Puebla de Zaragoza - Puebla de Zaragoza

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Puebla is the capital of the state Puebla in Mexico.

Map of Puebla de Zaragoza



The city was founded in 1531 as Puebla de los Angeles in a valley on the Rio Atoyac in central Mexico at an altitude of 2160 meters. Even today it is popularly known as Angelópolis due to its size and old name. It is surrounded by the Sierra Nevada mountains with the Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl volcanoes to the west. In the north lies the inactive volcano La Malinche and in the east the Pico de Orizaba or Citlatépetl, Mexico's highest mountain at 5,747 m. The official name of the city is now Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza. In the immediate vicinity, a French army was defeated by General Zaragoza on May 5, 1862, making May 5 a holiday and the city was given an illustrious name.

The pre-Columbian history of Puebla is anchored approx. 15 km from the city center in Cholula (see also sights). Because here grew from 200 BC. One of the Central American centers approached. Archaeological results suggest a close connection with Teotihuacan shut down. But unlike this city, this city could look back on constant growth under changing cultures until the arrival of Hermán Cortés. Hermán Cortés raved about this city and described it as consisting of 20,000 houses with countless temples. However, this did not prevent him from committing a massacre of the residents who sympathized with the Atzkeken and from executing 5,000 civilians.

According to legend, appeared to the bishop of Tlaxcala in the dream an angel and instructed him to build the city of angels here. But it was more likely that the city was founded in 1531 under Charles V, so that the Spaniards the trade route between Mexico City and Veracruz could monitor better. This is how a well-planned city was created from the drawing board in colonial style.

The city quickly gained in importance and the first university was opened here as early as 1537. Many monasteries and churches in double digits each followed over the next hundred years. The great importance of this city was not always an advantage. Although the French army was defeated by General Zaragoza on May 5, 1862, they returned successfully in 1863 and could not be finally expelled from Puebla until 1867.

Today Puebla is also known as an industrial city, in which there is a VW car factory that produced the legendary Beetle until 2003, also called "Vocho" here. Successor models such as the Jetta, Bora and the New Beatle are produced here today.

In addition, downtown Puebla was named a World Heritage Site in 1987.

getting there


By plane

The Aeropuerto Hermanos Serdán Airport is served by several national airlines. This is located 20 km west of the city center.

There are connections with Houston, Tijuana, Hermosillo, Monterrey, Guadalajara and Cancun.

By train

The station is in the north of the city (Estacion de Ferrocarriles, 80 Poniente - 9 Norte / Tel .: 420426) and is used exclusively for freight traffic.

By bus

The 1 Bus station (CAPU) is also in the north of the city (31 Norte / Carmen Sedan). There is a connection from the ADO line to Mexico City every 30 minutes and connect to Veracruz every 60 minutes.

There is also a direct bus service to Mexico City Airport. Both terminals are served at the airport. Some buses go from / to CAPU, others from / to the more centrally located bus station of Estrella Rocha "4 Poniente".

In the street

With the car you follow from Mexico City coming to the south-east running 150 in the direction Veracruz or Orizaba. The journey time is approx. 2 hours on the toll motorway.


There is a bus service to the safari park on Calle 4 Norte. Otherwise it is advisable to explore the city center with its numerous beautifully decorated houses on foot.

Tourist Attractions

Overview map of Puebla de Zaragoza
Zocalo with cathedral in Puebla

The city center has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987. There are numerous colorful colonial-style buildings here, including:

  • 1 Zócalo The Plaza des Armas forms the central element of the city. Arcades line this. In the middle is the San Miguel fountain, which shows four angels spouting water.
  • 2  cathedral. This baroque style cathedral, consecrated in 1588 (construction began in 1575), is located directly on the Zócalo and is the second largest in all of Mexico. In fact, there is no church in Mexico that towers above it. However, the church was not completed until 1649 and the steeple was only added in the middle of the 18th century. The church has marble floors, onyx pillars and altars with multiple gilding. Marble statues and a remarkable choir stool complete the picture.
  • Casa de la Cultura (2). This former episcopal palace can be found directly behind the cathedral. Today it is the city's cultural center. The Biblioteca Palafonxiana located in the house is worth seeing. This library, donated by Don Juan de Palafox y Mendoza in 1646, contains around 50,000 ancient documents with additions from the 18th century. Framed by old shelves, bookcases and reading tables in a rococo ambience, it can be viewed free of charge from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Mondays.

In the other streets there are many sights that can be explored from the Zócalo. West of the Zócalo and the south of the Avila Reforma are still:

  • Bello Museum (3). In this Poblano-style museum, Talavera tiles are on display daily from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed on Mondays) without admission fee.
  • Casa de las Cigüeñas (4). The ornamented building at 5 Poniente dates back to 1687 and is unfortunately not open to the public.
  • Casa del Deán (5). This house, which dates back to 1580, is the oldest private house in the city. The dean Tomás de la Plaza lived here at the time. The frescoes, which depict scenes from the poems of Petrarch, can be visited every day except Mondays between 10:00 and 17:00. The building can be found at 7 Poniente.
  • 3  Museo Amparo, Av 2 Sur 708, Centro, 72000 Puebla, Pue. Tel.: 52 222 229 3850. Here is on Calle 2 Sur at the corner of Av. 9 Oriente to admire a private collection of pre-Columbian and colonial art in two colonial-style buildings. Among other things, there are examples of Mayan sculpture, such as a throne from the Mayan ruined city Piedras Negras.Open: daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed on Tuesdays).


4  Automobile Museum Puebla, Calle 3 Sur 1501, Centro, 72000 Puebla, Pue. Tel.: 52 222 240 7137. Open: daily 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

To the west of the Zócalo and north of the Avila Reforma are still:

Capilla del Rosario
  • Church of Santo Domingo (7). This church, located on Calle 5 de Mayo, is known for the Capilla del Rosario. In this chapel there are numerous mosaics and gilded columns around a Madonna figure with the Christ child, which stands under a dome and is adorned with pearls and jewels. It was built in 1569 and inaugurated in 1611. The Capilla del Rosario was completed and inaugurated around 80 years later.
  • Victoria Market (8). This market hall is known for its sophisticated architecture. The glass roof dome is particularly worth seeing.
  • Casa de las Artesanías (9). The monastery, closed in 1857, now houses an art market, among other things. The highlight, however, is undoubtedly the restored so-called "Santa Rosa Kitchen". Among other things, the so-called Poblano pier have been invented. This sacred gourmet temple can be found on Calle 3 Norte.Open: daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed on Mondays).
  • Convento Santa Mónica (10). Although this monastery was officially closed in 1857, it continued to operate clandestinely until 1934. Today the monastery houses 39 rooms in which religious art is exhibited. Access is via a secret passage in the monastery wing on Calle 5 de Mayo.Open: daily 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (closed on Mondays).

To the east of the Zócalo and north of the Maximino Avila Camacho are also:

Casa de Muñecas Puebla
San Francisco
Pyramid of Tepanapa
  • Casa de Muñecas (11). The doll's house with a facade rich in tiles and stucco can be found on Maximino Avila Camacho.
  • Casa del Alfeñique (12). The Museum of the State of Puebla is housed in this remarkable building at 6 Norte with a facade rich in tiles and stucco. In addition to original furnishings from the 18th century, numerous pre-Columbian finds are exhibited here.Open: daily from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. / closed on Mondays.Price: Admission is free.
  • University (13). Puebla is home to numerous universities. There are among others the private Universidad de las Américas UDLAP, the Catholic Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla UPAEP and the Jesuit Universidad Iberoamericana UIA. But in the center, the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in particular catches the eye, as its architecture is more reminiscent of a cathedral than a university.
  • Casa de los Hermanos Serdán (14). The regional revolution museum is located here. Many pictures, photos and original utensils are reminiscent of the period between 1910 and 1917 and of the Serdán family who lived here for a time. The building can be found at 6 Oriente.
  • Pricipal Theater (15). This theater, which was built between 1756 and 1769, was completely restored in 1962. The facade, foyer and forecourt are particularly worth seeing. It is one of the oldest theaters in America and is located on the corner of 6 Norte and 8 Oriente.
  • San Francisco (16). In this church, the remains of Sebastián de Aparicio are kept as a holy relic. According to the legend, he was personally commissioned by an angel to carry the word of God into the world. When the coffin was opened years after the burial, the body was allegedly found without any signs of decay. The Mexican baroque facade is also worth seeing.
  • Centro Civoco 5 de Mayo (17). This park was the setting for the battle of Puebla against the French army on May 5, 1862. The fortresses Fuerte de Loreto and Fuerte de Guadalupe still remind of this today. The former has been converted into a museum in which, among other things, the course of the battle is documented.Open: daily 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (closed on Mondays).

But there are also other sights in the vicinity:

  • Parque Nacional La Malinche. This volcano, located on the border with Tlaxcala, is named after Hermán Cortés' lover. You can climb this 4,400 meter high volcano from the national park of the same name. Above all, this promises excellent views of the over 5000 high peaks of the Iztaccíhuatl, Popocatépetl and Pico de Orizaba (the ascent to the latter begins in Orizaba). Often the ascent to this peak is used by mountaineers as an acclimatization phase before climbing to the other peaks. The ascent begins at an altitude of 3300 meters and can usually be done in 5 hours. Via 136 you can reach the base camp, where you can find accommodation, a supermarket and a restaurant.
  • Africam Safari. This park, founded in 1972, is located directly on Lake Valsequillo and is home to 3000 African animals of 250 different species. It can be reached either via the delivery service (see Mobility) or via the Boulevard Carlos Camacho Espiritu in a south-east direction. So if you've flown to Mexico to see African animals, you've come to the right place.Open: daily 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Pyramid of Tepanapa. In Cholula, 15 km away, which has meanwhile been more or less incorporated through the expansion of Puebla, the remnants of the pre-Columbian past can be found. In addition to a museum and uncovered remains of smaller temples, the so-called pyramid of Tepanapa can be found here. Most of the pyramid is covered with sand and grass. From a distance, the Church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, which was built on the pyramid in 1550, is more likely to be seen. But if you include the suspected underground structure, it is the tallest pyramid in America (only the pyramids in Gīza are higher) and with an edge length of 450 meters, even the largest in volume in the world. One side has been exposed and various tunnels lead into the pyramid. Part of it can be viewed.
  • Zócalo of Cholula. Central square of Cholula. The longest row of arcades in the world can be found here. Many cafes and shops can be found here. The Hotel Quetzalcóatl (see accommodation), the Church of San Pedro and the Convento San Gabriel, which was built in 1552, are also located here. High walls protect the inner graves, crypts and the Capilla Real. This has 49 domes and has numerous columns and arches inside. You can go up to the roof and from here you have a beautiful view of Cholula.
  • Santa Maria de Tonantzintla. About 3 km to the west is this baroque style church, built in 1753. It is downright overloaded with figures of saints, angels and stucco ceilings. As this church was mainly built by Indian artists, there are Indian facial features on many of the holy figures. The central altar is decorated with a representation of Mother Mary and the apostles.Open: daily from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • San Francisco Acatepec. This church, artistically decorated inside, similar to the Santa Maria de Tonantzintla, is located a little south of Cholula. But in addition to an impressive baroque interior decoration, this church is also extremely worth seeing from the outside. The two unequal church towers are particularly impressive, with the dome of the higher one standing on four double twisted columns and decorated with numerous ornaments.Open: daily from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


  • Discover - Especially friends of the ecclesiastical baroque do not miss out. There are numerous monasteries and churches here, all of which are convincing. But friends of pre-Columbian culture will also find an absolute highlight in Cholula. But in the end, the colonial-style inner city is not without reason UNESCO World Heritage Site and worth a trip in and of itself.
  • hike - The national park around La Malinche is ideal for hiking and mountaineering and promises fantastic mountain impressions
  • Wildlife observation - With its location on Lake Valsequillo, the Africam Safari Park is definitely one of the highlights in Puebla.
  • eat - Many dishes in Mexican cuisine come from Puebla. Here you can try them first hand and visit one of the sacred springs of Mexican cuisine with the Casa de las Artesanías.
  • Rafting, climbing & mountin bike - The provider "ECO TOURS PUEBLA" has a wide range on offer
  • Lucha Libre
    • Every Monday at 21:00 (until around 23:00) there is a show in the "Arena Puebla" (Avenida 13 Oriente and Calle 4 Sur). Unique ambience. Tickets are available either at the box office (then be there at least 90 - 60 minutes before the start) or in advance sales in some pharmacies, e.g. Farmacias del Ahorro (2 Oriente # 15). There are also black marketeers who sell tickets in front of the entrance for an extra charge. If you intend to do that, you should be able to speak Spanish well to bargain down the dealers. Otherwise you will be ripped off.
    • Every Sunday at 6:30 p.m. (until about 10 p.m.) there is a show in the "Arena Coliseo San Ramón" (Calle 11 Sur between the streets "Magnolias" and "Azaleas" near the metro bus station "Azaleas"). Tickets are available at the box office. The arena is not very big and not all "fighters" belong to the top category.


Puebla offers many opportunities to get local specialties of all kinds. The main locations are listed here:

  • Parian market. On the corner of the 2nd Oriente and the 6th Norte, near the Casa del Alfeñique, there is an art market that is open daily between 10:00 and 19:00 and mainly offers folkloric handicrafts.
  • Barrio del Artista. On the corner of the 6th Oriente and 6th Norte, near the Casa del Alfeñique, there is a permanent exhibition of local artists that is open daily between 10:00 and 17:00.
  • Zócalo of Cholula. The longest row of arcades in Mexico offers good shopping opportunities.
  • Casa Aguilar, 40. Poniente 106. Tel.: 52 2463614. Talavara tiles are produced in this factory. There is also a factory outlet here.
  • Casa Uriarte, 4. Poniente 911. Tel.: 52 2421598. Talavara tiles are produced in this factory. There is also a factory outlet here.
  • Casa Rugireo, 18. Poniente 111. Tel.: 52 2413843. Talavara tiles are produced in this factory. There is also a factory outlet here.


Chicken with Mole Poblano

Puebla is known and named for the so-called Poblano pier, a chocolate sauce with various chilies. Furthermore, a certain culinary mixed culture between traditional Mexican cuisine and the cuisine of some immigrant groups has grown locally here in the last few centuries. Some new dishes appeared here that can only be found here, e.g .:

  • Cemitas - A kind of sandwich, which is probably due to German immigrants.
  • Arabic tacos - These tacos are due to Lebanese immigrants.

But mainly Spanish, French and Italian influences can be found in the gastronomy.

  • La Conjura, 9 Oriente 201. Tel.: 52 23299693.
    - Spanish and Mexican cuisine.
  • Fonda de Santa Clara, 3 Poniente 307 and 3 Poniente 920. Tel.: 52 2422659, 52 2461919.
    - Regional cuisine
  • El Tejado Restaurante Bar, Compostela No. 4701. Tel.: 52 2406297.
    - Regional cuisine
  • D`Armandos, Av. Juarez 2105.
  • Che Garufa, Av. Juarez 2504.

Other good restaurants can be found at the Zócalo in Cholula


During the day, numerous artists can be found in the Callejon de los Sapos (corner of Calle 6 Sur & Avenida 5 Oriente) That changes at night when the young audience visits the numerous nightclubs here.

More options:

  • Carolinas, Avenida 3 Oriente and Calle 6 Sur, Puebla, Puebla.
    - Lounge & Salsa Bar, Friday & Saturday live music
  • There is a wide range of pubs, bars and nightclubs along Avenida Juarez.






  • The Centro Lingüístico has offered Spanish language courses for foreigners in the past. Via the web page "www.spanishcourses.info" contact is possible.
  • Several universities offer exchange programs in cooperation with German universities.


Since a large German company, Volkswagen, is based here, it is not surprising that many Germans also work here. Estimates assume that at Volkswagen alone (excluding the supplier industry) there are around 200 German employees.


Puebla is one of the richest and also safest cities in Mexico. However, a little caution never hurts. In any case, you shouldn't take unlicensed taxis here either. Otherwise, the general tips for foreign travelers apply at Safe travel.


Due to the altitude, sightseeing can be quite strenuous. This can cause problems for travelers. In addition, there is a mild climate, which means that solar radiation is underestimated. There is a risk of sunburn and sunstroke. It is very important to drink a lot.

When eating, it is important to avoid salads and fruit as much as possible. If you do eat it, be sure to peel it. Washing up is not enough. As tempting as salads are, Moctezuma's revenge threatens when they are consumed! Take medication with you just in case. A good travel doctor has advice.

Practical advice

When you walk through the streets of Puebla, many streets seem like they were made for tourists. Of course, that calls for taking photos of everything and everyone. But one should not forget that the people here do not want to be photographed so much for religious reasons or for reasons. For this reason, it is always necessary to obtain consent for individual recordings and to show consideration for the believers in the churches.


As an excursion destination, of course Mexico City and surroundings with many possibilities. Those who are addicted to mountaineering should head to Orizaba do.


  • Puebla De Los Angeles: Industry and Society in a Mexican City, 1700-1850 (Dellplain Latin American Studies) by Guy P. C. Thomson published by Westview P. Verlag (1989) / ISBN 978-0813377810

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Recommended travel guideThis article is considered particularly successful by the community and was therefore voted a Recommended Travel Guide on April 25, 2009.