Bicycle touring - Cicloturismo

The cycle tourism it is a form of tourism practiced by bicycle, with the "bike train" variants or with tours organized by agencies that provide logistical support and luggage transport.

It is a particularly economical way of traveling, which goes beyond the norms and the usual ones itineraries of mass tourism.The cyclists are almost always united by a strong environmental sensitivity, a great passion for cycling as a means of transport and as a lifestyle, a lively curiosity for places unknown to the general public and a great adaptability to unforeseen situations.

There are associations such as the ECF (European Cyclists' Federation) which have designed specific itineraries for sportsmen wishing to undertake this type of holiday. For this purpose it has been elaborated EuroVelo, a map of specific cycling routes. In Italy the FIAB (Member of ECF) is active which promotes BicItalia, a national cycle network coordinated with the European EuroVelo. Sometimes "off-piste" itineraries can be used, for example along the bridleways with the use of a mountain bike.

The do-it-yourself trip

It is the most adventurous way to travel, but it requires careful preparation and technical organization. The traveler must in fact be able to independently deal with the overnight stay and any eventuality or mechanical failure that may occur during the tour.

The choice of the medium

It obviously depends on the type of trip. There racing bike it is the queen of the asphalt, but it is unusable on other road surfaces. There mountain bike it is indispensable for off-road or mixed routes and allows for a greater load. It is also possible to use hybrid bicycles, which combine characteristics of the road bike and the mountain bike.

It can be practiced with road bike (City bike), mountain bike or racing bike. The racing bike is fast and smooth but less suitable for carrying luggage.

The luggage and accessories

Backpacking is absolutely not suitable for cycling tourism, therefore it is necessary to equip the bicycle with luggage rack, to which special travel bags will be attached. Most of the load will go to the rear rack, which must therefore be extremely sturdy. The front luggage rack, on the other hand, must contain light luggage, so as not to compromise the maneuverability and safety of the bike. Most of the touring bicycles on the market already have their own rear rack (not always suitable for cycle touring use) and the appropriate hooks to the frame. Another alternative is the attachment of a rear trolley, a solution adopted by those who need to carry a large amount of luggage. Some models are specially designed for those who practice cycle tourism with children in tow. The main extra accessories recommended for a bicycle trip are: helmet, reflective jacket, rear-view mirror, essential repair kit, anti-theft chain.

Organized cycle tourism

Those traveling by bicycle need services: technical assistance to the bicycle, for repairs or accessories; catering and accommodation; the cartography of the itineraries; information relating to the places encountered and local initiatives; the indications about the protected paths away from the dangers of motorized traffic; combined use of rail or water transport. The bicycle traveler can access these needs after deciding on his own travel itinerary, perhaps through news from the specialized press, by contacting the various local bodies and subjects, the local specialist associations and even the organizations of a wider geographical area, such as case of the FIAB (Italian Federation of Friends of the Bicycle) and others. A different opportunity is to turn to operators specialized in providing assistance that ranges from suggesting itineraries particularly suitable for destination and route, along which you can also rely on selected structures, to offering a baggage transfer service, between the different locations. of overnight stays. Specialized operators can also support pre-established groups, which thus benefit from more services at a lower cost because it is distributed over more people: suggestion of tested itineraries, indications and reservations for overnight stays, luggage transport, finding bicycles and travel bags, to rental, when necessary, assistance to the moving group. In the case of disadvantaged people in movement, or sensory, including users of handbikes, operators can also provide, when necessary, the transport of people and vehicles.

Rural cycle tourism

The Rural cycle tourism is a branch of cycle tourism, practiced mainly on off-road routes.It is chosen by those who want to have direct contact with nature, away from cars, perhaps on territories where there are no cycle paths.The most suitable bike is a mountain bike or in any case a bike suitable for uneven terrain.

Accommodation facilities for cyclists

With the expansion of the phenomenon also in Italy, as already for some years in Austria is Germany, the birth of Bike Hotels has spread, ad hoc accommodation facilities for cyclists, which generally have a bike rental service, guides or companions for organized tours, and an area for mechanical assistance (cyclofficina).

Cycling routes

In recent years, various European countries have focused on cycle tourism as an economic resource and invested in the construction of cycle paths, in their provision of targeted services and in promotion.

In this way they have enhanced and given tourist attraction to entire regions that are certainly less endowed with historical and cultural heritage, landscapes, climate, etc. compared to Italy.

In this sense, countries such as Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Holland, France, Spain and also others of more recent development in the sector, such as the Czech Republic, Slovenia, etc. are moving.

To attract significant cycling flows, it is believed that some conditions must be met, such as:

  • cycle paths largely separated from motorized traffic, homogeneous, with origin and destination easily reachable, of adequate length and without interruptions or fragmentation
  • services to users of cycle paths, eg. rest areas, drinking fountains, repair or inflation points,
  • receptivity ad hoc along the routes or in the immediate vicinity (eg. Bett & Bike in Germany, managed by the sector organization ADFC). In many cases there is a certification of accommodation and accommodation facilities, eg. if they have bike shelters, repair possibilities, etc.
  • promotion of the region concerned (territorial marketing) on ​​cultural, landscape attractions, etc. and cycling routes with related infrastructures (cycle paths, etc.)
  • planning tools: cartography, websites with integrated offers (e.g. routes, culture / landscape on them, accommodation, booking possibilities, etc.)

Some hiking trails or cycle paths

Bike path of Castel Goffredo on the Long Tartarus

In Italy

For Italy the reference site is Bicitalia where you can find tips and routes.

In Europe

Suggested readings

  • Luigi Bairo, Bike and Freedom. The art of cycling, Millelire Alternative Press, 1997.
  • Luigi Bairo, Beautiful Bike, New Equilibriums, 2000, ISBN 88-7226-541-X
  • G. Josti & G. Maletto, Guide to cycle tourism, Milan, Il Castello, 1979
  • Maurizio Villa, What's your country? Around the world by bicycle, The Age of Aquarius Editions, 2005.

See also

Other projects