Diving in Egypt - Tauchen in Ägypten

Egypt is bordered by two seas, in which one can find attractive diving grounds: in the east is that Red Sea and in the north that Mediterranean Sea.

Diving areas by location


Ṭābā and Taba Heights
The Canyon, Ben Coral, Pharaoh Island, Fjord Bay, The Sun Pool, Maxwell’s Reef, Raʾs Amīra, The Aquarium, Angel Net, Marsā el-Muqābil, Napoleon Reef, Devils Head
Sinker, Abu Loulou, MFO pipeline
Raʾs Abū Gallūm, Blue Hole (Bells)
Rick’s Reef, Canyon (Fish Bowl), Raʾs Abū Hilāl (Abu Talha), Eel Gardens, Lighthouse, Islands, Napoleon Reef, Seven Pinnacles, Moray Garden (Golden Blocks), Three Pools (South Oasis), Caves, Gabr el-Bint
Sharm esch-Sheikh
Million Hope
Raʾs Gamīla, Raʾs Naṣrānī, Raʾs Bob, White Knight, Shark’s Bay, Gardens Bay (Far Garden, Middle Garden, Near Garden), Naʿama Bay, Tower Bay (Tower, Pinky Wall), Amphoras, Turtle Bay, Paradise, Ras Umm Sid, Ras Katy
Strait of Tīrān
Jackson Reef, Woodhouse Reef, Thomas Reef, Gordon Reef, Laguna reef
Raʾs Muḥammad National Park
Shāʿāb Canoe, Raʾs el-Ghazlānī, Raʾs Zaʿtar, Raʾs Castle, Jackfish Alley (Fisherman’s Bank), Eel Garden, Shark Observatory, Anemone City, Shark Reef and Jolanda Reef, Old Quay
Strait of Gūbāl, El Gouna
Alternatives including Stingray Station and Lonely Mushroom
Shaāb Maḥmūd: Beacon Rock (S / S Dunraven), Small Crack, Big Crack
Shaāb ʿAlī: Shag rock (S / S Kingston), S / S Thistlegorm, S / S Carina
Shaʿāb Danab
Shaāb Abū en-Nuḥās (Giannis D., Carnatic, Marcus, Kimon M.) including Schaʿāb Umm ʿUsk, Siyūl Kabīra, Siyūl Saghīra, Yellowfish Reefs
Gubal Barge / Bluff Point, S / S Ulysses, Rosalie Moller, Big Gubal Island, Schadwan Island, Schaʿāb el-ʿIrg

Red Sea

Wrecks Schaʿāb Ruhr Umm Gamar / Colona IV, El Mina, Excalibur
Carless Reef, Schaʿāb el-Fanadir, Schaʿāb Sabina, Small Giftun Island, Abu Ramada, Gota Abu Ramada
Abu Dischet, Abu Hashish
Wrecks Al Kahfain, MS Hatour, Salem Express
Sharm en-Naqa, Shaʿāb Saiman, Raʾs Umm Hesiwa
Abu Soma, Tubya Hamra, Tubya Kabir, Tubya Schiwayya, Arba Erg, Gamul Kabir, Gamul Schiwayya
Arpha Bank, Fellow Rocks, Schaʿāb Shir, Schaʿāb Bagul
Panorama Reef, Middle Reef, Umm Halhal, Abu Kafan, Schaʿāb Claude, Schaʿāb Hamdulillah
Marsā ʿAlam
Elphinstone Reef, Raʾs Schuna, Marsa Egla, Abu Dabbab, Marsa Abu Dabbab, Schaʿāb Marsa ʿAlam, Schaʿāb Samadai = Dolphin House, Schabrūr Lahami, Dahra Island, Shiriniat Island
Fury Shoal: Abu Galawa Small, wreck of the Tien Hsing, Abu Galawa Kebir, Shāʿāb Maksūr, Shaāb Claudio, Schaʿāb Heaven, Fury Shoal Garden, Malahi, Dolphin Reef = Schaʿāb Satayah
Mikauwa Island, Zabargad Island (St. John's Island, St. John's Island), Rocky Island
St. John's Reefs: ʿUrabi, St. John’s Cave, St. John’s Woods, Habili St. John’s Woods, Little Reef, Gota Shiwayya, Gota Kebir, Habili Jaffar, The Nursery, Schaʿāb Dangerous

Mediterranean Sea

Abū Qīr
Napoleon's sunk fleet
East harbor / Cleopatra's palace, lighthouse
i.a. HMS Osmanieh, S / S Aragon, HMS Clan Macindoe 1, HMS Garfield, HMS Polaria, HMS Attack
Marsā Maṭrūḥ
HMS Bartham
Safari routes
  • Siliotti, Alberto: Sinai Diving Guide: Part 1; German edition. Verona: Geodia, 2005, ISBN 978-88-87177-66-4 . (old title of the 2001 edition: Sharm el-Sheikh Diving Guide; German edition)
  • Sabry, Ashraf: Gray Shadows: Egypt during World War I; 1: Alexandria Wrecks. Alexandria: Self-published, 2008, ISBN 978-977-17-5395-7 .
  • Stoll, Claus-Peter; Kefrig, Udo; Kirschner, Manuela; Bergbauer, Matthias: Diving guide wrecks in the Red Sea: Egypt, Sudan, Israel, Jordan. Stuttgart: cosmos, 2010, ISBN 978-3-440-11968-6 .
  • Krejca, Martin; Minihuber, Hubert: Diver’s Atlas Southern Red Sea: Dive site descriptions for liveaboards and day trips. Vienna: Seainsight, 2011, ISBN 978-3-9503160-0-1 .
Divers near the S / S Dunraven, Gulf of Suez
In the 1980s, the coasts were far from tourist interest; for most tourists, the focus was on culture in the Nile Valley. In Sharm esch-Sheikh At that time there was only one hotel and 30 bungalows. The first tourists to discover these seaside locations were divers. Only later came the mass tourists who only came to swim. Meanwhile, the divers are looking for new destinations - far away from mass tourism.
Masked butterflyfish

The underwater world of the Red Sea is still one of the most enchanting in the world. Here you can watch fish, snails, corals and sometimes whales.

Corals on the frames of Kingston

Several wrecks are also accessible to scuba divers at shallow depths.

Remains of the ancient lighthouse in the Alexandria Underwater Museum
The Mediterranean offers a completely different underwater world. Next to the remains of the ancient lighthouse of Alexandria there are several wrecks mainly from the First and Second World Wars.
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