Quarries in Lisowice - Kamieniołomy w Lisowicach

Quarries in Lisowice - 4 quarries in Poland in voivodeship of Lodz in Pajęczno district in the commune Działoszyn.

Geographic coordinates: N51 ° 06′27.70 ″ E18 ° 50′09.70 ″

Between Bobrowniki and Raciszyn near the flowing river Worth it there are four quarries with Jurassic limestones.

The Warta River near Lisowice

The clear geological profiles show chafing, runs and downsides, karst craters, and among the rocks many interesting fossils.
There are ammonites, clams, belemnites, sea urchins, sponges, brachiopods, etc. The place is considered the richest in terms of the number of various species of ammonites.
There are also many flint rolls.
The quarries are privately owned.
They are located within Załęczański Landscape Park.
They are located in the area Natura 2000 Załęczański Arch of the Warta.
In 2013, the Marshal's Office in Łódź recommends the Lisowice Quarries as an interesting geotouristic facility in the Łódź region.

Geographical Coordinates