Nuragic complex of Noddule - Complesso nuragico di Noddule

Nuragic complex of Noddule
Nuraghe of Noddule
Institutional website

Nuragic complex of Noddule is an archaeological site of the Sardinia.

To know

Large circular hut
Megalithic circle
Sacred source

At the entrance there are two large megalithic circles and large lines of megalithic walls, along the path you can see a large trilobed nuraghe formed by four towers and a central courtyard, two of the secondary towers leaning against the main one, a large circular hut of 10 meters in diameter which was originally turned into a false dome and which has a particular entrance hall with seats and basin, a sanctuary of the cult of water with a unique sacred source of its kind due to a particular dome (thòlos) composed of blocks perfectly worked in polychrome trachyte and arranged in perfect seal, the last ring has a spike or herringbone decoration (chevron) and has an eye-shaped recess in the central segment.

At the base of the nuraghe there are also three huts with a rectangular plan from the Roman period brought to light. In the adjacent private land, about a hundred meters away, it is possible to reach the Tomb of the Giants of Noddule, investigated by Editta Castaldi in the late 1950s, early 1960s.

Later, the main excavations were carried out by Ercole Contu in 1961 and 1962 which highlighted the large circular hut and the sacred source. The interior of the well did not return any particular materials since the source has always remained accessible even before the excavations, but being still active, it can be assumed that it has been functioning continuously from its construction to today. The internal technique of processing the trachyte segments is the same that can be found in other nuragic sources or sacred wells, which therefore allows us to date it to a period between 1200 BC. and 1000 BC

In 2008 the last excavation intervention was carried out by Giovanna Congiu for the Superintendency of Sassari and Nuoro after some clandestine interventions at the sacred source, the excavation test was carried out within the sacred area surrounding the source, allowed to highlight the perimeter of the temenos (the sacred enclosure of the sanctuary), a paved floor and circular rooms inside the sacred area, which can be interpreted as the priest's huts or possible shops linked to the sacred as in other nuragic sanctuaries.

Despite its importance, after almost 60 years of neglect in which the vegetation had hidden the monuments and apart from some sporadic cleaning interventions by local associations, from 1 April 2018 the site has finally been cleaned up and is officially open to the public and with a guided tour service.

Geographical notes

The site is located on the SS 389 Pratosardo-Orune-Bitti.

How to get

By plane

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach the Nuragic complex of Noddule.

By car

Enter the main entrance of Nuoro and continue towards the city, then turn right towards Pratosardo. Continue in the direction Orune up to the entrance gate that indicates "Nuragic complex of Noddule". Park your car in the parking lot and continue on foot to enter the site.

On boat

From the ports of Olbia- White Island, Golfo Aranci, Tortolì-Arbatax, Porto Torres is Cagliari.

Permits / Rates

Roman huts
Dome of the sacred source of Noddule
  • The entrance fees are as follows: Full: € 5.00; reduced: € 3.00 (children aged 6 to 12 and organized groups); free for children from 0 to 6 years.
  • The opening hours are as follows: from spring to autumn: Mon-Sun 9: 30-19: 00; Winter: Thu-Mar from 9:30 until sunset.

How to get around

Local public transport is not reliable to get here, so it is advisable to take a car. Tourists arriving by plane are advised to rent a car in order to. reach the Nuragic complex of Noddule. Once here, leave your car in the parking lot and continue on foot to enter the site.

Tomb of the Giants of Noddule

What see

  • 1 Nuragic complex.

What to do


Where to eat

  • 1 Costiolu, SS 389 Nuoro-Bitti, Lardine locality (4 km from the Nuragic complex of Noddule), 39 333 563 0740. Farmhouse. It is also possible to lodge.

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Useful information


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Nuragic complex of Noddule
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