Jackson Reef - Jackson-Riff

Jackson Reef · Jackson Reef
سلسلة صخور جاكسون المرجانية
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The Jackson Reef (English: Jackson Reef, Arabic:سلسلة صخور جاكسون المرجانية‎, Silsilat Ṣuchūr Ǧāksūn al-Marǧānīya, „Coral rock chain Jackson“) Is the northernmost of four egyptian Reefs in the Strait of Tīrān at the interface between the Red sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. It's a popular one Diving area in the northwest of Sharm esch-Sheikh.


The Jackson Reef is located in the Strait of Tīrān and forms the northernmost reef of a chain of four reefs that divide the Strait of Tīrān into two waterways. The reef is almost circular and has a diameter of 700 meters. The top of the reef is about half a meter below the surface of the water. The east corner is marked by a red lighthouse.

At the northern tip are the remains of the 1 Wrecks of the Cypriot cargo ship Lara(28 ° 0 ′ 40 ″ N.34 ° 28 '23 "E). The Lara was built in 1956 by Howaldtswerke A. G., Kiel, for the Norwegian Northern Pan-American Line built. Later it was given to the Cypriot Ester Shipping Co. Ltd., Limassol sold. The ship was once 137.5 meters long and 18 meters wide, had a draft of 7.3 meters and a tonnage of 4,750 gross tons. Its maximum speed was 16 knots. Coming from Aqaba, the ship hit the reef with full force on December 4, 1981. In 1996 the ship was partially scrapped.

getting there

Divers usually travel on a day trip boat from the jetty jetty) in the south of the Naʿama Bay of Sharm esch-Sheikh.

Tourist Attractions

The Jackson Reef is popular with divers for its marine flora and fauna. Due to the strong and difficult flow conditions, these are difficult dives. The currents come from the south and split on the reef. This is overlaid by tidal currents. There are dangerous current conditions at the southwest and the east corner in the area of ​​the lighthouse.

On the south side, which is protected from waves and wind, there are three anchorages near the reef. The reef slopes down to a depth of 45 meters on this side.

The dives start in the southeast. On the one hand, there is a dive to the west towards the south-western tip. Red anemones and gorgonians can be found at a depth of 27 meters. There are fire corals in the area of ​​the southwest tip. Here you meet a strong current. A safety rope is therefore attached here between 16 and 27 meters. The return takes place in the upper part of the reef to the anchorage in the southeast of the reef.

The second option is a drift dive towards the lighthouse. There are gorgonians on a sandy plateau at a depth of almost 20 meters.

Animals that can be seen here include turtles, anemonefish, stone fish, scorpion fish, white tip reef sharks, gray reef sharks and hammerhead sharks.

Remains of the wreck of the Lara
Coral on Jackson Reef
Red sea anemones
Masked butterflyfish
Forster's mongoose
Green turtle

Occasional dives are taken on the north side of the reef in hopes of spotting hammerhead sharks.

Kitchen and accommodation

Meals are provided on the day boats. Accommodation can be found in Sharm esch-Sheikh or Dahab.


The reef visit can be compared to other reefs in the Strait of Tīrān or other local diving areas of Sharm esch-Sheikh connect.


  • Siliotti, Alberto: Sinai Diving Guide: Part 1; German edition. Verona: Geodia, 2005, ISBN 978-88-87177-66-4 . Dive site 1.

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