Gambia - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Gambie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

​((in)The Gambia)
Gambia boat.jpg
Flag of The Gambia.svg
Capital city
Other languages
Telephone prefix
Internet suffix
Flow direction
13 ° 30 ′ 0 ″ N 15 ° 30 ′ 0 ″ W
Official site
Touristic site

The Gambia is a country ofWest Africa, almost landlocked in the Center-West of Senegal. It is the smallest country on the continent African.



The Gambia is a country almost landlocked in Senegal with which it shares 740 km border. Its territory stretches along the last 320 kilometers of the course of the Gambia River to its mouth, from 20 to 50 km on either side of the banks of the stream. Its coastline overlooking the Atlantic Ocean stretches 80 km, with its capital Banjul, the country's main city located at the mouth of the Gambia River.

The relief of the country is flat and never rises above 55 meters above sea level.


The rainy season is from June to September, with rainfall of 900 to 1,400 mm (increasing from east to west).


At its peak, in the 14the century, the empire of Mali extended as far as The Gambia.

In 1455, the Portuguese set up trading posts along the Gambia River from which they organize the slave trade. In 1723, the Company British of Africa buys land in The Gambia.

From the XVIIIe century, the British occupied this small landlocked territory in Senegal, and the French will not be able to dislodge them. The current borders were drawn in 1889. After 1889 and an agreement with France, the country became in 1894 a British protectorate.

The Gambia acquired its independence in 1965 and Dawda Jawara became its first president. The Gambia is united with Senegal from 1982 to 1989 in a confederation of Senegambia.

The a group of officers, led by Captain Yahya Jammeh, overthrow the government. In 1996, pressed by the international community, the donors having suspended all aid since the coup d'état of 1994, President Jammeh agrees to initiate a process of democratization which will further consolidate him in power during the 1996 elections. and the following.

While a member since 1965, The Gambia announced the its withdrawal from the Commonwealth, the country refusing the injunctions of the United Kingdom on the subject of human rights while the regime of President Yahya Jammeh becomes more authoritarian.


A variety of ethnic groups live in The Gambia, each preserving its language and traditions. Mandingo are the most numerous, followed by Fulani, Wolof, Diola, Serahule, Serer and Bianunka. The Krio, known locally as theAkus, constitute one of the smallest ethnic minorities in The Gambia. They are descendants of the Creoles of Sierra Leone and are traditionally concentrated in the capital.


Map of Gambia.
Western Gambia
The Kombo, The Atlantic coast and areas near the mouth of the river.
Eastern Gambia (Along the Gambia River)
The rest of the country, less populated and visited than by adventurers.


  • 1 Banjul  – The capital is located on Île Sainte-Marie (Banjul Island) at the mouth of the Gambia River.
  • Bansang
  • Bakau
  • Brikama
  • Ghanatown
  • Gunjur
  • Janjanbureh
  • Kartong
  • Kololi
  • Lamin
  • Sanyang
  • Serrekunda
  • Tanji
  • Tujering

Other destinations

  • 1 James Island  – The island was an important West African trading post for slaves, and is now included on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

To go

The Gambia has become a popular holiday destination for northern Europeans. Therefore, many charter and vacation operators offer reasonable airfare and accommodation if desired.


The citizens Belgian, New Zealander, australian, Singaporeans, Malaysian, Taiwanese, British, Finnish, Dutch, and some other Europeans do not need visas for stays up to 90 days. The Canadians can acquire a 30-day visitor visa on arrival. Check with the embassy before departure.

The citizens French, american and D'South Africa must obtain a visa before entering The Gambia. The visa can be obtained at the Embassy of The Gambia at Dakar. A visa for entry for a period of three months costs 100 USD or 35,000 XAF (cheaper than dollars) or multi-entry for 30,000 XAF.

A single entry visa can certainly also be obtained at the border for 15000XAF, at least for Europeans and US citizens, although the Embassy in Dakar states otherwise.

  •      Gambia
  •      Exemption from Visa
  •      Exemption from Visa but entry permit required
  •      Visa on arrival
  •      Visa required
  •      Visa required with entry authorization required

By plane

On a boat

By train

By bus

By car


By boat / By plane

By train

By bus

By car


The official language isEnglish.


Gambian coins.

Since 1971, The Gambia has used the dalasi as currency (GMD). The dalasi is divided into 100 bututs. There are 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 notes in circulation as well as 0.25, 0.50 and 1 coins. Maestro cards are not accepted anywhere. It is better to bring CFA francs, euros or dollars. If you have a Visa credit card without a PIN code or have forgotten it, the only bank that can help you is GT Bank at Banjul, she will need your card, passport and signature.


Have a drink / Go out



To work


Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
Police :17
Firefighter :18

The Gambia is a dictatorial country, avoid crossing borders; moreover, this country was ravaged by the 1995 civil war between Republicans and the military.

Government travel advice

  • Logo representing the flag of the country BelgiumBelgium (Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country CanadaCanada (Government of Canada) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country FranceFrance (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country of SwitzerlandSwiss (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website


Malaria vaccine recommended.


Ramadan date

  • From April 24 to May 23, 2020 (Year 1441 AH)
  • From April 13 to May 12, 2021 (Year 1442 AH)
  • From April 2 to 1er May 2022 (Hegira year 1443)

Majority of Muslims insist on local sighting of the crescent moon to mark the start of Ramadan, but others insist on calculating the new moon or declaring it saudi to determine the start of the month. Since the first crescent after the new moon is not visible everywhere at the same time, the start and end dates of the month depend on what is visible in each location. Therefore, the dates vary from country to country, but usually only one day.


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Destinations located in the region