Greenland - Groenlândia

Flag of Greenland.svg
Basic information
CurrencyDanish Krone (DKK)
Areatotal: 2,166,086 km2
Earth: 2,166,086 km2 (410,449 km2 without ice, 1,755,637 km2 covered with ice) (est.)
Population56,361 (est. July 2006)
LanguageInuktitut (Greenlandic) and Danish
ReligionLutherans (predominant)
phone code 299
Time zoneUTC to UTC-4

THE Greenland (in Greenlandic: Kalaallit Nunaat; in Danish: Grønland), also spelled as greenland or greenland, is a country in the extreme northeast of the North America, with most of it within the Arctic Circle.


Greenland is the largest island in the world and has more than 44,000 km of coastline. The population is sparse, confined to small towns on the coast. The island has the second largest ice reserve in the world, surpassed only by Antarctica.

Although it is still an official part of the realm of Denmark, in 1979, its own independent government was instituted. Copenhagen responsible only for foreign affairs.

The vegetation is generally sparse, with a small forest area in the municipality of Nanortalik in the far south, near the Cape Farewell.

The coast is mostly rocky with cliffs. The lowest point is sea level and the highest is theGunnbjorn (3700 m). The northern end of the island is Cape Morris Jesup, discovered by Admiral Robert Peary in 1909.


The climate is arctic to sub-arctic with cool summers and very cold winters. The territory is generally not very mountainous, with a layer of gradually declining ice that covers almost the entire island.


Greenland has a population of 57,564 inhabitants (data from 2008) of which 88% areinuit or half-breeds of Danes and inuit. The remaining 12% are of European origin, mainly Danish. The majority of the population is Lutheran. Nearly all Greenlanders live along fjords in the southwest of the main island, which have a relatively mild climate.


Tourism is the only sector with some short-term potential but it is limited due to the short season and high costs.

Mineral resources (zinc, lead, iron ore, coal, molybdenum, gold, platinum and uranium) are abundant. The discovery of oil, zinc and gold, in 1994, promises to change the economy, which is still very dependent on Denmark, which is also responsible for its defense and foreign relations. The economy is based on extracting mineral goods as well as fishing, hunting seals and whales.


Greenland Regions
South Greenland
Nicknamed "Sineriak Bananeqarfik" (Banana Coast) by locals, it is the most easily accessible part of Greenland and the one subject to the least extreme temperatures
West Greenland
Where is the capital Nuuk (Godthåb).
East Greenland
with few cities, is access to the national park.
North Greenland
practically uninhabited and without any tourist infrastructure. Home to Northeast Greenland National Park.


Other destinations

To arrive

  • Nuuk Airport (GOH) is 4 km from the city. The company Air Greenland is practically the only company in Nuuk and has flights to/from baltimore (USA) and Copenhagen.


  • Air Greenland operates domestic flights.
  • THE Arctic Umiaq Line it has a terminal with several domestic boat lines.
  • By bus, in Nuuk, by the company Nuup Bussii A/S.


The languages ​​spoken in Greenland are Greenlandic, Danish and English.

Both Greenlandic and Danish have been used in public affairs since the establishment of self-government in 1979, and the majority of the population speaks both languages. Greenlandic, spoken by around 50,000 people, some of whom are monolingual, became the only official language in June 2009. A minority of Danish migrants with no ancestors inuit they speak Danish as their first or only language, and Danish, which was previously one of the official languages, will remain a language of higher education. OEnglish it is widely spoken as a third language. Greenland has a 100% literacy rate.

Greenlandic is the most popular language in the Eskimo-Aleutian language family and has more speakers than all the other languages ​​in the family combined. Within Greenland, three main dialects are recognized: the northern dialectinuktun orAvanersuarmitut spoken by about 1,000 people in the region ofQaanaaq, the West Greenlandic or Kalaallisut which serves as the standard for the official language, and the Eastern dialectTunumiit oraasiat orTunumiutut spoken in the eastern part of Greenland.


With the

The typical and national dish of Greenland is a soup called Suasat.

drink and go out

Beer is the typical Greenland drink.






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