Fabrica of Rome - Fabrica di Roma

Fabrica of Rome
Panorama di Fabrica di Roma
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Fabrica of Rome it's a city Lazio in Viterbo.

To know

Geographical notes

Fabrica di Roma is 26 km from Viterbo, about 300 meters above sea level, located south of the Cimini mountains, near the Vico lake. There are few alluvial plains and valleys, almost all of the area is made up, in fact, of volcanic rocks, whose products (specifically volcanoes Cimino is Vicano) gave rise to outcrops of typical peperino from Viterbo, used mostly as a building material; and in fact the ancient area of ​​Fabrica di Roma was built on a peperino bench. Other volcanic rocks present in the area are: the peperino of the hills, the red tuff used in ancient times by the Falisci and the Etruscans for their immense necropolis, the tephritic-leucitic lavas called occhiadina or fish eye, also called white tuff white tuff from Fabrica, pumice and pozzolan Flora and the fauna di Fabrica di Roma are typical of the low mountains, and both sedentary and migratory game is abundant.

When to go

Its climate is continental even if modified by the dense vegetation. The average annual temperature fluctuates around 15 ° C.

From the month of May to August on the Fabriano territory there are several village festivals typical of the Viterbo area, Moroni in the dictionary of ecclesiastical historical erudition states that it is a town "in a temperate climate and good air”.


The history of the territory of Fabrica di Roma is very remote, in fact the presence of man has been detected since ancient times. It was most likely originally a pagus faliscus as evidenced by ancient passages dug into the cliff, large caves carved on several levels in the rocky bank with niches and grooves for pilings and drainages, to be identified also as tombs (given the presence of columbaria that housed cinerary urns, and Faliscan dwellings, known as Faliscan caverns , of which the whole agerfaliscus is rich).

Even in the surroundings of the oldest part of Fabrica there is no lack of evidence that suggests the presence of man in the area, collected largely at the Archaeological Museum of Agro Falisco at the Forte Sangallo di Civita Castellana.

However, it is only from the Middle Ages that one can count on written documentation to delineate the historical course of Fabrica more precisely. The first document that officially speaks of the Fabrica estate dates back to 1093, only in 1177 a papal bull of Pope Alexander III refers to the castle of Fabrica. The analysis of the walls confirms this dating. The Castle of Fabrica, is part of the historical period of the progressive fortification that has affected the whole Tuscia between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries. In this period, the first inhabited nucleus consisted of the area of ​​the current via della Fontanella and della Rocca, characterized by narrow alleys carved into the tuff and peperino that flow into picturesque squares. From this moment it belonged to the Papal State, until Fabrica was sold or donated from time to time to the powerful expanding families in the Viterbo area. In the thirteenth century, the Rocca probably began to be built under the dominion of the Prefects of Vico. The oldest parts are those made in the so-called a petrella from Viterbo, consisting of rows of rectangular stone blocks arranged with the long vertical side. The Borgo also had its own church, dedicated to Santa Maria whose origins date back to the 10th century, later transformed into the oratory of Santa Caterina, seat of the brotherhood of the Misericordia which was extinct after the Second World War.

Since the 13th century, Fabrica has been under the Di Vico family, Prefects of Rome, of Ghibelline tendency, in perennial clash with the Church. The first fortification of the fondus is due precisely to them, in vicolo della Fontanella there is their palace with the coat of arms in plain sight on the entrance portal and the facade embellished with elegant mullioned windows and single lancet windows, only the castle in 1308 was sold to the cardinal Napoleone Orsini. Between ups and downs that saw the transfer of ownership from the Orsini family to the Santo Spirito Hospital in Saxia, to other important families in the area, to then pass back into the hands of the Di Vico family, in 1431.

At this point the family was declared rebellious and the Church sent a strong arm to conquer Fabrica and the other fiefs to the Prefect Giovanni Di Vico. We have reached the end of the 15th century. And the village had extended to the church of San Silvestro. At this point, town planning follows the Renaissance rules with straight and wider streets such as the three major streets that led to Piazza di Sotto, Piazza di Sopra and Piazza dell 'Ariola. Even the houses follow a more elegant taste with finely decorated portals and windows. This is a period of great prosperity witnessed by the presence of guilds whose coats of arms stand out in the streets of the town and by the authorization to expand outside the walls, granted in 1549 by Orazio Farnese Duca di Castro. Until the eighteenth century the domain of Fabrica changed continuously, obtaining advantages from time to time.

Finally, in 1798-99 the territory entered the French aegis through the republican experience, passing from 1809 to 1814 under Napoleonic rule. After the Congress of Vienna it returned under the influence of the Church and its fate remained tied to it until the Unification ofItaly.

How to orient yourself

If you arrive at Fabrica di Roma from Rome or from Civita Castellana you reach the main street of the town, Via Roma, crossed by commercial businesses on both sides; at the end of the road, always keeping to the right, take the ring road Dalla Chiesa and after a few kilometers there is an arch on the left where you can enter to get to Piazza Duomo where the Collegiate Church of San Silvestro, the offices of the Local Police, the Library Municipal and municipal offices. The historic and ancient part of Fabrica di Roma is concentrated entirely in the area called The fortress which starts from Piazza Duomo and is easily explored on foot. Outside the town, along the provincial road 27 Faleriense direction Civita Castellana, you arrive at the nearby Faleri, a hamlet of Fabrica di Roma, where taking via Faleri Novi you get to Falerii Novi, archaeological site from the Roman era where you can visit the Porta di Giove, the Church of Santa Maria in Faleri and the Via Amerina.

Houses in the center

How to get

By car

Fabrica di Roma is connected via the Provincial Road 26 Vignanellese to Vignanello, through the provincial road 27 Faleriense to Civita Castellana, through the provincial road 35 Ronciglionese to Carbognano, through the provincial road 65 Valleranese, is linked to Vallerano, and through the provincial road 71 Corchianese, is linked to Corchiano.

From Rome along the Cassia Bis (regional road 2 bis Via Cassia Veientana) up to Monterosi, then turn right to Ronciglione, at the Trentamiglia crossroads turn right again for Fabrica di Roma.

From the A1 motorway, Magliano Sabina exit, then right to Borghetto and then right again to Fabrica di Roma.

From Flaminia up to Civita Castellana and then to Fabrica di Roma.

From Viterbo taking Via Cassia Cimina and immediately after the provincial road 65 "Valleranense".

On the train

Fabrica di Roma has 2 railway stations not far from each other:

Furthermore, from Fabrica di Roma via the provincial road 27 Faleriense and continuing on the provincial road 74 (called Quartaccio) you arrive at the station Civita Castellana-Magliano (FS). Connected along the railway Orte - Fiumicino Airport.

How to get around

Fabrica di Roma can be easily explored on foot to visit the historical and artistic beauties found in the historic center of the town. To get to the archaeological site Falerii Novi it is possible to move with the help along the provincial road 27 Faleriense direction Civita Castellana, or using the urban service, the timetables are visible from the website of the Common.

What see

Collegiate Church Fabrica
  • Collegiate Church of San Silvestro Papa (Fabrica Cathedral). The first news we have of this church dates back to 1177, but most likely the building already existed since in that year it was clearly included in the properties of the monastery of S. Elia which lists "S. Silvestri in castrum Fabricae" among his other assets. A question never resolved is that of the authorship of the artists who frescoed the apse and the two side niches (Madonna del Rosario, the symbol of the sacraments with seven streams flowing from the cross, paintings covered and partly recovered in 1954). The only certain thing is the date of the murals which is written in the main apse: 1556. Local tradition attributes them to Taddeo Zuccari, committed to Caprarola with the decorations of Palazzo Farnese, others instead mention the name of Guido da Viterbo, but according to the historian Cesare Verani they are to be attributed to the brothers Bartolomeo and Lorenzo Torresani who, in their style, drew on the school of Raphael. In the apse you can admire the majestic Glory of the Blessing Redeemer surrounded by the symbols of the passion, which is very reminiscent of the one present in the Vatican rooms made by Raphael, in particular it can be compared with that represented in the Stanza della Segnatura. In the drum below are represented: the Last Supper, with a background of perfectly constructed architectural wings, the Crucifixion and the Flagellation. The grotesque decoration and the small pastoral and biblical scenes along the apsidal arch and on the pilasters are still by the hand of the two painters. These frescoes were restored in 1955. The work carried out in S. Silvestro, of which the work of Alessandro in the incomplete and ruined fresco placed in the left niche of the presbytery, must have been very successful, so much so that a little later, the Torresani were also called to carry out the pictorial decoration of the chapels and niches of S. Maria della Pietà. In the following they will also work on Corchiano sometimes using the same Fabrica cartons. Along the nave there are side altars with more recent and expressive paintings by artists still anonymous: entering from the left we find that of the Annunciation, of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, of St. Gaetano, of St. Francis, of S. Rosa da Viterbo, of the souls in purgatory and of the Assumption. Under the main altar is the body of San Giustino Martire, covered with wax and translated from Rome on September 22, 1791.
  • Church of Santa Maria della Pietà. According to an ancient local tradition, the Church of Santa Maria della Pietà was built around an aedicule depicting the Virgin and Child probably dating back to the mid-fifteenth century. The pictorial decoration of the church extends along ten niches made in the thickness of the wall. In the niches are represented the Nativity, the Virgin in glory, the life of St. Andrew, St. Anthony the Abbot crowned by angels, St. Michael the Archangel and three saints, no longer identifiable today. The most important, however, is the one located to the right of the nave. This fresco depicts St. Sylvester in the chair with scenes from his life and shows the year of execution of the works, 1560. Only after the descialbo works, carried out at the end of the 60's by a group of Fabrizio boys, did he frescoes were brought to light. From a first visual analysis, it immediately emerges that their execution must be attributed to different artists. The painters Lorenzo and Alessandro Torresani are credited with the authorship of most of the pictorial decoration. Particularly interesting is the fresco depicting the Madonna and Child, between Saints Antonio Abate and Leonardo, enclosed in a peperino frame inserted in the second half of the twentieth century.
Glimpse 1 Rocca Fabrica Castle
  • La Rocca Castle. The Castle which is located in the center of the town of Fabrica di Roma has always been referred to only by the name of the Rocca, thus also giving the name to the village that extends all around it. Presumably built around the year 1000, it was then rebuilt and enlarged in 1217 under the hegemony of the De Vico family of Prefects, powerful feudal lords of Tuscia Roman. In 1539 it was sold to Pierluigi Farnese, and it was Cardinal Alessandro Farnese who in turn provided for some improvements made to the fortress, ordering the construction of the northern circular tower, completed by 1590. Hence the other denomination of the castle that is also called Castello Farnese. The Castle has a quadrangular shape, built on a rock spur of which you can still see the remains on the western side of the fortress, the side facing the village is surrounded by two massive circular corner towers, and by the square tower that dominates the Fabrica landscape. .
Gate of Jupiter a Falerii Novi
  • 1 Falerii Novi, 39 0761 569001, @. Falerii Novi is an archaeological site of an ancient Roman city, founded in 241 BC. after the conquest of Falerii Veteres (today Civita Castellana), whose surviving inhabitants were in fact transferred to this new urban agglomeration. The archaeological site is located on a road that perhaps could be the via Annia (cf. H Nissen, Italische Landeskunde, ii. 361), a deviation of the via Cassia; this road approaches from the south coming from Nepet (now Nepi), while its continuation to the north certainly takes the name of via Amerina, the road that led to Amelia. It is very suggestive because through its remains it is possible to reconstruct the original plan of the city with its walls of 2,400 km of perimeter still intact in certain points, the turrets, the main gates from which one entered the city, of which the one called of Jupiter is the best preserved, and the remains of both the internal theater and the external amphitheater.
Cencelli Fabrica Palace
  • Cencelli Palace. Palazzo Cencelli (now the town hall) was built in the Middle Ages. Around the middle of the eighteenth century at the behest of the wealthy Cencelli family who had taken possession of it, it has been remodeled several times and preserves valuable frescoes inside together with much of the original furniture. Currently the building is the seat of the Municipality of Fabrica di Roma. Adjacent to it is the historic Italian garden: made up of box hedges, cypresses and gushing fountains. A wooden bridge connects the public garden to the building.
Falleri Fabrica Church in Rome
  • Church of Santa Maria in Falleri, 39 0761 569001, @. Simple icon time.svgFrom April to October it will be open at the following times: Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 to 13.00. In the fourth decade of the 12th century, the Cistercians, coming from the monastery of S. Sulpice-en-Bugey, founded the abbey of Falleri in Fallerii Novi. The building still reflects Cistercian architecture today with its regular tuff blocks with peperino inserts and marble decorations. Entering the church you immediately notice the austerity and sobriety of the work. The sanctuary has three naves, with the central one being higher and double the width of the lateral ones: all are illuminated by single lancet windows. The central nave is made up of four quadrangular bays, which double in the side ones. The church has a transept ending in the east with a choir made up of five apses.
Churches Madonna della stradella and Madonna della Vittoria - Fabrica di Roma
  • Two small churches: Madonna della Vittoria and Madonna della Stradella. The church of the Madonna della Vittoria is actually dedicated to San Sebastiano but is known by all as the Madonna della Vittoria as it houses an important tile with the image of the Savior probably repainted in 1400. The church shows a sail facade equipped with a bell tower, with a beautiful portal in the center surmounted by a single oculus, and rises on some steep stairs carved into the peperino. The interior has a single nave with a roof covered with trusses. The history of the Church of the Madonna della Stradella begins with the construction of a simple Marian shrine at the edge of the road that led out of Fabrica, with the aim of protecting the traveler. In fact, the Madonna della Stradella is to be considered an extra moenia church, that is, built outside the walls of the first Fabrichese nucleus, so it is possible that it was born as a small chapel which was later transformed into the current building. The plant is octagonal, the facade is simple and essential, inside the only decorative element is the wall painting on the altar, which represents the Madonna and Child, a symbol of local fifteenth-century painting.

Events and parties

  • Feast of San Matteo and San Giustino. The Patron Saints of Fabrica di Roma are San Matteo and San Giustino who are celebrated every year in a crescendo of events and representations that begin in the week in which the day of September 21 falls. During the three or four days of celebrations, banquets are set up, the Fair of Goods is held on the Sunday that falls in this period, theatrical performances and short shows for children and also for adults are held on the main streets. Lots of outdoor tables and lots of participation. A strongly folkloristic feature linked to the Patron Saint is the "race" of the Machine of San Matteo which is held on the evening of 21 September starting up the climbs of the Palazzotto and the old town, from here the porters make the canopy with the simulacrum of the Santo a real sprint along the steep slopes that lead from the Circonvallazione Dalla Chiesa to Piazza Duomo, where they are greeted by the thunderous applause of the people while a dense and bright welcome flare descends from the Castle of the Rocca. San Giustino is the second patron of Fabrica di Roma, he comes out on September 22 every five years in the reliquary with the wax body and the relics, and is celebrated with a solemn transport like San Matteo. Same rites, same brotherhood of bearers that leads him on the path between the historic center and Via Roma, up to the Church of the Madonna della Pietà. Within the days of the celebrations there is the Corsa dei carettini which takes place on the day of the Patron Saint in the middle of the afternoon and starts from Via San Giorgio, where handcrafted carts made by the participants descending at insane speed all the ring road From the Church up to at Via Roma.
  • Feast of Our Lady of Victory, Via San Rocco. The recurrence of the Madonna de 'La Vittoria, which is traditionally celebrated on the second Sunday of October, takes place over four days dedicated not only to the spiritual rites which are held at a scheduled frequency by the parish priest of the town at the Church of the Madonna della Vittoria (or del Salvatore) which is located in a "Borgo" district of Fabrica di Roma, but is accompanied by events dedicated mostly to children with the setting up of inflatable games and competitions between them such as those called della Pignatta. On the Sunday that falls during the festivities, there is the blessing and free distribution of pomegranates, fruits that are symbols of opulence and prolificacy, and also for this reason that this festival is called the Feast of the Madonna del Pomegranate; in the same evening it all ends with the launch of a large balloon that is sent as a way of thanks directly to the skies.
  • Beer Festival, Mother Teresa square of Calcutta - Loc. Vallette. The Fabrica di Roma Beer Festival was born in 1997 and today represents the most important party in the Viterbo area of ​​the end of the summer season with a number of participants that increases year by year, just think that for the year 2014 the XVI edition recorded more than 25,000 admissions. Organized by a group of young people in close collaboration with the municipal administration, the Fabrica di Roma Beer Festival offers a show of great impact on the young public, and not only, in fact the four days of the festival develop in a crescendo of shows of groups mostly Metal, but not only, with 14 types of draft beers, various dishes including typical local products, a totally free space for those who want to camp during the days of the Festival and lots of joy and joie de vivre.
Summer concert
  • Re ... Summer in Fabrica. From June to August, outdoor events and shows are organized at Fabrica di Roma to entertain the warm summer evenings: film screenings, playful activities for children, street concerts held by the Municipal Band, scheduled Urban Trekking, the Fabrichese White Night , the Sheep Festival and the great Beer Festival that closes the Summer!
  • Sheep festival, Mother Teresa square of Calcutta - Loc. Vallette. The Sheep Festival enters the circuit of the typical village festivals, where sheep meat cooked in various and succulent ways was well liked on all family tables. This festival, born in the Fabriano area in 2012, usually takes place on the weekend of mid-July and involves a hundred young volunteers who go out of their way to cook succulent dishes based on sheep meat, ranging from gnocchi to castrato alla pecora made in the so-called “callara”, accompanied by mostly popular dances and songs. This is accompanied by demonstrations of the preparation of cheeses and sheep's milk ricotta.
  • Festival of the meat bean, Mother Teresa square of Calcutta - Loc. Vallette, @. The cultivation of the bean in the territory of Fabrica di Roma has very ancient origins and thanks to the favorable climatic and territorial conditions that made it possible to cultivate it as a "second crop" after the grain harvest, there was the possibility of obtaining two deferred annual harvests favoring the spread of the two ancient varieties: wax bean and meat bean (whose name derives from the fact that it has more calories than meat). In recent years the municipal administration itself, to give an impulse to agriculture and to make this product known, has been promoting its cultivation and marketing also through the recognition of "typical local product", and this is how the meat bean is been included in the regional register of native species. The Bean Festival was born in 2013 with the aim of contributing to the knowledge and dissemination of this typical local product. Every year for the end of September, it takes place over three days of celebration with the preparation of the meat bean in typical Italian and country recipes, with dances and songs that bring a large number of audiences, not only from the territory of Fabrica di Rome.

What to do

  • Park of the cedars (From Via Roma take Via XXV Aprile and follow it to the end.). The park was inaugurated on 21 September 2014, during the celebrations of the patron saint San Matteo; located a few steps from the historic center is an immense green space of about 3 hectares of land with a cycle path that runs all around the park and with games for children and relaxation areas for adults. The whole park has been planted with cedars of Lebanon, hence the name of the same; cedar represents the emblem of power, strength, majesty and spiritual depth.
  • Urban Trekking, @. To spend a pleasant day in Fabrica di Roma, you start by visiting the entire historic center on foot, concentrated in the area called La Rocca: the route starts from Piazza Duomo (the town center) and runs through the entire central part of the streets and alleys. through which it is possible to read the history of Fabrica di Roma on a historical and artistic level, with the coats of arms and sacred icons still imprinted on the old buildings and on the houses dug in the typical peperino of Viterbo. The Urban Trekking route, as these long walks through the city are now called, continues in Via della Fontanella, then in Piazza Marconi, Piazzetta della Cella (where the first cells of the ancient town stood) up to return to Piazza Duomo and there rest for a moment and then move by car or bus to the archaeological site of Falerii Novi and visit the Porta di Giove and also the Church of Santa Maria in Falleri (XII century), but perhaps this new tourist route is better to do it the next day, to visit both the necropolis and the Cistercian abbey church at your leisure.
  • Area of ​​Biodiversity. The Biodiversity Area is located in "la Selva" (a large oak forest), accessible from the Dalla Chiesa ring road. The area is also equipped for a stop as a picnic area and remains on the route for walkers and outdoor fitness lovers and on the GFMBK (Giro di Fabrica in Mountain Bike) route. This area is very close to the town center and easily accessible. Crossing the countryside itinerary towards the Selva, you can see a few steps from the dirt road several Falische caves, the ancient source excavated as a tunnel called "Lullurullu" and the aedicule of the "Madonnella delle Fornaci" (early 19th century). .
  • Fabrica tour by mountain bike (GFMBK), @. Permanent route created specifically ad hoc for lovers of this type of bicycle that between the ups and downs of the mountain ranges can indulge themselves in 45 km of distance, marked with various signs; the starting area is in Via Materano.


There are various clothing, household goods and food stores throughout the country. In Via Roma you can find a series of shops located continuously on both sides of the street.

How to have fun


  • Palarte, 39 0761 569001, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 5. The Tent Theater of Fabrica in Rome Palarte, was inaugurated on January 6, 2004 and for ten years it has hosted some national events. The musical Fabricafestival, the national theater review "Arco d’Oro", The Minifestival, various charitable initiatives. During the school period, all schools have the opportunity to use the theater for annual essays. The shows are held for the most part on public holidays on Saturdays and Sundays. Its dimensions are: 645.00 sq m with 384 seats.

Night clubs

Bars and pubs stay open until late starting the evening with the classic aperitif, some of which also offer a taste of typical local products.

Where to eat

In Fabrica di Roma and in nearby Faleri there are many pubs, restaurants and pizzerias where you can eat well and cheaply, below we indicate only a few for editorial needs.

Moderate prices

  • 1 Trattoria Antonella, Via IV Novembre n. 13, 39 0761 569437. Homemade desserts, fried mushrooms, sautéed mushrooms, gnocchi, homemade pasta, risotto with mushrooms, meat specialties, mushroom specialties and seasonal specialties.
  • 2 Pizzeria Fausta & Luciano, Viale Degli Eroi n. 44, 39 0761 569765. Dietary cuisine, fries, pizza by the slice, pizza margherita, takeaway pizzas, gluten-free pizzas, special pizzas and grilled chicken.
  • 3 In the moonlight, Via Campo Sportivo 2 / a, 39 0761568700. Pizzeria.

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices


Much of the territory of the Municipality of Fabrica di Roma is equipped with a video surveillance system with 22 cameras active 24 hours a day.

To this is added and integrated the night control carried out by a supervisory officer appointed by the Municipality.

  • Local police, 39 0761 568255, fax: 39 0761 567650. Local Police officers are always active and present on the territory.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • Post Office, Via Roma, snc.


The area of ​​the historic center area is covered for about 200 meters by a completely free WiFi network, accessible through a simple registration.

Keep informed


Via Amerina

As the crow flies, Fabrica di Roma is well connected to the Nature Reserve of Mount Soratte, where many and various routes can be organized not only for mountain experts but also for any person who wants to come into direct contact with Nature.


Very close to Fabrica di Roma is the Via Amerina, a tourist itinerary to be done strictly on foot, of great historical-religious impact, since it already represented at the dawn of the Roman Empire a very busy road that connected much of the Faliscan territory.

Via Amerina was part of the main "viae Pubblicae" of Ager Faliscus, starting from Via Cassia and passing through Falerii Novi it ​​reached the current Amelia, in Umbria with a distance of 56 miles.

Starting from Falerii Novi you go through a long and very suggestive walking path that leads directly to Nepi and then from there you continue reaching the Holy City.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Fabrica of Rome
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Fabrica of Rome
3-4 star.svgGuide : the article respects the characteristics of a usable article but in addition it contains a lot of information and allows a visit to the city without problems. The article contains an adequate number of images, a fair number of listings. There are no style errors.