Small Beskydy hiking trail - Kleiner Beskidenwanderweg

View from the path in the Little Beskids

The Small Beskydy hiking trail (pole. Mały Szlak Beskidzki), also known as Nordweg (pol. Szlak Północny), is a red-marked long-distance hiking trail that leads from Bielsko-Biała in the Little Beskids to Mszana Dolna in the Beskydy Islands. It goes through two voivodships: Silesia and Lesser Poland.


Lubogoszcz in the Beskids Island
Luboń Wielki, the eastern end of the trail

The almost 140 km long hiking trail is significantly shorter than that Beskydy main hiking trailwhich runs south. Overall, it is the fourth longest long-distance hiking trail in Poland Carpathians. In contrast to the main hiking trail, the Little Beskydy Trail leads over the lower parts of the Beskydy Mountains. He crosses the Little Beskids, the Makov Beskids and the Island Beskids. The Little Beskid Trail was created during the interwar period.


The following larger towns are on the hiking trail.

getting there

By train

You can arrive by train Katowice. The terminus is Bielsko-Białawhere the hiking trail in the district Straconka begins. It ends on the Luboń Wielki bei Mszana Dolnafrom where to take the train to Krakow can drive.

In the street

The journey by road is also usually made from Katowice. Mszana Dolna, on the other hand, is best reached via Krakow.

See also

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