking.
  • Hotel Fiera, Via Stalingrado 82, Tel: 39 051 377735, Fax: 39 051 352947, [email protected], [8]. 3-star hotel near Parco Nord and Centergross shopping center.
  • Hotel Porta San MamoloVicolo Del Falcone 6/8, 40124 Bologna 39 051 583056fax machine: 39 051 331739, e-mail: . Hotel Porta San Mamolo is a recently renovated, very comfortable 3-star residence in the center of the beautiful city of Bologna, offering optimal services.
  • NH Bologna Villanova, Via Villanova, 29/8, 40055 Villanova di Castenaso, Tel: 39 051 604311, Fax: 39 051 781444, [email protected], [9]. The hotel guarantees a high level of comfort and service. The hotel is located a few kilometers from the airport and the historic center. Here you can enjoy a carefree stay in the city. You can enjoy the peace and quiet in the indoor swimming pool with fitness room. NH Hoteles has 2 Bologna Hotels
  • Hotel Metropolitan, Via dell'Orso 6, Tel: 39 051 229393, Fax: 39 051 224602, [email protected], [10]. 3-star hotel in the heart of Bologna, in a side street of the well-known shopping street Via dell'Indipendenza. The airport shuttle bus stops on the corner of the street. Everything here is within walking distance. Check-in from 14:00, check-out until 11:00.
  • Hotel Aemilia, Via G. Zaccherini Alvisi 16, Tel: 39 051 3940311, Fax: 39 051 3940313, [email protected], [11]. Located just outside the ring road, near the university district, modern 4-star hotel, free internet, very good beds. Request a 'room with a view'.


all around

  • Modena
  • ferrara. A train journey to ferrara about 50 km to the northeast, is a nice day trip from Bologna.
  • San Marino. By train to Rimini and further by bus to San Marino it is possible to check this small country off your list of visited microstates. In addition, San Marino is a very beautiful city and is surprisingly reasonably priced.
This is a usable article. It contains information on how to get there, as well as the main attractions, nightlife and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but dive in and expand it!

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