Caprarola - Caprarola

Panorama on the town center
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Tourism site
Institutional website

Caprarola is a city of Lazio present in the list of the most beautiful villages in Italy and awarded with an orange flag by the TCI (Italian Touring Club).

To know

Geographical notes

In Lazio northern, north of Rome, Caprarola is located on the southern slope of the Cimini Mountains to the east of Lake Vico, perched on a tufaceous spur and placed between what were once consular roads: the via Cassia and the via Flaminia. Mount Fogliano stands near the town.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are those of Rome.

By car

Caprarola is connected via the Provincial Road 35 Ronciglionese to Ronciglione is Carbognano.

By bus

The buses CoTraL they connect the town center with Rome Saxa Rubra, Viterbo, Ronciglione, Fabrica of Rome, Carbognano, Bassano Romano is Monterosi.

How to get around

What see

Palazzo Farnese
Scala Regia

The main attraction of Caprarola is the Palazzo Farnese.

  • 1 Palazzo Farnese of Caprarola, 39 0761 646052. Ecb copyright.svg5€. The first building that was built in this place had a purely defensive function and dates back to 1534. In 1556 Alessandro Farnese the Younger decided to hold a competition for the restoration of the fortress. Nanni di Baccio Bigio and Vignola took part in this. Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola won. The works began in 1559 and ended in 1575, two years after the architect's death. The exterior shows a trapezoidal square which distorts the shapes of the Belvedere courtyard and the palace with a game of perspective and which is perceived by the Rettifilo as a parallelepiped. The building has a pentagonal plan and develops around a central courtyard. On the courtyard floor is the apartment of the prelates, initially used by the cardinal himself, and was used for guests. The first floor, also known as the upper loggia floor, was (and is) reachable on horseback thanks to the large spiral staircases. On it there are the summer and winter apartment of the cardinal and the rooms of Jupiter and the glories with frescoes by Taddeo Zuccari. The third floor, called the knights floor, contains 2 rows of rooms separated by a pentagonal corridor. Finally, the top floor was that of the Staffieri. Of notable interest is the Scala Regia which, unlike what is foreseen by the classical dictates, was built inside taking inspiration from the Bramante staircase in the Vatican. The staircase revolves around 30 pairs of Doric-style piperine columns. The walls around the staircase were frescoed by Antonio Tempesta. Palazzo Farnese (Caprarola) on Wikipedia Palazzo Farnese (Q597957) on Wikidata

In addition to the Farnese palace, Vignola contributed decisively to the development of the town by implementing a real urban reform. First of all he built the Rettifilo, a straight road leading to the entrance of the building. Other works that underwent restoration work or that were carried out were:

  • Public garden (overlooking the straight).
  • Mascherone Fountain. The upper pediment is reminiscent of that of Porta Faulle di Viterbo.

Finally, hydraulic works were carried out such as the lowering of Lake Vico and the construction of the Valentano Mill.

  • 2 Vico lake. Lake of volcanic origin is a Nature Reserve and protected area since 1982 and for this reason it was saved from building speculation. Vico Lake on Wikipedia Vico lake (Q1246006) on Wikidata
Church of Santa Teresa
  • 3 Church of Santa Teresa.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Caprarola
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Caprarola
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