Ethiopia - Etiopía


Ethiopia (in Amharic, ኢትዮጵያ ?, Ītyōṗṗyā), officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a country called "Horn of Africa". It limits the north with Eritrea, northeast with Djibouti, east with Somalia, to the south with Kenya and to the west with Sudan Y South Sudan. Considered by scientists as the place where mankind originated, Ethiopia is a country rich in history: it was the second country to adopt Christianity in the world and the only African kingdom to maintain its independence from the European colonial powers (except for a short occupation Italian). Today, Ethiopia is a mosaic of diverse peoples, cultures and creeds that fascinate visitors.


Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa and the second oldest official Christian nation in the world after Armenia. Ethiopia is also the place of the first hijra (615 AD) in Islamic history, where the Christian king of Ethiopia offered refuge to those fleeing Mecca and were sent by the prophet Muhammad.


Most of Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa, which is the easternmost part of the African continent. Within Ethiopia lies a vast complex of mountains and steep plateaus divided by the Rift Valley, which runs through the country from southwest to northeast and is surrounded by lowlands, steppes, and semi-desert areas. The great diversity of the territory determines a great variety of climates, soils, natural vegetation and inhabited areas.

Much of Ethiopia is a plateau with central mountain ranges divided by the Great Rift Valley, but there are lowlands in the eastern and western parts, the lowest point being the Danakil Depression, 155 m below sea level. The highest point is Ras Dascian in the Semien Mountains, 4,549 m above mean sea level. The geologically active Great Rift Valley is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Ethiopia is landlocked: the entire coastline along the Red Sea was lost with the de jure independence of Eritrea on May 24, 1993. The Blue Nile, the main waterway of the Nile, originates from the lake. Tana in northwestern Ethiopia. The largest lake in Ethiopia is the Tana at the heart of the acrochore and followed by the Abaya and the Chamo.

Some rivers flow directly into the Indian Ocean and, in any case, the main waterways are navigable only for short stretches. The main rivers of the country that cross the northern section of the plateau are:

  • Barka: crosses Eritrea and gets lost in the sands before reaching the Red Sea;
  • Tacazzè: it empties into a great canyon, descends towards the Nilotic depression and empties into the Nile, of which it is one of the main tributaries.
  • Blue Nile: emissary from Lake Tana, reaches the White Nile in Sudanese territory.

While those that cross the southern highlands are:

  • Omo: it is born in the Ethiopian plateau and after 760 km it empties into Lake Turkana.
  • Giuba: Together from Genale, Dawa and Weyb.


The most frequent rains usually occur in the period between mid-June and mid-September. Some recommend visiting the country at the end of September when the vegetation is at its best due to the rains that have just passed.

Otherwise, Ethiopia's climate varies greatly according to altitude. While the highlands enjoy a temperate and healthy climate, the southeastern lowlands are characterized by a desert climate.

The predominant type of climate is the tropical monsoon, with large variations induced by topography. Being a rich highland country, Ethiopia has a generally cooler climate than other regions close to the Equator. Most of the major cities in the country lie at an altitude of around 2,000 to 2,500 meters above sea level, including historic capitals such as Gondar and Axum.

Addis Ababa, the modern capital, lies at the foot of Mount Entoto at an altitude of about 2,400 meters and enjoys a healthy and pleasant climate all year round. With uniform temperatures throughout the year, the seasons in Addis Ababa are largely defined by rainfall, with a dry season from October to February, a light rain season from March to May, and a heavy rain season from June to September. . . Average annual rainfall is about 1,200 mm. There are 7 hours of sunshine a day on average, 60% of the daytime hours. The dry season is the sunniest time of the year, although even at the height of the rainy season, in July and August, there are often many hours of bright sunshine a day.

The average annual temperature in Addis Ababa is 16 ° C, with daily peaks averaging 20-25 ° C throughout the year and nightly lows of 5-10 ° C. A light jacket is recommended for nights, although many Ethiopians they dress traditionally and wear a light jacket even during the day.

Most of the cities and tourist sites are at a similar altitude to Addis Ababa and have similar climates. In the lower regions, particularly in the eastern part of the country, the climate can be significantly warmer and drier. The city of Dallol, in the Danakil Depression to the east, has the world's highest annual mean temperature of 34 ° C.


Ethiopia is one of the oldest independent nations in the world. It has long been an intersection between the civilizations of North Africa, the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa. Unlike other African countries, Ethiopia was never colonized, maintaining its independence during the partition of Africa by the colonial powers and even after, except for five years (1936-41) when it was under the Italian military Occupation. During this period, Italians occupied only a few key cities and major routes and faced indigenous resistance until they were finally defeated during WWII by a mixed Ethiopian-British alliance. Ethiopia has long been a member of international organizations. time: became a member of the League of Nations, signed the United Nations Declaration in 1942, founded the UN headquarters in Africa, was one of the original 51 members of the UN.

Ethiopia was historically called Abyssinia, a word related to Habesha, the native name of the inhabitants. In some countries, Ethiopia is still called by names related to "Abyssinia", for example, the Habesistan Turkish, which means land of the Habesha people. The English name "Ethiopia" is believed to derive from the Greek word Αἰθιοπία ( Aithiopia ), of Αἰθίοψ ( Aithiops ) "Ethiopian", derived from the Greek words meaning "from the burned face ( αιθ- ) ( ὄψ) "However, this etymology is in dispute, as the Book of Aksum, a chronicle of Ge'ez first composed in the 15th century, states that the name derives from" Ityoppis, a son (not mentioned in the Bible ) of Cush, son of Ham, who according to legend founded the city of Axum.

Spoken languages

Amharic is the official language of Semitic origin, linked to Hebrew and Arabic; those who know one of these languages ​​will be able to recognize some affinities. Everyone speaks Amharic to some degree, regardless of their mother tongue. The language is written in the Ge'ez alphabet.

English is studied as a second language throughout all'amarico and is the main language used for Foreign Affairs.

In large cities, many people under the age of 40 speak English and it is the main foreign language taught in schools; in fact, both the British Council such as the European Union have helped provide textbooks. In rural areas there are children from local schools who translate anything for a very low price. Ethiopians have a particular way of speaking English because it has a strong accent, so it can be a bit difficult to understand at first, however, when you get used to the way they pronounce some English words, everything becomes quite understandable . Older Ethiopians, especially those from the Tigray or Eritrea region (which was once an integral part of Ethiopia), can speak Italian, while other older people can speak Spanish or with a Cuban accent due to the influence of the old Derg regime.

In addition to the official Amharic, many other languages ​​are also spoken, including: Oromonic, Somali, Tigrinya, Sidama.

In the north, especially in Tigrè, Tigrinya is the main language, also written in Ge'ez. However, Amharic is widely known. In the central highland regions, such as the Oromia region, the Oromonic language or Afaan Oromo is widely spoken. The Horomonic uses a Latin alphabet. In the Somalia region, which originates from Ogaden (near the border with Somalia and Somaliland), Somali is common and is written in the Latin alphabet; even 'Arabic is common, with a Yemeni influence. Towards the Djibouti border, French becomes a bit more common.

Culture and traditions

The Ethiopian population is very diverse and includes more than 80 ethnic groups. The largest ethnic groups are Oromo (34% of the population) and Amhara (27%). The largest religious affiliations are Christian (63% of the population, comprising 44% of Ethiopian Orthodox and 19% of other denominations) and Muslims (34%).

Three main crops are believed to originate from Ethiopia: coffee, sorghum, and wheat.

Ethiopia uses the Ethiopian calendar, dating back to the Coptic calendar of 25 BC. C., and has never adopted the reforms of the Julian or Gregorian calendar. An Ethiopian year consists of twelve months, each of which lasts thirty days, plus a thirteenth month of five or six days (hence the tourist motto " Thirteen months of sunshine "). The Ethiopian New Year begins on September 10 or 11 (in the Gregorian calendar) and has accumulated 7-8 years behind the Gregorian calendar: therefore, for the first nine months of 2007, the year was 1999 according to the calendar. Ethiopian. On September 11, 2007, Ethiopia celebrated the New Year ( Enkutatesh ) of the Julian year 2000.

In Ethiopia, the 12-hour cycle does not start at midnight and noon, but has shifted six hours. Therefore, Ethiopians refer to midnight (or noon) as 6:00 a.m. Airline schedules are based on the 24-hour clock and use the Gregorian calendar. To avoid confusion, all Ethiopian advertisements use the 24-hour international format.

Suggested reading

  • Adolph Freiherr Knigge, Geschichte der Aufklärung in Abyssinien oder Nachricht von seinem und seines de Benjamin Noldmann Herrn Vetters Aufenthalte an dem Hofe des großen Negus, oder Priesters Johannes
  • Gerhard Rohlfs (scout) | Gerhard Rohlfs, Im Auftrage Sr. Majestät des Königs von Preussen mit dem Englischen Expeditionscorps nach Abessinien
  • Gerd Gräber, Angelika Gräber, Berhanu Berhe, Äthiopien, ein Reiseführer , Heidelberg, Kasparek, 1997. ISBN 3-925064-21-4
  • Alain Gascon, La Grande Éthiopie, une utopie africaine , Paris, CNRS editions, 1995. ISBN 2-271-05235-1.
  • Xavier vand der Stapen, Éthiopie, au pays des hommes libre , Tournai, La Renaissance du Livre, 2004. ISBN 2-8046-0828-X.
  • Lorenzo Mazzoni, Kebra Nagast. The Secret Rastafari Bible , Rabbit editor, 2007. ISBN 978-88-6063-063-6.
  • Arnaldo Mauri, The credit market in Ethiopia , Giuffrè, Milan 1967.
  • Clara Caselli and Arnaldo Mauri, Money and bank in Ethiopia , Giuffrè, Milan 1986, ISBN 88-14-00769-1
  • Lorenzo Mazzoni. "Haile Selassie I. Selected Speeches 1930 - 1973". Alternative Press / New Balance, 2011. ISBN 978-88-6222-159-7
  • Arnaldo Mauri, The restoration of the national banking and monetary system in Ethiopia (1941-1963) , "The South African Journal of Economic History", Vol. 24 (2), 2009. WP by the same author on this topic available
  • Italian East Africa Guide , Italian Tourism Association, Milan 1938
  • Arnaldo Mauri, "Monetary evolution and decolonization in Ethiopia", Acta Universitatis Danubius, Oeconomica , n. 1, 2010. WP by the same author on this topic available
  • Arnaldo Mauri, "The short life of the Bank of Ethiopia", Acta Universitatis Danubius, Oeconomica , n. 4, 2010. WP by the same author on this topic available
  • Pippo Vigoni, Abyssinia, a travel journal , Milan 1881
  • Carlo Franchini, "Ethiopia, emotions of traveling", Polygraphic Institute of the State Mint.
  • Ryszard Kapuscinski, "Negus - splendors and miseries of an autocrat", Feltrinelli 2010.


Ethiopia is divided into 9 regions ( kililoch , kilil singular), in addition to 2 autonomous cities ( astedader ): Addis Ababa and Dire Daua.

  • Afar region
  • Amara region: the region of Lake Tana and the sources of the Blue Nile.
  • Benisciangul-Gumus region
  • Gambella region
  • Oromia region
  • Somali region
  • Region of Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of the South
  • Tigrè region ( Tigrai ): the region is dotted with cave churches dating back many centuries. Some almost inaccessible, others within reach of "minibus" because on the road; Impressive paintings, frescoes and must-see bas-reliefs.


  • Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia and one of the largest shopping cities in Africa. It is located in the center of the country, at an altitude of 2,355 m. Noteworthy is the national museum.
  • Adama, (aka Nazret or Nazareth) weekend destination near Addis
  • Axum (Aksum), home to ancient tombs and stelae fields, in the far north
  • Bahir Dar, monastery on the islands of Lake Tana and the beautiful Blue Nile Falls located nearby
  • Dire Dawa, the second largest city; in the East
  • Gondar. Imperial capital in the 17th century, Gondar is today a modern city of 200,000 inhabitants at an altitude of more than 2000 m.
  • Harar, old walled city, near Dire Dawa. With 82 mosques it is considered the fourth holy city of Islam.
  • Lalibela, The Jerusalem of Orthodox Christianity, with its 12 churches, including that of "Saint Georgis" completely carved in the rock, with a Greek cross plan.
  • Mekele, a town in the highlands of Tigray, in the north
  • Adigrat : starting point to explore the Tigrai region; visit the Italian cemetery, it will be a very moving experience to see the graves of our war dead buried in the land of Africa.
  • Customs - The countryside of the city was the scene of the sensational defeat of the Italian army against the Abyssinians of the negus Menelik II; in the memory there is a granite cross, with the Italian phrase "Adua, do not forget 1896".
  • Axum (or Aksum ) - Capital of a Christian kingdom that reached its peak in the first centuries AD. C., Axum is a city of obelisks that appears in the list of World Heritage Sites.
  • Bahar Dar (too Bahir Dar or Bahrdàr ) - Capital of the Amhara region, Bahar Dar is located on the southern shore of Lake Tana. Nearby are the spectacular Blue Nile Falls.
  • Debra Marcos (too Debre Markos ): 295 km from the capital, Debre Markos takes its name from a church dedicated to Saint Mark.
  • Dessiè - Near Lake Hayq.
  • Yeha - Ancient center of the Sabaeans with the ruins of the temple of the moon, from the 7th century BC. C. the entrance to see the ruins costs 50 birr. To the left of the temple is a small white block that houses inscriptions in the Ge'eze language and a cemetery.

Other destinations

Ethiopia has national parks and tourist attractions. The southern and southwestern regions of the country are home to breathtaking natural beauty with enormous potential for tourism. We must add other types of protected areas at the national level: natural sanctuaries, forests, reserves, controlled hunting areas, etc.

  • Awash National Park: It is bordered to the south by the river Auasc (or Awash).
  • Mago National Park: straddling the Mago River, a tributary of the Omo.
  • Omo National Park: one of the largest in the Omo River Valley; It borders the Mago National Park.
  • Rift Valley Lakes, are a weekend getaway for Addis residents, ideal for bird watching, water sports, or relaxing at luxury resorts
  • Simien national park
  • Sodere, Spa
  • Blue Nile Falls - 1 hour from the city of Bahir Dar by 30 km of dirt road, the entrance is 15 birr; Also, it takes 20 birr to take the small boat that transports tourists to the other bank of the Nile River, then a 10-minute walk takes you just below the falls, while if you leave the boat, the falls can only be admire from afar. The falls are impressive with a considerable flow of water and a drop of at least 60 m; Until 20 years ago they were three times as long, then they were reduced after the construction of a system of dams.
  • Erta Ale- Also called Smoky Mountain, it is an active volcano that contains a real lava lake.
  • Simien National Park- Established to protect the Simien Mountains, the park is included in the list of World Heritage sites. It includes the highest peak in Ethiopia, Ras Dejen (4620 m). The starting point to visit the park is the town of Debark, the entrance costs 94 birr, 200 birr for the guide and 150 birr for 2 scouts armed with AK-47, everything is essential, so the entrance is considered accumulated of these expenses. divide if you are more than one person. The entrance to the Siemen park is about 40 minutes from Debark. You can choose several alternatives to visit it, such as a 2/3 day walk or a simple half day walk. The latter takes place along the towering and enchanting cliffs of Siemen, crossing a meadow crowded with Gelada baboons completely indifferent to human presence. In the park there are various endemic species of flowers and plants such as helichrysum, Abyssinian rose, African olive, thyme and jasmine,
  • Bale Mountains National Park - The name of the highest mountain range in southeastern Ethiopia, with peaks over 4000 m.
  • Abijatta-Shalla National Park: around lakes Abijatta and Shalla (or Shala).
  • Gambela National Park
  • Nechisar National Park : bathed by lakes Abaya and Chamo.
  • Yangudi Rassa National Park - In the Afar region.

To get

Entry requirements

All visitors must obtain an entry visa except Djibouti and Kenyan citizens and foreigners in transit at Addis Ababa Bole International Airport for 12 hours or less taking an international connecting flight and not leaving the airport or heading to the immigration desk. If the need arises to leave the airport, a visa can also be obtained on the spot. The procedures for the release are quite fast, but it depends on the influx of tourists that arrive. Look for a counter with a "Visa" sign on the left before the immigration counters.

As of June 1, 2018, travelers of any nationality can obtain a electronic visa. The cost of a tourist visa is USD 52 for stays of up to 30 days, or USD 72 for up to 90 days (September 2018).

It often seems impossible to obtain a visa at a consulate abroad (eg Kampala, Cairo), as there is a no visa policy for non-residents. However, there seem to be exceptions. Obtaining a visa at the Tel Aviv embassy is very simple: it takes around 15 minutes and costs ₪ 100 for a 1-month visa and 150 for a 3-month visa. You can apply for a multiple entry visa for the same price if required. In July 2012, the Ethiopian visa was also easy to obtain in Khartoum. A completed form, $ 20 and two photos delivered in the morning were enough to obtain the visa that afternoon. Extending a visa to Addis Ababa is a tedious process that can take up to a day, so keep this in mind if you plan to stay longer than 4 weeks.

The passport It must be valid for at least 6 months from the arrival date and it must have at least one blank page.

As of April 2018, it is necessary to indicate the intended place of residence and the contact number to obtain a visa. There doesn't seem to be anything verified, so basically any hotel address and phone number should suffice. However, if an address and phone number cannot be provided, the officers refuse to process the visa documents.

Vaccination against yellow fever It is only required for travelers from certain African countries.

The Italian embassy is located in Addis Ababa.

By plane

Ethiopian Airlines is one of the most successful and reputable airlines in Africa, offering superior service on international flights to any member of the American Star Alliance airlines. The Bole International Airport.  Addis Ababa is the main hub for Ethiopian Airlines and is also home to aircraft from Lufthansa, Sudan Airways, Kenya Airways, British Airways, KLM, Turkish Airways, Emirates, Gulf Air, Egypt Air and Fly Dubai. Its international terminal, Terminal 2, is considered the largest in sub-Saharan Africa. Terminal 1 serves national and regional destinations (Djibouti, Nairobi, Khartoum, etc.). In the United States of America, there are direct flights to / from Los Angeles, New York and Washington, to / from Addis Ababa. These flights stop in Dublin or Lomé depending on the flight.

Ethiopian Airlines flies from Leonardo da Vinci Airport in Rome to Bole Airport in Addis Ababa. Other airlines that fly from Italian cities (beyond Rome and Milan) with a stopover in their respective countries and with sometimes advantageous prices are Lufthansa and Turkish Airlines.

You will likely be approached by people who want to help with your luggage. They are largely harmless and just looking for a tip, but it could be a situation where it's easy to lose a bag. If you have accepted the help of one person, twenty will come to ask for a tip. For these helpers, 1/5 birr is a sufficient tip, but most visitors do not have Ethiopian currency upon arrival and will have to give foreign currency. If a driver picks you up at the airport, they will generally take care of the tips on your behalf.

There are ATMs that accept Visa and Mastercard at the airport and forex services that accept a wide range of currencies. Traveler's checks and cash can generally be exchanged at the airport.

Other international airports are in Dire Daua, Macallè and Bahar Dar.

By car

Although it is more expensive than public transport, it is a good way to explore Ethiopia. There are few car rental services in Ethiopia outside of Addis Ababa, so it may be preferable to rely on the services of tour companies offering cars and 4x4 with driver.

Border crossings from neighboring countries include the border village of Metemma to enter from Sudan.

From Kenya, the border town is Moyale, about 770 km from Addis Ababa. The road from Kenya to Ethiopia through the town of Moyale is much better and well maintained. On the Kenyan side of Moyale, the road is terrible and known for banditry, so be careful and make sure you have enough time - at least 24 hours - to travel from Moyale to Nairobi. However, the road has been rebuilt and paved, with large sections already completed and the last sections completed in 2015.

By train

A train service between Addis Ababa and Djibouti City offers passenger trains that last approximately 12 hours for the entire journey. In 2016 the Chinese government created a new line to replace the old one made by the French. The trains that operate there also have sleeping berths.

The ramshackle but historic Chemin de Fer train station in the center of Addis Ababa is located in the Kazanches district near the Sheraton Addis and could be interesting as a relic of the Ethio-Djibouti railway that started operation in 1890 during the emperor's reign. Menelik II. The new line does not serve the historic station.

By bus

  • Public transportation leads to the border. At the crossing points with Sudan and Kenya you have to walk to the other side. If you arrive in border cities late at night, it is best not to cross the border in the dark. It is much better to wait in the city and continue your journey in the morning.
  • Buses that cover a certain distance leave early in the morning. This implies that if you arrive during the day you will be trapped at least until the next morning.
  • From Gedaref (Sudan), take a bumpy truck or bus (700 Sudanese pounds) to the border. The Sudanese part consists of several small towns and a small town. In Ethiopia, you can find better but basic accommodations. The buses leaving for Gondar sell out in the middle of the afternoon, so it is necessary to arrive at the border early or spend the night in Metemma (around 50 birr).
  • From Djibouti you can take a small bus to the border (2/3 hours) where you will find buses to Dire Daua. This road is dirt and the trip lasts at least half a day; when night falls, the bus stops and starts the next day. From Ethiopia to Djibouti, a bus probably leaves around midnight (buy tickets during the day, at the Dire Daua downtown office). It arrives at the Djibouti border in the morning, where it changes to another bus to reach Djibouti City. It is a good idea to take a tuk-tuk to the bus station, as hyenas roam the streets of Dire Daua at night.


Even the most inveterate travelers may find it convenient to contact a local agency that often guarantees access to beautiful but inaccessible places.

NTO It is the most reliable Tour Operator in Ethiopia. It is state-owned and its guides are professionally trained. However, the prices are high.

Below we report some private agencies with lower prices but with the exception that a change in administration could determine their lack of reliability:

  • Tour and trip Ethio-Der
  • Rift Valley safaris in Ethiopia

By plane

Ethiopian Airlines has a reasonable price and quite comprehensive domestic services. Flights usually have overbooking (namely, overbooking ), so it is essential to reconfirm your tickets at least one day in advance and to show up at the airport on time. Non-reconfirmed seats could be reassigned by the company if they are matched to do not show , that is, without being present at the airport.

Parking at Bole Airport costs 5 birr and is only paid in cash to parking attendants on arrival.

Charter flights (for both served airports and "ground flights") are available from Abyssinia Flight Services, on the TeleBole road, just down the road from the airport. Helicopter service is available from National Airways Ethiopia, Abyssinia Flight Services, and some state-owned companies.


  • Ethiopian Airlines tickets booked online can be much more expensive than tickets purchased at their office at the Addis Ababa Hilton. For example, the route Addis Ababa -> Gondar -> Lalibela -> Addis Ababa was quoted online 3 times more than their reservation office.
  • If an international trip to Ethiopia has been booked through the Ethiopian Airlines website, you will enjoy a 50% discount on domestic flights, regardless of the airline you have flown with. You can take advantage of discounted prices (reserved at Ethiopian offices) if you have proof of an international reservation with Ethiopian, regardless of whether you have flown or not. Then it will be sufficient to book a refundable or cheap flight from Hargeisa or Nairobi for a future date, mentioning the ticket number when booking domestic flights.

By car

A good way to visit Ethiopia is by car. You can take small planes to speed up your tour, but you will be able to see more scenery if you travel by car. Reasonably priced travel companies include Galaxy Express Services, NTO, and Dinknesh. They can take you off the beaten track so you can see the beauty and sights of Ethiopia.

However, renting a car is quite expensive (from 600/900 birr depending on the condition and quality; 600 birr for a cheap car with a driver). Machines for at least 8 people cost 1000/3000 birr per day. Prices fluctuate right now due to inflationary pressures in the country. Drivers pass on the costs of spare parts and have to increase the price if fuel increases. The credentials of a driver guide such as tourism license, insurance, motor (exterior and interior) must be verified. Before accepting a contract, it is also a good idea to discuss the tourist itinerary with the driver and guide. When driving into the "deep south" of Ethiopia, also check the license plates, because the southern authorities check them and register the tourist plates identified with the "3", they take the names of the passengers and the number of passport. They need a letter from the travel company to show that the agent is in good faith on some routes and parks. Gasoline costs 21 birr / liter. Make sure to check that the pump is zeroed before refueling begins.Highway in Auasc

  • Highway 1 : Addis Abeba - Asmara via Dessiè and Macallè
  • Route 3 : Addis Ababa- Axum via Bahar Dar and Gondar
  • Route 4 : Addis Ababa- Djibouti via Adama, Auasc and Dire Daua
  • Route 5 : Addis Abeba - Gambela via Alem Zena and Lechemti ( Nekemte )
  • Route 6 : Addis Ababa- Gimma via Wolisso ( Giyon )
  • Route 48 : Lechemti- Gambela National Park via Gambela
  • TAH 4 north: Cairo via Khartoum and Bahar Dar
  • TAH 4 Sur: Ciudad del Cabo vía Gaborone , Lusaka , Dodoma , Nairobi y Awasa
  • TAH 6 este: Djibouti vía Dessie
  • TAH 6 Oeste: N'Djamena vía Darfur

By train

El sistema ferroviario que no se había utilizado durante mucho tiempo se revitalizó con una línea desde la capital hasta el puerto de la ciudad de Yibuti . Aunque esta línea está destinada principalmente al transporte de mercancías, también permite el transporte de pasajeros nacional e internacional.

By bus

Los autobuses etíopes se clasifican en una de las siguientes categorías: los omnipresentes minibuses o matatu (típicamente camionetas Toyota Highace con capacidad para 14 personas) que operan en toda la región; autobuses de pasajeros pequeños y grandes llamados " autobuses más altos " (nombrados en honor al fabricante) que a menudo viajan entre regiones ("1er nivel" a "3er nivel" indicando clase); autobuses de lujo (modernos autobuses coreanos) que circulan entre las principales ciudades y los autobuses urbanos rojos (a menudo doblemente unidos) de Addis Abeba .

Existe una red completa de autobuses Higer económicos a lo largo de las carreteras principales, aunque son lentos y básicos. Los autobuses que viajan distancias más cortas generalmente salen cuando el autobús está lleno de pasajeros (en la práctica esto significa aproximadamente una vez por hora); casi todos los autobuses de larga distancia salen al amanecer (06:00 o 12:00 en el reloj etíope). Los autobuses no viajan de noche; se detendrán antes del atardecer en una ciudad o pueblo con alojamiento para pasajeros, o entre Dire Daua y Djibouti , justo en el campo. Entre algunas ciudades (por ejemplo, Adamay Addis Abeba), los minibuses entran en funcionamiento después de que los autobuses más grandes se hayan detenido para pasar la noche. Todos los pasajeros en el autobús deben tener un asiento por ley; esto evita el hacinamiento, pero a menudo dificulta tomar un autobús desde un punto intermedio en una ruta. Quienes planean viajar en autobús deben tener en cuenta que casi todos los vehículos son viejos y muy polvorientos y muchas carreteras secundarias están en malas condiciones. Las carreteras principales ahora son de buen nivel en la mayoría de los lugares. A los etíopes no les gusta abrir las ventanillas de los autobuses, por lo que por la tarde se pone caluroso y sofocante. Aquellos a los que les gusta el aire fresco deben sentarse lo más cerca posible del conductor o de una de las puertas, ya que el conductor y su asistente suelen tener las ventanas abiertas. Viajar en minibuses y autobuses Higer puede ser riesgoso, ya que contribuyen en gran medida a colocar a Etiopía entre los lugares más peligrosos del mundo para conducir. Los conductores a menudo no usan espejos y simplemente ignoran la posibilidad de tráfico que se aproxima al cambiar de carril.

Las estaciones de autobuses generalmente abren alrededor de las 05:00, que es la hora exacta de llegada para aquellos que planean tomar un autobús temprano. Los paseos son muy caóticos por la mañana y varios autobuses venderán asientos incluso antes de partir alrededor de las 06:00. Para hacer las cosas más fáciles y menos estresantes, a menudo es posible comprar un boleto con anticipación. Hay un mostrador en la estación de autobuses de Addis Abeba, y ahí es donde puede comprar su boleto el día antes de su viaje. Aquellos que no puedan leer amárico necesitarán ayuda para encontrar el contador correcto y, por lo general, es fácil encontrar personas dispuestas a ayudar. El boleto estará en amárico, pero en algún lugar habrá un número de autobús legible escrito en él. Solo encuentra eso autobús a la mañana siguiente a la estación. En las ciudades más pequeñas, a menudo es posible comprar el billete por la tarde antes del viaje directamente al conductor tan pronto como llegue el autobús de su viaje anterior. Incluso si ya tiene un boleto, es aconsejable llegar temprano para solicitar un asiento lo antes posible. Si no dispone de billete, deberá buscar el autobús correcto intentando comprar el billete directamente al conductor para no perder tiempo con el mostrador. Las mochilas medianas generalmente se pueden colocar debajo de los asientos, pero las bolsas grandes y la mayoría del equipaje deberán colocarse en el techo. La obtención de su asiento tiene prioridad sobre la colocación de su equipaje.

En varias rutas (Addis Abeba - Dire Daua , Bahar Dar - Addis Abeba) también puede encontrar vagones de pasajeros informales sin salidas fijas; en las cercanías de una estación de autobuses, es posible que se acerque alguien que ofrezca una conexión más rápida yendo en un automóvil privado; es más caro que el autobús normal, pero también mucho más rápido. Se le dará un número de teléfono para llamar y hacer una cita. Estos coches pueden salir antes del atardecer o incluso viajar de noche.


Las condiciones de las carreteras varían considerablemente en todo el territorio de Etiopía. Algunas carreteras están perfectamente selladas, mientras que otras están formadas principalmente por piedras grandes. El alojamiento es barato y está disponible en casi todos los pueblos (aunque estos "hoteles" suelen tener un doble uso como bares y burdeles). También hay alimentos y bebidas disponibles. Atraerás mucha atención (no es raro que escuelas enteras se vacíen cuando los niños te persiguen). Esté preparado para que le arrojen piedras y palos, especialmente en el sur.

To buy


La moneda nacional es el Birr etíope indicado por el símbolo " Br "or" ብር " (ETB). Es una de las monedas africanas más estables. Hay 100 santim por birr y circulan monedas de 1, 5, 10, 25 y 50 santim, junto con la moneda de un birr. Los billetes tienen un valor de 1, 5, 10, 50 y 100 birr. 100 birr equivalen a unos pocos euros, así que espere tener grandes fajos de dinero en sus bolsillos, o más bien en su bolso. A continuación se muestran los enlaces para conocer el tipo de cambio actual con las principales monedas del mundo:

Tipos de cambio del birr etíope

As of January 2020:

  • US $ 1 ≈ 32 birr
  • € 1 ≈ 36 birr
  • Reino Unido £ 1 ≈ 42 birr

Exchange rates fluctuate. Current rates for these and other currencies are available on

No se pueden importar o exportar más de 100 birr. El alquiler de coches y las facturas del hotel suelen tener que pagarse en efectivo.

There is ATMs en todas las ciudades más grandes, pero no siempre son confiables, así que tenga un plan de respaldo de efectivo cuando esté fuera de Addis Abeba . Dashen Bank Y Awash Bank son su mejor opción para encontrar un cajero automático que acepte tarjetas Visa y MasterCard. Las tarjetas Cirrus y Plus extranjeras difícilmente funcionarán.

Currency exchange

Cualquier banco comercial de Etiopía ofrece servicio de cambio de moneda. Los tipos de cambio son los mismos en todas partes y los fija diariamente el banco central. Hay cientos de sucursales de bancos comerciales en Addis Abeba, incluidos los hoteles Sheraton y Hilton, y en la esquina de la sala de reclamo de equipaje del aeropuerto. La mayoría de las ciudades y pueblos que visitan los turistas tienen al menos un banco comercial, con la excepción de los pueblos del valle del río Omo. Muchos hoteles cambiarán dólares estadounidenses por birr en la recepción. Debido a las falsificaciones en circulación, es posible que los bancos no acepten billetes de dólares estadounidenses impresos antes de 2002 o billetes rotos o muy gastados. Es ilegal cambiar dinero en el mercado negro y las tasas no son mucho mejores que las que obtienen los bancos.

Los dólares estadounidenses, euros o libras son las mejores monedas para llevar, en ese orden. Es posible que desee mantener la mayor parte de su dinero en su moneda local y llevar solo la cantidad que necesita diariamente. Además, dado que los cajeros automáticos dispensan dinero en birr, puede ser más fácil retirar dinero del cajero automático según sea necesario. Los precios son extremadamente bajos en Etiopía y un dólar estadounidense tendrá mucho poder adquisitivo.

Los bancos ya no aceptan cheques de viajero.

Dólar estadounidense

En ciudades como Addis Abeba y, en mucha menor medida, Dire Daua , el dólar estadounidense se acepta principalmente. En algunas tiendas de Addis Abeba, los precios se expresan en birr y USD. Algunos cajeros automáticos en Addis Abeba distribuyen tanto dólares estadounidenses como birr. La mayoría de los hoteles en Addis Abeba y todos los aeropuertos de Etiopía aceptan dólares estadounidenses.

No es posible obtener dólares estadounidenses en Etiopía por medios legales a menos que tenga un boleto de avión para salir del país. Esto significa que si necesita dólares (por ejemplo, para obtener una visa de Djibouti ) y no tiene un boleto de avión para salir de Etiopía, deberá cambiar dinero en el mercado negro o asegurarse de tener suficientes dólares estadounidenses.


Etiopía es relativamente barata para los turistas en comparación con otros países africanos .

Para alojarse en un hotel de 5 estrellas en Addis Abeba , Dire Daua , Adama ( Nazret ), Bahar Dar , Gondar y Auasa el costo promedio es de 1.500 birr por noche.

Addis Abeba, Dire Daua y Adama tienen los precios más altos del país. Por ejemplo, un televisor LCD de 32 pulgadas (81 cm) cuesta alrededor de 15.000 birr. La comida también es cara cuando se compra en los centros de tales ciudades.

En promedio, se necesitarán alrededor de 400 birr por día para hotel, combustible, comida, alojamiento y transporte. Mientras que en Addis Abeba y Dire Daua hablamos de un 50% más.


En Etiopía, la propina es común en hoteles, restaurantes y bares. También se espera que se dé una propina a los asistentes de estacionamiento, ya sean contratados por instituciones o ocupantes ilegales. En algunos restaurantes se acostumbra dar propina a cualquier bailarín, y esto se suele hacer pegando el billete de papel en la frente del bailarín.

Eat and drink

The enjera es omnipresente en Etiopía. Es un pan esponjoso, de sabor picante, elaborado con semillas de teff, cereal que crece en las tierras altas de Etiopía. La forma y el sabor recuerdan a una crepe o un panqueque. Se consume con wat (or wot ), un guiso tradicional de Etiopía y Eritrea (donde se le llama zighni) hecho con cebolla y berberé, una mezcla muy picante de especias y carne o legumbres. The wats más populares son el pollo (doro wat), el cordero (yebeg wat), el pescado (asa wat), la carne de res y diversas variedades de verduras.

The enjera se sirve directamente sobre un gran plato o bandeja redonda y se cubre con un wat colocado simétricamente alrededor de un elemento central. Los distintos wats se comen con trocitos de enjera, que se sirven en un plato aparte. The enjera se come con la mano derecha: saque un trozo grande de enjera del plato lateral y úselo para recoger uno de los wats del plato principal. Comer con la mano izquierda se considera una falta de respeto, ya que es la mano que se usa tradicionalmente para la higiene personal y, por lo tanto, se considera impura. Otro plato popular de enjera is he firfir: enjera frita y desmenuzada. Se puede servir con o sin carne o con todo tipo de verduras.

Aquellos que prefieren la comida vegetariana deben probar shiro wat, que es un guiso de frijoles aceitosos servido con enjera. The shiro es común en los "días de ayuno" de los etíopes, los etíopes donde la mayoría de los devotos comen una dieta principalmente vegetariana.Pimienta blanca, korarima, pimienta negra y fenogreco (en el sentido de las agujas del reloj desde la parte superior), que se utiliza con chile y sal para hacer berberé, una especia en la base de muchos platos etíopes.

Uno de los platos más famosos de Etiopía son los tibs, ternera picante o cordero frito con mantequilla (nitre kibbeh). The tibs vienen en diferentes estilos, más comúnmente "chikina tibs", fritos en salsa con berberé, cebollas, pimientos y tomates; Y zil-zil tibs , una versión empanizada y frita con salsa picante. Igualmente famoso es el kitfo , carne picada condimentada con chile, que no siempre está disponible en todos los restaurantes. Puede comerla cruda (la forma preferida localmente, pero existe el riesgo de encontrarse con parásitos), leb-leb (ligeramente cocida ) o completamente cocido. Se sirve con un queso local, ayebe, Espinacas. En la región de Harar , es posible encontrar derivados del kitfo , incluida la carne de camello. Muchos restaurantes que sirven kitfo lo incluyen en su nombre (por ejemplo, Sami kitfo, Mesob kitfo) pero normalmente sirven una selección más amplia que la carne cruda sola.Fit-fit hecho con kitcha (pan sin levadura), niter kibbeh (mantequilla clarificada) y berberé es un plato típico de desayuno

Para el visitante más exigente, casi todos los lugares de Etiopía también sirven espaguetis (gracias a la breve ocupación italiana ), pero ciertamente no como los italianos saben hacer. Los restaurantes italianos son comunes, al igual que las llamadas " pizzas y hamburguesas al estilo americano ", lugares que tienen poco en común con las pizzas y hamburguesas americanas. Existe una creciente demanda de restaurantes de estilo estadounidense en Etiopía, no solo de expatriados sino también de etíopes. Encontrarás occidentales o etíopes que crecieron en el extranjero por todas partes de la capital y todos ellos pueden ser de gran utilidad para ti.

Las especias comunes incluyen berberé, la especia nacional de Etiopía que incluye fenogreco; mitmita, otra especia picante; y romero, que se utiliza con casi todas las carnes del país. La mayoría de las carnes locales son de mala calidad: son duras y duras incluso cuando se cocinan perfectamente. Los hoteles y restaurantes de lujo a menudo importan carne de Kenia, que es de una calidad mucho mayor.


Etiopía es el lugar de origen histórico del grano de café y su café se encuentra entre los mejores del mundo. El café se sirve tradicionalmente en una ceremonia formal que implica beber al menos tres tazas de café y comer palomitas de maíz. Es un honor especial o una señal de respeto ser invitado a la casa de alguien para la ceremonia. Los etíopes tienden a beber su café recién hecho, negro y muy fuerte; o en forma de macchiato, la forma de café más popular en Etiopía.

Durante la preparación de la ceremonia, los granos de café se tuestan en una sartén plana sobre el carbón. A continuación, los frijoles se muelen con un mortero. El café se prepara con agua en una olla de barro y se considera listo cuando empieza a hervir. El café en Etiopía se sirve negro con azúcar; algunos grupos étnicos pueden agregar mantequilla o sal al café, pero generalmente no lo hacen con los extranjeros. Advertencia: después de tomar un café en Etiopía, siempre se sentirá decepcionado por la calidad del café cuando regrese a casa. En Etiopía, el café es tan fresco que generalmente se tuesta el mismo día que se consume.

On Tej es un vino de miel, similar al hidromiel, que se bebe con frecuencia en los bares, en particular en un tej beit (or tej bar ). Tiene un sabor muy parecido al de la hidromiel, aunque normalmente se le agrega una hoja local durante la preparación, lo que le da un fuerte sabor medicinal que puede resultar desagradable. Is considered varonil consumir esta bebida.

Hay una variedad de cervezas etíopes disponibles , todas las cuales son bastante bebibles. Muchas cervecerías que antes eran propiedad del gobierno etíope ahora son propiedad de compañías de bebidas occidentales como Heineken (cerveza Harar) y Diageo (cerveza Meta). La cerveza ubicua a nivel nacional es San Giorgio, o "Giorgis", que lleva el nombre del santo patrón de Etiopía, que es una cerveza ligera similar a las cervezas estadounidenses que se elabora en Addis Abeba desde 1922. Las cervecerías etíopes compiten con muchas Las microcervecerías occidentales y la mayoría de las cervezas se venden por menos de 1 USD.

The vinos etíopes, tanto tintos como blancos, pero en general son considerados imbebibles por los extranjeros.

Preparación del pan.

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