Hanover cliffs - Hannoversche Klippen

The Hanoverian cliffs are a series of rocky cliffs north of the Weser between Würgassen and Bad Karlshafen. Since spring 2011, the cliffs have been due to the construction of the Weser Skywalks became known nationwide at the existing vantage point and thus attract even more visitors. From the viewing platform you have an attractive landscape view of the Weser.

The Weser Skywalk
The Weser Skywalk


For the geological and historical background to the Hanover cliffs, see the relevant section Wikipedia article.

The Hanoverian cliffs are classified as a nature reserve and as FFH area classified ("quasi-European nature reserve").

getting there

By train

If you want to reach the cliffs in an environmentally friendly way by train, the next train station is actually for you Bad Karlshafen (For information see section getting there in the article on city Bad Karlshafen.) From there you can hike up a mountain path to the Weser Skywalk.

In the street

You can drive up to the one above the cliffs 1 Parking lot at the approach to the Weser Skywalk drive. If this small parking lot is occupied, the one just a little above can be used 2 Hikers' car park at the border triangle use. From both parking lots you can walk down the well-secured hiking trail after 300-500 m downhill to the lookout point.

By boat

From Herstelle you can take a small yaw cable ferry (pedestrian and bicycle transport) to Würgassen in the summer and then hike up to the Skywalk (Ferry times).

Mobility: ways to the skywalk

The 1 Weser Skywalk is only accessible on foot.

Hiking trail from Würgassen

From Würgassen, a hiking trail leads from "above" to the viewing platform (approx. 2 km easy from the ferry station). With the construction of the Skywalk, smaller adventure stations on the subject of nature, forest and wood were built along this path.

  • 1 Hiking trail from Würgassen to the Weser Skywalk
  • 3 Beginning of the forest adventure trail
  • 4 Branch from the forest adventure trail to the skywalk

Access on foot from the old town or from Bad Karlshafen train station

New hiking trail "Klippensteig" Weser <-> Dreiländereck: According to a report from the Teutoburg Forest Nature Park on April 4, 2014 [1] the new hiking trail was released.

The interesting "zigzag stairway" overcomes almost 100 meters in altitude on the steep slope and opens up the Weser Skywalk from above:

  • 5 Start of the new zigzag path "Klippensteig" to the Skywalk / Dreiländereck at the railway (railway crossing possible here with a circulation barrier)
  • {{Marker | name = end of the new zigzag path to the Skywalk / Dreiländereck | type = waypoint | lat = 51.65109 | long = 9.43603 at the road bend near the triangle (at the start of the path to the Skywalk).

So using the Weser cycle path is one 2 Circular hike on the Hanover cliffs using the Weser cycle path for the way back Circular hike on the Hanover cliffs possible. Incidentally, the road between the train and the cliffs is closed. The Weser cycle path runs nicely anyway between the banks of the Weser and the railway.

Weser Skywalk

Panorama from the Weser Skywalk

The construction

In winter 2010/201, the controversial plans in the nature reserve were implemented, a so-called one on the cliffs 2 Weser SkywalkWeser Skywalk in the Wikipedia encyclopediaWeser-Skywalk in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsWeser-Skywalk (Q1668092) in the Wikidata database to build. The project was a "free-floating viewing platform" that 5 m over the rock face. The platform cost a total of 385,000 euros. Another 125,000 euros were added for road construction. A barrier-free path to the lookout point was laid out from above (from the border triangle). Politically, the cliffs with Skywalk already belong to North Rhine-Westphalia. On May 21, 2011, the "Himmelsweg" was officially opened.

In the planning phase, opinions about the project in the region differed. In the end, the political supporters who expected the Sky Walk to strengthen tourism had prevailed. The opponents viewed the new lookout point with concern, also for nature conservation reasons, since the cliffs are under protection. Another point of criticism was the cost to the taxpayer. Since the spring of 2011, the term “Skywalk” has been attracting numerous visitors to the beautiful vantage point, which until now was wrongly off the beaten track. The “Skywalk” project to promote tourism was thus a success.

Review: Hannoversche Klippen 2010 still without Skywalk
Hanoverian cliffs on the Weser cycle path. The viewpoint can be seen above the two cyclists in the enlarged image (view from April 2010).

The view

From the vantage point about 80 m above the Weser you have a beautiful panoramic view of the river. Bad Karlshafen can be seen on the left upstream. The villages of Würgassen and Herstelle can be seen downstream. You can also watch the cyclists on the Weser cycle path. Although the platform is 4 m above the previous vantage point, the angle of view to the panorama has changed only insignificantly compared to the old view. The “skywalk effect” of the overhanging viewing platform is not least due to the topography (when the railway line was built, the cliffs were cut to a height of 6 m for safety reasons). By using steel grating in the front area of ​​the platform instead of z. B. bulletproof glass the effect was further reduced. Nevertheless, visitors who are not at all vertigo-free may have problems stepping onto the lower overhanging platform: But don't worry! Certainly nothing breaks off here.

With appropriate constructions in the Alps (e.g. 5 fingers on the Krippenstein in the Dachstein massif, AlpspiX near Garmisch-Partenkirchen or even the famous one Grand Canyon Skywalk Of course, the platform can't keep up. More information and pictures about the Grand Canyon Skywalk see also corresponding Wikipedia article). In the German low mountain ranges, however, such a construction with data status 07-2011 is so far unique.

Incidentally, the Victoria view in the Jasmund National Park on Rügen still has a historical “Mini-Sky Walk” (about 0.5 m overhang). The view down to the beach, which is 110 m below, is a lot more spectacular despite the much smaller overhang (pictures and information look here).


  • Hike to the Skywalk (see section Mobility)
  • Enjoy the view


Avoid the open platform of the skywalk if there is a risk of thunderstorms.

Practical advice

Please observe the usual rules for entering nature reserves (do not pick flowers or plants, stay on the paths, do not leave any rubbish ...) so that the next visitors will also find beautiful nature.


Individual evidence

Web links

  • www.weser-skywalk.de - Official information on the Weser Skywalk in the Höxter district. The Skywalk was realized as part of the "Exquisite Nature" project with EU funding.
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