Borno - Borno

Town Hall - Piazza Giovanni Paolo II - Borno (Photo Luca Giarelli) .jpg
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Tourism site
Institutional website

Borno is a city of Lombardy, in province of Brescia.

To know

Geographical notes

The municipality of Borno is located on the so-called Plateau of the Sun, that is the valley crossed by the Trobiolo torrent, in the Media Camonica Valley. The town center is located on the left bank of the river, between the Lace Fireplace and the Monte Altissimo.

Characteristic are the houses with the top floor covered externally with wood and the geraniums outside almost every window that give the village an almost South Tyrolean is Austrian.

When to go

Borno is both a winter and a summer tourist resort.

In winter, tourism is concentrated in the months of January and February and during the Christmas period, when it is possible to ski on the slopes of Monte Altissimo, either on real or artificially created snow.

In the summer, the town exponentially increases the number of inhabitants, sometimes even reaching 30,000 people, attracted to the Altopiano del Sole both for the splendid walks and for the cooler temperatures. The best period is certainly that of July and August, even if after mid-August the weather sometimes tends to deteriorate, especially in the evening (after all it is over 900 m and in the mountains it often happens that in the evening the sky is cloudy and sometimes it rains).


The first human settlements in Borno date back to the 1st century AD. Between 893 and 953, following the invasions of the Hungarians and the Saracens, the inhabitants of Borno built towers to defend themselves during the raids. Of these towers 12 remain today. At the beginning in the 11th century AD. the first sources of neighbors in Borno.

In July 1998, the holy Pope John Paul II visited the country.

How to orient yourself

The center of Borno develops around the pedestrian street Vittorio Veneto, on which there are the main bars and shops of the town: ice cream parlors, bakeries and pastry shops, bars, clothes and food shops. The street begins at the skating roundabout and after a short stretch that can also be traveled by cars, at the crossroads with via Trieste it becomes pedestrian up to the square where it ends.

The main residential areas of the town are located in Via Milano (above the town center) and in Viale Pineta (beyond the skating rink).

Continuing on the Provincial Road number 5 which leads to Val di Scalve you reach different locations. In order: the ski lifts to Monte Altissimo, the ski slopes and the campsite Blue Forest, locality Cirese, locality Salven's Cross, where there are numerous homes, mostly second homes, the Yellow Lake and finally Poles, a small village in the municipality of Borno.

How to get

By plane

The closest airports to Borno are:

By car

To get to Borno it is necessary to take the Provincial Road 5 that gives Malegno door in Val di Scalve.

By bus

Borno can be reached from the following lines:

For updated timetables consult the site move in lombardy.

How to get around

The center of Borno can mostly be visited on foot: the central streets are pedestrianized or with limited traffic. It is also possible to take long walks in the mountains that surround the town, admiring splendid views and woods.

By public transport

In the central weeks of August, the municipality of Borno in collaboration with SABBA bus lines offers a bus service between Borno and Poles with four daily trips (two for Paline and two for Borno), both in the morning. The stops of the line are: Uscio bridge, Caduti Square, Skating, Via cable car, Rosa Camuna hotel, Golden Valley, Via Cremu 3, Via Cirese, Salven's Cross, Via Giallo and Paline.

By car

Getting around by car in the historic center can be difficult due to limited traffic areas and narrow streets, so it is advisable to park the car and walk around. The largest concentration of parking spaces is in the skating area, where the market is held on Wednesdays.

What see

Dabeni Tower
Parish church of San Martino and San Giovanni Battista
Church of SS Vito and Modesto
  • 1 Parish church of San Martino and San Giovanni Battista. Built in the second half of the 18th century on a previous church dating back to the 12th century. To remember, inside the parish church is the frontal by Picini.
  • 2 Oratory of S. Antonio. Structure of the fifteenth century with a fresco attributed to Callisto Piazza da Praise.
  • 3 Franzoni Palace, Piazza Giovanni Paolo II. Dating back to the 17th century, the palace probably belonged to the feudal Federici family.
  • 4 Guidetti villa and park, Via Giardini 20. Early 20th century villa with two large parks. A free internet connection is available within the park of the villa.
  • 5 Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, formerly dedicated to Saints Vito and Modesto, Via Trieste.
  • 6 Boschi del Giovetto di Palline nature reserve (the coordinates refer to an access point to the park), 39 036422615. About 650 hectares large, the Rufa ant lives in it. There are picnic areas inside the reserve. The flora is mainly composed of spruce, silver fir, ash, beech and sycamore maple. Larch trees are rarer and give the forest a fantastic golden effect during the autumn season. Above 1.50 m a.s.l. there are clearings with rhododendrons and blueberries.
  • 7 Park of the sinkholes of Croce di Salven. Park in which there are typical depressions of the karst environment (Doline) created following the dissolution of the underlying limestone layer in water.

7 Towers of Borno

From 893 to 953 the area where the municipality of Borno is today suffered numerous raids and raids by the Hungarians and Sraceni, for this reason the inhabitants of the town decided to build 12 defensive towers. Today the remains of only 7 of the original towers are still visible, often incorporated by other buildings.

  • 8 Tower of the Michei, via Pizzo Camino. 4m high and with a 5m x 5m square base, Torre Michei is the smallest of Borno's towers.
  • 9 Dabeni Tower, intersection between via Trieste and via S.Fermo. Currently incorporated in the House of the Sisters, the 8 m high tower probably dates back to the XII-XIII century.
  • 10 Agnellini Tower, Via Torre Agnellini. Probably built around the 12th-13th century, the tower was originally higher.
  • 11 Torre dei Sacrestà, Via Trento. Incorporated in the house of the Sacristà, the remains of the tower are visible only from the internal courtyard.
  • 12 Tower of the Barète, Via Vittorio Veneto. The tower of medieval origin is distinguishable from the adjacent buildings due to the large size of the stones used in its construction. It is thought that it originally formed a defensive bulwark with the Torre dei Sacrestà, located in front of it.
  • 13 Tower of the Pagà, Via Vittorio Veneto (near the square). The original tower was demolished in the second half of the twentieth century and the current building dates back to the 1980s of the same century.
  • 14 Tower of the Kings, Via Gorizia. Located on a rocky hillock under the current parish church, the current building probably houses the remains of a medieval tower, even if the opinions of historians do not agree.

Events and parties

  • Enjoy plateau of the sun - Easy cup MTB. Mountainbike cycling race, ASD mountain stage of the Italian MTB Granfondo Acsi Championship.
  • Palio of San Martino. Simple icon time.svghalf July. Between historical re-enactments, games and celebrations, the six districts of Borno (Ciasa, Dasa, 'Nfont to Buren, 'Nsima to Buren, Paline is Quadela) compete to win the Palio.
  • Annual party of the Alpine Group of Borno. Simple icon time.svgearly August. Parade of the Gruppo degli Alpini accompanied by the Santa Cecilia di Borno Musical Corps and food stand at the sports field where it is possible to eat both traditional dishes such as strinù (grilled salamina), tripe and risotto with mushrooms.
  • Torchlight procession of S. Fermo. Simple icon time.svg8-9 August. Traditional torchlight procession from Monte S. Fermo to Borno, which has exceeded 40 editions. The torchlight procession is accompanied by the lighting of numerous bonfires that almost every farmhouse on the plateau lights up. It is possible to register at the CAI headquarters in Borno or at the Pro Loco. At the price of 30 € per person (2015) it is possible to be taken to the top of the mountain by helicopter, otherwise reachable in just over two hours.
  • San Fermo Trail. Competitive mountain running race.
  • Hillclimb Malegno-Ossimo-Borno. Simple icon time.svgSeptember. Historic car hill climb
  • Transhumance Festival (XVII edition 2013), Old Town. Simple icon time.svgend of September. Parade of animals, markets with typical products in a traditional festival aimed at remembering and maintaining peasant traditions.

What to do


TrackDifficultyDifference in altitudeDeparture altitudeArrival altitudeLength
TODirectly401 m1694 m a.s.l.1292 m a.s.l.1600 m
B.Col de Serf405 m1694 m a.s.l.1289 m a.s.l.2200 m
C.Pian d'April402 m1694 m a.s.l.1292 m a.s.l.2500 m
D.Every306 m1309 m a.s.l.1003 m a.s.l.1500 m
ISPagherola A variant249 m1694 m a.s.l.1445 m a.s.l.1500 m
F.Pagherola variant B249 m1694 m a.s.l.1445 m a.s.l.1100 m
G.Queen of the Mountains A / B194 m1694 m a.s.l.1500 m a.s.l.700 m
H.Direct variant402 m1694 m a.s.l.1292 m a.s.l.1600 m
THEMalga Pian d'Aprile variant102 m1403 m a.s.l.1301 m a.s.l.800 m
LOgne School Camp68 m1020 m a.s.l.952 m a.s.l.500 m
M.Snow Park147 m1550 m a.s.l.1403 m a.s.l.350 m

During the winter season it is possible to ski in the small ski resort, located on the north side of Monte Altissimo. Despite the low altitude (950-1700 meters), the northern exposure of the slopes allows the snow to be preserved throughout the season, also thanks to a programmed snow-making system. The main feature of the locality is that it is entirely immersed in a fir forest, which favors skiability even in case of bad weather and poor visibility.

The slopes of the Monte Altissimo Ski Area are 11, classified according to the difficulty:

  • 5 easy slopes (blue)
  • 4 medium difficulty slopes (red)
  • 2 difficult slopes (black)

In the ski area there are also 6 ski lifts:

  1. Four seater chairlift Ogne - Play
  2. Four seater chairlift Play - Monte Altissimo
  3. Two-seater chairlift Ogne - back Play
  4. Ski lift Play - Monte Altissimo
  5. Four-seater chairlift Onie1
  6. Conveyor belt field school

In 2014 the daily skipass costs € 20 on weekdays and € 27 on holidays, 3, 4 and 5-hour, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-day and seasonal passes are also available (€ 200 if pre-purchased by October, otherwise 350).

For information on the opening of the lifts, on the conditions of the track or on updated prices, you can consult the website of tourism of Borno, where one is also available map of the plants.

Finally, in Borno there is a Ski School:


Gualtiero Laeng Refuge

During the summer it is possible to go hiking in the mountains and woods surrounding Borno. The walks often lead to shelters and / or mountain huts, where it is also possible in some cases to buy dairy products.

Starting from summer 2015, one of the 6 ski lifts on Monte Altissimo is active during the two central weeks of August: the four-seater chairlift Ogne - Plai.

For information on all the trails, consult the article entirely dedicated to the trails of the Altopiano del Sole.

  • 1 Have a picnic in the Giovetto park. Inside, in the regional nature reserve Casa della Formica Rufa, there are numerous picnic areas. The main one is located at the beginning of the park, where there are also barbecues (adjacent to the parking lot), but tables are scattered throughout the park. Inside the park there is also the small forest library with books to consult on the meadows of ruins of Belvedere.
  • Borno sport fishing. To fish in reservoirs and rivers, such as Lova Lake and Yellow Lake, you need to purchase a permit.

In Borno it is also possible to practice sports at the numerous sports centers and fields:

  • 2 Clay tennis court, 39 0364311699 (Bar Galleria da Pierino).
  • 3 Sports field in synthetic grass, 39 3342529417. Simple icon time.svgEvery day from 6pm to 11pm. Possibility to rent the pitch, even with lighting and changing rooms.
  • 4 Borno Sports Center - Tennis Court, Viale Pienta, 39 3391283473. Concrete tennis court.


In the historic center there are many shops for both food and souvenirs. These include:

  • 1 Bornese craftsmanship, Via Vittorio Veneto 64. Shop that sells wooden artifacts.
  • 2 Marsegaglia Pastry Andrea & C. Snc, Via Vittorio Veneto 15 / a, 39 0364 41705, @. Very famous pastry shop in the area, here you can buy delicious sweets such as spongade, bosolà and spumiglie.
  • 3 Morelfungo, Via Vittorio Veneto 42, 39 0364418054. Shop that sells typical products: from mushrooms (fresh and dried) to berries, from jams to honeys and local wines.

How to have fun

The amusement park is located in Borno Adventureland, Via Cableway Loc. Ogne, @.

At Skating Edilparti Bar Edil Giardino, Via Calamè, 39 0364 311344. it is possible to skate on ice during the winter and on rollers during the summer.

Where to eat

The spongades

Typical dessert of the whole Val Camonica, and more particularly Borno, Bienno is Breno, is the spongada, a kind of round and traditionally not filled brioche.

Average prices

  • 1 Osteria al Cantinì, Via Vittorio Emanuele 17, 39 0364 310728, @. Excellent restaurant in the historic center of Borno that offers excellent dishes related to traditional cuisine, hamburgers and pizzas.
  • 2 Marhos Pizzeria Restaurant, Via Trieste 22, 39 0364 311695. Ecb copyright.svgThe restaurant offers menus at affordable prices such as the menu based on fish or local products for 18 €.

Where stay

Most of the tourists who stay in Borno usually rent an apartment for a few weeks, a month or for the whole season, but there are also some hotels and bed & breakfasts in the town.

Moderate prices

Average prices

High prices


  • Carabinieri, Via Marconi 25, 39 0364 41001, fax: 39 0364 41001.
  • 2 Medical clinics, Via Fonte Pizzoli (at the Town Hall (arcades)), 39 3341465430. During the summer, a tourist medical service is activated at the municipal medical clinics.

How to keep in touch

Post office

In Borno there is a post office, for updated information on timetables consult the website


In various areas of the country there is a free internet connection "FreeWiFiBresciaGov" which requires registration. You can stay connected for a maximum of two hours a day.



Useful information

For tourist information contact the Pro Loco of Borno, Piazzale Caduti 4, 39 0364 41022, fax: 39 0364 311933, @. Simple icon time.svgMon: 15-17, Wed: 10-12, Thu-Fri-Sat: 16-18 (opening hours extended during the summer period). At the Pro Loco di Borno it is possible, in addition to receiving tourist information on the Altopiano del Sole, to purchase the permit for mushroom picking and the daily authorization to travel the streets of Esbosco in the municipality, the mountain roads that lead to shelters. and huts that can be traveled almost exclusively with off-road vehicles or 4x4s. Among these we remember the one that leads to Lova lake.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Borno
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Borno
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Borno
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).