Eleusis - Eleusi

Elefsina (Ελευσίνα)
The archaeological site of ancient Eleusis
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Eleusis (Elefsina) is an industrial suburb in the immediate vicinity of the city of Athens in Greece, famous because there are the remains of the ancient sanctuary of Eleusis.

To know

Modern Eleusis is an industrial area where most of the crude oil imported into is refined Greece. The Petrola is one of these impressive refineries of interest to the heirs of Giannis Latsis, the late shipowner who was at home at Buckingham Palace. There are also blast furnaces and steel mills of the Angelopoulos family, a prominent figure of which is Ghianna Anghelopoulou, known above all for having earned the city of Athens the edition of the XXVIII Olympiad. Also nearby are the large shipyards of Skaramangàs.

As you can easily imagine the area is anything but idyllic and the pollution takes on very high values ​​with the acrid smell of the air that stings the nostrils. The environment has undergone exceptional degradation from 1950 onwards. All of these factors could act as a deterrent to those who have never been to Athens and we propose a visit to the even famous archaeological site of Eleusis which in prosaic terms, after all, is reduced to little as illustrated by the photo on the side. the terrible centrality in the ancient world and the oblivion of contemporaneity. A topic on which it is increasingly worth reflecting. A trip to Eleusis should be a must for anyone interested in the perishable goods of the soul, but also simply in the history of the relationship between men and their inner forces.

In 2021 Eleusis will be European capital of culture with Timisoara (Romania) is Novi Sad (Serbia).

Geographical notes

The Tablet of Ninnione, representing the Eleusinian Mysteries

It is located opposite the island of Salamis, 20 km southwest of Athens.


Eleusis was an independent city-state until the 7th century BC, when it entered the Attic state by allying with Athens. The city became an important center for the cult of the goddess Demeter, to whom a temple from the Mycenaean era was dedicated, in the acropolis. The temple was known for the celebration of said initiation rites Eleusinian mysteries. References to the city and the Mysteries are found in several Greek myths. From Eleusis also began one sacred way which reached Agri in the suburbs of Athens traveled during the festivities linked to Demeter.

It was also the site of an important sanctuary, closed by Theodosius I in 381. A few years later it was taken and sacked by the barbarians, and in 396 it was abandoned.

How to orient yourself

In the center of the city is the archaeological site where there are also pedestrian areas with night clubs and restaurants in the surroundings.

The main access road is the Iera odos which then becomes Politechniou which also connects to the motorway junction.

Pedestrian street next to the archaeological site

How to get

By car

From Athens it can be reached via the Leof coastal road. Athinon, or with the fastest E94 known as A6 taking the THIVA / ELEFSINA exit.

By bus

From Athens central station you have to take bus n ° 15 and get off at Thivon (ΘΗΒΩΝ) then take the number 845 which stops not far from the archaeological site. Or always with bus 15 get off at (ΠΗΓΑΔΑΚΙ) then take the number 876

How to get around

The preferred vehicle is the car. However, considering the distances and the centralization to only one important site, it is always better to walk.

What see

The archaeological site

The entrance to the site with the large propylaum on the right
Temple of Artemis
  • 1 Eleusis archaeological site and museum, Sotiriou Gkioka 1 (Take the A16 bus (from Koumoundourou square, or from Estavromenou Square, Athens metro Line 3 "Agia Marina" station). Bus 876 (Athens station METRO Line 3 "Agia Marina")), 30 210 5546019. Ecb copyright.svg€ 6 full, € 3 reduced. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 08: 00-20: 00 (summer time), 08: 00-15: 00 (winter time).
    • 2 Temple of Artemis. Temple located at the entrance to the site, before the great propylaeus.
East triumphal arch
    • 3 East triumphal arch. On the sides of the great propylaeus there were two triumphal arches from the Roman era for entrances from the east and west. Several remains of this arch are evident, piled up as part of the tympanum.
Eleusis fountain
    • 4 Fountain. Next to the eastern triumphal arch, and therefore before the entrance to the sacred area of ​​Eleusis, there was a large fountain whose reconstruction is visible in the information panel on site.
The bust of Marcus Aurelius was part of the great propylaum
    • 5 Great propylaum. It was the great portico for access to the sacred area of ​​Eleusis. It was built by the emperor Marcus Aurelius as a monumental entrance to the site, which was then followed by the small propylaum. On the spot is visible a circular high relief of the emperor which in the past surmounted the tympanum of the facade.
The well
    • Main attraction6 Well of the dancers (Kallichoron). This well is very old and dates back to the 6th century BC. Its importance lies in the myth, because it is here that according to tradition Demeter rested while she was looking for her daughter Persephone. In this place, therefore, dance rites were celebrated performed by girls from Eleusis. The well was considered sacred for these reasons.
The little propylaum
    • 7 Small propylaum. This second entrance was built in Roman times by Appius Claudius in 54 BC. to make the entrance even more sumptuous.
The Plutonion
    • 8 Plutonion. This area recalls the entrance of Hades into the underworld. It is one of the rare examples of a temple dedicated to this deity. The temple dates back to the Archaic period but over the centuries it has been remodeled several times since the 4th century BC. until the Roman era.
The Telesterion of Eleusis
I am standing next to the telesterion
    • Main attraction9 Telesterion. The telesterion building is very old and the first trace dates back to the Mycenaean era. Later it was readapted in 525 BC then destroyed in 480 BC. by the Persians. Expanded in 465 BC and then resumed work at the time of Pericles with the architect of the Parthenon Ictino. In 330 BC a portico was added. In Roman times it was again destroyed and rebuilt underneath Marcus Aurelius in 170 AD finally it ceased to exist after the passage of the Visigoths in 396.
In this building the ritual initiations were practiced to the cult of the Eleusinian mysteries, which also the great tragedian Aeschylus underwent. Of the cult remain some finds that recall the myth of Demeter and Kore, linked to the mysteries of Eleusis. Telesterion on Wikipedia Telesterion (Q1819712) on Wikidata
The bouleterion
    • 10 Stoa of Pilo. Built in Doric order by the architect Pylus it was an extension of the telesterion, an open space of the building. The material used was Pentelic marble which contrasted the gray walls of Eleusis.
    • The south wall of Eleusis with the circular tower
      11 Bouleterion. The bouleterion was divided into three rooms of which the central was semicircular, like all structures of this type. It was built in the third century BC. and it was the place of decisions of Eleusis. Further changes were made in the Roman period.
    • 12 Walls of Eleusis. On the side the walls of Eleusis were built with gray stone from Eleusis in the time of Lycurgus in the 4th century BC We note the presence of a circular tower.
The gymnasium
    • 13 Gymnasium. Also in Eleusis there was a building dedicated to physical activity such as the gymnasium.
The Eleusis Museum
    • 14 Archaeological Museum of Eleusis, Archaeological area of ​​Eleusis. The small museum of Eleusis shows the finds from the site, many of which are linked to the cult of the Eleusinian Mysteries and therefore to the myth of Demeter and Kore. There are also several Roman, Greek and bas-relief statutes, as well as various examples of Attic vase painting found on site. At the entrance, on the outside there are several sculptures on display. Archaeological Museum of Eleusis on Wikipedia Eleusis Archaeological Museum (Q3329429) on Wikidata

Other monuments

  • 15 Roman bridge of Hadrian, Iera odòs (along the Iera odòs towards Athens about one km from the archaeological site). The Roman bridge, built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian in 125 AD. to facilitate the crossing of the Kefisso river along the sacred way between Athens and Eleusis, where the rites of the Eleusinian Mysteries took place once a year.
  • 16 Ekklisia Agios Georgios (Εκκλησία Αγίου Γεωργίου), Pagkalou 40, 30 21 0554 6545. Ortodox church
  • 17 Roman baths (Next to the church). Only a part of the building in Roman brick closed by a gate can be admired passing by.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun


Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Gazoza, Nikoaidou 82 (Near the archaeological site), 30 21 0554 5494. Rather crowded with young people.

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Mosaic in the Daphni monastery
  • 1 Dafni Monastery, Leof. Athinon 9178, Chaidari, 30 210 5811558, @. Ecb copyright.svgFree admission. Simple icon time.svgThu-Fri 08: 00-15: 00. Heritage ofUNESCO inside which some of the most ancient mosaics of the Comneni period are preserved. Daphni Monastery on Wikipedia Daphni Monastery (Q500444) on Wikidata
  • 2 Sanctuary of Aphrodite, Agiou Antoniou 8, Skaramagkas (1.5 km after the Daphni Monastery on the right.). Of this sanctuary the votive niches are easily visible where ex-votos were left for the goddess. The sanctuary which probably dates back to the 4th century BC. it was one of the stops along the sacred road that led to Eleusis.
  • Corinth - city of the isthmus and the archaeological site of ancient Corinth and Acrocorinth.
  • Athens - the capital is just 22 km away.

Panorama of Athens from the Acropolis
Athens: districts and tourist districts, surroundings, excursions

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Eleusis
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Eleusis
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