Cellore - Cellore

View of Cellore d'Illasi from the hills that divide the Val d'Illasi from the Val Tramigna
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy

Cellore is a center of the Veneto.

To know

The town is part of the municipal area of Illasi, of which it is a fraction.

Geographical notes

In the Val d'Illasi, it is 2 km from the municipal capital Illasi, 11 from Soave, 7 from Colognola ai Colli, 21 from Verona.


The toponym has an uncertain origin: it could derive from the Latin Cell (i.e. storage, pantry, warehouse) or from Cellarius (steward). Recent studies lean towards Cell, or "jail" "prison" as evidenced by various documents starting from the fifteenth century. The history of Cellore has distant roots: a settlement dating back to 700 BC. it was found on Mount Gardon. Furthermore, on the same mountain, shards dating back to theBronze Age, as well as flints and arrowheads attributable to Neolithic.

In 2007, in the locality of Arano, on an area destined for subdivision, one was found necropolis dating back to about 2000 years BC, which archaeologists trace back to the period Eneolithic. Excavations ended in 2009 and revealed about seventy burials containing skeletons huddled in a fetal position. Finds of coins, artifacts and the funeral monument to the Sertorius (in the locality of Cisolino) indicate the presence of the ancient Romans in the area, amply confirmed by the latest research.

In 1878, during the excavations for the construction of the new parish church, a necropolis was found attributed to the Lombards of Alboino (year 570). And around the same date it is assumed that the ancient Abbey of San Zeno minor dates back, dependent on the abbey of the same name in the city, but which previously depended on the ancient Pieve di San Giorgio di Illasi. Both Frederick Barbarossa (in 1163) and Pope Urban III (in 1187) confirmed the subjugation of the Abbey of Cellore to that of San Zeno in Verona.

Contrary to what is thought in Cellore there were no convents, but only manor houses such as the so-called Arch of the Madonnas and the noble residence of the De Nicolis family (in Arano), still well preserved today and which featured the noble coat of arms of 1437 removed with the last renovation on the façade. Already in 1488 the fountain of Arano was mentioned in the documents (the current basin is not the original one but it is visible in the recent publication "The origins of Illasi"). The town followed the events of the area, therefore subject for centuries to the Venetian domination but still a separate municipality until about 1825.

In the shadow of the Venetian lion there was a dispute with the Pompeii, a noble family residing in Illasi, and the Municipality of Illasi for the control of the water sources that originated in Cellore. After a battle with stamped papers, the Celloresi saw their rights recognized by the now decadent Serenissima, which no longer needed military leaders, ignored the desires of the Pompeii Counts.

In 1773 the Serenissima decreed the suppression of the civil jurisdiction of the Abbey of San Zeno Maggiore and in 1797 the monastery of Cellore passed to the Bishop of Verona. For the religious part, the community continued, as always, to be part of the parish of Cazzano di Tramigna until 1853 when the Episcopal Curia issued the decree of establishment of the parish of Cellore.

It should be remembered that Don Domenico Mercante, the heroic parish priest of Giazza who was shot by the Germans (together with a soldier who refused to shoot) was curated (from 1923, for five years) at the end of the Second World War. at Passo Pertica, on the Carega group. The village's elementary schools are dedicated to the priest.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - bianco direction.svg

By car

  • A4 motorway Highway toll booths of Verona east and of Soave - San Bonifacio on the A4 motorway Serenissima
  • It is crossed by the provincial road 10 which connects it to the regional road 11 Verona - Vicenza

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station iconRailway station (in Caldiero). On the railway line Milan - Venice, has races that make the stop there.

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svgCoach. It has connections with Verona

How to get around

What see

Parish church and Abbey of San Zeno
  • 1 Abbey of San Zeno. It stands in the central square of the town, next to the parish church and close to the bell tower.
It was probably founded in the year 600. Its original dimensions were very large but were reduced in 1878 with the construction of the parish church. It was equipped with four altars (including the main one): the only one still existing in Cellore is that of the Madonna and Child preserved in the parish church while the main altar is located in the church of Pai (municipality of Torri del Benaco). The famous was also present in this church Calvary Group.
It preserves some frescoes, among which those by Francesco Morone dated 1517 are worthy of note: The Eternal Father, the Annunciation is the Evangelists.
  • 2 Parish church of San Zeno. The building was built between 1878 and 1880 on a project by Angelo Gottardi and consecrated in 1883, the year in which the high altar from the abbey of the same name was placed. This altar, removed in 1918 and transferred to the church of Pai, was replaced by the current one coming from the disappeared church of San Sebastiano di Verona (of which only the bell tower remains). Designed by Andrea Pozzo, it features a statue of San Sebastiano by the sculptor Orazio Marinali. In 1907 it was decorated by the painter Vincenzo Carton. The new floor was laid in 1989, while the facade decorated with a rose window and two lateral mullioned windows was recently restored.
Although Contemporary, the church still preserves important works of art such as the Calvary Group (14th century), of which two statues of women are copies (the originals are in the Civic Museum of Castelvecchio a Verona), or the Christ said Moro because a black patina covered it up to a restoration that revealed the underlying flesh color and which is dated to the fifteenth century, or even a wooden statue of San Zeno from the seventeenth century.

Events and parties

  • Pearà Festival (Peppery). Simple icon time.svgThird Sunday of March.. Event that celebrates the local marrow-based sauce that goes well with mixed boiled meats
  • Feast of the Cross, on Mount Garzon.. Simple icon time.svgApril 25. It is held in memory of the avoided excavation of the mountain to obtain material with which to build the third lane of the A4 motorway. On the mountain, for this reason, there is a large cross, an altar and a bell.
  • Valpolicellore. Simple icon time.svgSecond Sunday in May.. Wine festival with exhibition, tasting and music.
  • CellorSummer. Simple icon time.svgMonth of August. Evenings with theater, music and cabaret performances.

What to do


  • Valpolicella, amarone and recioto, the DOP wines of the area.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 2 Italian post, Via XXV aprile 8, 39 045 7833078, fax: 39 045 7833078.


  • Illasi - One castle, one Venetian villa, some churches and the natural environment of the first hills are what this small town in the homonymous valley offers.
  • Soave - Walled city with the castle high on the hill behind it. It is also famous for its renowned wine of the same name.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Cellore
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Cellore
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