Athens historical center - Centro storico di Atene

Athens historical center
Monuments collage

Historic center of Athens is an area of ​​the center of Athens which includes some neighborhoods (and adjacent ones) inhabited without interruption since ancient times.

To know

It is the most touristic area of ​​Athens, where everyone tries to choose their hotel.

Geographical notes

The neighborhood is located north ofAcropolis and extends up to the walls of the Acropolis itself between the subway stations of Theseus, Monastiraki and Syntagma.

How to orient yourself


  • 1 Plaka - Whose name, according to some, means "smooth stone" as opposed to the hill of the Acropolis that overlooks it, it is a district with a tourist vocation but often with a somewhat artificial air. There are many clubs snubbed by the residents and frequented only by tourists who are a little inexperienced or who in any case do not know Athens well (a bit like it happens for Via Veneto a Rome but devoid of the monumentality of the famous Roman road). It still retains neoclassical houses but nothing of its past Ottoman domination. One of its most picturesque corners is the small neighborhood of 2 Anafiotica, at the foot of the Acropolis and built in the Ottoman era by emigrants from the island of Anafi.
The picturesque neighborhood of "Anafiotika", at the foot of the Acropolis
  • 3 Monastiraki - It is undoubtedly the most picturesque neighborhood in the center of Athens. Unlike the nearby Plaka district, it has preserved evidence from the Ottoman era. It boasts a flea market, many monuments, places of worship and beautiful views of the Acropolis hill.
  • 4 Theseus (Thisio) - The neighborhood where people usually go before dusk to admire spectacular sunsets over the acropolis, sipping a cocktail in one of its many clubs.
  • 5 Psirì - A small, pretty neighborhood where people go to have dinner accompanied by live music and to admire magnificent night views of the Acropolis.
  • 6 Gazi - A neighborhood suitable for night owls full of clubs open until late. In the summer, however, some clubs close to move to the seafront.

How to get

The famous Monastiraki square with the mosque and the entrance to the metro station in the foreground

All three lines of the so-called Athens metro intersect in the historic center "Attikò Metrò" so it is easy to reach it from other parts of the city and directly from the airport. The access stations are as follows:

  • 1 Monastiraki metro station - It constitutes the main access to the historic center. It is an interchange station on the 1 or green lines (from Piraeus to Kifissia is M3 (from the airport to the western suburb of Agia marina).
  • 2 Teseo station - The next station on the line M1, useful for those who want to visit the archaeological site of Ceramico or simply go to the nightclubs of Gazi.
  • 3 Piazza metro station Syntagma - Another interchange station on the lines M2 is M3, useful for visiting the adjacent Plaka district by taking Ermou street.
  • 4 Acropolis - The next station on the line M2, useful for accessing the Plaka district from its south side.

If you reside in a hotel of the Athens waterfront you hate Piraeus you can reach the historic center with one of the tramLogo of the Athens Tram (icon only) .svg which terminate in Syntagma square.

How to get around

Special ticket

If you plan to visit several ancient monuments you can take the special ticket or Special ticket package at € 30 (€ 15 reduced) which includes admission for 5 days to the following monuments: theacropolis, L'ancient agora and the museum, the Kerameikos museum and the archaeological area, theLykeion archaeological area, the Hadrian's library, the north and south slopes ofacropolis, L'Olympeion and theRoman agora.

The areas and monuments affected by this promotion are indicated with a *

The best way to experience and discover the neighborhood is on foot, although there are many possibilities for taking public transport. Distances are limited, unless you want to move to other areas.

What see

Archaeological sites

Temple of Hephaestus
Attalus Loggia
  • 1 Agora of Athens, Adrianou 24 - 10555 Athens (Monastiraki M1M3, Thisio M1), 30 210 3210185, @. Ecb copyright.svg8 € full, 4 € reduced * (Jan 2018). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun: 08: 00-15: 00. The ancient Agora of Athens extends west of the Acropolis between the Monastiraki and Thisio neighborhoods. It constituted the public space of Athens in the likeness of the forums in Roman times. The American school of classical studies began excavations in 1930 by unearthing ancient buildings and rebuilding others. Agora of Athens on Wikipedia Agora of Athens (Q395367) on Wikidata

Inside we also find: 2 Stoà di Attalo (Attalus lodge). Rebuilt by the Americans in the mid-twentieth century according to the original design of the second century BC. collects the artifacts found during the excavations. Stoà di Attalo on Wikipedia Stoà di Attalo (Q1263335) on Wikidata is 3 Temple of Hephaestus. Also known as Theseus, it is a very well preserved Doric temple. Temple of Hephaestus on Wikipedia Temple of Hephaestus (Q756824) on Wikidata

  • 4 Roman Agora, 30 210 3245220, fax: 30 210 3245220, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 6 full, € 3 reduced *(Mar 2018). Simple icon time.svgFrom 17 Jan to 31 Jul: Mon-Fri: 08: 00-15: 00 Sat-Sun: 08: 00-17: 00. This was the ancient Roman square that flanked the Greek one. The monuments therefore reflect the imperial style of Rome. The Fetiye Mosque (see below) is also part of the visit. Roman Agora (Athens) on Wikipedia Roman Agora (Q1435551) on Wikidata
Library of Hadrian and in the background the Tsisdarakis mosque
The Tower of the Winds and ruins of the Roman agora

Inside we also find: 5 Tower of the Winds (Aerides). This is an octagonal tower in Pentelic marble 12.10 m high and with a diameter of 8.36 at its base. On the eight external walls are sculpted figures of winged winds. It was built in 47 BC. C. da Andronicus, an architect originally from Macedonia and specialized in the construction of hydraulic and sundial clocks. The tower in fact had the function of indicating the time on cloudy days thanks to a system of cisterns of different heights of which the remains were found inside and outside the building. Tower of the Winds on Wikipedia Tower of the Winds (Q372717) on Wikidata

  • 6 Hadrian's Library, Άρεως 3 & Αδριανού, 30 210 3249350, fax: 30 210 9239023, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 4 full, € 2 reduced * (Mar 2018). Hadrian's library was built in 131 AD. and was destroyed by the Heruli in 267 AD. In the years of Ottoman rule it became the seat of the local governor (voivode). Hadrian's Library on Wikipedia Library of Hadrian (Q1455447) on Wikidata
Choregic monument of Lysicrates
  • 7 Coregic Monument of Lysicrates (At the end of via Lisicrate which branches off from Viale Regina Amalia, at the height of the arch of Hadrian). This lovely little monument was erected in 335 BC. or in 334 BC to commemorate the victory of the theatrical team financed by the corego (sponsor) Lysicrates. The performances took place at the theater of Dionysus and each year a prize was awarded to the best cast. The monument is a circular structure adorned with Corinthian columns that rises on a square podium. The frieze depicts the myth of Dionysus, the god of theater who defeats sea pirates by transforming them into dolphins. Most likely this was the theme of the play put on by Lysicrates' team. In 1658 the small monument was incorporated into a Capuchin monastery where Lord Byron stayed there, while Lord Elgin dreamed of taking the monument apart and bringing it to London along with the Parthenon frieze but was denied permission by the Ottoman authorities. The monastery was demolished during the years of the Greek war of independence, probably in 1821. Choregic Monument of Lysicrates on Wikipedia Choragic monument of Lysicrates (Q1160691) on Wikidata
  • 8 Ceramic (Kerameikòs), Ermou No. 148 (Keramikòs metro station), 30 210 3463552. Ecb copyright.svgFull ticket: € 8, reduced € 4 * (Mar 2018). Simple icon time.svgFrom Nov 1 to Mar 31: 08: 00-15: 00. From 1 Apr to 31 Oct: 08: 00-19: 30, Mon 11: 00-19: 30. The burial area of ​​Ancient Athens. It takes its name from the potters' shops that occupied the area. The cemetery was divided into two parts when Themistocles decided to build the long walls that reached Piraeus and opened two doors: the "Dipilon" and the "Ierà Pili" crossed by the Panatenaika and Sacred streets respectively. Inside the cemetery there is also the museum. Ceramico (Athens) on Wikipedia Ceramic (Q630974) on Wikidata

Religious architectures

Kapnikarea church

9 Kapnikarea. The small Byzantine church dedicated to the Madonna is located in an open space along via Ermou. It was built in the early 12th century using columns from a pagan temple from the Roman era. According to some hypotheses, the temple derives its name from the person who commissioned it, most likely a land tax collector. It escaped demolition twice, first in 1834 by the intervention of Ludwig of Bavaria, father of the king of Greece, Otto and a second time in 1864 by the archbishop of Athens. The frescoes that decorate the interior are not original but date back to 1940 and are the work of the painter Fotis Kontoglou. The mosaic on the entrance also dates back to 1936 and is the work of the artist Elli Voila. Church of Panagia Kapnikarea on Wikipedia church of Panagia Kapnikarea (Q1728667) on Wikidata

Pantanassa Monastery
  • 10 Pantanassa Church. A small church on the square of Monastiraki, probably from the 11th century and restored in the 17th century. It was part of a monastic complex run by Orthodox nuns which was partially destroyed at the end of the 19th century following the construction of the subway. Pantanassa church (Q7131645) on Wikidata
Small metropolis
  • 11 Small Mitropolis (Mikrì Mitropoli) (next to the Cathedral). Simple icon time.svg07:00-20:00. The small Mitropolis, dedicated to the Panagia Gorgoepikoos or to the Madonna who hears the supplications, is a Byzantine construction of the twelfth century and is next to the modern cathedral. It was built with material recovered from a pagan temple. It is also known as the church of San Eleuterio (Agios Eleftherios). Agios Eleftherios Church, Athens (Q2790568) on Wikidata
The Orthodox cathedral
  • 12 Athens Orthodox Cathedral (Μητροπολιτικός Ναός Αθηνών), 30 21 0322 1308. This name indicates the cathedral of Athens whose construction, begun in 1842, lasted for 20 years. It is the seat of the bishop of Athens. Inside are the tombs of the patriarch of Constantinople Gregory V, executed by the Ottomans in 1821 and of Santa Filothei. Metropolitan Cathedral of the Annunciation on Wikipedia Metropolitan Cathedral of the Annunciation (Q981372) on Wikidata
Fethiye Mosque

13 Fethiye Mosque (Victory Mosque). Simple icon time.svg10:00-17:00. It stands inside the ancient Roman agora and was built in 1458 as its most famous namesake in Istanbul to celebrate the conquest of Constantinople. The building is now owned by the Archaeological Superintendency and serves as a deposit for finds and other excavation materials. Despite the pompous name, the mosque is modestly made. The missing minaret was torn down in the 19th century in the general trend that it wanted to cleanse Greece of the smallest testimony of its long subjection to the Ottoman Empire. Fethiye Mosque on Wikipedia Fethiye Mosque (Q5445954) on Wikidata

Tsisdarakis Mosque now home to the Ceramics Museum or Kyriazopoulos Museum
Church of the Holy Apostles
  • 14 Tsisdarakis Mosque. Tzistarakis Mosque on Wikipedia Tzistarakis Mosque (Q15958739) on Wikidata
  • 15 Church of the Holy Apostles. The church of the Holy Apostles, inside the agora, dates from the 10th century AD. and has reached our days intact, except for a restoration carried out between 1954 and 1957. The temple was built on a nympheum of the 2nd century AD. The frescoes inside are post-Byzantine and date back to the 17th century. Church of the Holy Apostles (Athens) on Wikipedia church of the Holy Apostles (Q2615369) on Wikidata
  • 16 Agios Nikolaos Rangavas (Άγιος Νικόλαος Ραγκαβάς), Πρυτανείου / Pritaniou. This 11th century Byzantine church is one of the most important in the Anafiotica district, in the upper part of Plaka. It takes its name fromByzantine emperor Michael I Rangavàs which ruled from the year 811 to 813 The temple was restored in 1980. The small dome is octagonal in shape like other churches in Athens of the same period. Remains of ancient buildings are incorporated into its walls.
  • 17 Aghia Triada Church, Souri 1 (Filellinon corner), 30 21 0323 1090. The Church of the Holy Trinity was founded in 1031. Destroyed by an earthquake in 1701, it was raised again in 1847 at the expense of the Tsar of Alexander II of Russia. Even today the Russian community of Athens gathers there. It is located in the place where the Roman baths stood at the time of Emperor Hadrian.

Museums and galleries

Psaropoulos Museum
Kanellopoulos Museum
  • 18 Psaropoulos Museum of Traditional Ceramics (Κέντρο Μελέτης Νεώτερης Κεραμεικής), Melidoni 4-6.
  • 19 Jewish Museum, Nikis 39, 30 210 3225582, fax: 30 210 3231577. The museum's collections include artifacts of various kinds documenting the long history of Athens' Jewish community. Jewish Museum of Greece (Q930891) on Wikidata
Lute (Λαγούτο) from the late 19th century
Museum of Greek folk instruments
  • 20 Traditional Greek Art Museum, Kydathinaion 17. Ecb copyright.svgAdmission: € 2. The collections are arranged on three floors: on the ground floor are the embroideries, on the mezzanine ceramic objects from the island of Sciro (Skyros) and wooden utensils while on the first floor there are paintings by the popular painter Theofilo Haztimihail who lived in the second half of the 19th century. On the 2nd floor silverware works and even more on a rich collection of traditional Greek costumes. There is a library with about 5,000 volumes as well as a photographic archive and a restoration laboratory where specialized personnel work. Museum of Greek Folk Art (Q4306259) on Wikidata
  • 21 Kanellopoulos Museum, Theorias & Panos 12 (Anafiotika), 30 210 3212313, fax: 30 210 3251509. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 08: 30-15: 00. A private collection donated to the Greek state by the Kanellopoulos family. The collections are spread over the 3 floors of a neoclassical building dating back to 1864. There you can admire objects, coins and helmets as well as Cycladic and other terracotta statuettes. Kanellopoulos Museum (Q4306141) on Wikidata
  • 22 Museum of Greek folk instruments, Dioyenous (Διογένους) 1, 30 210 3250198, 30 210 3254119, 30 210 3254129, fax: 30 210 3250198. Museum of Greek Folk Musical Instruments (Q4306254) on Wikidata

University of Athens Museum
Museum of the Turkish Baths
  • 23 Athens University Museum, Tholou 5, 30 210 3689500. Simple icon time.svgSummer period: Mon, Wed 17:00 - 21:00 Tue, Thu, Fri 09:30 - 14:30. Winter period Mon. Wed 14:30 - 19:00. Tue, Thu Fri 09:30 - 14:30.. This tiny museum is housed in a building that was Athens' first university from 1837 to 1841. Inside you can find scientific and pedagogical instruments of the time, anatomical models and medicinal vessels. Athens University Museum (Q3555557) on Wikidata
  • 24 Museum of the Turkish Baths, Kirristou 8.
  • 25 Drossinis Museum. Drossinis Museum (Q12881253) on Wikidata
  • 26 Benaki Museum, 138 Pireos & Andronikou St (Metro line 3 Keramikos station, Patralona railway station, Trolleybus 21, Bus 815, 049, 914, 838, Β18, Γ18), 30 210 345 3111, fax: 30 210 345 3743. Ecb copyright.svg6-8 € (based on the temporary exhibition in progress). Simple icon time.svgThu and Sun 10: 00-18: 00, Fri-Sat 10: 00-22: 00. Dedicated to temporary exhibitions.

What to do

One thing not to be missed is definitely a walk through the narrow streets of the Anafiotica, under the Acropolis. The small streets full of characteristic corners and glimpses are very beautiful, moreover it is one of the few quiet places in Athens, away from traffic and crowds. However, it is advisable to shoot it during the day, avoiding the later times because you could have meetings that are not always pleasant, being a very secluded area.


The Pandrossou street market

On the Monastiraki square at the corner with Ifestiou street there is a flea market where you can find second-hand trinkets, sometimes even modern antiques, but for the latter you need to have an expert eye to avoid the always lurking rip-offs. Few of these items are interesting except, perhaps, a few shops at the west end of the street displaying old books, posters and vinyl records of Greek music. The real flea market takes place on Sunday mornings in 1 Plateia Avissinia, at the western end of Ifaistou Street.

On the neighbor 2 via Pandrossou, there is a very popular market of stalls especially for clothing even if you can find everything there.

Via Ermou is dedicated to Ermes, protector of merchants. It is full of shops and stores of all kinds from cosmetics (Hondos Center) to those of the registry.

How to have fun

  • 1 Soho, Voutadon 54 (Gazi neighborhood), 30 21 0342 2663. A night bar with alcoholic drinks. His ace in the hole, however, is great music. It is mainly frequented by students.
  • 2 Lohan night club, Iera Odos 32, 30 698 750 1825. Simple icon time.svgThurs-Sun 23: 00-05: 00. Nightclub renowned for its setting and great music. Theme nights. The only drawback is the long waiting lines at the entrance, even for those who have booked, the bouncers are in fact strictly selective.
  • 3 Baba au rum, Klitiou 6, 30 21 1710 9140. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 19: 00-03: 00. A pub with a great selection of spirits and mostly rum based cocktails.

Where to eat

Pay attention to some of the restaurants or taverns in Plaka which, being aimed exclusively at an international tourist clientele, do not shine either for prices (Dear) nor for the quality of food. Some clubs also offer performances with traditional Greek dances but it is understood that the dancers improvise and ignore the elementary steps of the dance. The whole thing seems a "carnival" or a taking for a ride, even judging by the ironic smiles of the dancers towards the audience that is made up of elderly American couples or Northern European couples who, however, respond with a blissful face. The show involves a considerable increase in the price. The writer's advice is to take a look at the Athens festival program [1] if you are in the mood for "real" Greek traditional music or dance.

Moderate prices

  • 1 Lukumades, Aiolou 21, 30 21 0321 0880. Bar where they also serve the famous lukumades sweets.
  • 2 Gregoris (Γρηγόρης), Leoforos Vasilisis Amalias 2, 30 21 3040 0400. Cafeteria, breakfasts, takeaway food with outdoor tables on Ermou

Average prices

Where stay

Moderate prices

The hotels in Plaka, in particular those around the first stretch of Ermou street up to the Metropolis, are the cheapest but of course they have nothing special. However, almost all the accommodation establishments in the historic center have the advantage of being quiet at night if they overlook streets that have been transformed into pedestrian areas. The same cannot be said of the hotels on the fast-flowing arteries surrounding the historic center. Nighttime vehicular traffic is intense on weekends, when nightclubs close their doors.

  • 1 Myrto hotels, Nikis 40, 30 21 0322 7237, 30 210 3234560, 30 210 3227311. Small hotel of cat "C" with 12 rooms.
  • 2 Kimon, Apollonos 27, 30 210 3314658, fax: 30 210 3314658. Small cat "D" hotel with 14 rooms. It was renovated a few years after the 2004 Olympics with a consequent increase in prices. Besides the central location, its prerogative is the small terrace with beautiful views of the acropolis.

Average prices

How to keep in touch

2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition contains enough information to allow a brief visit to the district. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).
Panorama of Athens from the Acropolis
Athens: districts and tourist districts, surroundings, excursions