Barbagia di Nuoro - Barbagia di Nuoro

Barbagia di Nuoro
The Supramonte of Oliena
Barbagia di Nuoro - Location

Barbagia of Nuoro is a historical region belonging to the Sardinia.

To know

Geographical notes

The Barbagia di Nuoro borders the Baronies, the Monteacuto, the Goceano, the Marghine, the Barbagia of Ollolai and theOgliastra.

The source of Su Gologone
Nuragic complex of Serra Orrios

Territories and tourist destinations

40 ° 19′0 ″ N 9 ° 20′0 ″ E
Barbagia di Nuoro

Piazza Satta in Nuoro

Urban centers

Other destinations

How to get

The village of Tiscali
Mount Bardia

By plane

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach the Barbagia of Nuoro.

By car

The Nivola museum in Orani
The statue of the Redeemer

The Strada Statale 131 d.c.n. and the Strada Statale 129 Trasversale Sarda connect the Barbagia di Nuoro with other areas of Sardinia.

On boat

From the ports of Olbia- White Island, Golfo Aranci is Tortolì-Arbatax or from the ports of Porto Torres is Cagliari.

On the train

The only railway line is the "Macomer-Nuoro", which also passes through Orotelli.

How to get around

The Ispinigoli cave
The Cala Gonone aquarium

By plane

From Olbia or from Alghero or Cagliari.

By car

Along the State Road 131 d.c.n. or the Strada Statale 129 Trasversale Sarda.

On boat

From Olbia, Golfo Aranci, Tortoli or from Porto Torres or Cagliari.

On the train

From Macomer to Nuoro.

What see

The beach of Cala Luna
The beach of Cala Fuili
Osalla beach
The Bue Marino caves


  • Cala Luna
  • Cala Fuili
  • Ziu Martine
  • Cala Cartoe
  • Osalla

Museums and historical monuments

  • Caves of the Bue Marino
  • Caves of Ispinigoli
  • S'Abba Frisca museum park
  • Aquarium of Cala Gonone
  • Karst spring of Su Gologone
  • Tiscali village
  • Nuragic complex of Serra Orrios
  • Nuragic temple and sacred source of Su Tempiesu
  • Nivola Museum of Orani
  • Statue of the Redeemer (on Monte Ortobene)

Events and parties

The parade of the Redeemer
  • Sardinian Carnival (In Nuoro in the streets of the center.). Simple icon time.svgIn February or March. Parade of Sardinian masks.
  • Parade and festival of the Redeemer. Simple icon time.svgPenultimate Sunday of August. On 29 August pilgrimage and mass at Monte Ortobene. Parade of masked groups from all over the Sardinia, in the evening concert of the latter.
  • Autumn in Barbagia (In all municipalities). Simple icon time.svgOn weekends from September to mid-December in the various municipalities of the province of Nuoro. Exhibition of handicrafts, bijoux, (tasting) typical products, exhibitions and opening of the Cortes in the various locations where the event takes place.

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Barbagia di Nuoro
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