Kars - Kars

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Kars is a city in Eastern Anatolia in the Turkey and has approx. 80,000 inhabitants.


getting there

By plane

The Kars airportKars Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAirport Kars in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKars Airport (Q1315027) in the Wikidata database(IATA: KSY) is 6 km outside of Kars and was reopened in 2007 after renovation work was completed. Of Istanbul Ataturk Airport is served by Atlasjet and Turkish Airlines. SunExpress flies to Kars from Sabiha Gökçen Airport on the Asian side of Istanbul. These also fly from Izmir after Kars. The connection via Turkish Airlines should also be mentioned Ankara.

By train

The city lies on the railway line between Istanbul and Gyumri in Armenia. Kars is currently the end of the line as Turkey and Armenia have not yet been able to resolve their border disputes. Located on the route between Kars and Istanbul Ankara, Kayseri, Sivas and Erzurum. One train runs each day.

In the street

The bus station is around 3 km from the city center. There are direct connections with Ankara, Artvin, Erzurum or Trabzon. Bringing services from the bus companies ensure the connection with the center. There are also minibuses with which travelers from Georgia can drive from Hopa, which is close to the border, via a direct connection through the high mountains to Kars.

By boat


Tourist Attractions







Practical advice


Ruins of the Cathedral of Ani
Turkish-Armenian border at Ani.
  • Ani. Field of ruins of a medieval trading town right on the Armenian border.


Web links

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