Historic heart of Liège - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Cœur historique de Liège — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Historic heart
The so-called Perron fountain, symbol of the city's freedoms
The so-called fountain Perron, symbol of the city's freedoms
River (s)
Postal code
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50 ° 38 ′ 44 ″ N 5 ° 34 ′ 42 ″ E
(Edit card mask)

the historic heart of Liège is the central district of Mosane city in Belgium.


It is from here that the city developed from the VIe century and where we find the greatest number of monuments to witness history, such as the palace of the prince-bishops, the whole market place, the Saint-Barthélémy collegiate church or the Curtius Palace. It is also one of the two major trade poles Intramural and one of the three great centers of Liège festive life, the scene of a multitude of events, with a large number of restaurants and places to go out.

To go

By train

Liège-Saint-Lambert station (formerly Liège-Palais station), a stone's throw from the place Saint-Lambert, is in direct relation with the Liège-Guillemins international station and is in the area of ​​validity of the “Key Card” for the Liège region with a price of 2,4  per trip.

Railway stationsLineConnection with other transport
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  • 1 Liège-Saint-Lambert station (Liège-Palais station) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Brussels street Logo indicating timetables counters: from 6 to 20 h (20 h 30 Saturday and Sunday). – Access limited to people with reduced mobility.Presence of ascending and descending escalators (only for mounting). Staff present from 6 to 21 h. Automatic ticket machines. Small free car park. No bicycle parking.
  • Bus  – TEC Wallonne logo.png 12, 19, 53, 61, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 88, 175 stop “Cadran”.
  • Taxi  – Not done no.
  • Shared car  – Do Yes (Cambio on the Place du Cadran).

By public transport

Most of the bus lines in TEC of the Liège region converge on one of the four terminals in the historic heart of the city. These are located 2 Leopold Square , 3 place Saint-Lambert , 4 French Republic Square as well as around the5 Royal Opera of Wallonia and very close to each other. The names of these four terminals are used to indicate the direction of the bus as it moves towards the center.

Line no 53 connects theLiège international airport at the Place Saint-Lambert terminal.

Line no 4, for its part, which is an urban loop whose fictitious terminal is "Bavaria ”(Rue Ransonnet) stops at the“ Opéra ”and“ Saint-Lambert ”terminals.

By car

Follow the signs Center Where Historical Heart and reach one of the three secure paid car parks: 6 Saint-Lambert parking (Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityPresence of an automated external defibrillator (AED) 500 places, entrances by rue de Bruxelles, by place Verte or by the Tivoli space), 7 Cité parking lot (Presence of an automated external defibrillator (AED)Electric car charging station 360 places, entrance by the quai de la Goffe) or 8 Saint-Georges car park (Presence of an automated external defibrillator (AED)Electric car charging station 195 places, entries by Feronstrée or La Batte).


The best way to get around is on foot. The district occupies an area of ​​approximately 50 hectares, is hardly more than a kilometer in its greatest length and the relief is flat, except to reach the Sainte-Croix collegiate church which is about ten meters higher in altitude than the rest. It is the ideal mode of travel not only to admire the many historic buildings or to engage in the timeless dead ends of Féronstrée and Hors-Château but also to indulge in window shopping or to enjoy the lively atmosphere.

To see

Îlot Sainte-Croix

  • 1 Collegiate Church of the Holy Cross Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Green place Logo indicating timetables Information icon4.svgFollowing an in-depth restoration which should last until 2022, the interior of the collegiate church is currently only accessible during heritage days (2 days in September, not yet known, 2020). Logo indicating tariffs free. – Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia (2013, The ensemble except the instrumental part of the organ). Founded and erected between 976 and 986 by the first prince-bishop Notger, she is one of the seven collegiate of Liège. Of the Notgerian building, only a section of coal sandstone wall remains to the south of the eastern choir. The current Rhine-type sanctuary is distinguished by its two choirs apse opposites and its three naves of equal height which make it hall type church. The western choir, built around 1200-1220 is in a transitional style between Romanesque and Gothic. The eastern choir, dated 1255, and the rest of the building, dating from 1283 to 1332, are Gothic in style.
  • Sainte-Croix cloisters Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
    • 2 Former church of Saint-Nicolas-aux-Mouches Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Sainte-Croix Cloisters 1 Logo indicating timetables private dwelling. – The first church, already octagonal in shape, was erected in 1025 by Reginard, the fifth prince-bishop of Liège. It was rebuilt in 1494 and transformed for the last time in 1633. With its dimensions of 12 by 10 meters, it has always been the smallest parish church in the city and owes its name to the cessation of an epidemic caused by flies. which rages during the XIIIe century. Desecrated in 1803, it became the home of the vicar of the Sainte-Croix church before being transformed into a dwelling in 1816. On the ground floor, the coal-sandstone dates from the first church of the XIe century while the dressed stones date from 1494. The first brick floor dates from 1693 while the bay windows date from 1803 and 1816. The only remaining on the east facade are three walled ogival bays of the 1633 church.
    • 3 Former cloisters and presbytery Sainte-Croix Cloisters 3 to 17 Logo indicating timetables private homes. – At the end of the square, four old residences, nbone 3 to 9, which were used as cloister dwellings and some of which date from the XVIIe century. In the background, to the south of the collegiate church, its former presbytery, at no 17, dating, in part, from the end of XVIIe century and, in part, from the beginning of XVIIIe century. On the rue Haute-Sauvenière side, the base of the building as well as the retaining wall of the garden, in coal sandstone, date from the Xe century and constitute one of the remaining elements of thenotgerian enclosure.
  • 4 Hotel de Bocholtz Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link place Saint-Michel 8-10, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3754709, e-mail :  – This mansion of XVIe century is one of the rare witnesses of the Mosan Renaissance Liege. It owes its name to Arnold de Bocholtz, great schoolgirl of Saint-Lambert Cathedral and, moreover, large cumulard. In 1543, he bought two canonical houses which he transformed, between 1561 and 1563, into a private mansion. In 1967, the building was bought and renovated by the Belgian branch of the bank Paribas then bought again, in 2013, by François Fornieri, the boss of Mithra Pharmaceuticals which gives it its current function, namely a place of exhibitions, interdisciplinary and international meetings and organization of private events.
The Sainte-Croix collegiate church seen from the Principality footbridge.
The old church of Saint-Nicolas-aux-Mouches in the foreground.
In the Sainte-Croix Cloisters.
The Bocholtz hotel.
Soer's hotel.

Place Saint-Lambert

on Wikipediaon WikidataWireless free. (LIEGE_DIGITAL_CITY). The first place to be occupied in the city, this space was created following the destruction of the Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Lambert cathedral by the people of Liège themselves during the Liège revolution and will not receive its official name until 1827. The current place has retained its vocation born in the 1900s as a major hub of Liège public transport, part of the infrastructure dedicated to bus having been buried during its renovation which began in 1979 and lasted two decades. On the ground, sixteen metal columns delimit the width of the nave while as many red circular slabs mark the location of the pillars of the central nave and the elongated blocks show the location of the buttresses separating the side chapels from the old cathedral. . At the bottom of the square, facing the palace, we now find the St-Lambert Galleries who replaced the store Grand Bazaar and whose facade in Venetian neo-Renaissance style dating from 1905 is listed as part of the real estate heritage of the Wallonia.

  • 5 Palace of the Prince-Bishops Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element place Saint-Lambert 18, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2509370 Logo indicating timetables 1D court : Mon.- Sun. : h - 20 h, the rest: heritage days (9 and in 2017) of 10 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs free, guided tour: . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityListed as a European heritage (Europe of democracy and memory)Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia (2013, The whole with the exception of the courtyard and the railings in front of the facade on Place Notger). Composed of the courthouse (classic facade of Place Saint-Lambert) and the provincial palace (neo-Gothic side facade of Place Notger), both of which can be visited exceptionally, it is structured around two Gothic courtyards, the first of which is free access and about which Victor Hugo had these words: "Nowhere have I seen a stranger, more gloomy and more superb architectural ensemble". The 68 columns and 4 corner pillars that support the open quadrangular gallery of this courtyard are richly adorned with fantastic human figures and grotesque masks, all different and are witnesses to the currents of Renaissance humanist thought and the discovery of the New world. This palace constitutes the heart of the city, and represents the temporal aspect of the power of the former prince-bishops of Liège while the spiritual side of this power, was represented by the immense Gothic cathedral of Notre-Dame and Saint-Lambert. Although informed by certain cards, such as public parking, the first courtyard is reserved for the operation of the courthouse.
  • 6 Archeoforum Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element place Saint-Lambert 9-17, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2509370, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs adult : , senior and student: (including the loan of an interactive tablet). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (7 entrance to the right of the bus tunnel). Presents, on 3 725 m2, the remains of martyrium of Saint Lambert and three successive cathedrals as well as a building from the Roman period whose function is still uncertain but whosehypocaust is particularly well preserved and prehistoric objects, the oldest of which date from the VIIe millennium BC, found on site. The course also includes games and manipulations designed for young children. Souvenir shop.
The palace of the prince-bishops and the dome of the Saint-André church.
The Gothic facade of the palace.
The first courtyard of the palace.
The entrance to the Archeofurum.
The listed facade of the old Grand Bazaar
The little plane where all the children come to be photographed alongside Tchantchès and Nanesse.

Market place

on Wikipediaon WikidataWireless free. (LIEGE_DIGITAL_CITY). As old as the city, its grip is identical to the one she had at Xe century. From the start and until the end of the principality, it is theagora Liège, in the first sense of the term. The whole square, which is listed as a heritage site for the Walloon region, still constitutes one of the city's most popular meeting points and its function as a café terrace with trees. 2,000 m2 has something to do with it.

  • 8 Perron Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element market place – Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia (2013, the whole fountain) Symbol par excellence of the city, no one knows when the first was erected steps but its current form of stoop-fountain, fed by the "areine de la Cité ”, dates from 1305. In 1697, it was refurbished by the sculptor Jean Del Cour which, in addition to the arcaded fountain, adds to it the group of Three Graces in white marble that support the pine cone. Until 1717, the arcades were decorated with busts which were transported, by the two mayors of the time, in the vestibule of the town hall where they are still located above the doors. The Three Graces current are copies; the originals are exhibited at Grand Curtius protected from pollution.
  • 9 Fountain of Tradition Logo indicating a wikipedia link market place – This fountain dates, in its present form, from 1719. In the past, it was called the “Savetresses fountain” because, on market days, it was around it that the shoe sellers gathered (cobblers). The construction is in freestone, including the shells placed at each corner. A bronze panel adorns each face of the fountain; three represent scenes from popular life in Liège, hence the name “Tradition”, while a pine cone, similar to that of the steps Liège surmounts it.
  • 10 City Hall (The violet) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element market square 2 – Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia (2013, the facades)Presence of an automated external defibrillator (AED) (Hall of Lost causes). The Hôtel de Ville, also known as "La Violette", is an elegant classical building. It was built between 1714 and 1718, during the reconstruction of the city bombed by French troops in 1691. The historiated pediment shows, in its center, the coat of arms of the prince-bishop Joseph-Clément of Bavaria surrounded by the coats of arms of the two mayors in place at the time of the inauguration in 1718, Michel-Nicolas de Lohier and Louis-Lambert de Liverlo. Visitors can also visit its salons exceptionally, but the Salle des Pas Perdus is free to enter. This room incorporates a balcony supported by four atlantes in oak as well as, above each of the six interior doors, a bust in Carrara marble sculpted by Jean Del Cour. Before 1718, these were on each of the columns of the steps. But also, the statue in Carrara marble of 1 meter 90 sculpted by Adelin Hall in 1937 and representing the queen astrid presenting, from the top of the steps of the town hall, the prince of Liège to Liege . The houses in the square date from the same period and line up charming facades crisscrossed with blue stone and coated brick.
  • 11 Saint-André Church Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element market place – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (a ramp at the entrance). If we do not know the origin of the church, we know that until 1250, when it received an endowment, it was a poor parish church with no income. In 1255, it was ceded by employer's law to theTeutonic Order of St. Andrew which makes it one of its two parish churches in Liège. Between 1765 and 1772, the church was completely rebuilt by the architect Jacques-Barthélemy Renoz which gives it the current appearance surmounted by its dome with twelve sides that we know. Desecrated in 1795 by the French revolutionaries, it became successively: grain exchange, labor exchange and, finally, space for temporary exhibitions and place of events organized by the city of Liège.
  • 12 In Neuvice Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link – "Neuvice" comes from Novus Vicus, that is to say either "new street" or "new district". In Liège Walloon, we speak of Vinave. It is one of the arteries of Liège to have maintained its route of XIe century and its grip and facades of the end of XVIIe century. It is also the largest free terrace in the city, if not in Belgium, thanks to the countless benches, chairs and tables that all the street traders make available to passers-by, without any obligation to consume anything.
    • 13 Rue du Carré  – The street, which is inhabited and dates from the end of XVIIe century in its current appearance, is nothing spectacular other than being the narrowest street in Liège and impossible to pass along its entire length with an open umbrella.
    • 14 Church of Saint-Antoine and Sainte-Catherine Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element In Neuvice 54 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- sat. : h - 11 h, Sun. : h - 12 h. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Erected in Romanesque style, at the beginning of the XIIe century, near Vieux-Pont-des-Arches, it was moved and rebuilt in 1358 in Gothic style at its current location. Destroyed, as well as a large part of the district, during the bombardments between the 2 and by the French troops of Louis XIV, it was rebuilt in the form of a Latin cross in baroque style at the end of the XVIIe century. Above the main altar, a representation of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, on the sides, several statues including a Saint Michael attributed to the school of Jean Del Cour. Also on display is a collection of ancient liturgical vestments from the Liège treasury.
    • 15 Montefiore fountain Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element In Neuvice Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Erected in 1888 in bronze, it is one of five, out of twenty, remaining “drinking fountains”. In addition to the four drinking water jets (in service from June to October between h and 21 h), it is equipped with a large upper basin, intended to water the horses, and a small lower basin, intended to water the dogs. The column is surmounted by a small sculpture representing a water carrier as for the rim of the large basin, it bears the inscription in high relief. « fountain drinker montefiore bischoffsheim 1888 ».
The porch.
City Hall.
The entrance to the Saint-André church.
Some of the 49 listed building facades.
During the “Christmas Village”.
In Neuvice.
The Church of Saint-Antoine and Sainte-Catherine.
The rue du Carré.

Féronstrée and Hors-Château

on Wikipediaon Wikidata

  • 16 Hors-Château Street Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Apart from the points of interest described and located below, another of its attractions are its seven dead ends which are to be discovered one after the other in the respect of the inhabitants who knew how to renovate and maintain these places which constitute a journey in the weather. Its name comes from the fact that it was outside the oldest ramparts erected by Notger.
    • 17 Saint-Antoine Church Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Moray Street Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : h 30 - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs free (except during certain events). – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (five steps at the entrance). Completed in 1244 in coal sandstone and Gothic style, it was part of the former Cordeliers convent. The facade in Baroque style dated XVIIIe century. Desecrated in 1977, it now belongs to the city of Liège and is used for temporary exhibitions or houses many cultural events.
    • 18 Museum of Walloon life (Convent of the Cordeliers) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element minors court, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2379060, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : h 30 - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs adult : , senior and student: , <12 years old: , <4 years old: free, 1er Sunday of the month: free for all. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (via the door of the museum restaurant in the Cour des Mineurs). The permanent collections are made up of approximately 100,000 pieces illustrating subjects as varied as crafts and tools, toys, clothing and fashion accessories, industrial objects, trinkets and pieces of furniture, Walloon folklore, commerce, tableware, equipment to spare, beliefs. Puppet theater, installed in the Chamart house, each sea. and Sun. Numerous temporary exhibitions focused on the society of yesterday and today in Wallonia. Shop and bookstore. Cafeteria and restaurant with specialties from Liège.
    • 19 Chamart House minors court Logo indicating timetables accessible during theatrical performances and Tue.- Sun. : h 30 - 18 h for the documentation center. – This imposing building, built in 1620, differs from the Cordeliers convent proper by its facades adorned with cartouches and coats of arms carved in tufa. Today it houses the administrative and scientific services as well as the documentation center of the Museum of Walloon life and the puppet theater.
    • 20 Eye of the arine of Richonfontaine Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Mother God Street – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (outside) Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility (interior). The first few meters can be visited on special occasions such as heritage days. This eye constitutes the exit of the oldest areine in the world known and dating from 1244. The daily water flow there is, nowadays, 350 m3 but the double mistress nozzle which comes out of it no longer supplies anything and is lost in the sewers. Formerly, and from 1244, it supplied drinking water to the Saint-Jean-Baptiste fountain as well as theSaint-Abraham hospital-charity located in Féronstrée and, later, several bourgeois houses of the same artery, Potiérue and rue Saint-Jean-Baptiste.
    • 21 Lighting museum (MULUM) Logo indicating a link to the website Mother God Street 2, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2237537 Logo indicating timetables Game.- Fri. : 10 h - 18 h, sat.- Sun. : 10 h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs adult : 2,25 , senior: 1,25 , under 26: free, free each 1er Sunday of the month for all. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility The museum presents in a didactic and chronological way, lighting devices that have been used in the world from prehistoric times to the present day.
    • 22 Saint-Jean-Baptiste fountain Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Hors-Château street – The first fountain dates, at least, from XIVe century and was directly fueled by theareine de Richonfontaine. It was modified or rebuilt several times to pass successively to two, then three and finally four jets in 1634, date of the current fountain. In 1667, the bronze statue of John the baptist and the bronze door with bas relief representing the baptism of Christ, works of Jean Del Cour. The addition of this statue brings the height of the whole to 5.5 meters.
    • 23 Bueren mountain Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Panorama (accessible to PMR). No longer part of the 'Slopes of the Citadel », This major point of interest of the city is described there.
    • 24 Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (Saint-Gérard church) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Hors-Château street 25-27 – Baroque in style and consecrated in 1655, it is the old church of the former convent of Discalced Carmelites then Redemptorist Fathers. Bought by the city of Liège, it is currently used in part by the hotel school.
    • 25 Convent and Church of the Daughters of the Cross (nasturtium convent) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Hors-Château street 49 – Built in 1646 by nasturtium sisters, they were sold during the French Revolution to a banker from Liège then passed in 1861 and by inheritance to the religious congregation of Daughters of the Cross to become a school for young girls. Currently, although the church still belongs to the Daughters of the Cross, part of the convent is occupied by a public nursery school.
    • 26 Saint-Antoine court Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Hors-Château Street 114 (access by the no 114) – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility It was between 1978 and 1985 that the houses of XVIIe and XVIIIe centuries worthy of interest have been restored and the others reconstructed in postmodern style.
The rue Hors-Château.
The entrance to the impasse de la Vignette in the rue Hors-Château.
The Court of Minors from the Museum of Walloon Life.
Interior of the Saint-Antoine church.
The Montagne de Bueren seen from below.
The Montagne de Bueren seen from above.
The Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.
The Cour Saint-Antoine.
  • 27 Féronstrée Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Féronstrée, and not "rue Féronstrée" which is a pleonasm, the suffix "strée" comes from Walloon strèye meaning "cobbled street". It owes its name to the fact that, in the past, it was occupied by a number of ironworkers. It is at the no 6 that died, the , the emperor Henry IV.
  • 28 Collegiate Church of Saint-Barthélemy Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element rue Saint-Barthélémy 2, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2502372, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Monday to Saturday from 10 h - 12 h and14 h - 17 h, Sunday of 14 h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs free, access to the baptismal font projection of a video on the history of the sanctuary and the fonts: , guided tour (duration h) : adult , senior , student , call 32 4 2219221 for an appointment. – Wireless free. on the Place Saint-Barthélémy (LIEGE_DIGITAL_CITY) Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityHearing aid. Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia (2013, the whole, with the exception of the cloister wing and the organ) The last of the seven Liège collegiate churches to see the light of day, towards the end of XIe century. This recently renovated Romanesque Rhenish-Mosan vessel houses the masterpiece of Mosan silversmithing from the Middle Ages, the baptismal font from the ancient Notre-Dame-aux-Fonts church which was the mother church of the city and the only one able to confer baptism there.
The scene of Christ's baptism in the Jordan.
Part of the luxury hunting rifles (XVIIIe century).
  • Baptismal font Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (in the narthex of the Saint-Barthélemy collegiate church) – Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia (2011, Listed as part of the heritage of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation) The fonts have a diameter of 80 centimeters, a height of 60 centimeters and are supported by ten oxen representing the apostles, two oxen and the lid of the tank were lost when they were hidden from the French revolutionaries between 1794 and 1803. The tank is decorated with five biblical scenes: The preaching of Saint John the Baptist, The Baptism of Christ in the Jordan, The baptism of centurion crow, The baptism of the philosopher Craton by Saint John the Evangelist and Baptism of neophytes or baptism of penance. Long attributed to the silversmith hutoisRenier de Huy, recent techniques for analyzing metals used in an alloy seem to contradict this tradition. Normally, at this time, the copper used in the Mosane region comes from Harz, which is not the case for that of the tank which would come either fromSpain either Sardinia ; zinc does not come from the region of Calamine because the cadmium and theindium, two impurities of natural zinc, present in the alloy of the tank are not found in the zinc mosan; finally, the lead used does not come from the Mosan region but from a metalliferous deposit Andalusian. At the start of the XIIe century, only craftsmen romans Where byzantines master the technique and metals used for melting the tank. As to whether the work was carried out abroad or in the Principality of Liège (in the workshop of Renier de Huy?), The craftsmen having come with their own minerals, the chronicle Chronicon Rythmicum Leodiense simply specifies that the order comes from Father Hellin, also decimator of the parish of Notre-Dame-aux-Fonts. The alloy and the technique used for the melting of the oxen representing the apostles are, for their part, well from the Mosan region and are a purely local production dating from the same period.
  • 29 Grand Curtius Museum Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element quai de Maestricht 13 and Féronstrée 136, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2216840, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables every day, except Tuesday, from 10 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs price list. – Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia (2013, the Curtius Palace and the Hayme Hotel in Bomal)Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Presence of an automated external defibrillator (AED) (at the ticket office) The museum consists of the Curtius Palace, an imposing eight-storey building dating from the early 17th centurye century and which was the home of a wealthy arms merchant, the Hôtel de Hayme de Bomal which served as a prefecture during the French period and twice hosted Napoleon as well as a few other buildings classified as part of the heritage of the Region Walloon. Together, they serve as a setting for the Grand Curtius Museum, whose collections focus on the art and history of the Principality. Two sections, the one devoted to small arms and the one devoted to glass and Val-Saint-Lambert crystal are among the most important collections in the world.
  • 30 Rue du Mont de Piété  – Formerly rue de la Sirène, its name is due to the presence between 1628 and 1812 of a pawnshop installed in the part of the old Curtius palace bordering the quays of the Meuse. For decades, the little houses on the street served as living rooms for low-cost prostitutes. Nine of these houses are listed as part of the real estate heritage of the Wallonia. Also note thearvau (Walloon term to designate this type of arcade) to the tenant with Feronstrée.
  • 31 Ansembourg Museum (MAAD) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Feronstrated 114, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2219402 Logo indicating timetables Game.- Sun. : 10 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs adult : ; senior, between 12 and 18 years old, student with his card: ; <12 years free; 1er Sunday of the month: free for all. – Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia (2009, all) Housed in a former private mansion in XVIIIe century which has preserved original interior decorations: sculpted woodwork, ironwork, stucco, paintings, etc. this museum of architecture and decorative art exhibits objects of art, furniture from Liège and Europe staged as were the rich interiors of the XVIIIe century. It is the most important collection of furniture of Liège-Aix style in the world.
  • 32 Saint-Georges Island rue Saint-Georges and rue Sur les Foulons – Inaugurated in 1979, this block includes the odd-numbered side of rue Saint-Georges and part of rue Sur les Foulons. The facades of the XVIIe and XVIIIe centuries from different parts of the city.
  • 33 Havart House Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element quai de la Goffe 41 – Built in 1594 by a cloth merchant, the building is held, at the end of the XIXe century, by a certain Louis Havart, hardware storekeeper, and who will leave his name to the building. The second half of the XXe century will see the building occupied by a gourmet restaurant which went bankrupt in 2010. Currently unoccupied, the construction is composed of a cellar, a ground floor, a mezzanine, four floors and an attic . The wooden structure is relatively strange, its shape is irregular and original with the floors protruding pronounced and lined with a slate cladding with windows in cross, on the floors, or protected by a wrought iron grille, in the mezzanine, or by swing shutters, on the ground floor.
  • 34 Old meat hall Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element rue de la Halle 1 – Wireless free. (LIEGE_DIGITAL_CITY). Built between 1544 and 1546 in style Mosan Renaissance combining brick and limestone and remaining in its original appearance, it is the oldest public building in the city. The ground floor was used for the meat trade until 1980 while the 1er floor served as a meeting place for the companions of the corporation of Let's eat until 1795 then, between 1822 and 1862, of municipal primary school and, finally until 1962 of public library. Currently, the entire building is occupied by thePays de Liège tourist office.
The Saint-Barthélemy collegiate church.
The entrance to the Grand Curtius museum in Féronstrée.
The Curtius Palace (main building of the Grand Curtius Museum).
The Asembourg museum.
Saint-Georges Street.
The Havart house.
The old meat hall, seat of the tourist office.

St Denis

  • 35 Collegiate Church of Saint-Denis Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Cathedral Street 64 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : h 30 - 17 h, Sun. : 12 h - 17 h. – Wireless free. on the place Saint-Denis (LIEGE_DIGITAL_CITY). Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia (2013, all except the mechanical part of the organ) Built in 987 by three brothers named Nithard who established a chapter of twenty canons there, it was burnt down by lightning in 1003 and immediately rebuilt by Notger but will not be dedicated until 1011 by his successor at the head of the principality. The building was integrated into the first enclosure of the city and the powerful tower in coal sandstone was part, at the time, of the defensive system of the city and served as a watchtower. At the beginning of XVe century, the Romanesque choir is replaced by the current Gothic choir and chapels, also in Gothic style, are attached to the aisles of the extension of the nave. At the end of XVIIe century, the interior is adapted to the Baroque fashion of the time as can still be seen today.
  • 36 Former post office Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element rue de la Régence 61 – This very beautiful old public building built between 1896 and 1901 in neo-Gothic style has currently been abandoned since 2003 by the belgian post. After renovation, the building should, at the end of 2019 or the beginning of 2020, become a hub for start-ups and on 700 m2, the new production site of the microbrewery Breaststroke & Me currently located at Rocourt.
The Saint-Denis collegiate church with, on the left, the Gothic choir.
The tower of the Saint-Denis collegiate church.
The old post office.


The Batte market, Roosevelt quay seen from the Saucy footbridge.
  • 1 Batte market Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (left bank of the Meuse between quai Roosevelt and quai Saint-Léonard (up to rue de la Linière) as well as in rue de la Cité) Logo indicating timetables every sunday between h and 14 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Dating from 1561, it is the oldest market in the country and, with its 3,6 km vices, a total sales area of ​​around the 10 000 m2 and its 4 to 5 million annual visitors, one of the largest in Europe. Its reputation, which extends far beyond the Liège region, also attracts international visitors toAixois and of Maastrichtois that of the Brussels region. The variety of items on sale is very large: antiques, second-hand goods, books and compact discs or new and used vinyl records, meat, poultry and fish, wines, cheeses, fruits and vegetables, costume jewelry, trinkets, leathers , hosiery, clothing, flowers and plants, exotic birds and fish, farmyard animals, dogs, cats, goats, household items as well as the inventions of amateur inventors and many baracks ("Small shops", "stalls" in Walloon Liège) offering culinary specialties ranging from fries with sauce to the most exotic dishes. On the one hand, by their chatch (“Loquacity” in Walloon Liège) and their sales pitch, the market remains what it has always been: a long colorful fresco and a privileged place of social diversity in which to appreciate human nature. On the other hand, barkers, hawkers and other street vendors, often joined by street artists or performing arts students testing their skills, make the Sunday market in La Batte a live show open to all winds.
  • 2 Make way for books Logo indicating a link to the website Saint-Etienne square Logo indicating timetables each 1er and 3e samedi du mois, de mai à septembre, entre 10 h and 18 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility La douzaine de bouquinistes présents proposent aussi bien des livres d’occasions ou anciens, aussi bien des romans, que des livres thématiques ou encore des bandes dessinées.

To buy

Les Galeries St-Lambert.
The Maison du Peket.


  • 1 Galeries St-Lambert Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link place Saint-Lambert (bus TEC Wallonne logo.png : terminaux Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility « Léopold », « Saint Lambert », « République Française » et « Opéra ») Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : h 30 - 18 h 30 (until 19 h, voire 20 h pour certains commerces). – Wireless free. (LIEGE_DIGITAL_CITY) Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityPresence of an automated external defibrillator (AED) (au rez-de-chaussée à côté de l'enseigne Délifrance). 41 114 m2 de surface commercial et 2 369 m2 de logements comptant 39 commerces divers.

Souvenirs typiques

  • 2 Li Botike di Lidje (« La boutique de Liège » en wallon) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Feronstrée 143, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2232560 Logo indicating timetables sea.- sat. : 10 h 30 - 13 h 30 and14 h - 18 h, Sun. : 11 h - 16 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (a small step at the entrance). Vente de marionnettes liégeoises à la taille réglementaire (Charlemagne, la plus grande, fait un mètre de haut), art liégeois (tableaux, sculptures, bandes dessinées, etc.), produits du terroir (bières, peket, sirop, miel, etc.), articles aux symboles liégeois (T-shirts, tasses, portes clés, enseignes en métal, etc.).

Bières et spiritueux

  • 3 Beer Lovers' Shop rue de la Violette 9 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : 10 h - 19 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 750 sortes de bières.
  • La Maison du Peket rue de l’Épée 2, e-mail :  – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Nombreuses variétés de pekets et de ratafias. Achat sur place ou en e-commerce (livraison gratuite en Belgique à partir de 150 


Black African cuisine

  • 1 L'Escale Logo indicating a link to the website rue Léopold 41, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2656064 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- sat. : 12 h - 24 h, Sun.- Mon. : 12 h 30 - 22 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • 2 Yaka Logo indicating a facebook link rue de la Madeleine 33, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 476 421048 Logo indicating timetables Tue. : 18 h 30 - 23 h, sea.- sat. : 12 h - 14 h and18 h 30 - 23 h, Sun. : 11 h 30 - 15 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Cuisine de l'Afrique de l'Ouest.

Cuisine des Alpes

  • 3 La Valaisanne Logo indicating a link to the website place du Marché 15, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2234454, 32 478 816812 (cellphone) Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : 12 h - 15 h and18 h - 22 h (Fri., sat. and Sun. until 23 h). Logo indicating tariffs entre 20 et 25 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Cuisine savoyarde. Fondues, raclettes, pierrades. Terrasse couverte

Asian food

South East Asia

  • 4 Le Bo Bun Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link rue de la Boucherie 19-21, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2320192 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Game. : 18 h 30 - 22 h 30, Fri.- Sun. : 11 h 30 - 15 h and18 h 30 - 22 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs Between 6,5  and 30 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Vietnamese cuisine. Plats végétariens. Children's menus. Terrace. Take away food.

East Asia

  • 5 Le Go0t de Chez Jing Logo indicating a facebook link rue de la Régence 21, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3380041 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 10 h 30 - 21 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs main course: between 12  and 16 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Cuisine chinoise authentique.

Brasserie cuisine

  • Bistro n'Home Logo indicating a facebook link rue Hors-Château 62 (in L'hôtel Hors-Château), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2213974, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : 19 h - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 37  and 78 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 step at the entrance). Score between 12.5 and 13.50 / 20 to the Gault and Millau 2020 guide and Michelin plate; quality cuisine. au guide Michelin 2020. Terrasse à l'avant.
  • Le Cloître Logo indicating a link to the website cour des Mineurs (in the musée de la vie wallonne), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2792025 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : 10 h - 17 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs petite restauration à partir de , plat principal à partir de 8,5 , menu 4 services : 25 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Terrasse (référencée comme une des quinze meilleures terrasses de la ville).
  • 6 Le Thème Logo indicating a facebook link impasse de la Couronne 9, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2220202 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : 19 h - 21 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs menu 3 services : 37 , menu 5 services : 42 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility

Liège cuisine

Restaurant Au Point de Vue.
  • 7 Amon Nanesse Logo indicating a link to the website rue du Stalon 1-3, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2506783 Logo indicating timetables Game.- Mon. : 12 h - 14 h and18 h - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs main course between 14  and 22,5 . – Cuisine de brasserie avec plusieurs spécialités liégeoises.
  • 8 Au Point de Vue Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link place Verte 10, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2236482 Logo indicating timetables open every day. Logo indicating tariffs 13  pour 2 « boulets-frites » avec salade ou compote. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Cuisine et ambiance liégeoise, pour manger le vrai « boulets-frites » fait maison. Holder of "Crystal ball » 2015. Nombreuses autres spécialités liégeoises. Vaste terrasse couverte.
  • 9 Café Lequet quai sur Meuse 17, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2222134 Logo indicating timetables fermé le mardi et le dimanche soir. Logo indicating tariffs 10,4  pour 2 « boulets-frites » avec salade ou compote. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (1 step at the entrance). Cuisine et ambiance liégeoise, pour manger le vrai « boulets-frites » fait maison.
  • 10 Le Bistrot d'en face Logo indicating a link to the website rue de la Goffe 8-10, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2231584 Logo indicating timetables fermé le samedi midi et le lundi et mardi.. Logo indicating tariffs 14,8  pour 2 « boulets-frites » avec compote et mayonnaise. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityScore between 12.5 and 13.50 / 20 to the Gault and Millau 2020 guide and Best value for money ≤ 37 €. dans le guide Michelin 2020. Cuisine et ambiance liégeoise, pour manger le vrai « boulets-frites » fait maison. L'établissement a aussi reçu, lors d'un concours organisé par la ville à l'occasion du 100e anniversaire de la Première Guerre mondiale, le label du meilleur café liégeois. Terrace.
  • 11 Le Paris-Brest Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link rue du Pont 16, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2234711 Logo indicating timetables sea.- sat. : 10 h - 22 h, Sun. : 10 h - 15 h 15. Logo indicating tariffs 14  pour 2 « boulets-frites » avec salade. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityScore between 12.5 and 13.50 / 20 au guide Gault et Millau 2020. Cuisine liégeoise et de fusion.
  • 12 Le Saint-Grégory Féronstrée 112, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2231364 Logo indicating tariffs 9,5  pour 2 « boulets-frites » avec salade ou compote. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Pour manger le vrai « boulets-frites » fait maison. Détenteur du « Boulet de cristal » 2014.

Cuisine latino-américaine

  • 13 L'Atahualpa Logo indicating a link to the website rue Souverain-Pont 16, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2321727 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- sat. : 12 h - 14 h 30 and18 h 30 - 23 h, sea.- Fri. : 12 h - 14 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs about 30 . – Cuisine mexicaine et chilienne. Menu enfant. Animation musicale le vendredi et le samedi à partir de 20 h 30 (participation aux frais : 2,5 ). Réservation souhaitée le vendredi et le samedi soir.
  • 14 Encontro Brasileiro Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link rue Saint-Hubert 6, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 475 560382 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Tue. : 12 h - 14 h 30, sea.- Fri. : 12 h - 14 h 30 and18 h 30 - 21 h 30, sat. : 18 h 30 - 21 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs plat principal à partir de 15 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (mais porte d'entrée assez étroite). Cuisine brésilienne. Sandwicherie et plats à emporter. Certains vendredis, soirée avec musique et danseuses brésiliennes (menu à 39 ).

Mediterranean cuisine

  • 15 Alla Grappa Logo indicating a link to the website rue de la Madeleine 14, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3437168 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 12 h - 14 h 30 and18 h - 22 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs Between 10  and 25 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Italian food. Le plus ancien restaurant italien de la région liégeoise (depuis 1963) et dans les meilleures pizzerias au feu de bois. Take away food.
  • 16 La Cantina Logo indicating a link to the website rue Saint-Denis 2, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2213535 Logo indicating timetables sea.- sat. : 12 h - 14 h 30 and18 h - 22 h (aussi ouvert le mardi en juillet et août). Logo indicating tariffs Between 15  and 30 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Italian food. Score between 12.5 and 13.50 / 20 au guide Gault et Millau 2020. Cuisine traditionnelle et modernisée avec des produits bios. Magnifique terrasse ombragée par une vigne vierge de plus de 200 ans à l'arrière.
  • 17 Que Bueno Logo indicating a link to the website En Neuvice 49, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 488 823225 (cellphone) Logo indicating timetables sea.- Sun. : h - 20 h. Logo indicating tariffs about 20 , paellas à 11  and 12 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Cuisine espagnole. Spécialité de tapas et de paellas. Small terrace. Plats à emporter (paellas à partir de pour 2 personnes).
  • 18 Les Fables du Liban Logo indicating a facebook link Impasse du Vieux Pont 2 (rue de la Cité), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 484 784399 Logo indicating timetables sea.- sat. : 18 h 30 - 22 h, Sun. : 12 h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs mezzé froid : , mezzé chaud : . – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility (9 marches pour accéder à l'impasse). Spécialité de mezzés. Take away food. Terrace.
  • 19 Les Caves du Portugal Logo indicating a link to the website rue Pied du Pont des Arches 2, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2234729 Logo indicating timetables sea. : 12 h - 14 h, Game.- Fri. : 12 h - 14 h and18 h - 22 h, sat. : 18 h - 22 h, Sun. : 12 h - 14 h and18 h - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs about 30 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 small step at the entrance). Cuisine portugaise.
  • 20 La Fontaine d'Athéna Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Souverain-Pont 29, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2210626 Logo indicating timetables Game.- Tue. : 11 h 30 - 15 h and18 h - h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 20  and 25 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 step at the entrance) Business or event where LGBT people are welcome Cuisine grecque. Plats copieux.

Cuisine végétarienne

  • 21 Le Petit Pressoir Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link En Neuvice 37, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2672506 Logo indicating timetables sea.- Game. : 18 h - 21 h 30, Fri. : 11 h 45 - 21 h 30, sat. : 11 h 45 - 18 h 30, Sun. : 11 h 45 - 17 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 step at the entrance). Cuisine végétarienne et végane, pain et pâtisseries sans gluten, smoothies et jus frais pressés à froid de fruits ou de légumes de saison. Small terrace. Boutique avec vente de produits bios locaux.

Spécialités de la mer

  • 22 L'Amuse-Bouche Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link place du Marché 6, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2222557 Logo indicating timetables 12 h - 14 h 30 and18 h 30 - 22 h, fermé le vendredi, le mercredi et le dimanche soir. Logo indicating tariffs Between 30  and 40 , lunch at 25 , menu at 38 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Spécialités de la mer avec, entre autres, du homard.
  • 23 Le Régence Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link rue de la Régence 31, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 496 700234 (cellphone) Logo indicating timetables fermé le lundi et le dimanche soir. Logo indicating tariffs moules-frites à volonté à partir de 18 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 small step at the entrance). Spécialité de moules-frites (plus de 30 recettes différentes).

Grills, meat bars

  • 24 Le Bar à Bœuf Logo indicating a link to the website rue de la Goffe 20-22, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2229433 Logo indicating timetables fermé le mardi soir, le mercredi et le samedi midi. Logo indicating tariffs Between 17,5  and 50 , lunch du midi entre 19,5  and 24,5 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility

Restaurant à insectes

  • 25 Les bouchers verts Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link rue de la Madeleine 33, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 498 343679, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables sea.- sat. : 11 h 30 - 14 h and17 h - 22 h, Sun. : 30 h 15. Logo indicating tariffs Between 3,5  and 14  pour 1 plat, menu découverte des insectes : 6,5 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility spécialité de tapas et de burgers aux insectes ou végétariens, pâtes fraiches faites avec de la farine d'insecte. Take away food. Épicerie avec vente d'insectes séchés.


  • 26 La Frite (La frite aime Maurice) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link rue de la Cité 5, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2234421 Logo indicating timetables sea.- Game. : 12 h - 14 h 30 and18 h - 21 h 30, Fri. : 12 h - 14 h 30 and18 h - 23 h, sat. : 12 h - 23 h, Sun. : 11 h - 21 h 30. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (1 step at the entrance). Classée 3e meilleure friterie de Liège en 2018.

Fast food

  • 27 Burger King Logo indicating a link to the website rue Joffre 2, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3694487 Logo indicating timetables Sun.- Game. : 10 h - 23 h, Fri.- sat. : 10 h - h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityWireless free. Un des six Burger King de Belgique.
  • 28 Quick Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link rue Joffre 13, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2220969 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 10 h - 23 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (salle du rez-de-chaussée). Trois autres Quick à Liège, dont 1 à Belle-Ile et 1 dans le centre commercial de Rocourt.
  • 29 Pizza Hut Rue Ferdinand-Hénaux 11, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2229900 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 11 h 30 - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs pizza between 7,5  and 12,25 , self-serve buffet 9,95  (Between 12 h and 14 h). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (2 petites marches à l'entrée). Pizza and breaded chicken specialties. Delivery service. Small terrace.

Salon de thé, glacier, sandwicherie

  • 30 La Cigalière Logo indicating a link to the website rue de la Régence 29, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2214292, 32 498 427225 (cellphone) – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Sandwiches, salades, petits déjeuners et crêpes. Petite terrasse de deux tables. Take away food.
  • 31 Une Gaufrette Saperlipopette Logo indicating a facebook link rue des Mineurs 7, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2223713 Logo indicating timetables sea.- Sun. : h - 18 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Fabrication artisanale (devant vos yeux au no 20 de la même rue) et vente de différents types de biscuits et de véritables gaufres de Liège traditionnelles bien chaudes.
  • 32 Mad'in Home Galeries Saint-Lambert (à côte de l'entrée Saint-Vincent), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 495 274807 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 18 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityBusiness or event where LGBT people are welcome Sandwiches, salades, petits déjeuners faits maison. Take away food.

Have a drink / Go out

Théâtres et cinémas

  • 1 Musée de la vie wallonne Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element cours des Mineurs, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2379050 Logo indicating timetables de septembre à avril : sea. : 14 h 30, Sun. : 10 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs  (gratuit pour les moins de 4 ans). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Théâtre de marionnettes liégeoises.
  • 2 Théâtre Proscenium Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link rue Souverain Pont 28, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 479 822439 Logo indicating timetables from 1er vendredi de septembre au dernier dimanche de juin : Fri.- sat. : 20 h 30, Sun. : 15 h. Logo indicating tariffs adult : 12 , senior et étudiants : 10 , moins de 12 ans : . – La spécialité du théâtre est plutôt porté vers les comédies. Cafeteria.

Réalité virtuelle

  • 3 One Reality Logo indicating a link to the website rue de Bruxelles 6, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 472 991412 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Tue. : 17 h - 22 h, sea. : 14 h - 22 h, Game. : 17 h - 22 h, Fri. : 17 h - 24 h, sat. : 10 h - 24 h, Sun. : 10 h - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs from 12  for 60 min. – 6 salles d'environ 100 m2 chacune où peuvent évoluer 2 à 4 joueurs en réalité virtuelle, 16 jeux d'arcade en réalité virtuelle, tables de billard, baby-foots (« kickers » en Belgique), bar. Jeux de réalité virtuelle déconseillés aux enfants de moins de 12 ans.

Bistros and cafes

Quelques unes des terrasses de la place du Marché.

Constituant une terrasse de 2 000 m2, la place du Marché est l'endroit incontournable pour boire un verre. Une vingtaine d'établissements presque tous équipés d'une terrasse, souvent chauffée en hiver, et proposant une restauration plus ou moins consistante se disputent le chaland.

  • 4 Beer Lovers' Shop Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link rue de la Violette 9, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 477 248118 (cellphone) Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 11 h - h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Bar à bières. 250 sortes de bières à déguster sur place, dont les bières liégeoises bien évidemment, mais aussi 750 sortes à acheter (magasin ouvert : Tue.- Sun. : 10 h - 19 h).
  • 5 La Maison du Peket Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link rue de l’Épée 2, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2506783, 32 486 178956 (Les Suites de Nanesse) Logo indicating timetables Sun.- Game. : 10 h - h, Fri.- sat. : 10 h - h. – Wireless free. Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Bar à peket (plus de 250 sortes dont une trentaine de « ratafias »). Vaste terrasse. Pour les clubbeurs, il y a aussi la discothèque l’Impasse Club (entrée gratuite par le no 9 de la rue du Stalon et ouvert Fri.- Sun. : 22 h - h) et pour casser la graine ou simplement déguster une cûtè peûre, le restaurant brasserie Amon Nanesse (entrée par le no 1 de la rue du Stalon et, enfin, pour ceux qui veulent loger Les Suites de Nanesse (entrée par le no 3 de la rue Ferdinand Hénaux) qui compte sept appartements pour 2 ou 4 personnes.
  • 6 Toccata Crème de Café Logo indicating a facebook link place du Marché 11, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 495 620003 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun.. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Spécialités de cafés, de thés et de chocolats chauds aromatisés. Terrace.
  • 7 El Señor Duck Napo Logo indicating a link to the website En Neuvice 5, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 486 514461 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sea. : 17 h - h, Game.- sat. : 17 h - h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Véritable estaminet à bières artisanales, petite terrasse. Attention que la taverne est une véritable « base avancée estudiantine » du Carré et que pendant les délibérations d'examens ou après la proclamation des résultats, il est pratiquement impossible d'y entrer.
  • 8 Yam Toto Logo indicating a link to the website En Hors-Château 43, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2626775, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables sea.- Game. : 16 h - 23 h, Fri.- sat. : 16 h - h, Sun. : 11 h - 16 h. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (4 steps at the entrance). Bar avec petite restauration où l'on peut aussi jouer à un des 200 jeux de société mis à disposition.
  • 9 L’Office café Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link rue Souverain-Pont 26 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs 4,5  de l'heure avec un maximum de 19  per day. – Access for people with reduced mobility unknownWireless free.Second place in Belgium created according to this concept, the price includes unlimited non-alcoholic drinks, snacks and high-speed Wi-Fi.

Bars and nightclubs

The singing café The Olivettes.
  • 10 The Olivettes rue Pied du Pont des Arches 6, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 498 470450 Logo indicating timetables Fri.- sat. : 20 h - h, Sun. : 10 h - h. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (2 steps at the entrance). Singing coffee. Guaranteed atmosphere. A piece of dais, a piano, a microphone welcome anyone who wants to sing, amateurs or professionals and dancing on the small track is far from being prohibited.


  • 11 The little Paris Logo indicating a facebook link Market Square 31, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2235496 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 11 h - h. – Business or event where LGBT people are welcome (but everyone is welcome) Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Covered terrace.
  • 12 Angel Wine Market square 43, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2212921 Logo indicating timetables Sun.- Fri. : 11 h - 24 h, sat. : 15 h - 24 h. – Business or event where LGBT people are welcome (but everyone is welcome) Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Snacks, covered terrace.
  • 13 The fun Logo indicating a facebook link rue des Mineurs 2, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 470 606605 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Game. : 16 h - 23 h 30, Fri. : 16 h - h, sat. : 16 h - h. – Business or event where LGBT people are welcomeAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Intimate bar. Music concerts on Friday and Saturday.



  • 1 Amosa Logo indicating a link to the website Saint-Denis street 4, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3319335, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs rooms: between 99  and 119 , apartments: 119  Where 169 . – Wireless free. Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (apartments) 4 stars 18 double rooms and 4 apartments for 2 or 4 people (located at no 6 rue Donceel). Bar and restaurant (The Savas) with South American specialties. Phone calls to a free Belgian number.
  • 2 Hotel outside the castle Logo indicating a link to the website Hors-Château street 62, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2506068 Logo indicating tariffs Between 78  and 125  (breakfast not included). – Wireless free. 3 stars 9 bedrooms including one en suite. Very quiet place. In a building of XVIIIe century completely renovated. For the record, the vaulted entrance is all that remains of the old cloth hall.
  • 3 Hotel Neuvice Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link In Neuvice 45, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 437 59740, e-mail : room available from 16 h, to be released before 12 h. Logo indicating tariffs from 100 , breakfast 16  per person. – Wireless free. Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility3 stars The hotel is made up of three buildings from the XVIIIe century built around an interior courtyard. 10 double rooms

Guest rooms

  • 4 No. 5 Logo indicating a link to the website place Saint-Barthélémy 5, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 494 305873, e-mail : room available from 16 h, to be released before 11 h. Logo indicating tariffs Bancontact terminal Between 115  and 135 , 2 bedrooms in a family space: 215 , breakfast (free under 6 years old). – Wireless free. 4 double bedrooms and 1 en suite on the ground floor accessible to PMR. Garden terrace. Sauna room, possibility of ayurvedic massage and babysitting. Pets not allowed.

Urban gites

  • 5 Heart of Liège Logo indicating a link to the website rue de la Poule 8, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Between 225  (2 people) and 350  (4 people) on weekends. – In a house in XVIIIe century, furnished loft on 3 floors for a maximum of 4 people. Large roof terrace.
  • 6 Maryse's Cursed Cat Logo indicating a link to the website rue du Palais 18, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 494 682654, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Between 300  (2 nights) and 650  (1 week). – Wireless free. In a listed house from the first quarter of XVIIIe century for 6 people maximum. Super equipped kitchen. Possibility of secure parking 300 meters (50  per week).


  • 7 Nanesse Suites Logo indicating a link to the website rue Ferdinand-Henaux 3, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3782828, 32 486 178956, e-mail : room available from 15 h, to be released before 12 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 70  and 119 . – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobilityWireless free. 3 stars 7 apartments with fully equipped kitchens for 2 to 4 people. Pets not accepted.


Post offices

  • 1 Post Office (bpost Liège-Perron) Logo indicating a link to the website Market square 32-34 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 18 h, sat. : 10 h - 16 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityBancontact terminal withdrawal (of h To 23 h). All postal products and services, banking products.
  • Post points  – The services offered by the post office are the sale of stamps, the sending of ordinary and registered mail as well as the sending and receiving of packages.
    • 2 Delhaize post point rue de l'Official 2 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : h 15 - 19 h 45. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
    • 3 Liège-Regency Press Shop rue de la Régence 8 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : h - 18 h (until 18 h 30 the Fri.). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility

Manage the day-to-day

Municipal administration

There is no district town hall in the historic heart. The closest is in the northern district :

  • 4 Sainte-Marguerite district town hall Saint-Séverin street 46 (bus TEC Wallonne logo.png 19 Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility, 53, 61 - stop “Liège Cadran” Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility.), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2216331 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 12 h 30 and13 h 30 - 16 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 parking space PMR just in front) Presence of an automated external defibrillator (AED)


Location of ATMs. For their operation, refer to the section "Cash dispensers »Of the article on Belgium.

  • bpost Market square 32 (in the Liège-Perron post office) Logo indicating timetables 24 hours a day. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 1 outdoor terminal and indoor terminals. Also for credit cards.
  • 5 Belfius rue des Mineurs 12 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 24 h. – accessible Wi-Fi networkAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Indoor terminals. Also for credit cards.
  • 6 BNP Paribas Fortis Feronstrated 19 – Wireless free. (bnppf_Free_WIFI). Indoor terminals plus an outdoor terminal with voice guidance. Also for credit cards.
  • 7 ING place Saint-Lambert 16 (in the south annex of the courthouse) Logo indicating timetables of h - 23 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Several inland terminals. Also for credit cards.


The hospital with the nearest emergency department is located in the Slopes of the Citadel :


  • 9 Liège-Center “Wallonia” police station rue de la Régence 55 (bus TEC Wallonne logo.png 7 - direction “Cathedral”: stop “Régence” Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility, bus 2, 3, 26 Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility, 29 Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility, 31, 33, 35: stop "Place Cockerill" Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3408900 Logo indicating timetables open 24 hours a day. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityPresence of an automated external defibrillator (AED)


Liège districts bordering the historic heart
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