North of mexico - Norte de México

The North is a region of Mexico.


The Northern Region of Mexico in Naranja:      


  • Monterrey It is the third largest city, capital of the state of New Lion, as well as the head of the urban area that bears his name: Monterrey Metropolitan Area.
  • Chihuahua It is the capital of the state of Chihuahua and located in the north of the country. It is the second largest and most populous city in the state and one of the largest in Mexico.
  • Juarez City, located in the north of the country, in the state of Chihuahua, on the banks of the Rio Grande. On the other side of the river, in North American territory, is the city of Step, Texas. The largest city in Chihuahua and the seventh largest metropolitan area in Mexico.
  • Obregon City
  • Hermosillo
  • Saltillo State capital of Coahuila
  • Tampico
  • Keep

Other destinations


It is essential to understand that in northern Mexico most ecosystems are arid or semi-arid, which is why temperatures fluctuate too much in this area.

To get


Northern Mexico has the best highway system in the country. Additionally, the area's sparse population means that heavy traffic congestion is rarely a problem (outside of the Monterrey area). As a result, taking the bus or finding a couple of friends to carpool with are probably the best option for getting around. If you are short on time there are many regional flights between the larger cities. If you have a lot of time to buy a horse or bike you really allow one to slow down and absorb the region's unique landscape, culture and lifestyle; It could be the travel experience of a lifetime.


As in the rest of the country, Spanish is the predominant language among the population. the dialect spoken in the region is distinguished from the rest of the country, with its strong intonation and contraction of words. Due to its proximity to the United States, it receives a great influence from English. For example, the English words like troca (truck), lonche (lunch) and bai (bye) are in common use.

Northern Mexico has the lowest concentration of indigenous communities of all regions of the country. There is not a single indigenous language that exceeds 100,000 speakers. Some of the most important indigenous languages ​​include Tarahumara, Mayo, Huichol, and Paipai. Please note that it is not essential to learn any of these languages ​​unless you are going in a very remote area or want to be immersed in the local culture. The vast majority of indigenous peoples are bilingual and speak Spanish as well.

To buy

To eat

  • Chicken or beef fajitas
  • Coyotas
  • Flour Tortillas The most popular tortilla in northern Mexico. Unlike corn tortillas, a traditional flour tortilla is at least twice the size of a corn tortilla.
  • Machaca with egg
  • Quesadillas.
  • Burritos
  • Chimichanga a fried burrito usually filled with shredded chicken and topped with lettuce, sour cream, and hot sauce.
  • nachos
  • Kid
  • Beef barbecue
  • Red chili roast
  • Jewish charro - cowboy-style beans with bacon and chili peppers.
  • Pot enchiladas
  • Northern Menudo
  • Quince casserole
  • Santa Rita Empanadas

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