Mexico - México


Mexico, officially the United States of Mexico, is a country in the south of North America, between Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean . To the north it borders United States and southwest with Belize Y Guatemala. Its wonderful natural landscapes, its pre-Columbian ruins, the vibrant local culture and the pleasant resorts on its coasts attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year, making it the tenth most visited country in the world and the first in Latin America.


The Olmec they settled in the tropical region of southern Veracruz and Tabasco. The vestiges of the Olmec culture are possibly the oldest in Mesoamerica, such as the Olmec head found at the site of The sale, Tabasco.

Mexico has 32 states, of which 31 are states and the capital It is considered a singular federative entity and in each one there are different activities to do. Mexicans are warm and friendly people, and the country is also known for its gastronomy, archeology, and museums. In its territory there are a large number of farms, I have 6000 kilometers of coastline, it has magnificent architecture as well as modern cities. Its climate is varied: from snow-capped mountains in the Sierra, to rainforests in the southeast and a desert north. The country has many golf courses, sites for professional and sport fishing. It is also home to world destinations such as Acapulco, Cancun, Cozumel, Los Cabos, Guanajuato Y Patzcuaro. According to the World Tourism Organization, Mexico is the main tourist destination in Latin America and the tenth most visited in the world. This is largely due to the 31 cultural or natural sites in the country that are considered by UNESCO as World Heritage, and is in this sense the first in the continent and sixth in the world. Much of the tourism is concentrated in its beaches, as well as in the plateau, that is, the central part of the country.

Despite the news spread abroad, Mexico's tourist destinations are safe for visitors. The big cities (Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey) can be visited with the same precautions required by other cities of the same size in other parts of the world.

Mexico it is one of the most visited countries in the world. Much of the tourist activity is centered in the spas and in the highlands of the center of the country. American tourists tend to predominate in the Baja California peninsula and in the most modernized spas (Cancun, Vallarta Port), while European tourists congregate around smaller tourist areas in the south such as Carmen beach and colonial towns like San Cristóbal de las Casas.


Mexico is a country with great climatic diversity. The geographical situation of the country places it in two well differentiated areas, separated by the Tropic of Cancer. This parallel divides the country into two zones whose climates would be clearly different (a tropical and a temperate zone) if it were not for the fact that the relief and the presence of the oceans greatly influence the configuration of the climate map in the country. .

In this way, in Mexico it is possible to find cold high mountain climates a few hundred kilometers from the hottest climates of the coastal plain. The most notable for its variations is the climate of the state of Chihuahua, where there are the lowest temperatures in the country, sometimes reaching -30 ° C, and the highest in the desert of Mexicali, Baja California that sometimes exceeds 50 ° C. The warm rainy zone comprises the lower coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific. In this region, temperatures range between 15.6 ° C and 40 ° C. A warm zone comprises the lands located between the 614 and the 830 m s. n. m. Here, temperatures range from 16.7 ° C in January to 21.1 ° C in July. The cold zone runs from 1830 ms. n. m. altitude up to 2745 meters.

The temperate subhumid or semi-dry climate reaches temperatures that oscillate between 10 and 20 ° C and presents precipitations no greater than 1000 mm per year. At an altitude above 1500 meters, the presence of this climate depends on the latitude of the region. In areas with this type of climate, frosts are a constant that occurs every year, as well as the presence of annual sleet and snowfalls that are usually more common in the north of the country and in mountainous areas.

A second type of climate is made up of the hot-humid and the hot-sub-humid. In areas with this climate, it rains during the summer or throughout the year. The rainfall reaches the rate of 1500 mm, and has an annual average temperature that ranges between 24 and 26 ° C. The areas with this type of climate are located in the coastal plains of the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Ocean, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in the north of Chiapas and in the Yucatan peninsula.

The dry tropics presents varieties of previous climates. It is located on the slopes of the Sierra Madre Occidental and Oriental, the upper basins of the Balsas and Papaloapan rivers, as well as in certain regions of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the Yucatan peninsula and the state of Chiapas. The dry tropics is, therefore, the largest area of ​​extreme hot climates in Mexico.

The temperate zones are the regions where the annual precipitation is less than 350 mm. The annual temperature varies between 15 and 25 ° C, and its precipitation rate is also highly variable. Most of the Mexican territory, located north of the Tropic of Cancer, is an area with these types of characteristics.

The wet season extends between the months of May and October. On average it rains for 70 days a year. The dominant trend, however, is the scarcity of rain in most of the territory, a fact related to the obstacles posed to rain clouds by the high mountains that frame the Mexican Plateau. In the temperate highland area of ​​the country, the average rainfall is 635 mm per year. The coldest area, high mountains, registers indexes of 460 mm. Meanwhile, the semi-desert in the north of the Altiplano barely reaches 254 mm of annual rainfall. In contrast to the aridity of this territory (which accounts for 80% of the Mexican population), there are some regions that can receive almost 1000 mm and up to 3000 mm.

The average temperature for the country is about 19 ° C. However, the Mexico City presents its extreme averages in the months of January (12 ° C) and July (16.1 ° C). In contrast with Juarez City, Mexicali, Culiacan, San Luis Potosi, Hermosillo, Chihuahua, Keep, Saltillo Y Monterrey where the temperatures are really extreme.

Pre-Columbian cultures

In Mexico there were great civilizations with the same importance that had Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. In the southern part of Mexico (Mesoamerica) there are various archaeological sites of the cultures that settled, highlighting the maya, olmec, Zapotec, mixtecos, etc.

Culture Olmec, also known as mother culture, had its development between the years 1500 a. C. and 900 a. C. in the coastal region of the Gulf of Mexico (currently includes the states of Veracruz Y Tabasco); This civilization was located in the central area of ​​the so-called Inhabitants of the rubber country. The most outstanding archaeological sites are La Venta, in the state of Tabasco; San Lorenzo and Tres Zapotes. In La Venta the construction of its buildings is symmetrical, arranged in a long axis that goes from north to south; the monuments are placed on the sides. This ceremonial center served as an example for the rest of the Mesoamerican cultures, since we perceive similar designs in other urban centers.

In Yucatan The sacred cenote of Chichén Itzá stands out due to its history, which is located north of the Kukulcán pyramid and was used to make offerings to the god ChaacLord of the rains, consisting of valuable objects. Legend says that human sacrifices were also performed, usually by noble maidens, dressed in jeweled and ceremonial clothing.


Mexico has 32 states, including the Mexico City considered a singular entity:

Regions of Mexico:      Baja California Peninsula     North of mexico     Western mexico     Eastern Mexico     The Bajio     Central mexico     Southwest     Southeastern
Baja California Peninsula
Cabo San Lucas.Baja California· Baja California Sur

Baja California is a Peninsula located in the west of the country, Mexico's northwestern border with the United States. The El Vizcaíno whale sanctuary and the cave paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco They are a World Heritage Site. Also in this territory is an enigmatic place called the Silence zone, cradle of ancient stories and legends.

North of mexico
Cerro de la Silla, Monterrey.Chihuahua· Coahuila· Durango·New Lion· Sinaloa· Sonora· Tamaulipas

It includes the extensive deserts and mountains formed by two mountain ranges, the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental, bordered to the north by the United States.

The Bajio
Guanajuato seen at night.Aguascalientes· Guanajuato· Zacatecas· San Luis Potosi· Queretaro

Historic states during the colonial era, after the independence of the country, mining would bring the region to its architectural and urban splendor.

Central mexico
Cathedral of Mexico City.Mexico City· Mexico state· Morelos

Central zone, main scene of pre-Hispanic Mexico. One of the most populated regions in the world.

Eastern Mexico
View of the Atlanteans, the Pilasters and the Serpentine Columns at the top of Pyramid B.Veracruz· Puebla· Tlaxcala· gentleman

It is the best known and explored region of Mexico, being the most complex region.

Western mexico
Guadalajara seen at night.Colima· Jalisco· Michoacan· Nayarit

In Jalisco tourist attractions await you such as the Rotunda of Illustrious Jaliciences, the House of Dogs or the main square are one of the many emblematic, tourist and millenary places that you can find in this city also recognized as "the pearl of Guadalajara."

Southwestern Mexico
Monte Alban in OaxacaOaxaca· Chiapas· Warrior

The region is famous for having deep roots in its traditions, crafts, festivities and rich gastronomy. It has impressive archaeological sites. It also has beautiful architectural jewels such as Oaxaca de Juárez and magical towns like San Cristóbal de las Casas; heavenly beaches like Acapulco and modernist architecture in the most populated cities.

Southeastern Mexico
El Castillo, in Chichén Itzá, Yucatán.Campeche· Quintana Roo· Yucatan· Tabasco

Green spaces and archaeological sites of the Mayan culture with coasts in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.In Yucatan the enigmatic area of ​​Chichen-Itza is a tourist place that you cannot miss, also places that you should not miss are: Walled City, Campeche, Paseo Montejo, Yucatan and Cancun, Quintana Roo


These are some of the best known cities in Mexico:

  • 1 Mexico City, is the capital of Mexico, one of the three largest cities in the world and a sophisticated urban center with 700 years of history. In Mexico City, you'll find everything from parks, Aztec ruins, colonial architecture, museums, to nightlife and shopping.
  • 2 Guadalajara It is the capital and most populous city of Jalisco, also from traditional music mariachi. The city has several attractions that include modern and colonial architecture, it also includes in its gastronomy the apology and the tequila.
  • 3 Monterrey capital of New Lion.
  • 4 Puebla of Zaragoza capital of Puebla state
  • 5 Toluca is the capital of Mexico state and it has a variety of places of interest.
  • 6 Lion capital of Guanajuato.
  • 7 Morelia capital of Michoacan.
  • 8 Cancun is found in Quintana Roo and it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Mexico and the Caribbean.
  • 9 Tijuana, Mexico's busiest border crossing for pedestrians and private vehicles, and a bargain mecca for Southern Californians due to its proximity to San Diego.
  • 10 Veracruz
  • 11 Acapulco- A sophisticated urban beach setting known for its upscale nightlife, fine dining, and nightmarish traffic. Many of the older concrete structures (before the 1990s) have suffered tropical decay.

Other destinations

  • 12 Copper Canyon(Copper Canyon) : An exotic destination for travelers seeking a unique remote adventure! An impressive mountain train ride, one of the largest in the world, takes you over 2,440 m (8,000 ft) on the CHEPE, the Chihuahua to the Pacific railroad. Hiking, horseback riding, bird watching and Tarahumara Indians. Copper Canyon, the Sierra Madre and the Chihuahuan desert of Mexico. This area is designed for adventurous people who will tolerate some rough trips to get to their point (s) of interest (although the famous train ride is not at all demanding). Copper Canyon, a magnificent remote wilderness, will never become a mass market destination.
  • Sea of ​​Cortez - See whale births, swim with dolphins, and sea kayaking in the warm waters of the Sea of ​​Cortez, along the eastern coast of Baja California near La Paz. And the sunsets in Puerto Peñasco and San Carlos are not to be missed.
  • Monarch butterfly breeding sites : protected natural areas in the highlands of the state of Michoacán. Millions of butterflies arrive in the area between November and March of each year, although the numbers have dropped considerably.
  • 13 Copper Canyon2 Sumidero Canyon: From the docks of the Grijalva River (the only major river within Mexico) near Tuxtla Gutiérrez in the state of Chiapas, tour launches take you to this steep-walled national park. You are likely to see large flocks of flamingos, pelicans, and other water birds, as well as crocodiles.

Archaeological sites


  • 14 Chichen Itza - Majestic Mayan city, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988 and voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.
  • 15 Ek Balam - A reconstructed Mayan site, famous for its unique decorated stuccoes and stone-carved temples that you can climb.
  • 16 The Tajin - In the state of Veracruz, near the town of Papantla. A UNESCO world heritage site.
  • Squares Y Peralta - In the state of Guanajuato, two sites that are part of the "El Bajío Tradition".
  • 17 Monte Alban : in the state of Oaxaca, a Zapotec site dating from around 500 BC. C. A UNESCO world heritage site.
  • 18 Palenque - Mayan city in the state of Chiapas, Palenque famous for its elaborate paintings. Also known for having the largest extension of rainforest in Mexico located in the same area.
  • 19 Teotihuacan - In the state of Mexico, near Mexico City. Huge site with several large pyramids.
  • 20 Tulum : Mayan coastal city with spectacular views of the Caribbean. Dates from the end of the Mayan period.
  • 21 Uxmal - Impressive Mayan city-state in the Puc region, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1996.

To get

According to Secretary of Foreign RelationsSome foreigners who wish to stay in Mexico for less than 180 days for tourism reasons or 30 days for business reasons can fill out a tourist card at the border or when landing at an airport after presenting a valid passport, for $ 22. If they arrive by air, it is included in the price of the ticket.

This service is available to citizens of Argentina, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Canada, chili, Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Britain, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Spain, United States, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay Y Venezuela (see official list here). Permanent residents of the United States, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom and the countries of the Schengen area they can also obtain visas upon arrival regardless of their citizenship.

The Mexican tourist card is a Multiple Migration Form (FMM). It has a perforation that divides the card into two parts, of which the right side asks for part of the same information requested on the left side. Upon entering, after checking your passport and the completed FMM, the immigration officer will stamp your passport and the FMM, separate the FMM along the perforation and return the right side of the FMM with your passport. Keep the FMM with your passport at all times. It is your responsibility to ensure that the right side of the FMM is returned to the Mexican government upon departure so that the barcode can be scanned, thus showing that you left the country on time. For example, if you fly with Aeroméxico, they will ask for your passport and FMM at check-in for your flight home, and then they will staple your FMM to your boarding pass. You are expected to hand over your boarding pass along with your FMM to the gate agent upon boarding your flight. If you lose your FMM while visiting Mexico, you may be subject to substantial delays and fines before you can leave the country.

The electronic authorization to travel to Mexico is available on the Internet for nationals of Russia, Turkey Y Ukraine. Other nationalities should contact a Mexican consulate to find out the requirements for citizens of their country, and they may need to apply for and obtain a visa before traveling. If you need more information, Mexico has diplomatic offices in the following cities around the world.

If you cross the border by road, don't expect authorities to automatically tell you to fill out your paperwork. You will have to locate the border office yourself. The immigration officer at your point of entry to Mexico may also ask you to prove that you have sufficient financial solvency and a round trip ticket. If you do not intend to travel beyond the "border zone" and your stay does not exceed three days, US and Canadian citizens only require proof of citizenship. Reentry to the United States generally requires a passport, but an enhanced U.S. or Canadian driver's license (or enhanced photo ID) or a U.S. passport card is acceptable for reentry by land or sea.

By plane

Mexico receives international flights from about 60 countries. The Benito Juárez International Airport (MEX) that serves the Mexico City It is the main international gateway to Mexico, receiving about 40 million passengers annually and is followed by the airports of Cancun (CUN) and Guadalajara (GDL). MEX is oriented to an international market with flights from Europe, Asia, South America, North America, Central America and the Caribbean. While GDL is focused on flights from Central America and United States and CUN is focused on Central America, South America, North America and Europe.

It should be taken into account that you must prepare the immigration procedures before Immigration and customs at the first port of entry into the country even if you are only a few minutes at the airport through a connecting flight. You will also need to re-check your luggage and go through security again before proceeding to your next flight.


Traveling in Mexico is more practical by bus, car or plane. Passenger transport by train is almost non-existent. Except for the railway line Chihuahua of the Pacific that leaves every morning at both ends of the line, one from Los Mochis on the Pacific coast, through Baja California, and the other from Chihuahua in the east (south of Step, Texas). They intersect approximately halfway at Divisadero and Barrancas Copper Canyon stations at an altitude of 2,100 m (7,000 ft).

It is easy to get around in any federal entity in Mexico, there are common, practical and safe methods such as Metro, Taxi, Uber, renting cars from agencies during your stay in the country or city, plus you can rent them online, or search for information on sites insurance or on the website of the hotel where you are going to stay.

In the towns, municipalities or small cities of Mexico, in addition to the Taxi, there are collective transports such as trucks or combis, which although they are a little more insecure because you may suffer some assault or common scam (to a lesser degree and depending on the region in the that you meet).

By plane

Mexico is a large country, and with the low-cost revolution that began in 2005 following the breakdown of the CINTRA monopoly, new (cheap) airlines entered and expanded, offering competitive fares that rival buses travel long distances. With rising fuel costs, the trading days may be gone, but prices are even more reasonable than when CINTRA operated Mexicana and Aeroméxico, as a monopoly, prior to 2005. The main airline hubs for all or several of the airlines are in the Mexico City, Toluca, Guadalajara, Cancun Y Monterrey . There are additional point-to-point services from several other cities.

The main airlines that provide service to more than 60 cities within Mexico are:

  • Aeromexico / Aeromexico Connect ,[55 5133-4000] (MX), no fee: [1-800-237-6639] (US). It is the 'national' and 'legacy' operator with centers in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey. They are also members of the SkyTeam Alliance. (updated Apr 2016 The | Edit )
  • Aeromar ,[55 51-33-11-11], no fee: 01 800 237-6627 (MX). (updated Apr 2016 The | Edit )
  • Interjet ,[55 1102-55-55], no fee: 01 800 01 12345 (MX). Hub in Mexico City and focal cities in Cancun, Guadalajara and Monterrey. Internationally they go to Canada, Costa Rica, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala and the United States. Since 2015, they had tried to take the place in the One World Alliance left by Mexicana, but were unsuccessful. They have alliances with American Airlines, LATAM and Iberia, all members of the One World Alliance. (updated Apr 2016 The | Edit )
  • Magnicharters ,[55 5678-1000] , [55 5678-3600] (DF), [81 2282-9620] , [2282-9621] (MTY). The centers are located in Monterrey and Mexico City. It used to operate only between Monterrey, Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Cancun. They had since expanded to include other Mexican and American cities. (updated Apr 2016 The | Edit )
  • VivaAerobus .Low-cost airline similar to Ryanair with hubs in Cancun, Monterrey, Mexico City and Guadalajara and new focus cities in Mérida and Puebla. They expanded service to the US after 2011.(updated Apr 2016 The | Edit )
  • Volaris ,[55 1102-8000], no fee: [855 865-2747] (US). The centers are located in Mexico City, Tijuana and Guadalajara, with focus cities in Cancun, Monterrey and León. They also have an additional center in San José Costa Rica and a focal city in Los Angeles, outside of Mexico. Since Mexicana's demise in 2010, they have expanded and took over many of Mexicana's routes and airport slots within Mexico and the US Since then, they have expanded their services to more cities in the US. USA, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Nicaragua. (updated Apr 2016 The | Edit )

There are also small airlines that operate within certain areas, such as:

  • Calafia Airlines ,[619 489-1439] (US), no fee: 01800 5603949 (MX). It operates scheduled flights between several cities in the Baja California peninsula and from the Baja California peninsula to the states of Chihuahua, Jalisco, Sonora and Sinaloa. They also connect the Baja California peninsula with León (Guanajuato), Monterey (Nuevo León), Mexico City and San Luis Potosí, all on the smaller Embraer ERJ and Cessna planes. They also connect Palenque and Tuxtla Gutiérrez (Chiapas) with Mexico City and Cancun. They also offer charter and air taxi services. (updated Apr 2016 The | Edit )
  • Aerotucan ,[952 502-0840], no fee: 01800 640-4148. Fly between the city of Oaxaca, Ciudad Ixtepec, Huatulco and Puerto Escondido in the state of Oaxaca with the Cessna Grand Caravan plane. (updated Apr 2016 The | Edit )
  • Mayair ,[[1]] (MX), [[2]] (US & CA), no fee: 01800 962-9247. It operates regional flights from Cancun to Cozumel, Chetumal and Mérida and from Villahermosa to Veracruz and Mérida on the smaller Dornier 228 plane and the Fokker 50 plane. (updated Apr 2016 The | Edit )
  • TAR ,[55 2629-5272]. Hub in Querétaro with focus cities in Guadalajara, Monterrey and Puerto Vallarta to multiple destinations with Embraer ERJ145 aircraft throughout the country and in expansion.


By car

US auto insurance is not accepted in Mexico; However, it is easy to obtain short or long term tourist policies that include mandatory liability coverage, theft and accident coverage for your vehicle, and often legal aid coverage. If you decide to drive to Mexico, the website of the Ministry of Transport and Communications has road maps that can be downloaded for free.

Foreign-plated vehicles must obtain the necessary permits before they can enter the interior of Mexico. This can be done at border checkpoints by showing your vehicle's title or registration, as well as immigration documents and a valid credit card. It is now possible to apply for your vehicle import permit online. Vehicle permits will only be issued to the registered owner of the vehicle, so the documents must be in the applicant's name. The Baja California peninsula and the northern part of the state of Sonora do not require a permit.

Due to the incredibly large volume of drugs and illegal immigration (to the US) and drug money and weapons (to Mexico) crossing the US-Mexico border, expect long delays and extensive vehicle searches when cross the border. At some of the busiest crossings, expect a wait time of 1 to 3 hours.

By bus

The Mexican bus system is reportedly the most efficient in the world. Buses are undoubtedly the backbone of personal intercity transportation in Mexico, as private car ownership is much less than in its northern neighbor and trains serve primarily for cargo and tourism purposes. Chances are you meet a lot of locals who travel by bus. The fares per distance are generally comparable to Greyhound's in the US, but there are more exits and the system serves much smaller towns than its American counterpart. There are many Mexico-based bus companies with branches in major US cities, with a few examples mentioned below:

  • Buses De Oriente (ADO), Omnibus Cristóbal Colón (OCC), Autobus Unidos (AU) Connects the US border from Matamoros to the interior of Mexico along the Gulf Coast and buses once a night from Cancun and Mérida to Belize City (two separate routes). At other times, passengers connect to buses that go to Belize in Chetumal and to Guatemala in Tapachula, Palenque and Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, near the Guatemalan border in Chiapas.
  • Omnibus Mexicanos, Northeast, Omnibus Express Offers in-state travel from border areas to various cities within the US state of Texas and from Texas to Georgia, North Carolina and Florida as Omnibus Express
  • American buses: Joint brand between Grupo Estrella Blanca and Greyhound Lines for cross-border travel between the US and Mexico.
  • Greyhound Mexico connects Monterrey to Laredo, TX through Nuevo Laredo. Cruises-USA also operate connecting Tijuana to Los Angeles through San Diego and Santa Ana.
  • Greyhound offers tickets from the US to major Mexican cities with Grupo Estrella Blanca further south of the border, including Monterrey, Querétaro, Durango, Mazatlán, Torreón, Guadalajara, and Mexico City. It is better (and cheaper) to buy a round trip Greyhound ticket as it can be more difficult and expensive to buy a ticket from Mexico to a destination in the US that is not a major city. When leaving Mexico, the local bus line (usually Futura) will change the Greyhound-issued ticket on its own, free of charge.
  • The Expresso: Houston-based company that connects cities and towns in Mexico bordering Texas with Florida, the southeastern part of the US, and Chicago from various cities in Texas.
  • Turimex International: Subsidiary of Senda Group for future connections to Florida, the southeastern part of the United States, and Chicago through Texas.
  • TAP Royal A subsidiary of TAP that connects Tijuana and Nogales with Los Angeles, Phoenix and Las Vegas.
  • TUFESA connects Sinaloa, Sonora, and Baja California in northwestern Mexico with multiple cities in California, Arizona, Utah, and Las Vegas NV via Los Angeles and Phoenix.
  • El Paso-Los Angeles Limousines and Los Limousines Travel the I-10 corridor along the US side of the border from El Paso to Los Angeles and from El Paso to Denver via Las Cruces NM along I-10 and I-25. It goes south from El Paso to Torreón through Ciudad Juárez, the city of Chihuahua, etc. along federal highway 45 as Los Limousines.
  • The Paisanos connects El Paso with several cities in California, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri. They also have direct service from El Paso to Phoenix, Roswell NM, and Caldwell ID in the US The same company also offers service from El Paso to various cities in the state of Chihuahua, the state of Zacatecas, and Querétaro in Mexico.

A ticket to a major Mexican city can be purchased from the southwestern US for as little as $ 60 roundtrip (San Antonio TX to Monterrey N.L.). However, these businesses primarily serve Hispanics or Mexican citizens living in the US and operate primarily in Spanish.

In Mexico City (main transportation hub), buses from the US border arrive at Terminal Norte. The buses that go to Chiapas and Quintana Roo depart from both the Terminal de Autobuses de Pasajeros de Oriente (TAPO) and the Terminal Norte (the same as buses bound for the USA). If you go between bus stations, there are taxi ticket counters at all bus stations where passengers can buy a ticket to a taxi site to transfer to the next bus station. Likewise, if passengers are traveling light, they can also use the subway that serves all the major bus stations for a fraction of the taxi fare.

Connections to / from Guatemala through Tapachula and to Belize through Chetumal. Hay conexiones adicionales (en transporte) entre San Cristóbal de las Casas y Antigua Guatemala (a través de Comitán, cruzando a través de Ciudad Cuauhtémoc / La Mesilla). Los boletos en estos traslados se compran a uno de los muchos agentes en San Cristóbal de las Casas. Los pasajeros suelen cambiar de vehículos en la frontera. Los siguientes ofrecen servicios pullman regulares de primera clase desde Tapachula a Centroamérica:

  • Platinum Centroamerica Solo sirve a Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras y Nicaragua desde Tapachula a lo largo de la carretera CA-1.
  • La principal línea de autobuses centroamericanos de Ticabus que conecta las capitales centroamericanas (excepto Belice) y Tapachula desde la ciudad de Panamá. Los autobuses de Tapachula que van a la ciudad de Panamá pasan por la ciudad de Guatemala, San Salvador, Managua y S Jose CR. Los pasajeros que van a Tegucigalpa en el traslado de Ticabus en San Salvador o Managua.
  • Trans Galgos Inter corre de Tapachula a Ciudad de Guatemala a través de Coatepeque y Retalhuleu en Guatemala 2 veces al día y una carrera extra desde Retalhuleu a San Salvador.

By train

El único tren de pasajeros disponible es el Ferrocarril Chihuahua al Pacífico (CHEPE) operado por Ferromex entre Los Mochis y la ciudad de Chihuahua , a través del Cañón del Cobre . En el estado de Jalisco hay un par de líneas que viajan desde la capital del estado de Guadalajara a las destilerías de tequila cercanas en la pequeña ciudad de Amatitlán en el Tequila Express y a las destilerías de José Cuervo en la ciudad de Tequila en el José Cuervo expresar . Los dos últimos de Guadalajara son trenes turísticos que ofrecen recorridos por las destilerías de tequila, y no una forma de transporte para llegar a esas ciudades.

Es posible subir o subir a los carros de carga en algunas partes del país (si es un aventurero), ya que muchos migrantes que viajan desde América Central a los Estados Unidos están haciendo esto. La posibilidad de saltar de la carga es peligrosa debido a la falta de restricciones, lo que resulta en caídas, atropellamientos, atropellamiento de un tren que se aproxima (si cae en el lugar equivocado) o al ser robado por bandidos en el camino .

Dicho esto, se ha hablado de expandir los servicios ferroviarios suburbanos en varias ciudades y los servicios de pasajeros de alta velocidad, pero no se han materializado planes a partir de mayo de 2017. Ciudad de México, Guadalajara y Monterrey tienen servicios de metro y/o tren ligero.


The Spanish es el idioma nacional de facto. El español es utilizado por prácticamente toda la población y todas las comunicaciones públicas (carteles, documentos, medios, etc.) se realizan en el idioma.

México tiene una de las diversidades más ricas de más de 60 lenguas indígenas que se hablan con reconocimiento oficial. Estos idiomas se hablan dentro de las comunidades que están en gran medida segregadas de la sociedad mestiza dominante. Alrededor del 5% de los mexicanos habla una lengua indígena. La mayoría de estas comunidades también hablan español con fluidez.

El inglés es entendido por muchos en la Ciudad de México, así como por algunos trabajadores turísticos en lugares turísticos populares, sin embargo, muchos mexicanos no hablan inglés. Los idiomas extranjeros más populares para aprender dentro de México después del inglés son francés, italiano, alemán y japonés. Algunos alemanes, franceses y rusos pueden ser conocidos en la industria del turismo, pero entre los empleados, policías y conductores (especialmente el último) básicamente no existe el conocimiento de idiomas extranjeros. Los letreros bilingües en español e inglés pueden estar disponibles en destinos turísticos populares.


Entre las universidades más importantes de México se encuentra la UNAM, que ocupa el puesto 73 a nivel mundial, y la mejor de América Latina. Su campus principal es Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la UNESCO. Los murales del campus principal fueron pintados por algunos de los artistas más reconocidos de la historia de México, como Diego Rivera Y David Alfaro Siqueiros. Otras universidades son el Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), la Universidad Iberoamericana que forma parte del Sistema Universitario Jesuita y la Universidad Anáhuac.

La mayoría de las universidades financiadas por el gobierno en las principales ciudades (capital del estado) tienen cursos cortos de historia, gastronomía y cultura, la mayoría de ellos son casi gratuitos. Otros lugares son la "Casa de la Cultura", que son edificios históricos utilizados para actividades culturales (conciertos musicales, teatro, pintura y otras exposiciones, también tienen "talleres").

La mayoría de los lugares tienen programas para que los extranjeros aprendan español, o incluso estudien una carrera completa. Hay otros cursos en los que se pueden aprender actividades tradicionales mexicanas como la artesanía. La matrícula en una escuela pública rara vez supera los 200 dólares.

Hay escuelas de español en todo México. La ciudad con más escuelas es Cuernavaca, con más de 50 escuelas. Oaxaca, San Miguel de Allende y Guanajuato también ofrecen varias escuelas para elegir. Los precios varían; sin embargo, la mayoría de las escuelas tienen precios muy razonables. Muchas escuelas pueden organizar estadías en hogares de familias mexicanas del lugar.


Trabajar puede requerir una visa de trabajo, que es difícil de obtener si solo quieres trabajar por un período corto.

Muchas oficinas centrales importantes se encuentran en las principales ciudades de México. Las principales corporaciones mexicanas como Televisa, Bimbo, Cemex, Telmex y Vitra a menudo están dispuestas a contratar profesionales que sean hablantes nativos de inglés, ya que gran parte de su negocio se desarrolla junto con corporaciones norteamericanas.

Los hablantes nativos de inglés pueden retomar el trabajo como profesores de inglés. Lo bueno es que los angloparlantes sin conocimiento del español son apreciados, ya que obligarán a sus estudiantes a practicar inglés. La desventaja es que los salarios son algo bajos.


Hay 32 sitios del patrimonio mundial de la UNESCO en México, más que en cualquier otro lugar de las Américas. La mayoría de ellos pertenecen a la categoría cultural y se relacionan con las civilizaciones precolombinas de la zona o con las primeras ciudades establecidas por los conquistadores y misioneros españoles. Gran parte de México es montañoso con algunas montañas que se elevan a más de 5,000 m sobre el nivel del mar.

México está en la frontera de dos bioregiones; tanto la vida silvestre de North America como la de Central America Y del Sur se pueden ver en el país.


El cálido clima mexicano, la espectacular naturaleza y la larga costa hacen que el país sea ideal para la vida al aire libre, especialmente los deportes acuáticos.

  • Surf - Baja California, Vallarta, Oaxaca
  • Kayak de mar - Baja California
  • Snorkeling - Baja California, Cancún, Cozumel, Isla Mujeres, etc.
  • Buceo: Baja California, Cancún, Cozumel, Isla Mujeres, Acapulco, Cabo San Lucas, etc., y buceo en cuevas en los cenotes de la península de Yucatán.
  • Avistamiento de ballenas - Baja California, Guerrero Negro, Mazunte, Zipolite
  • Rafting en aguas bravas - Veracruz
  • Visite un volcán: México, Toluca, etc.
  • Tome un paseo en el ferrocarril de Copper Canyon
  • Disfruta de la hermosa costa y las playas de Oaxaca: Huatulco, Mazunte, Zipolite, Puerto Angel, Puerto Escondido, etc.
  • Pasea a caballo en las Barrancas de Chihuahua
  • Visite los sitios arqueológicos: Chichén Itzá, Tulum, Cobá, Monte Albán, Calakmul, Palenque, etc.
  • Voluntariado - Chiapas o en Xalapa, Veracruz con Travel to Teach.
  • Visita parques ecológicos - Riviera Maya
  • Trekking y observación de pinturas rupestres en Baja California - Guerrero Negro
  • Museo de tortugas marinas: Mazunte


The fútbol (soccer) es el deporte nacional de México, y su principal liga masculina, la Liga MX, es una de las mejor financiadas fuera de Europa. Los cuatro grandes equipos de la Liga MX son America, Guadalajara, Lion Y Cruz Azul. La rivalidad entre Guadalajara y América de la Mexico City, conocida como El Súper Clásico, El Clásico de Clásicos o simplemente El Clásico, es la más grande en México, y los partidos entre los dos lados están garantizados para atraer multitudes partidistas. El equipo nacional mexicano también es una potencia regional, y los partidos contra su vecino del norte, los United States, son asuntos particularmente acusados.

The béisbol es quizás el segundo deporte de equipo más grande del país, pero es en gran medida un asunto regional. Los mejores jugadores llegan a las Grandes Ligas de Béisbol, pero la liga nacional tampoco es tan mala.

The fútbol americano tiene una larga tradición en México, pero a menudo ha sido relegado al tercer violín por el fútbol y el béisbol más populares. El Estadio Azteca ha visto un puñado de juegos de la NFL (incluido, a la vez, el juego de la NFL con mejor asistencia en la historia de la liga hasta ese momento) y además de una liga universitaria de larga data, ahora también hay una liga profesional con equipos centrados y alrededor de la ciudad de México.

To buy


Tipos de cambio para pesos mexicanos

As of January 2019:

  • US $ 1 ≈ M $ 20
  • € 1 ≈ M $ 22
  • Reino Unido £ 1 ≈ M $ 25
  • Canadiense $ 1 ≈ M $ 15

Exchange rates fluctuate. Current rates for these and other currencies are available on

La moneda de México es el peso, denotado en México como "$" (código ISO MXN) y en Wikivoyage como "M $". Se divide en 100 centavos. Los precios en dólares estadounidenses (en zonas turísticas) están etiquetados como "US$" o tienen una S con doble trazo.

Las monedas se emiten en 5, 10 (acero), 20, 50 centavos (latón; las nuevas monedas de 50 centavos emitidas a partir de 2011 son de acero y de menor tamaño) y 1, 2, 5 (anillo de acero, centro de latón), 10, Denominaciones de 20, 50 y 100 pesos (anillo de latón, centro de acero o plata), pero es extremadamente raro encontrar monedas valoradas en más de 10 pesos.

Los billetes se producen en denominaciones de 20 pesos (azul), 50 (rosa-rojo), 100 (rojo), 200 (verde), 500 (marrón) y 1,000 (púrpura y rosa para el último número, púrpura para los más antiguos). La emisión actual de billetes de 20, 50 y 100 pesos está hecha de plástico polimérico, y hay varias series diferentes de todos los billetes. Existen billetes de diez pesos, pero son muy raros y ya no se emiten ni se aceptan.

Los pesos "antiguos" (emitidos antes de 1993) ya no son aceptados, pero generalmente son recaudados por numismáticos.

Los comerciantes pueden aceptar dólares estadounidenses a un tipo de cambio más bajo. Los dólares estadounidenses son ampliamente aceptados en el extremo norte y en lugares turísticos de otros lugares.

Generalmente, los comerciantes no aceptan otras monedas, como el euro, la libra esterlina y el franco suizo, e incluso los bancos con sede en Europa pueden negarse a aceptar euros para el cambio. Por otro lado, la mayoría de los bancos y casas de cambio las aceptarán ampliamente.

Si llegas desde el sur y aún llevas monedas de América Central, trata de cambiarlas lo antes posible, ya que fuera del área fronteriza inmediata, ni siquiera los bancos las aceptarán. Como todos los países centroamericanos tienen el dólar estadounidense como su moneda nacional (El Salvador, Panamá) o lo hacen circular en diversos grados como una segunda moneda de facto y prácticamente todos los bancos en América Central y la mayoría de los bancos en México aceptan dólares estadounidenses (generalmente a mejores tasas que cualquier otra moneda) su mejor opción es "triangular" su dinero de la moneda local a dólares y de dólares a pesos en lugar de intercambiarlos directamente, lo que puede ser difícil y costoso. Si se olvidó de cambiar su dinero y los bancos están cerrados, los cambistas callejeros (llamados coyotes or cambistas) no tienen un horario fijo y a menudo tienen mejores tasas. Sin embargo, tenga cuidado, ya que de vez en cuando estafa a los extranjeros con calculadoras falsas, tasas incorrectas y facturas falsas u obsoletas (y, por lo tanto, sin valor).


Si ha traído efectivo en dólares estadounidenses o euros, los mejores lugares para cambiar su dinero son en un aeropuerto de llegada (como MEX y CUN), donde muchos intercambios de dinero ya se encuentran en la sala de llegadas (donde también puede comparar algunos intercambios tasas y elija la más conveniente) y, normalmente, en los aeropuertos, la tasa de cambio suele ser justa. Asegúrese de pasar por la Aduana antes de buscar divisas ya que dentro de la zona de aduanas en Cancún la tasa es mucho más baja de lo que piden los vendedores ambulantes más codiciosos.

Si desea esperar hasta más tarde para obtener moneda mexicana, intente no cambiar en su hotel, ya que las tarifas allí tienden a ser extremadamente desventajosas para los turistas. Sin embargo, algunos hoteles ofrecen intercambios como cortesía, en este caso es mejor preguntar solo para asegurarse. A menudo, puede encontrar intercambios de dinero en lugares estratégicos en la mayoría de los destinos turísticos y cerca del hotel (zonas). Los tipos de cambio no deberían diferir drásticamente de los del aeropuerto. Si no está familiarizado con el dinero mexicano (billetes, monedas), intente atenerse a las oficinas oficiales de cambio. En varios destinos de playa internacionalmente populares como Cancún y Los Cabos, los comerciantes locales están acostumbrados a los dólares estadounidenses y a menudo los aceptan como pago (incluso tienen cajas registradoras y cajones con doble moneda). Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que la conveniencia de tal cambio de dinero "privado" generalmente viene con un tipo de cambio ligeramente desfavorable.

Las tarjetas de crédito y débito (con afiliación Maestro o MC / Visa) son ampliamente aceptadas en México. Puede usarlos en cajeros automáticos, así como en la mayoría de los grandes almacenes, restaurantes más grandes, estaciones de servicio, pero asegúrese de que fuera de las ciudades siempre tenga suficiente efectivo en pesos en su bolsillo y, en general, verifique la posibilidad de pagar con tarjeta antes del consumo. Las empresas más pequeñas (a menudo administradas por familias) a menudo aceptan solo efectivo. La mayoría de las veces, se agrega un 5% adicional al pagar con tarjeta. Además, no puede obtener precios más bajos si regatea a menos que pague en efectivo. A menudo, puede pagar la mitad o menos actuando como si se fuera.

Si bien muchas estaciones de Pemex aceptan tarjetas de crédito, especialmente en lugares con mucho tráfico turístico, algunas no lo hacen; Los viajeros que tengan la intención de pagar con tarjeta de crédito siempre deben preguntarle al asistente si se acepta la tarjeta antes de comenzar el bombeo.

Los cajeros automáticos son fáciles de encontrar. Los clientes de Bank of America pueden evitar las tarifas de los cajeros automáticos utilizando los cajeros automáticos Santander Serfin. Otros bancos pueden tener políticas similares, consulte con su institución respectiva. Por ejemplo, el banco Banamex es propiedad de Citybank / Citygroup, y Bancomer es propiedad de BBVA, que está relacionado con Chase en EE. UU. Pregunte a su banco si tienen relación con bancos mexicanos y las ventajas que dicho aliado puede brindar. De lo contrario, no se sorprenda de encontrarse con una tarifa por cada retiro. Los cajeros automáticos en ciudades más pequeñas pueden quedarse sin dinero; a veces esto es una ocurrencia regular. Consulte con el banco (o locales) cuál es el mejor momento para usar el cajero automático y nunca espere hasta el último minuto para obtener efectivo.


La propina en México es similar a la de Estados Unidos. Suele ser del 10 al 15%.

Las comidas tienen una propina del 10% al 15% (esto incluye entregas de comida rápida). Este consejo generalmente lo deja la mayoría de las personas en los restaurantes, aunque no es tan común en los restaurantes o puestos de la calle, donde las licitaciones generalmente tienen una lata o caja donde las personas depositan monedas.

En general, es común dejar una propina en la mesa después de pagar y, por lo tanto, tener un pequeño cambio es muy útil.

En los bares y clubes nocturnos mexicanos a menudo se ve que cargan directamente en la factura el 15% del monto total (impuestos incluidos). Eso es ilegal en la mayoría de los casos debido a la imposición de la propina y porque calculan el 15% con impuestos incluidos. En grupos grandes, o en clubes nocturnos, los camareros esperan que los clientes depositen su propina en una taza que queda sobre la mesa antes de servir las bebidas, por lo que el servicio que brindan funciona con la propina que recibieron.

También es habitual dar una propina a la persona que a veces vigila el automóvil como si fuera un servicio de aparcacoches; En México, a estas personas a menudo se les llama "viene viene" (literalmente: "viene, viene") o franeleros y, por lo general, las personas les dan M $ 3-20 dependiendo de la zona, aunque a veces piden grandes sumas de dinero cuando se deja el automóvil Cerca de una zona de vida nocturna.

En las tiendas minoristas medianas y grandes como Wal-Mart hay ayudantes uniformados, generalmente niños o ancianos, que empaquetan los productos justo después de que el empleado los haya escaneado. Este papel se llama cerillo (español para "partido"). Es común que estos ayudantes no tengan un salario básico, por lo que todo el dinero ganado proviene de los consejos que las personas les dan. La mayoría de los clientes dan M $ 2-5 dependiendo de la cantidad de productos. Cerillos también puso las bolsas en el carrito y, si la carga es grande, incluso pueden ayudar a llevarla al automóvil y descargar las bolsas; en estos casos, normalmente reciben más de P $ 15.

No se esperan propinas en taxis o autobuses, excepto cuando se trata de un recorrido. En algunos restaurantes mexicanos poblados, los músicos errantes entran, tocan y esperan que los clientes paguen algo, aunque esto es voluntario. En las estaciones de servicio, los trabajadores generalmente obtienen P $ 2-5 por cada carga de gasolina. En los estadios, las personas dan una pequeña propina a la persona que muestra el lugar donde deben sentarse. También se dan consejos a los botones, barberos y personas que trabajan en servicios similares.


  • Los pesos se miden en kilogramos. La longitud se mide en centímetros y metros.
  • Para las tallas de ropa y calzado, se utilizan las medidas "continentales".

Los comerciantes pueden ser exigentes con el estado de su papel moneda y pueden examinarlo y rechazar cualquier cosa con rasgaduras. Trate de mantenerlo en las mejores condiciones posibles. Según se dice, este es más el caso cuanto más al sur se vaya. En cualquier caso, puede ingresar fácilmente a un banco con alguna factura dañada para cambiarla por otra.

Los comerciantes a menudo son reacios a hacer cambios en ciudades más pequeñas. Trate de evitar pagar con denominaciones demasiado grandes; El mejor cliente tiene un cambio exacto. En las zonas rurales, su "cambio" puede consistir en chiclets u otros productos pequeños.

Los comerciantes, especialmente aquellos en pequeños mercados ("tianguis") y vendedores ambulantes no son ajenos al regateo. Intenta preguntar "¿Es lo menos?" ("¿Es este el precio más bajo?"), Cuanto más rural y menos turística sea la zona, es probable que tenga más éxito.

  • Arte indígena Una visita a cualquier lugar de México le dará a uno la oportunidad de comprar arte hecho en la forma del "viejo mundo" que refleja la diversidad étnica de México. En estos artículos se incluirían textiles, tallas de madera, pinturas y máscaras talladas que se usan en bailes sagrados y entierros.
  • Shared time Cuando visite las ciudades turísticas de México (por ejemplo, Cancún, Puerto Vallarta o similar), es más que común que se le acerque en la calle, en los bares, en los restaurantes y en cualquier lugar con ofertas de regalos, alquiler de autos gratis, noches gratis, gratis cenas, gratis cualquier cosa que pueda atraerlo, solo por visitar y escuchar una presentación para comprar un tiempo compartido. A menos que esté severamente desesperado por algo que hacer, es posible que desee ignorar a los que hacen la oferta y mantenerse alejado de esas ofertas gratuitas. Si bien las propiedades son muy agradables, excelentes ubicaciones y muchas comodidades, este no es el lugar para aprender sobre los tiempos compartidos. Haga su tarea incluso antes de pensar en comprar un tiempo compartido, ver cuáles son los valores en el mercado de reventa y comprender los derechos que está comprando y los costos futuros. Recoger las ofertas gratuitas puede ser difícil, si no imposible.
  • Automóviles Ciertamente vale la pena ir e importar un automóvil desde allí, aunque importarlo según los estándares de la UE / EE. UU. Es la parte difícil. Se recomiendan el Ford Fusion (como el Ford Mondeo británico, pero más lujoso) y el Chrysler 200 (el modelo 2.4 lo vale). Los Volkswagens pueden estar sustancialmente mejor equipados que sus homólogos europeos o norteamericanos. El Passat vendido en México no es el mismo automóvil que en Europa, y es sustancialmente más grande, sin embargo, los motores son los mismos que en Europa, excepto por el 2.5 de gasolina.
  • Los cigarros cubanos son una novedad divertida para los turistas de los Estados Unidos y están ampliamente disponibles. Todavía es ilegal traerlos de regreso a los Estados Unidos, aunque lo peor que puede suceder es que sean confiscados por la aduana.

To eat

La cocina mexicana se puede describir mejor como una colección de varias cocinas regionales en lugar de una lista estándar de platos para todo el país. Debido al clima, la geografía y las diferencias étnicas, podemos clasificar la cocina mexicana en general en 4 grandes categorías según la región:

  • North: principalmente platos de carne hechos principalmente de carne de res y cabra. Esto incluye Cabrito, Carne Asada (Barbecue) y Arrachera. Está influenciado por la cocina internacional (principalmente de los Estados Unidos y Europa), pero conserva el sabor mexicano esencial.
  • Central: esta región está influenciada por el resto del país, pero tiene su propio sabor local bien desarrollado en platos como Pozole, Menudo y Carnitas. Los platos son en su mayoría a base de maíz y con diferentes especias.
  • Sureste: es conocido por sus vegetales picantes y platos a base de pollo. La cocina caribeña tiene influencias aquí debido a la ubicación.
  • Coast: tiene un fuerte énfasis en los mariscos y el pescado, pero también se pueden encontrar fácilmente recetas a base de maíz.

Pida el "platillo tipico" de la ciudad, que es la especialidad local que no se puede encontrar en otra parte, una variación o el lugar de nacimiento de una receta, también considere que la mayoría de las recetas cambian de un lugar a otro, como los tamales, en el sur está hecho con las hojas de la planta de banano, y en la región de la Huasteca los tamales son muy grandes (se llaman "Zacahuil"), uno está bien para una familia completa.

Si viaja aquí desde España o desde otro lugar de América Latina, tenga en cuenta que muchos platos mexicanos pueden tener el mismo nombre, pero ser muy diferentes de sus contrapartes en otros lugares. Por ejemplo, un tamal mexicano es muy diferente de un tamal colombiano, y una tortilla mexicana prácticamente no tiene ninguna similitud con una tortilla española.

La comida tradicional mexicana a menudo puede ser muy picante; Si no está acostumbrado a los pimientos, siempre pregunte si su comida lo incluye. "(¿Esto tiene chile? ¿Es picante?)".

Hay muchos carritos de comida en las calles de las ciudades y pueblos mexicanos. Se recomienda a los viajeros que coman de estos carros con precaución, ya que las prácticas de preparación higiénica no siempre son confiables. Al hacerlo, puede (o no) encontrar algunos de los platos mexicanos más únicos y genuinos que haya probado. De estos vendedores, puede encontrar tacos, hamburguesas, pan, maíz tostado o elote servido con mayonesa o una crema ligera, y espolvoreado con queso blanco fresco, camote asado llamado camote y casi cualquier tipo de comida y servicio imagina.

  • Chicharrón - Piel de cerdo frita. Bastante crujiente y si está bien preparado, ligeramente aceitoso. Crema celestial con guacamole. O a veces cocinado en una salsa de chile suave y servido con huevos.
  • Enchiladas: tortillas suaves rellenas de pollo o carne cubiertas con salsa verde, roja o mole. Algunos pueden tener queso derretido en el interior y / o en la parte superior.
  • Tacos: tortillas suaves de maíz rellenas de carne (asada (tiras de carne), pollo (pollo desmenuzado), carnitas (cerdo desmenuzado frito), lengua (lengua de vaca), cabeza (carne de cráneo de vaca), sesos (cerebro de vaca), tripa ( intestino de vaca), al pastor (chile, cerdo, carne de res cortada de un asador) o chorizo ​​(salchicha de cerdo)). En el norte a veces se usan tortillas de harina. No esperes el crujiente taco en ningún lado.
  • Tamales (tamal singular): cáscara de masa de maíz con rellenos de carne o vegetales. Tamales Dulces contienen frutas y / o nueces.
  • Tortas - Fancy sandwich mexicano. Rollo de pan que se asa a la parrilla ligeramente, los rellenos de carne son los mismos que los tacos, lechuga, tomates, jalapeños, frijoles, cebolla, mayonesa y aguacate. Uno está comenzando a encontrar tortas con los embutidos de estilo americano disponibles, también, en áreas urbanas.
  • Huitlacoche - (wit-la-ko-che) Un hongo, muy parecido a los hongos, que se encuentra en el maíz. Este plato suele ser un aditivo para los demás. Los extranjeros pueden tener dificultades para respirar, pero los mexicanos lo juran. Aunque la mayoría de los mexicanos aman el huitlacoche, la mayoría no lo prepara en su propia casa con mucha frecuencia. Se puede encontrar en la mayoría de los mercados o tiendas.
  • Quesadillas: queso u otros ingredientes a la parrilla entre tortillas de maíz, pesadas en queso y más ligeras en otros artículos como pollo, cerdo, frijoles, flores de calabaza y demás.
  • Mole: salsa de chile suave a mediana hecha con cacao y un toque de maní sobre la carne, generalmente servida con pollo desmenuzado o pavo. ('Pollo en mole' y esto se conoce como Puebla o estilo poblano). Hay muchos lunares regionales y algunos son verdes, amarillos, negros y pueden variar mucho en sabor dependiendo del talento artístico o las preferencias involucradas.
  • Pozole: caldo de pollo o cerdo con maíz molido, condimentado cuando se sirve con orégano, lechuga, jugo de limón, rábano, cebolla picada, chile molido seco y otros ingredientes como pollo, cerdo o incluso mariscos, generalmente servido con un plato de tostadas , papas fritas y tacos de queso fresco. Muy fortificante.
  • Gorditas: empanada de maíz rellena de chicharron, pollo, queso, etc. cubierta con crema, queso y salsa picante.
  • Grillo - Saltamontes, generalmente cocinado y colocado dentro de otro plato como una quesadilla. Se encuentra con frecuencia en los mercados del estado de Morelos y otros estados del centro de México. Esto no es común en la Ciudad de México.
  • Guacamole: salsa de aguacate triturado con chile serrano verde, tomate rojo picado y cebolla, jugo de lima, sal y servido con rodajas de tortilla frita o "totopos" algo gruesas (1/8 de pulgada).
  • Tostadas: tortilla plana frita cubierta con frijoles fritos, lechuga, crema, queso fresco, rodajas de tomate y cebolla roja, salsa picante y pollo u otro ingrediente principal. Piense en un dip de chips de maíz, en dosis bajas de esteroides, para salsas y como se mencionó anteriormente. Por lo general, no obtienes un plato de esto automáticamente en muchas partes de México como lo harías en los EE. UU., Aunque están comenzando a aparecer en las áreas turísticas que atienden automáticamente a los ciudadanos estadounidenses.
  • Huaraches: una versión más grande (piense en forma de zapato) una gordita.
  • Sopes: empanada de maíz con una amplia variedad de ingredientes como pollo, queso, puré de frijoles y varias salsas picantes.
  • Carnitas: carne de cerdo frita servida con una variedad de salsa ", para que se sequen con menos grasa.
  • Chile en nogada: un gran chile poblano verde con relleno de manzana de res o cerdo, cubierto con una salsa de nuez blanca (generalmente nuez, conocida como nuez) y espolvoreado con semillas de granada que son rojas. Los tres colores representan la bandera nacional y el plato se sirve en todo el país alrededor del Día de la Independencia de México el 16 de septiembre.
  • Barbacoa - Carne de oveja o cabra cocinada con hojas de maguey en un horno hecho en un agujero en el suelo. Piense en el paraíso de la barbacoa sin el humo de nogal o la salsa de barbacoa a base de salsa de tomate. Servido con condimentos y salsas en tortillas de maíz y, a veces, en un panecillo de torta.
  • Sopa de Tortilla: sopa de chips de tortilla generalmente de caldo de pollo, simple o con un toque de sabor a tomate, y generalmente suave y nada picante. Comúnmente se sirve con aguacate cortado en cubitos y queso blanco fresco desmenuzado en la parte superior.
  • Chilaquiles: chips de tortilla con un tomatillo verde, tomate rojo o salsa de chile suave, generalmente servidos con pollo o huevos en la parte superior o interior. Por lo general, un plato suave.
  • Migas: es un plato típico en el centro del país que es un caldo de chile guajillo con pan remojado, al que puede agregar los huesos de cerdo con carne o huevos.

Puedes medir la calidad de la comida por popularidad; No coma en lugares solitarios, incluso si son restaurantes u hoteles. Considere que los mexicanos comen su comida principal a media tarde (alrededor de las 3 en punto), con desayuno o "almuerzo", un asunto de media mañana después de algo muy ligero, como un plato pequeño de fruta o un panecillo con café. , muy temprano en la mañana. Aunque, muchos mexicanos tienen grandes desayunos en la mañana. Más tarde, por la noche, la comida varía desde muy ligera, como los panecillos dulces o pan, café o chocolate caliente, hasta la cena abundante, como pozole, tacos y tamales. Programe sus comidas en consecuencia y obtendrá una mejor perspectiva sobre el nivel de ocupación (popular) de un restaurante.

Drink and go out

El agua del grifo es potable pero no es recomendable beberla. Los hoteles suelen dar a los huéspedes, una botella de agua potable por habitación y, también está disponible en supermercados y en las atracciones turísticas. Algunas personas exageradas incluso afirman que el agua del grifo no es buena para cepillarse los dientes. Los hoteles generalmente les dan a los huéspedes una botella (grande) de agua potable por habitación por noche. El agua embotellada también está disponible en supermercados y en atracciones turísticas.

  • El ajenjo es legal en México.
  • Tequila, destilado de Agave (un tipo específico de cactus)
  • Pulque, fermento hecho de Maguey
  • Mezcal, similar al tequila pero destilado de Maguey
  • Tepache, hecho de piña
  • Tuba, hecha de palmera de coco

También hay varias cervezas mexicanas, la mayoría de las cuales están disponibles fuera de México, entre ellas Corona (popular, pero no necesariamente tan abrumadoramente popular en México como piensan muchos extranjeros), Dos Equis (XX) y Modelo Especial.

Las cervezas mexicanas más ligeras a menudo se sirven con limón y sal, aunque muchos mexicanos no beben cerveza de esta manera. En algunos lugares encontrará cerveza servida como una bebida preparada llamada "Michelada" o simplemente "Chelada". La fórmula varía según el lugar, pero generalmente es cerveza mezclada con jugo de lima y varias salsas y especias en hielo servidas en un vaso con borde de sal. Otra variación llamada "Cubana" incluye cóctel Clamato, salsa de soja, sal y un poco de salsa picante.

El noroeste de México, incluidas Baja California y Sonora, también produce vinos, y el vino mexicano a menudo es bastante bueno, pero la mayoría de los mexicanos tienden a preferir las importaciones europeas o chilenas.

Bebidas no alcohólicas:

  • Chocolate
  • Atole
  • Horchata (bebida a base de arroz)
  • Agua de Jamaica (té helado de hibisco, similar al karkadai en Egipto)
  • Licuados de fruta (batidos de frutas y batidos)
  • Champurrado (bebida espesa de chocolate)
  • Refrescos (refrescos comunes, generalmente dulces y hechos con azúcar de caña, no jarabe de maíz como en los Estados Unidos).

La edad legal para beber en México es de 18 años, pero no se aplica estrictamente. En muchos lugares, el consumo de alcohol en público ("contenedor abierto") es ilegal y generalmente se castiga con un día en la cárcel. Tenga en cuenta las camareras y los camareros, especialmente en los clubes nocturnos. Si no conoce su consumo y cuánto ha gastado, pueden agregar algunas bebidas más a su cuenta. Algunos hacen esto, no todos.

Los alcoholímetros son ampliamente utilizados en las carreteras de conducción. Si bebe, siempre tenga un conductor designado. Conducir bajo la influencia de una bebida alcohólica resultará en 1 a 3 días en la cárcel.

México, especialmente el estado sureño de Chiapas, produce un excelente café. El café con leche, generalmente una parte de café por una parte de leche al vapor, es muy popular. Desafortunadamente, muchos lugares en México que no son cafés sirven Nescafé u otro café instantáneo; puede que tenga que buscar el buen café, pero está ahí.


Hay varias cadenas hoteleras disponibles en todo México, incluyendo Palace Resorts, Le Blanc Spa Resort, Best Western, Holiday Inn, CityExpress, Fiesta Inn, Fairmont, Hilton, Ritz, Camino Real, Starwood (Sheraton, W, Westin, Four Points) y muchos otros. Las tarifas han aumentado considerablemente, aunque la mayoría siguen siendo razonables en comparación con hoteles similares de EE. UU. O Europa. Los alojamientos en cadena suelen ser limpios y cómodos, buenos para viajeros de negocios, pero no necesariamente para aquellos que desean experimentar el propio México. Los hoteles y moteles más pequeños a lo largo de la carretera pueden no ser seguros o cómodos. Se encuentran hoteles boutique en todo el país; el rango de precios varía, pero todos ellos son ricos en tradiciones mexicanas, elegancia y encanto, la manera perfecta de experimentar el patrimonio cultural de cada estado. Una gran fuente de información es el libro Mexicasa de Melba Levick, que se encuentra en muchas bibliotecas y librerías en línea. También hay muchos resorts con todo incluido para aquellos que visitan los principales destinos de playa.

Hay una gran cultura de mochileros en México, y hay muchos albergues que ofrecen alojamiento en dormitorios y habitaciones privadas. Puede esperar pagar M $ 50-150 por una noche en un dormitorio, a menudo incluido el desayuno. Los albergues son un lugar fantástico para compartir información con otros viajeros, y a menudo puedes encontrar personas que han estado en tus futuros destinos. Hay varios sitios de Internet que le permiten reservar albergues por adelantado por una pequeña tarifa, y esto se está convirtiendo en una práctica cada vez más común.

El alojamiento más auténtico generalmente se puede encontrar preguntando a los lugareños o gringos, especialmente en las ciudades más pequeñas. Si no está seguro acerca de la seguridad o las condiciones de la habitación, solicite verla antes de pagar. Esto no se considerará grosero.

Si va a estar en áreas más frías en el invierno, considere traer una manta eléctrica, un saco de dormir o ropa extra, ya que hay electricidad, pero no hay calor en los hoteles más baratos. And although it can be quite hot in the afternoon outside, adobe and concrete are like refrigerators. An electric kettle is also a good idea, as hot water may not be available when you want it.

If you are traveling with children, use a plastic box (with wheels and a handle) as luggage, and it can be used as a bathtub for the children if necessary. Budget hotels rarely, if ever, have bathtubs.


Mexico It is a nation that has various institutions that are responsible for the security of the country, such as the Federal Police, State Police, Municipal Police, Preventive Police, among others, despite this, it is in 142nd place in the security ranking .

The national emergency number is 911 .

In most cities, location is very important as security changes from place to place. The areas near the center ( center ) are safer for walking at night, especially in the "Plaza", "Zócalo" or "Jardín" (main square) and nearby areas. Stay in populated areas, avoid poor neighborhoods, especially at night, and do not walk there at any time if you are alone. Solo travelers have reported vicious beatings at the resorts, so be on the lookout for any suspicious individuals. If you want to visit one of the slums, you should only go as part of a guided tour with a trusted guide or tour company.

Violence related to drug cartels is a problem; see drug trafficking issues below.

Political violence in Chiapas and Oaxaca has decreased, and is much less threatening than drug-related crime. However, Mexican authorities do not look with approval at foreigners who participate in (even peaceful) demonstrations or support groups such as the Zapatista Army of National Liberation and its leader, Subcomandante Marcos, even if their images and slogans are commonly sold in t -shirts and caps in markets.

Don't wave cash or credit cards. Use them discreetly and put them away as quickly as possible.

If you ever find yourself in trouble with the law in Mexico, the punishments are much harsher than in many other countries.

Beggars are not usually a threat, but you will find a lot in urban areas. Avoid being around them, as some may steal your property. Giving away two pesos quickly can get you out of such trouble (but it can also attract other beggars). Most poor and homeless Mexicans would rather sell trinkets, gum, sing, or provide a meager service than beg outright.

In other cities, such as Guadalajara and Mexico City, they are safer than most places in Mexico. However, caution is advised.

Drug trafficking problems

States with the most conflicts, marked in red (2010) Please understand that the country is going through a period of transition. Former President Felipe Calderón waged war on the drug cartels, and they in turn waged war against the government (and more often, each other).

Some northern and border Mexican cities such as Tijuana, Nogales, Nuevo Laredo, Chihuahua, Culiacán, Durango and Juárez can be dangerous if you are not familiar with them, especially at night. Most of the crimes in northern cities are related to drug trafficking and / or police corruption. However, with law enforcement figures so overwhelmed or involved in the drug business, many northern border cities that were once somewhat dangerous to start with are now a hotbed for criminals to act with impunity. Ciudad Juárez, in particular, bears the brunt of this violence, with nearly a quarter of Mexico's overall murders, and traveling there requires special attention.

Away from the northern states, cartel-related violence is focused on specific areas, including the Pacific coast states of Michoacán and Guerrero. However, use caution in any major city, especially at night or in high crime areas.

For the most part, tourists and travelers are of no interest to the drug cartels. Many popular tourist destinations such as Oaxaca, Guanajuato, Los Cabos, Mexico City, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, Merida, and Guadalajara are largely unaffected by this, simply because there are no borders there. Ciudad Juárez is a major battlefield in the war on drugs, and while foreign travelers are rarely targeted here, the presence of two cartels at war, many small opportunistic gangs, and armed police and soldiers has created a chaotic situation. , to say the least.

Although rarely surprising, the new victim of drug violence is Monterrey. The city was at one point crowned the safest city in Latin America, and the hard work environment and entrepreneurial spirit was what defined the city for most Mexicans. Today, it has been the last city to fall into the hands of drug gangs, and there are deadly shootings even in broad daylight. People have been kidnapped from very high-profile hotels, and while the city still doesn't reflect Ciudad Juárez, it's not far behind.

Interestingly, Mexico City is the safest city on this issue, and people go there to seek refuge from border violence because many politicians and military personnel are there.

Drug use is not recommended while in Mexico because, although possession of small amounts of all major narcotics has been decriminalized, using in public areas will fine you and likely get you in trouble with the police. The military also sets up random checkpoints on all major highways in search of narcotics and weapons. Drug use is also frowned upon by a large percentage of the population.

Tips for the beach

Bites jellyfish : vinegar or mustard on the skin, take some to the beach with you.

Stingray bites: water as hot as you can take; the heat deactivates the poison.

Sunburn - Bring sunscreen if you go to the beaches because you may not find it available in some areas.

Riptides: very dangerous, especially during and after storms

Public transport

When in major cities, especially in Mexico City, it is best to play safe with taxis. The best options are to call a taxi company, request that your hotel or restaurant call a taxi for you, or take a taxi from an established stand ("Taxi de Sitio"). Taxis can also stop in the middle of the street, which is fine for most of the country, but particularly unsafe in Mexico City.

As chaotic as it can be at times, the Metro is the best way to get around Mexico City: it's cheap (M $ 5 for a ticket as of May 21, 2014), sure, it has a great network that covers almost any place you want to go to the city and it is extremely fast, compared to any transport on the street, since you do not have to endure constant traffic jams. If you've never been in a crowded subway, avoid rush hours (usually 6-9 and 5-8PM) and do your homework: check first which line ( Line ) and station ( station ) you want to go and the address of the place you are trying to get to. Your hotel can provide you with this information, and maps of the metro system are available online and at stations. Most stations also have maps of the surroundings.

Avoid taking the subway late at night, but during the day many stations are patrolled by police officers and the subway is safer than taking the public bus, your main concern in the subway is pickpockets; so keep your important belongings and wallets in a safe place.

A word of caution for people who are used to 24-hour European or American metro systems: even in Mexico City, the last metro leaves around midnight and service only resumes early in the morning. Taxis are priced accordingly, and you must keep your wits about when moving during that time.

If you are riding the bus, do not put your valuables in your large bag in the bus storage room. If the police or the military check the luggage, they can take out what they need. Especially on night buses when the passengers are probably asleep. Wearing a money belt (worn under clothing and out of sight) is highly recommended.


  • All distances on signs and speed limits are in kilometers.
  • Gas is also sold by the liter, do not per gallon, and it's a bit cheaper than in the US. (remember: 1 US gallon = 3.8 liters) Downtown Mexico City

If you are driving from the USA In the US, always purchase Mexican liability insurance (legal defense coverage recommended) before crossing the border or immediately after crossing. When you pay for your temporary import permit (to go beyond the border areas), there are often multiple stalls in the same building that sell Mexican auto insurance. Even if your U.S. (or Canadian, etc.) insurance covers your vehicle in Mexico, it doesn't may(under Mexican law) cover liability (i.e. hitting something or hurting someone). You will probably spend time in a Mexican jail if you have an accident without it. And even if your own insurance provides (in theory) liability coverage in Mexico, you will still file your claim from jail! Take no chances, get Mexican auto insurance.

Never drive over the speed limit or run stop signs / red lights as the Mexican police will use any excuse to stop tourists and give you a ticket. In some cities, the police cannot give you a ticket, but they can warn you. The fine for speeding could be up to US $ 100 (M $ 1870), depending on the city.

As of April 2011, police across the country are cracking down on drunk driving, particularly in Mexico City, larger cities, and beach resorts. There are random checkpoints across the country where every driver has to stop and take an automatic drunken test. If you fail, you will end up in a Mexican prison. If you wouldn't drive home drunk, don't drive in Mexico.

You'll mostly find beggars and windshield washers on some red lights; Having your windows closed at all times is especially recommended in some areas of Mexico City. Windshield wipers will try to clean yours - a strong, firm "no" is suggested.

Natural disasters

Natural disasters in Mexico include hurricanes and earthquakes.


Every year, a few American tourists bump into Mexico's strict gun laws. Bringing guns into Mexico is illegal in most circumstances., and this includes weapons for personal protection in private vessels. Mexican authorities can and do seek ships that dock in Mexican ports or enter Mexican territorial waters, and if they find weapons, the ship's owner may find himself in serious trouble. Concealed transport permits issued in the US are not valid in Mexico - if you try to cross the border with a concealed firearm, even inadvertently, you will surely end up in a Mexican jail. Permits can be issued, in advance, for foreigners to bring certain types of weapons into the country for what the law considers fair use, such as hunting (usually on an organized hunting trip) or participating in shooting sports. If you are considering bringing a weapon to Mexico, be sure to carefully research the current legal requirements for permits and documentation, and for the transportation and storage of the weapon while you are in Mexico. Even if you obtain the necessary permit for a firearm, there are strict laws regarding ammunition.


Some parts of Mexico are known for travelers' diarrhea, often called "La venganza de Montezuma" (Moctezuma's Revenge). The reason for this is not so much the spicy food but the contamination of the water supply in some of the poorest areas of Mexico. In most small towns that are less industrialized, only the poorest Mexicans will drink tap water. The best policy is to drink only bottled or purified water, both of which are readily available. Be sure to specify bottled water in restaurants and avoid ice (which is often not made from purified water). As in the United States, in most major Mexican cities, the water is purified at the cities water company. In most restaurants in these poor areas, the only water served comes from large jugs of purified water. If you get sick, visit your local clinic as soon as possible. Medications are available that will counteract the bacteria.

Medicine in urban areas is highly developed, public hospitals are as good as public hospitals in the US, and just like American public hospitals, they are always full. It is recommended to go to private hospitals for faster service.

Before traveling to rural Mexico, it may be a good idea to obtain antimalarial drugs from your healthcare provider.

It is strongly recommended that the traveler ensure that the meats they consume have been thoroughly cooked due to the increasing rate of roundworm infections, particularly in the Acapulco area.

Along with the risk of malaria, mosquitoes are also known to carry the West Nile virus. Make sure to bring an effective insect repellent, preferably one that contains the ingredient DEET.

The rate of infection by AIDS / HIV in Mexico it is lower than in the United States, France and most Latin American nations. However, if you plan to have sex, be sure to use a latex condom to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading the virus.

As in any western location, cases of pulmonary syndromehantavirus in all of Mexico. This is an acute, rare (but often fatal) disease for which there is no known cure. The virus is believed to be present in the feces of animals, particularly the feces of members of the rodent family. Therefore, do not wander into animal dens and take extra care when entering enclosed spaces that are not well ventilated and lack sunlight.

Vaccination against hepatitis A and B and the typhoid fever.

If you are bitten by an animal, assume the animal was carrying rabies and seek immediate medical attention for treatment.

In remote areas, carry a first aid kit, aspirin and other related items are sold without a prescription.


Mexicans have a somewhat relaxed sense of time, so be patient. Arriving half an hour late is common.

When someone, even a total stranger, sneezes, you always say "cheers!" ("Blessed!" Or more literally, "your health!"): Otherwise, it is considered rude. In rural areas, particularly in the Mexican heartland (Jalisco, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, etc.), the even more pious "Jesus bless you" (may Jesus bless you) will follow a sneeze.

The vast majority of the population is and has been traditionally Roman Catholic, and there is still a strong following of this faith among Mexicans of all socioeconomic backgrounds. However, missionary activity in the US has given rise to a sizeable Protestant community, and even the smallest cities appear to have an evangelical or Pentecostal church. One of the largest communities of Jehovah's Witnesses in the world also resides in Mexico. Smaller communities, such as Mormons and Jews, also live in small concentrated areas throughout the republic. The irreligious are a small minority compared even to northern Mexico and some of its southern neighbors and are found primarily among college-educated middle- and upper-middle-class urban dwellers. Saying that you don't believe in God can simply be ignored, or it could prompt lengthy discussions or even attempts to proselytize, depending on who you meet.

In many respects, Mexico remains a developing country, and attitudes towards LGBT travelers can sometimes be hostile. However, Mexico City and the State of Coahuila legalized same-sex marriage and the supreme court ruled that these marriages must be recognized by all states in the rest of the republic, thus tacitly legalizing marriage between people of the same sex throughout the country (as long as the wedding takes place in Mexico City). Just as it is not fully accepted in rural areas of the United States or in rural areas of CanadaIt is also not accepted in rural areas of Mexico. But within the cities, there is a much more relaxed atmosphere. The south of the Mexico City it is the best place in terms of tolerance.

When entering churches, always remove sunglasses, caps, or hats. Wearing shorts is rarely a problem, but still wear a waist-length sweatshirt or sweater to avoid showing too much skin, which could be disrespectful in those places. However, far from the beaches or northern areas, Mexicans rarely wear shorts on the street and thus will attract more attention and make you stand out as a foreigner.

Respect the laws of Mexico. Some foreigners feel that Mexico is a place where laws can be violated and the police bribe at all times. Corruption may be common among Mexican police and public figures, but since it is a problem that Mexican society has recognized and has worked to address, when foreign citizens behave in a way that shows the expectation of this easy bribery , is considered extremely disrespectful, so it could be used as an excuse for the police to give you "a lesson in respect". Remember, offering an official a bribe could get him into trouble.

Like in other countries; Politics, economics, and history are very sensitive issues, but in Mexico they are also considered good conversation pieces when conversing with foreigners. As in Europe, Canada Y United States, Mexico's democracy is vibrant and diverse, and people have a variety of opinions. However, since Mexico recently became a truly viable democracy, there is an eagerness on the part of Mexicans to share their opinions and political ideas with you. Common sense applies as it does in your country: If you don't know enough about Mexico's political landscape, ask as many questions as you like, but avoid making firm statements.

Many US citizens (and to a lesser extent other foreigners) make careless mistakes in conversations with Mexicans. Mexicans, while strong and resilient people can be very sensitive people when it comes to their country. Avoid saying something that makes it seem like you think Mexico is inferior to your home country. Do not assume that because you are a US citizen, you are an immediate target for kidnapping, since the vast majority of victims are Mexican. Don't be too cautious, especially if you have hosts who look after you and know where to go and where not to go. You will simply insult your host and they will assume that you do not respect Mexico or that you do not trust him.

Avoid talking about the defects of Mexico. Avoid talking about illegal immigration to the United States, drug trafficking, or any other contentious topic; Mexicans are very aware of the problems in their country and want to forget about them from time to time. Instead, talk about the good things about Mexico: the food, the friendly people, the scenery. This will make you a very good friend in a country that may seem threatening to you alone.

While overt racism may not be apparent, as a general rule, wealth and social status are historically linked to European ancestry and skin color. Mexican society is sharply divided by social class, with the rich, the middle class, and the poor often living very separate lives, and they can have very different cultures. The social practices or tastes of a social group may not be shared by all classes. Clubs, bars, and restaurants can largely cater to one crowd or another, and a wealthier person or tourist may feel out of place or receive unwanted attention in a working-class canteen; a poor-looking person may be openly denied service or unfriendly stares at an upscale establishment.

There are many words in the country according to ethnic origin:

Don't be offended by being called "güero (a)" (blond) and its diminutive form "güerito (a)" (blond), as it is a common way for the average Mexican citizen to refer primarily to Caucasian people, including the white Mexicans The words "gringo" and its synonym "gabacho" are used regardless of the actual nationality of the tourists and should not be taken as offensive names. Actually, they are often used as terms of endearment.

If you are from East Asia, it will be called "Chino (a)" (Chinese) and its diminutive form "chinito (a)", regardless of whether it is Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, and so on. The exceptions are in the capital, Mexicali and Monterrey, where there is a decent-sized Korean community.

If you are black, "Negro" or "Negro" may sound harsh, especially if you are from the United States, but it is not a bad word. Although there are few black people in Mexico in many regions of the country (except on the east and west coasts in the south), Mexicans, especially the younger generations, are not obnoxious. In fact, one revolutionary who later became the second president was a man of mixed European and African descent, Vicente Guerrero.

Historically, all Eastern Orientals were called "Turks" (even if they were from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, etc.)

If you try to use your Spanish to address people, be careful with the use of "tú" (informal, friendly and called tutear; which is a verb, to call someone "tú") and forms "tú" (formal, respectful) . Using "you" can be demeaning to people, as this is the form typically used to address children or close friends. For foreigners, the best way to deal with the "you" and "you" problem is to address the people who use "you" until they are invited to say "you", or until they are addressed by first name. Doing so will seem a bit dated but always respectful, while doing the opposite can be quite rude and embarrassing in some situations. Always use the "you" form for a law enforcement officer (or other person in authority), even if you can use the "you"

Use "you" unless the person is genuinely your friend, the person is under the age of 16, or the person explicitly tells you to use "you."

People address each other based on their social status, age, and friendship. To refer to a woman, always call her "miss" (Miss) unless you are sure she is married, then call her "ma'am." When talking to an older man, use "sir" regardless of marital status. If you want to call a waiter, address him as "young", which means "young man." You can call someone by their professional title ("engineer", "architect", "doctor", "officer", etc.). In reality, Mexicans will use "you" and "you", "first name" or "last name" depending on their relationship, and the code is not easy to learn.

While the word "güey" is equivalent to "friend" or "partner" among young people, it is still considered extremely vulgar among people older than you. This abrasive term of endearment is used only among people who have reached a certain level of trust, so avoid using it.

In Mexico "stupid" means much, much worse than "stupid" in English.

Due to the highly matriarchal nature of Mexican culture, the combination of the words "your mother" is cacophonous and is taken offensively by residents, regardless of age or gender. If you must use it, remember to replace it with "your lady mother" in formal situations or the sweetest "your mom" in informal situations. Never use strong language when talking to a woman.

This may refer to machismo, which is falling out of favor, but is still noticeable and tolerated in small towns or cities that receive considerable numbers of rural migrants. It can be defined as the strong desire and ability of a man to dominate and impose the will, to a wife, sister or any close woman. It can also be identified by a strong desire to demonstrate courage through flashy bravado and status through following up on yesmen and henchmen. While it is generally not aimed at visitors, it can have a variety of strengths. Better to pretend you don't notice it and move on.

Another type of machismo, which perhaps stems from the same desires but has none of the antisocial connotations, is male courtesy towards women. This is manifested by standing up when a lady enters a room, opens or holds a door, grants preference or rights of way, yields a seat, offers a hand when descending a steep step, etc. It is generally reserved for older women, or women of great power, merit, and social stature. Refusing these types of friendly gestures is considered arrogant or rude.

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