Deir es-Sitt Damyāna - Deir es-Sitt Damyāna

Deir es-Sitt Damyāna ·دير الست دميانة
Deir Abū Mūsā ·دير أبي موسى
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Deir es-Sitt Damyāna (Arabic:دير الست دميانة‎, „Monastery of the Lady Damiana") Or Deir el-Qiddīsa Damyāna (‏دير القديسة دميانة‎, „Monastery of St. Damiana“) Is a monastery in egyptianGovernorateSōhāgthat is also under the name Deir Abu Musa (‏دير أبي موسى‎, Dair Abī Mūsā, „Monastery of the Father Moses") Or Deir el-Anbā Mūsā (Arabic:دير الأنبا موسى‎, „Monastery of the Father Moses“) Is known. It is located about three kilometers northwest of the temples of Seti I and Ramses II of Abydos. According to tradition, the grave of Moses the Black is also said to be here.


The Monastery of the Lady Damiana or Monastery of the Church Father Moses the Black (or Ethiopians or Nubians) is one of the oldest monasteries in Egypt. Already Abū el-Makārim (Late 12th, early 13th century) in tradition Abū Ṣāliḥ the Armenian describes the monastery in great detail. He stated that there was a monastery here under the name Banī Mūsā and that it was restored by the monastery chief eṣ-Ṣafī at his own expense. The monastery was surrounded by a wall and had a gate that was reinforced with iron plates and studded with nails. The monastery church of St. Moses the Black (or Ethiopian) and a water wheel whose water was used to irrigate vegetables. The body of the saint should also be buried in the monastery.

Abū el-Makārim knew about another incident: “The biography of Anbā Christodulus, the 66th Patriarch [of Alexandria, 1047-1077] reports that the pillars of this monastery sweated until the drops ran down like water. A little later, smallpox broke out among the children of Egypt, so that 21,000 of these young people died within a month. The wheat was sold for 80 dinars per sack in Cairo and 72 dinars in Alexandria. ”These high prices point to the drought and famine in the year 960/961 (359 AH) in the period of the Ichschidid dynasty.

The St. Moses the Black should in el-Balyanā He was born and died at the age of 75 around 405 AD. He was the slave of a government official and probably had to commit robbery and murder on his behalf because of his stately and powerful figure. He later became the leader of a gang that plagued the Nile Valley. It is reported that one day, while searching for God, he heard a voice saying that the monks were im Satrontal would know the true God. Moses met the priest Esidorous (Isidore), who made him St. Macarius the Great (around 300-390) brought. St. Macarius taught and baptized him. Later, Moses became a monk, church father and spiritual leader of 500 brothers. He died along with seven other monks while defending his monastery against an attack by Berbers on a 24th Baʿūna around 405 AD.

The monastery still existed at the time of the Arab historian el-Maqrīzī (1364–1442), who included it in his list of monasteries in his history el-Chiṭaṭ under number 59 as large and that of St. To report Moses to the black man knew that he was in el-Balyanā was born.

Another renovation took place in 1590 (= 1306 AM of the Coptic calendar). The current monastery church dates from the 18th or 19th century.

getting there

The village can be seen from el-Balyanā or from Abydos from across the village of Banī Manṣūr (Arabic:بني منصور) Achieve.


The monastery can easily be explored on foot.

Tourist Attractions

The Monastery church is located in the south of the monastery area. The church is a so-called Breithauskirche, which got its present form in the 18th or 19th century and was built on the site of earlier churches.

The church consists of seven altar rooms next to each other, in front of which there are two transepts. The domes of the transepts and the nave rest on pillars. The hot ones are separated from the community room by carved screen walls. The icons of the venerated saint hang over the doors. These heicals are from north to south (left to right) to St. Anthonius, St. Virgin, St. Moses, the Archangel Michael, St. Damiana, St. George and St. Consecrated John the Baptist.

To the southwest of the monastery is the Monastery cemetery.


On July 1st (24th Baʿūna) Moses the black is commemorated.


There are hotels in the city Sōhāg.


  • Meinardus, Otto F. A.: Christian Egypt, ancient and modern. Cairo: American University at Cairo Press, 1977 (2nd edition), ISBN 978-977-201-496-5 , P. 413 f.
  • [Abū al-Makārim]; Evetts, B [asil] T [homas] A [lfred] (ed., Transl.); Butler, Alfred J [oshua]: The churches and monasteries of Egypt and some neighboring countries attributed to Abû Sâliḥ, the Armenian. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895, P. 231 f., Fol. 81.a, p. 318 (list of monasteries of el-Maqrīzī). Various reprints, e.g. B. Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2001, ISBN 978-0-9715986-7-6 .

Web links

  • Coptic Synaxarium (Martyrologium) for 24. Baʿūna (Coptic Orthodox Church Network)
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