Ventotene Island - Isola di Ventotene

Ventotene Island
Ventotene beach1.jpg
Ventotene Island - Location

Ventotene is an island ofPontian archipelago in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

To know

Geographical notes

Ventotène is an island of volcanic origins located off the coast on the border between Lazio is Campania. L'Santo Stefano island is located about 2 kilometers to the east, while thePonza island it is 40 kilometers to the northwest.


Ventotene was also known at the time of the Greeks and Romans, who used to call it Pandataria or Pandateria (Παντατήρια in Greek ancient).

It became famous because it was the place where Augustus first exiled his daughter Giulia (remains of Villa Giulia in Punta Eolo), then the emperor Tiberius exiled his niece Agrippina in 29 AD. and later the emperor Nero exiled his wife Octavia, after having repudiated her.

From the Roman period in Ventotene there are several ruins of villas and aqueducts, the ancient port and the fish ponds modeled in the volcanic tuff rocks.

During the fascist period, precisely from 1941 to 1943, numerous anti-fascists of all tendencies, as well as people considered unwelcome to the regime, were confined to the island. Among others Sandro Pertini, Luigi Longo, Umberto Terracini, Pietro Secchia, Eugenio Colorni, Altiero Spinelli, Ernesto Rossi. It was these last two anti-fascists who wrote the important document on the island in the spring of 1941 For a free and united Europe. Manifesto project became known as Ventotene Manifesto.

Territories and tourist destinations

How to get

On boat

The island of Ventotene is easily accessible from the ports of Formia, Ponza, Naples is Terracina, by ship, fast ferry or hydrofoil. The duration of the hydrofoil trip can vary between 40 and 60 minutes. The duration of the crossing by ship and ferry varies between 90 and 120 minutes. The duration of the trip is often determined by meteorological conditions. in the event of a storm, hydrofoil trips will be suspended

How to get around

What see

Events and parties

A delegation of the Italian Naval League has been present on the island of Ventotene since 1997. This site is distinguished from the others by a level of severity lower than the others, as children under the age of 12 usually enroll.

What to do


From the point of view of underwater tourism Ventotene is popular due to the beautiful diving on the west coast, inside theProtected sea area, not too crowded and accessible to all divers with a minimum of experience.

  • Punta Pascone - Easy dive with a maximum depth of only 15 meters. The black lava sand bottom is populated by weever and rhombuses. On this there is a large cave, full of nudibranchs, very suggestive for underwater photography.
  • Secca dell'Archetto - About 300 meters from the coast of the island in the open sea, a more challenging dive due to the depth of up to 50 meters, but still accessible to all. An underwater tunnel, still at a shallow depth, is full of sponges, king of mullets and sea anemones.
  • Punta dell'Arco - Up to 40 meters deep, characterized by two caves at 30 meters rich in tunicates and red damselfish.
  • Wreck of the Santa Lucia - Sunk on 24 July 1943 by an air attack and placed on the sandy bottom from 39 to 46 meters deep.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • Da Benito Restaurant (Location Pozzillo.). Definitely the best restaurant on the island.

Where stay


How to keep in touch


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