Sharm esch-Sheikh - Scharm esch-Scheich

Sharm esch-Sheikh ·شرم الشيخ
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The holiday resort Sharm esch-Sheikh with its port (English: Sharm el-Sheikh, French: Charm el-Cheikh, Arabic:شرم الشيخ‎, „Sheikh's Bay“, In dialect Sharm ish-Schech spoken, briefly Charm) is next to Hurghada the most important egyptian Resort and almost at the southern tip of the SinaiPeninsula in the north of the Red sea south of the Strait of Tīrān in the government South Sinai located. The resort is stretched over 20 kilometers and has many bays with sandy beaches. especially the Naʿama Bay, in recent years increasingly also the Nabq Bay, attract with their numerous leisure activities and nightlife options. Water sports are very important, especially swimming and diving.


History and meaning

Sharm esch-Sheikh is one of the most popular vacation spots in Egypt with its good opportunities for swimming and diving. In contrast to other seaside resorts on Red sea the place with its hinterland offers tourist alternatives, especially to trips to the desert and mountain regions - and this in combination with the adjoining sea. Today, Sharm esch Sheikh is usually understood to mean the entire holiday region with the Old town from charm in the south to the Nabq Bay in the North. The area was expanded further and further north. With the Nabq nature reserve there is a limit, however. In a narrower sense, Sharm esch Sheikh is just the old town on the El Maya Bay.

The place has been recorded on Spanish nautical charts since the 18th century. About 20 years ago Sharm esch-Sheikh was still a small fishing village with about 100 inhabitants. A tourist base in the area of ​​Old Sharm was set up here under Israeli occupation in 1967. The peak of construction activities was at the end of the 1990s. Today around 30,000 holidaymakers can relax in Sharm esch Sheikh. Unfortunately, due to the high number of tourists, the days of an “insider tip” are over, and the popularity of Sharm esch Sheikh is now declining in favor of other seaside resorts on the Red Sea. Nonetheless, the resort remains so popular with foreign and domestic tourists precisely because of its freedom of movement.

The Sinai was a long time The scene of armed conflicts. 1955 became the Suez Canal Occupied by the British and French after its nationalization, the occupation was only abandoned the following year after strong international pressure. The blockade of the Strait of Tiran in 1967 triggered the Six Day War with Israel, as a result of which Sinai was occupied by Israel. In 1973 the Egyptian army was able to achieve a great success: on October 6th, Egyptian troops cross the Suez Canal and break the Bar-Lev Line (Yom Kippur War). An armistice was reached and peace negotiations began, the peace treaty was signed in 1979. Three years later, apart from Taba, Israeli troops withdraw from Sinai.

In recent years Sharm esch Sheikh has been a meeting point for international delegations for Settlement of the Middle East conflict been. This and the high level of popularity among tourists was certainly also the reason for the attacks on the Ghazala Gardens Hotel and in Old Sharm on the evening of July 22, 2005. But the situation has eased again.


Sharm esch-Sheikh is located almost on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula. The village extends over 20 kilometers in a north-south direction on the coastal strip of the Gulf of Aqaba. In the south of the village is the Raʾs Muḥammad National Parkoccupying the southern tip of Sinai. The Egyptian capital Cairo is about 490 km away.

Well over 100 different types of coral and around 1200 types of fish are native to the Red Sea.[2]


The official language is modern standard Arabic. However, the Egyptians themselves only speak dialects. Due to its tourist importance, English is widely spoken. German, Italian and Russian can also be found frequently at the diving centers. Other languages ​​are spoken in the hotels depending on the regular customers.


Plan of the holiday complex

From the original old town, the modern tourist settlement has advanced up to about 20 km to the north in the area of ​​the airport.

  • To the north of Naʿama Bay to Sharm el-Sheikh Airport near Ras Nasrani and to the edge of the Nabq National Park there are several tourist bays, in English bays. These are from north to south: 1 Nabq Bay, 2 Ras Nasrani (El Montaza), 3 White Knight, 4 Shark’s Bay, 5 Tiger Bay as 6 Gardens Bay.
  • 7 Na'ama Bay, also Naama Bay, is probably the most popular area in the greater Sharm esch-Sheikh area.
  • It follows a headland between Na'ama Bay and Old Market with the 8 Tower Bay and Haiy en-Nur and 9 Hadabat Umm es-Sid, also Hadaba, the rock plateau.
  • 10 Old Sharm, also Old Market or Sharm el-Maya, about 6 km south of Na'ama Bay, is the location of the original place Sharm esch-Sheikh. With a few hotels, but all the more shops and restaurants.

getting there


Dahab100 km (east coast)
Nuweiba157 km
Taba229 km
Ras Sudr308 km (west coast)
Sue370 km
Cairo490 km

If you only want to stay on site for up to 14 days, the small and free visa, the so-called Sinai visa, is sufficient. It is noted with a stamp "Sinai only" in the passport and cannot later be converted into a nationally valid visa. The visa is only for the coastal strip of Ṭābā in the north up Old Sharm in the south including the Catherine's Monastery valid. For trips e.g. to the Raʾs Muḥammad National Park or for the onward journey into the interior of the country you need a nationally valid, so-called large visa in any case. You can get it for US $ 25 upon entry at the airport. Visa extensions are only available in the provincial capital eṭ-Ṭōr issued.


The international 1 Sharm el-Sheikh International AirportWebsite dieser EinrichtungFlughafen Sharm el-Sheikh International in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaFlughafen Sharm el-Sheikh International im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsFlughafen Sharm el-Sheikh International (Q326268) in der Datenbank Wikidata(IATA: SSH) in Ras Nasrani is located about 10 kilometers north of the Naʿama Bay in the far north of the holiday area and is clear and well-kept, you should have a good command of English in order to be able to communicate with the airport staff if necessary. EgyptAir domestic flights (hotline: 0900 - 70000) are available to and from Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor and Hurghada. There are three to six flights a day to and from Cairo, most of them on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Departure times from Cairo are among others 5:00 am, 8:00 am and 10:00 pm, departure times from Sharm esch-Sheikh to Cairo are among others 6:30 am, 9:30 am and 11:30 pm, the flight time is around 45 Minutes, the ticket costs around 120 euros. The main EgyptAir branch is located in Old Sharm. EgyptAir has branches in some hotels.

To and from Sharm el-Sheikh Airport, travelers can use taxis or the bus. The taxi fee from the airport to Sharm esch-Sheikh is 50 Egyptian pounds (= LE 50).

On the day of departure, when clearing customs at the airport, please note that if travelers are bringing a water pipe or similar items with them, they should not be carried on the plane as hand luggage, but should be placed in the suitcase.

In the street

Sharm esch-Sheikh can easily be reached from the places in Gulf of Aqaba of Eilat (Israel) above Nuweiba and Dahab, but also from the mainland over Cairo or. Sue can be achieved. The travel times are considerable, the distance between Cairo and Sharm esch Sheikh is 490 km.

Public bus

The journey can be done with the Public bus of Ṭābā, Sue, Alexandria, Cairo, Hurghada, Qinā and other locations. It is also possible and often easier to take buses from Cairo or other places first to Suez and then change to buses from Suez to Sharm esch-Sheikh.

The bus stops are in Haiy en-Nūr (En-Nūr borough) west of the new trunk road 35, halfway between Na'ama Bay and Old Sharm. The more northerly 2 Bus station(27 ° 54 ′ 2 ″ N.34 ° 17 ′ 16 ″ E), Tel. (0) 69 366 0666, is served by East Delta Travel, the southern one 3 Bus station(27 ° 53 '57 "N.34 ° 17 ′ 15 ″ E) SuperJet, High Jet and Go Bus bus stations. The old 4 Bus stop(27 ° 53 '36 "N.34 ° 18 ′ 9 ″ E) behind the mobile petrol station is no longer used. In any case, it makes sense to reserve a seat in good time.

The buses run several times a day from East Delta from Cairo at midnight, 12:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., from Sharm esch-Sheikh to Cairo at 7:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 : 30, 13:30, 14:30 and 19:30 to Cairo. The journey time is eight hours, the price is LE 55 during the day and LE 65 at night (as of 2005).

East Delta also leaves Taba at 9:00 (5 hours, LE 27) with stops in Nuweiba (LE 22) and Dahab. Sues (6 hours, LE 35) and Ismailiya (LE 35) are approached several times a day. Once a day it goes to Luxor (6:00 p.m., 12 hours, LE 100) and Alexandria (9:15 a.m., LE 85) (as of 2005).

Buses from SuperJet run several times a day to and from Cairo. The journey time is seven hours, the fare is LE 70 (as of 2005).

Minibuses run between Cairo and Sue or between Suez and Sharm esch-Sheikh.


The ferry connection between Sharm esch-Sheikh and Hurghada was not served from autumn 2010 to August 2016. After two years of operation also has La Pespes Fast Ferry ceased operations in summer 2018.

  • The 5 Ferry dock is located west of Old Sharm.


In the south of Na'ama Bay

Due to the large north-south expansion, one is often dependent on one of the numerous taxis, especially if one does not know the exact location of the destination. The price for a taxi ride from Na'ama Bay to Old Sharm is around 20 LE.

There is also the possibility of traveling in cheaper minibuses, but this requires local knowledge. Minibuses run between Old Sharm and Na'ama Bay. They are actually intended for the local workers here. The journey costs LE 2.

Most hotels and diving centers offer shuttle buses to and from Na'ama Bay early in the morning and in the evening. But this offer is poor, especially at night.

You can also rent a vehicle in Sharm esch Sheikh. The rental car companies are based in Na'ama Bay: Avis (Tel .: (0) 69 360 2603), Budget (Tel .: (0) 69 360 0197) and Shahd Limousine (Tel .: (0) 69 360 3066 ).

As a result of the attacks of July 22, 2005, vehicle controls are being carried out at the local exits and at the entrance to the airport. Traffic jams can therefore be expected at the airport in particular.

Tourist Attractions

In the holiday resorts of Sharm esch-Sheikh there are only a few sights. The main attractions include the Underwater flora and faunathat can be explored by both snorkelers and divers. The coral reefs are almost the entire length in front of the beach. In some cases, footbridges lead over the reefs so that they can also be explored from the sea side. Also in the area of ​​extensive sandy beaches like in the Naʿama Bay there are isolated coral reefs near the shore.

In the field of Tiger Bay is the botanical garden 1 Peace Park(27 ° 56 ′ 41 ″ N.34 ° 21 '30 "E), two kilometers southwest of the botanical garden that National Museum of Sharm esch Sheikh. In the immediate vicinity of the National Museum is one of the most important 2 Mosques(27 ° 55 ′ 46 ″ N.34 ° 20 ′ 44 ″ E) the city.

3  National Museum of Sharm esch Sheikh (متحف شرم الشيخ), El Salam Rd, Sharm El Sheikh, طريق السلام ، شرم الشيخ. Nationalmuseum von Scharm esch-Scheich in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaNationalmuseum von Scharm esch-Scheich (Q64744327) in der Datenbank Wikidata.Archaeological museum opened on November 3, 2020.Open: Sat – Thu 10: 00-13: 00, 17: 00-23: 00; Fri 0: 00–24: 00.Price: LE 200, for foreign students LE 100 (as of 11/2019).(27 ° 55 ′ 55 ″ N.34 ° 20 ′ 44 ″ E)

Further Mosques available in Haḍabat Umm es-Sīd, Ḥaiy en-Nūr (4 el-Muṣṭafā mosqueel-Muṣṭafā-Moschee in der Enzyklopädie Wikipediael-Muṣṭafā-Moschee (Q29513944) in der Datenbank Wikidata) and Old Sharm (5 eṣṢaḥāba mosqueeṣ-Ṣaḥāba-Moschee in der Enzyklopädie Wikipediaeṣ-Ṣaḥāba-Moschee (Q29513942) in der Datenbank Wikidata).

A 6 Coptic Orthodox and a 7 catholic cathedral are in the district Ḥaiy en-Nūr.

The Naʿama Bay is this tourist center from Sharm esch-Sheikh with numerous restaurants, bars and shops. The promenade invites you to take a stroll. The water park is available for those seeking relaxation 1 Cleo Park to disposal.

There is a prominent one in Haḍabat Umm es-Sīd 8 lighthouse(27 ° 50 ′ 55 ″ N.34 ° 18 ′ 50 ″ E), the dolphinarium 2 Dolphinella(27 ° 51 '49 "N.34 ° 18 ′ 17 ″ E) and a 9 monument(27 ° 50 ′ 55 ″ N.34 ° 18 ′ 59 ″ E) near the El-Fanar restaurant that was involved in the crash of the Flash Airlines Flight 604 to Paris on January 3, 2004, when 148 people died on board. There are crocodile and snake shows near the Dolphinella. The bar 1001 night (Alf Leila wa Leila) is known for its night shows.

In Old Sharm are a little 10 Papyrus Museum, several restaurants, bars and shops.

On excursions to the closer and wider environment both landscape and cultural sights can be explored in the section trips to be discribed.


The main activities in Sharm esch Sheikh are of course swimming, snorkeling and diving in the Red Sea. Most of the hotels are close to the shore, so this is easy to do.


Wreck of the MS Lullia, Strait of Tīrān
Corals in the Red Sea
Lionfish, Alternatives
Moray eel, Ras Mohammed
Sea turtle, Ras Mohammed
Mask butterflyfish, Jackson Reef

The most interesting occupation is of course that Diving. Compared to other localities like Dahab, Nuweiba and Ṭābā Sharm esch Sheikh has the largest number and the most important diving areas in Gulf of Aqaba. In addition to a variety of corals, snails and starfish, turtles, napoleon fish, porcupine and puffer fish, barracudas, perch, lionfish, moray eels, rays and occasionally sharks are particularly attractive.

Even if the riffs are in the Strait of Tiran and in Ras Mohammed are the most popular, it doesn't mean that the other dive sites aren't as interesting:

  • The famous wreck of the is already in the Gulf of Suez Thistlegorm. The wreck is so far away that an early departure is necessary in the early morning around 4:00 a.m. The wreck of the 131-meter-long Thistlegorm, built in 1940 and used as a transport ship, was sunk a year later. Today it lies at a depth of 16 to 33 meters. What is of interest in this case is the ship's cargo: automobiles, motorcycles, a locomotive and railroad cars, aircraft wings and guns.
  • Liveaboard expeditions to the Strait of Gubal, the so-called north route, are offered by various dive operators. These take about a week. The organizers also take care of the transport to and from the airport.

All diving areas can be reached on day excursions. There are two landing stages in Sharm esch-Sheikh. jetty) for diving or excursion boats. This is one of the ones in the south of Na'ama Bay and the larger one in El Maya Bay Old Sharm (Travco).

The popularity of the areas also has its price: it is not uncommon for up to twenty boats to anchor in the same place in the high season. An alternative to this are diving safaris, which are organized by many well-known diving centers.

Under no circumstances should you turn down a visit to the hotel's own house reefs. Often much more can be observed here, even in a short time, than in the more remote diving areas.

security is very important when diving.

  • Please bring a medical certificate of fitness for diving and present your diving certificates.
  • Your first dive is usually a check dive, where your buoyancy in particular is optimized.
  • Before the dive, the diving guide explains the diving area to you in a briefing, describes flow conditions and depths and checks the real flow conditions before the dive. Caution should be exercised at reef ends, especially in the Strait of Tiran, where two strong currents meet and descend. Divers are encouraged to dive in the Red Sea only with a guide. Only the house reefs of the individual hotels or diving centers are excluded from this. The guides must be members of the South Sinai Association for Diving and Maritime Activities, Tel. (0) 69 366 0418.
  • The maximum diving depth is 30 meters.

In addition to compressed air, all (large) diving operators also offer oxygen-enriched mixtures (Nitrox), occasionally with a surcharge. You can borrow equipment, lead weights and diving bottles are part of the diving packages.

You can also learn to dive on site. The course lasts about a week, the open water dives are carried out in the local diving areas and on the house reefs.

Due to the international composition of the divers and the origin of the diving guides from numerous countries, communication (e.g. briefings) on the ships will mostly be in English. If necessary, ask your fellow travelers for a translation if you do not have any knowledge of English.

Film development takes place within a few hours at Sinai Photo Club, King of Bahrain Street (next to McDonalds). Underwater photography courses and support and camera rental are e.g. Eveline Bracher, e-Mocean, offered at Sinai Divers.

Well-respected dive operators include:

Dock for the diving boats in the south of Na'ama Bay
  • Camel Dive, Na'ama Bay, P.O. Box 10, 46619 Sharm el-Sheikh (at the Camel Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0700, Mobile: 20 (0)122 312 6610, Fax: 20 (0)69 360 0601. The Camel Dive Club is also one of the first (since 1986) and most experienced diving centers. Numerous languages ​​(mainly English and Italian) are spoken at reception, and courses including tec diving and nitrox are offered. A specialty is your own hotel and restaurants. Wireless internet access is available in the area of ​​the hotel and the diving center. There are also branches in Hadaba, Nabq (Hotel Radison), Lagouna Vista and Oriental Resort.
  • Sinai Divers, Na'ama Bay (Ghazala Beach Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0697, (0)69 360 0150, Fax: 20 (0)69 360 0158, (0)69 360 0155, Email: . One of the first and most experienced diving centers on the Sinai. German speaking reception. Day tours and safaris on mostly own ships (Ghazala I - V), Dive Box Extra (limited number of divers to a maximum of 10, three dives a day, mostly Straits of Tiran, Ras Mohammed including Dunraven), diving courses at all levels, Nitrox free for certified divers Diver. There is another base in Ras Nasrani.
  • Sinai Dive Club, Na'ama Bay (at the Hilton Fayrouz Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0137, Fax: 20 (0)69 360 1040, (0)122 281 5210. Additional offices at the Hilton Sharks Bay and the Baron Hotel. English, German, Dutch and Japanese are spoken at the diving center reception. The club has its own Angelina I - III boats and conducts liveaboards. Courses are offered at all levels.
  • Red See Diving College, Na'ama Bay, Sultana Building, P.O. Box 67, Sharm el-Sheikh. Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0145, Fax: 20 (0)69 360 0144. The specialties include tec diving and training to become a National Geographic Diver (environmentally friendly diving).

Other diving centers:

Due to the political situation in Egypt and the associated economic difficulties, several diving centers have given up, including the well-known company Colona Dive.

  • Diamond Divers, Nabq Bay (Horizon Sharm Hotel). Mobile: 20 (0)100 362 7404.
  • Extra miscellaneous, Ras Nasrani (Melia Sinai Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)69 367 0000.
  • Subex Red Sea, Na'ama Bay. Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0122, Fax: 20 (0)69 360 0122, Email: . The diving center has bases in the Maritim Jolie Ville Resort in Na'ama Bay and in the Maritim Jolie Ville Golf Resort. The prices often do not include the amount for the necessary dive guides. Proof of a diving accident insurance is required.

further activities

Quad excursions, camel rides in the sunset

  • You can book these bulk offers in any hotel. Camel tours cost around $ 50, quads (= ATV = all terrain vehicle) around 50 LE for a two-hour ride.

Submarine and glass bottom boat excursions

  • Aqua Scope (glass bottom boat, disguised as a submarine), Hadaba, Tel .: (0) 69 366 0255.
  • Seascope Submarine (glass bottom boat, disguised as a submarine), Old Sharm, Tel .: (0) 122 778 4637 - 8.

Fun sport

  • Aquatic Vibes (wake board, banana, water ski), Old Sharm, Tel .: (0) 122 210 2614.
  • Sun ’n’ Fun (windsurfing, water skiing, banana, air chair (wide water ski with seat, i.e. water skiing while seated), Na'ama Bay, Tel .: (0) 69 360 1623.

Horse riding

  • Edelweiss Equestrian, Concord El Salam, Tel .: (0) 69 360 1460.
  • Sofitel Equestrian, Na'ama Bay, Tel: (0) 69 360 0081.


Tennis and squash

  • Crowne Plaza, Gardens Bay, Tel: (0) 69 360 3090.
  • Lagouna Vista, Nabq Bay, Mobile: (0) 122 353 5388.


  • Ghibli Raceway, Peace Road, Tel .: (0) 69 360 3939.
  • Noos Karting Center, El Fanar Rd. Tel.: 20 (0)69 366 2539, Fax: 20 (0)69 366 1201.


  • Sahara Express, Na'ama Bay, Mobile: (0) 100 179 4907.
  • Sharm Travel, Na'ama Bay, Tel: (0) 69 360 2650.
  • Spring Tours, Na'ama Bay, Tel .: (0) 69 360 0131 - 2.
  • Travco, Hadaba, Tel .: (0) 69 366 0764.


Na'ama Mall in the south of Na'ama Bay

Most hotels have a currency exchange facility. For travelers checks and the like Thomas Cook Bank, King of Bahrain Street, south of the Mövenpick Hotel, will help you.

The most important shopping opportunities are there

  • in Na'ama Bay (King of Bahrain Street, Peace Road) and in
  • Old Sharm (Old Market).

These are among the major shopping centers Naama Center in Naama Bay, that Tiran Center in Old Sharm and that Soho Square in White Knight. There are also restaurants, cafes and bars in the centers.

In addition to supermarkets, there are mainly shops with typical Egyptian souvenirs and diving and bathing supplies.

There are bookshops with a predominantly tourist offer in the Hilton Fayrouz Village and in the Mövenpick. Also in the Al-Ahram bookstore on the main road to Old Sharm. Newspapers are sold early in the morning on the waterfront and in the harbors.


The list below is a brief one selection at restaurants. Further restaurants and details about the restaurants are described in the district articles.

In the Na'ama Bay

Most of the restaurants are either on the beach promenade, near the Naama Center or on King of Baḥrein Street (Arabic:شارع ملك مملكة البحرين, Also called Bahnhofsstraße by some because of its brightness at night - there is of course no train station).

  • Al Mashi. Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0197. The Lebanese restaurant is located on King of Bahrain Street in the Hotel Sanafir.
  • Ali Baba. Seafood restaurant at the end of the promenade above the roofs of Na'ama Bay.
  • Dragonera, Na'ama Bay, Mall 10. Chinese restaurant.
  • Kookai. Japanese restaurant on the seafront at the Ghazala Village hotel.
  • Mexican restaurant. The restaurant is at the end of King of Bahrain Street by the Na'ama Bay Hotel.
  • Beijing, Na'ama Bay (at the Sanafir Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0179. Chinese restaurant.
  • Pomodoro, Na'ama Bay. Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0700. Italian restaurant.
  • Rangoli (at the Sofitel hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0081. Indian restaurant.
  • Safsafa, Na'ama Bay. Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0541. The fish restaurant.
  • Tandoori, Na'ama Bay, King of Bahrain Street, near the Camel Hotel. Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0700. Indian restaurant.
  • Tam Tam Oriental Cafe. Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0150. Egyptian specialty restaurant on the beach promenade by the Hotel Ghazala Village.

At the southern end of Na'ama Bay, close together, you will find the usual fast food restaurants:

Old Sharm (Old Market)

  • El-Masrien grill. Tel.: 20 (0)69 366 2904. With grilled meat and poultry dishes.
  • Fares. Tel.: 20 (0)69 366 3076. Fish restaurant.
  • Pizza Melodies restaurant. Tel.: 20 (0)69 366 4044. Pizzeria at the entrance to the Old Market.
  • Safsafa. Tel.: 20 (0)69 366 0474. Fish restaurant.
  • Sinai Star. Tel.: 20 (0)69 366 0323. Restaurant with Egyptian dishes and fish dishes.


  • Black House, Na'ama Bay (at the Rosetta Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 1888. Bar and disco.
  • Bus stop, Na'ama Bay, King of Bahrain Street (at the Sanafir Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0197. Pub.
  • Camel Bar & Roof, Na'ama Bay (at the Camel Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0190. Bar.
  • Casino Royale, Na'ama Bay (in the Mövenpick Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0100. Casino.
  • Hard Rock Cafe Sharm el Sheikh, Na'ama Bay. Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 2655. Bar and disco.
  • Hard Rock Café Nabq, Nabq Bay. Tel.: 20 (0)69) 371 0885. Bar and disco.
  • Harry’s Pub, Na'ama Bay (at the Marriott Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0190, Mobile: 20 (0)122 353 5388. Bar.
  • La Folie Bar (at the Iberotel Lido). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 2603.
  • Little Buddha, Na'ama Bay. Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 1030. Bar.
  • Los Amigos, Gardens Bay. Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0006. Pub.
  • Pacha Sharm, Na'ama Bay. Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0179. Club.
  • Pirates Bar, Na'ama Bay (at the Hilton Fayrouz Village). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0137, (0)69 360 0138. Bar.
  • Rooftop bar, Na'ama Bay (at the Sanafir Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)69 360 0197. Bar.
  • The piano bar, Nabq Bay. Mobile: 20 (0)122 353 5388. Bar.


The nightlife often takes place in the hotels. There are numerous bars and one or the other casino.

  • The Terrazzo in Old Sharm is the most important night club outside of the Naʿama Bay. Various events, including parties, are held in the evening and at night, and a DJ invites you to dance.
  • A Hard rock cafe can be found in both Naʿama Bay and Nabq Bay.
  • There are restaurants and bars in the large shopping centers.
  • In the King of Bahrain St. Naʿama Bay has the greatest concentration of restaurants and bars.
  • In the restaurant 1001 night (Arabic:ألف ليلة وليلة‎, Alf Leila wa Leila) in Hadaba dances Egypt's best (male) belly dancer Tito.



View of the Red Sea from the Sheraton Sharm Hotel

The most important sandy beach is in the Na'ama Bay. There is only a promenade between the hotels and the beach. In all other cases, the hotels are located on rocks or rocky slopes, so that you may have to climb a cliff to overcome a cliff.

A number of hotels offer all-inclusive accommodations. One should take this into account if one is a friend of such hotels or not.

If you make a hotel booking through the diving centers at which you dive, you will often receive cheaper offers than if you book directly.

Inexpensive accommodation

There are few cheap accommodation options in Sharm esch Sheikh, mostly in Ras Umm Sid or Old Sharm. There is also a youth hostel in Old Sharm.


In Old Sharm, Ras Umm Sid and in the Na'ama Bay there are also 3-star hotels, but they are not on the coast.


Most of the hotels are of a high standard. Therefore only a subdivision is made here based on the location.

List of hotels

The hotels are described in the individual articles. So that you can find them more quickly, you will find their listing by location here:

Nabq Bay
Coral Sea Orintal Resort, Fantazia Diving Land, Garden Palace Hotel, Grand Plaza Resort Sharm el Sheikh, Hauza Beach Resort, Horizon Sharm Resort, Jaz Mirabel Beach Resort, Laguna Vista Beach Resort, LTI Grand Azure Resort, Magic Life Resort, Mangroovy Eco- Club, Millennium Oyoun Hotel & Resort, Nubian Village, Oriental Resort, Park Inn Sharm el Sheikh, Prima Life Rehana Resort, Radisson SAS Resort Sharm El Sheikh, Regency Plaza Resort, Royal El Batros Moderna Hotel, Sea Club Sharm, Sea Life Hotel, Tamra Beach Resort, The Moon Hotel, The Star Hotel, The Sun Hotel, The Three Corners Palmyra Resort, Zouara Hotel
Ras Nasrani
Baron Palms Sharm El Sheikh, Baron Resort Sharm El Sheikh, Coral Beach Montazah Resort, Coral Sea Sensatori, Jaz Belvedere Resort, Melia Sharm, Melia Sinai, Sol Cyrene Hotel, Sol Sharm Hotel
White Knight
Concorde El Salam Sharm El Sheikh, Four Seasons Resort Sharm El Sheikh, Savoy Sharm El Sheikh
Shark’s Bay
AA Grand Oasis Resort, Al Diwan Resort, Coral Beach Rotana (Tirana Resort), Dessole Royal Rojana Resort, Dessole Pyramisa Sharm El Sheikh Resort (Sea Magic & Spa Hotel), Gardenia Plaza Resort, Grand Rotana Resort & Spa, Logaina Sharm Resort, Sharks Bay Oasis, Sharks Bay Umbi Diving Village, Sol Y Mar Sharks Bay, Sultan Gardens Resort, Sunrise Grand Select Arabian Beach Resort, Sunshine Divers Camp, Xperience Sea Breeze
Tiger Bay
Domina Coral Bay Hotel & Resort, Maritim Jolie Ville Golf & Resort, Maritim Royal Peninsula Hotel & Resort, Sinai Garden Resort, Sinai Grand Resort, Sinai Grove Resort
Gardens Bay
Continental Garden Reef Resort, Crowne Plaza Resort, Hyatt Regency Sharm El Sheikh Hotel, Inter Plaza Beach Hotel, Reef Oasis Blu Bay Resort & Spa, Sheraton Sharm Hotel
Na'ama Bay
Al Bostan Park Hotel, Amarante Garden Palms Resort, Camel Dive Club & Hotel, Cataract Resort, Cataract Resort Layalina, Days Inn Gafy Resort, Eden Rock Hotel, Falcon Neama Resort, Ghazala Beach Hotel, Ghazala Gardens Hotel, Halomy Sharm Village, Helnan Marina Sharm Hotel, Hilton Fayrouz Ressort, Hilton Sharm Dreams Resort, Iberotel Lido Sharm Hotel, Kahramana Hotel, Kanabesh Village, Kiroseiz Three Corners Resort, Maritim Jolie Ville Resort & Casino, Neama Heights Hotel, Neama Inn Hotel, New Fantazia Hotel, Noria Resort, Novotel Coralia Sharm, Oasis Hotel, Ocean Bay Hotel, Oonas Divers Club, Pigeons House Camp, Royal Plaza Sharm El Sheikh, Sanafir Village, Sharm Cliff Resort, Sharm El Sheikh Marriott Beach Resort, Sharm Holiday Resort, Sharm Star Hotel, Sofitel Sharm El Sheikh, Sonesta Beach Resort Sharm El Sheikh, Sonesta Club Sharm El Sheikh, Tropicana New Tiran Hotel, Tropicana Rosetta Hotel, Tropitel Naama Bay Hotel
Tower Bay and Ḥaiy en-Nūr
Club Reef, Delta Sharm Resort, Dreams Beach Resort, Dreams Vacation Resort, Labranda Tower Bay, New Tower Hotel
Hadabat Umm es-Sid
Aida Sharm Hotel, Aloha Club & Resort, Amar Sina Village, Amphoras Holiday Resort, Badawia Hotel, Beach Al Batros Sharm, Cleopatra Tsokkos Hotel, Cliff-Top Hotel, Club El Faraana Reef, Coral Hills Resort, Country Club, Creative Grand Sharm Resort, Creative Mexicana Resort, Desert View Hotel, Dive Inn Swiss Resort, Dreams Beach Resort, Dreams Vacation Resort, Falcon Hills Hotel, Falcon Inn Viva Sharm Hotel, Golden Sharm Resort, Hilton Sharm Waterfalls Resort, Horus Hotel, Iberotel Club Fanara, Iberotel Fanara Residence, Iberotel Grand Sharm Hotel, La Perla Sharm Hotel, Marmara Resort, Mercure Luna Sharm El Sheikh, Ocean Club Hotel, Ocean Lodge Hotel, Palermo Hotel, Partner Sunset Hotel, Queen Sharm Vera Club, Reef Oasis Beach Resort, Regency Sharm Hotel, Renaissance Golden View Resort, Resta Sharm Resort, Royal Paradise Resort, Sharm Inn Amarein, Sharm Reef Hotel, Sol Verginia Resort, Solymar Sharming Inn Resort, St. George Three Corners Resort, Sun Rise Hotel, The Ritz Carlton Hotel, The Rock Hotel, Tropicana Tivoli Hotel, Uni Sharm Hotel
Old Sharm
El Kheima Camp, Iberotel Palace Sharm El Sheikh, Partner Turquoise Beach Resort, Sandy Hotel, Seti Sharm Palm Beach Resort


Die zahlreichen Hotels bieten für Einheimische unzählige Jobs als Hotelbedienstete. Die Anstellungen sind beliebt, da sie im Vergleich zu Anstellungen im Niltal sehr gut entlohnt werden.

Die Tauchbasen bieten gelegentlich Jobs für Ausländer als Tauchlehrer und Mitarbeiter an den Rezeptionen. Neben den üblichen Brevets (als Tauchlehrer) sind Fremdsprachenkenntnisse, insbesondere Englisch, nötig.


Klima an der Küste und in den angrenzenden Wüstenregionen

Das Klima ist feuchtwarm, was aus den hohen Temperaturen der angrenzenden Wüstengebiete und der hohen Verdampfungsrate des Roten Meeres resultiert.

Scharm esch-ScheichJanFebMarchAprMayJunJulAugSepOktNovDec  
Mittlere höchste Lufttemperatur in °C222225303437383835322723O30.3
Average air temperature in ° C181921252932323331272319O25.8
Mittlere tiefste Lufttemperatur in °C131416202426272826231915O20.9
Average water temperature in ° C192020212325292928252319O23.4
Niederschläge in mm0.Σ7.2
Rainy days in the month0.Σ2.3
Relative Feuchte in %595959616868686865605959O62.8
WMO: Weather Information for Sharm El-Sheikh, World Weather Information Service, eingesehen 10. Juni 2013

Wasser des Roten Meeres

Die Wassertemperaturen betragen je nach Jahreszeit zwischen 19 °C und 29 °C, diese Temperatur ist auch noch in größeren Tiefen (30 Meter) vorhanden. Strömungen können auch kälteres Wasser mit sich führen. Der Salzgehalt ist mit 4,1 % sehr hoch.

Die Strömungen ändern sich im Laufe des Jahres und können nicht immer mit Bestimmtheit vorausgesagt werden. Da das Rote Meer über keine Süßwasserzufuhr verfügt und gerade im Sommer große Wassermengen verdampfen, sinkt der Wasserspiegel im Sommer um etwa einen Meter. Die fehlende Wassermenge wird erst im Winter wieder ausgeglichen. Die Hauptströmungen bewegen sich im Sommer nach Süden und im Winter nach Norden. Die Strömungssituation wird durch Gezeitenströme unübersichtlicher, der Tidenhub beträgt ebenfalls etwa einen Meter. Besonders problematisch wird es, wenn sich im Norden oder Süden eines Riffblocks Strömungen teilen oder wieder zusammenführen, was im letzteren Fall zu abwärts verlaufenden Strömungen führt.


Scharm esch-Scheich ist nicht unsicherer als andere bedeutende politische und touristische Zentren selbst in der westlichen Welt. 100%-ige Sicherheit kann man nirgends erwarten. Natürlich bedeuteten die Anschläge vom 22. Juli 2005 einen herben Rückschlag, der durch die übervorsichtige Handlungsweise einiger Reiseveranstalter eher noch verstärkt wurde. Die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen sind in der Folgezeit verstärkt worden, so erfolgen intensive Fahrzeuginspektionen an den Eingangstoren der Urlaubsorte und zum Flughafen und Personenkontrollen in den Hotels.

Der Supergau eines Totalausfalls ist ausgeblieben, im September 2005 wurden wieder soviele Touristen wie in den vergangenen Jahren erwartet. Das zerstörte Ghazala Gardens Hotel wurde renoviert und hat seinen Betrieb schon lange wieder aufgenommen.

Das Rote Meer ist kein abgegrenzter Swimmingpool, sondern der Lebensraum ungezählter Tierarten. Seit Dezember 2010 gibt es ein neues Problem, das der Angriffe durch Haie. Eigentlich meiden diese Tiere die Ufernähe. Wohl um dem Wunsch begüterter Touristen nachzukommen, sich mit einem Hai fotografieren zu lassen, werden diese Haie mit Schafskadavern angelockt und an die Ufernähe gewöhnt. Anfang Dezember 2010 kam es zu mehreren Attacken durch einen Ozeanischen Weißspitzen-Hai und einen Mako. Eine deutsche Touristin kam dabei ums Leben. In der Folgezeit gab es keine Attacken mehr. Es kann aber auch zukünftig, insbesondere im Winter, wieder zu vermehrtem Auftreten von Haien und teilweise zu Schwimm- und Tauchverboten kommen.


Ärzte in den Hotels

Die meisten Hotels beschäftigen einen Arzt oder haben einen Vertragsarzt, der auf Abruf in das jeweilige Hotel kommt.


Scharm esch-Scheich ist gut mit Krankenhäusern ausgestattet. Südlich der Na'ama Bay in Richtung Haḍabat Umm es-Sīd befinden sich in Ḥaiy en-Nūr

Westlich von Old Sharm befindet sich das Hyperbaric Medical Center, das auf Erkrankungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Tauchsport spezialisiert ist:

  • 3  Sharm Hyperbaric Chamber and Medical Center, Sharm el-Mayah. Tel.: 20 (0)69 366 0922, (0)69 366 0923, Fax: 20 (0)69 366 1011.Sharm Hyperbaric Chamber and Medical Center auf Facebook.Die Dekompressionskammer, die für die Behandlung von Dekompressionsunfällen der Taucher benötigt wird, wird von Dr. Adel Taher, Mobil: (0)122 212 4292, und Dr. Ahmed Sakr, Mobil: (0)122 333 1325, betreut. Die Mibilfunknummer von Dr. Adel Taher ist gleichzeitig die Notfallnummer.(27° 51′ 33″ N34° 16′ 55″ O)


Practical advice


Touristik-Information. Tel.: 20 (0)69 366 3573, (0)69 366 4721. Büro ist abgelegen.Geöffnet: Täglich außer freitags von 09:00 Uhr bis 15:00 Uhr.


Wichtige Notrufnummern
Medizinischer Notruf(0)69 360 0554
hospital(0)69 366 0894 – 5
Polizei(0)69 366 2969


Postamt (Haḍabat Umm es-Sīd). Geöffnet: Täglich außer freitags von 08:00 Uhr bis 15:00 Uhr.


In der Na'ama Bay, z.B. im Naama Center, und in zahlreichen Hotels gibt es Internet-Cafés. Die Preise pro Stunde liegen zwischen 10 LE und 30 LE. Das Angebot an WLan (WiFi) in den Hotels ist nur gelegentlich kostenfrei. Kostenloses WLan findet man am ehesten in den preiswerteren Hotels.


Ausflüge werden in allen Hotels, verschiedenen Tauchbasen und von einigen lokalen Reiseunternehmen angeboten. Für die Touren bieten sich hauptsächlich die Wintermonate wegen der geringeren Temperaturen an.

  • Wüstenreisen werden von allen Hotels angeboten, insbesondere zum Coloured Canyon (bei Ṭābā, etwa 50 US-Dollar), zum Salama Canyon und zum White Canyon. Neben Jeep-Safaris werden auch Quad- und Buggy-Touren sowie Ausflüge zu Pferd oder auf dem Kamel angeboten. Auch geführte Trekking-Touren stehen im Angebot.
  • Es empfiehlt sich der Besuch des Katharinenklosters und der Aufstieg auf den nahe gelegenen Gebel Moussa, dem Moses-Berg. Der Überlieferung nach soll Moses auf dem Moses-Berg die Zehn Gebote Gottes empfangen haben (Ex 19,18–20,22 EU). In der Nähe des Klosters finden sich auch die umstrittenen Blauen Berge bzw. „Blue Desert“ des belgischen Künstlers Jean Vérame (* 1939), der hier 1980 für sein Kunstwerk „Sinai Peace Junction“ mehrere Felsen mit blauer Farbe besprüht hat. In vergleichbarer Weise hat sich Vérame auch im marokkanischenTafraoute verewigt.
  • Beliebt sind Ausflüge in den Raʾs-Muḥammad-Nationalpark, die meist als Schnorchel- oder Tauchausflüge zur Erkundung der Unterwasserwelt angeboten werden. Viel seltener sind Landausflüge in den Nationalpark. Die auf fossilen Korallen befindliche Wüstenlandschaft ist alles andere als vegetationslos. Neben den Mangrovenwäldern, Akazien und Doumpalmen gibt es weitere achtzig Pflanzenarten. Ein weiteres wichtiges Ziel für Taucher und Schnorchler stellen die Riffe in der Straße von Tīrān dar. Ausflüge sind auch mit Glasbodenbooten möglich.
  • Eine kurze Safari kann man in das Nabq-Naturschutzgebiet unternehmen. Hier befinden sich Beduinensiedlungen, an der Küste Mangrovenwälder und das Wrack der Maria Schröder sowie im Hinterland Wüsten, Gebirge und Gebirgstäler.
  • Der aufstrebende Touristenort Dahab hat noch Teile seines ursprünglichen Fischerdorfes bewahren können.


  • Siliotti, Alberto: Sinai Diving Guide : Teil 1 ; deutsche Ausgabe. Verona: Geodia, 2005, ISBN 978-88-87177-66-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Einwohnerzahlen nach dem ägyptischen Zensus von 2006, eingesehen am 4. Juni 2014.
  2. Sharm El Sheikh am Roten Meer, eingesehen am 22. Oktober 2017.
Usable articleThis is a useful article. There are still some places where information is missing. If you have something to add be brave and complete them.